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"Carry out your ministry to the fullest.

Strengthen your relationship with Jehovah
Study and meditation
According to Isaiah's prophecy, what role did divine education play in the close relationship forged
between Jehovah and his only begotten Son? Isaiah 50:4-5

 It played a fundamental role, because with this Jehovah trained his son and the education was so
effective that Jesus Christ became the magnificent instructor of mankind. Jesus Christ, in turn, allowed
himself to be instructed, was eager to learn, which undoubtedly brought them closer together.

What should be our objective when studying? Matthew 22:37

 To know Jehovah in order to love and serve Him with all our being.

What did Jehovah ask of the kings of Israel? Deuteronomy 17:18-20

 Make for himself a copy of the law that Moses wrote by divine inspiration and was under the care of the
Levitical priests.

According to these verses, what are the benefits of reading the Bible daily?

 To fear Jehovah, to keep his Law and regulations, to put it into practice.
 To perceive in these things the hand of the creator, the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and the
unfolding of the Divine purpose to bless obedient humanity.

How will we cultivate the desire to read and study the Bible? 1 Peter 2:2

 Reflect on the influence that what I am going to study should have on my life.
 Meditate on ways in which what you have learned can help others through preaching.

Why does daily Bible reading bring you closer to God? Joshua 1:8 and 2 Chronicles 15:2

 Daily examination of the scriptures brings us closer to him as we get to know him in depth, we can see
more clearly his qualities which alone are very attractive.

How would you define Meditation, and what should we meditate on for it to be beneficial? Psalm 19:14,
77:12 1 Timothy 4:13

 The action of thinking carefully, concentrating on something and thinking about it with care and
attention. "mumbling" Reading in a low voice."
 To meditate on the splendor and works of Jehovah, as well as on the things that please him.

Why is it not a mere intellectual question to come to know God? John 17:3

 Acquiring knowledge helps us to reach the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ. It
helps us to know Jehovah's will, as well as his qualities to obey him out of love. Spiritual growth or

How does Samuel's example show what it means to come to know Jehovah? 1 Samuel 3:7

 Pay attention to Jehovah, listen to Jehovah by reading and meditating on the Bible daily. Listening to
obey strengthens our faith.
 To know Jehovah in a very special way, to transmit messages of judgment to the wicked and of hope to
the oppressed.
 Samuel strengthened his faith in spite of the bad influences, he did not allow them to mold his
dedication to Jehovah, the result was that Jehovah revealed to him messages of judgment and Samuel
was an eyewitness of the fulfillment of God's word.

Of what use is it to investigate the deep truths of the Bible? Acts 4:13

 Jehovah gives knowledge to little ones; Jesus Christ and his disciples did not have secular education,
for them the most important thing was to be guided by the word of God and to be wise as to what is
 By gaining a deeper understanding we ensure the most important things
 Being fully convinced we adhere firmly to what is excellent
 In all things may God be glorified through Jesus Christ.

How should we view the deeper biblical teachings? Psalm 25:4

 As part of the loving kindness on the part of Jehovah, for he is the source of knowledge, thanks to his
loving kindness, he guides us, instructs us, makes us know his ways.
 We know your way of thinking

Why do we depend on the "faithful and discreet slave" to grasp the deeper truths of the Bible?
Matthew 24:45 and Acts 8:26-31

 The apostles received training from Jesus Christ to fulfill their role. Christians anointed by holy spirit
recognize that conduit with total clarity.
 Christ used this small group of men to clarify doctrinal questions, as well as to supervise and direct the
task of preaching and teaching the good news of the Kingdom.
 Spiritual prosperity is only possible with Divine blessing.

How did Jesus demonstrate in an exemplary way that he valued the word of God? Matthew 4:4 and
Hebrews 12:2

 He quoted her frequently, as he considered her to be the ultimate teaching authority.

 He openly acknowledged that he sought to do Jehovah's will and follow his guidance.
 Eating or nourishment is a basic human need, however, our life depends on being obedient to Jehovah,
not on bread.
 He humbly demonstrated that he trusted Jehovah to provide him with spiritual nourishment and

In what ways does observing creation strengthen our relationship with God? Romans 1:20

 Creation confirms the existence of a wise, powerful and loving Creator.

 We can perceive Jehovah's qualities through his creation, as well as strengthen our confidence in
his power and love.

Let us show our love for Jehovah

What is the relationship between knowledge and love? Philippians 1:9-10

 Love awakens interest, and interest stimulates us to learn.

 The more we learn about Jehovah the more we love him, for the valuable truths we learn about
Jehovah and his purposes should make us love our heavenly father more.
 Fear, respect and love are born from the knowledge that we have of Jehovah, hence knowledge
and love always go hand in hand.
How do we know that our love for Jehovah is demonstrated by actions and not just the intensity of
feelings? 1John 2:5 and 5:3

 Jesus said: If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, that is, he will be obedient, and obedience is
demonstrated by deeds, not by the intentions of the heart.

Explain with the texts in the following list how we prove that our love for God is authentic:

 Romans 10:10 Preaching, making known the good news of the Kingdom. If we have faith we
express it through preaching.
 2 Corinthians 7:1 Conforming our lives to God's righteous standards. Keeping a clear conscience
before Jehovah.
 Ephesians 4:15 Being truthful, speaking the truth. Living the truth
 1 Timothy 5:1 Hating what the LORD hates. Cultivating a love without hypocrisy.
 Hebrews 10:23-25 Strengthen faith through meetings, Christian fellowship, exchange of stimuli that
provoke reactions. Influence effectively, be able to provoke action.
 1 John 3:17-18 Be kind to our brethren in need. Giving or sharing material things and dedicating
time to them. Be hospitable. Share according to each person's needs.

How does Jesus' example of love and obedience benefit us?

 It benefits us by demonstrating that it is possible to be obedient despite living in an evil world.

 Every day we have to decide one way or another whether we will do things Jehovah's way.
 We must obey him and respect his righteous principles just as Jesus did, for Jehovah promises to
reward our faithfulness.

In what way do we manifest sincere love for Jehovah by using his name? John 17:6-8 and 26

 In a spiritual sense. By declaring the name of Jehovah we help to magnify his name Psalm 145:3
The greatness of Jehovah is unsearchable.

How can we follow Jesus' advice to preserve our deep love for Jehovah? Revelation 2:1-5

 Continuing to cultivate endurance

 Do not be fooled by philosophies or the vain deceit of the power of riches.
 Not to desist from doing what is right according to Jehovah's standards and principles.
 Not allowing our brotherly love to grow cold in spite of the circumstances

What does our obedience say about our relationship with Jehovah?

 It shows how much we know and love him. We are not obedient by nature, so we need to diligently
study the Bible to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah and strengthen our faith in such a way
that obedience becomes easier.

Let us draw near to God through prayer

Why should we consider prayer an immense privilege?

 There is no nation or religion that has the privilege of having its god as close as we do.
 Jehovah is the only God, the universal sovereign who hears and answers our prayers according to his
will, as indicated in 1 Kings 18:36.
 We perceive how the peace of God that surpasses all thought is the direct result of communicating to
the Universal Sovereign every anxiety that burdens our heart (Philippians 4:6-7).

How important was prayer to Jesus?

 It was of vital importance, as he sought occasions for frank and open communication with his Father.
 In spite of being a sociable man, Jesus Christ sought moments of solitude that allowed him to speak to
Jehovah from the heart

How does constant prayer strengthen our relationship with Jehovah?

 Just as good and continuous communication nurtures a friendship, sincere and constant prayer
strengthens our friendship with Jehovah.
 These must never be mechanical or repetitive out of respect for the Universal Sovereign.
 At any time and under any circumstances we can approach Jehovah, cry out to him and find comfort
and hope.

Why is it important to be aware of Jehovah's answers to our prayers?

 When we receive an answer from Jehovah we perceive qualities such as power, love, loving kindness
and the desire he has to help us, thus proving that only Jehovah is good.
 Being attentive also helps us to be grateful for the loving kindness Jehovah shows us daily.
 Appreciate the various forms of help, comfort, hope, endurance and thank you.

What does it reveal that Jesus did not rely on his own strength to endure trials?

 The fact that he answered with the Scriptures shows that he was humble and did not trust in his own
 The fact that he made references to the Scriptures before making a decision, which makes it clear that
he trusted fully in his Father's guidance before trusting in his own wisdom.
 Remain vigilant to resist the temptation to give a personal response, we must rely on Jehovah's

When we pray, how do we manifest the same trust in Jehovah that Jesus had?

 By imitating Jesus Christ's model of humility and recognizing that all good things come from Jehovah.
Giving all praise to Jehovah and thanking Him for all the good He has done for us.
 By not doubting and praying with faith.
 1 John 5:14 Let us put our trust in the LORD who hears the prayer of the righteous who cry out for help.

The New World Translation (part 1)

The best translation
Why was a new translation needed?

 Most of the translations are the work of Christian clergymen and missionaries and to a greater or lesser
degree were influenced by pagan philosophies and anti-biblical traditions.

What steps were taken to produce the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures?

 Translators Committee formed by Anointed Christians

 October 1946 Nathan H. Knor proposes to produce new version of the Christian Greek Scriptures
 Translation begins on December 2, 1947
 Finalized text is submitted for review by the Translation Committee, which is formed by Christians
Anointed by the Holy Spirit.
 September 3, 1949 Boards of Directors of the New York and Pennsylvania Corporations of the Society
were convened for a meeting.
 Brand new version translated from the original Greek

When and where was this new Translation presented?

 On August 2, 1950, on the fourth day of the international assembly in New York, he appeared before
82,075 attendees.

What was involved in translating the Hebrew Scriptures?

 Pay attention to communicate as literally as possible what was said in the original language.
 Translate with uniformity, communicate accurately, the action or state of verbs, use simple language,
easy to understand
 Include in the original text the name of God

When were the volumes presented to the public?

 They were published in 5 volumes that were presented in succession from 1953 -1960.
 It took 12 years, 3 months and 11 days to complete the New World Translation.

Principles of Bible translation

Why isn't the strictly literal translation always the most accurate?

 It does not express the meaning of the biblical passage by:

 No two languages have exactly the same grammar, vocabulary and way of expressing ideas.
o They differ in the way sentences are constructed to express ideas.
 The meaning of a word or expression may vary depending on the context in which it is used.

Gives examples of errors in understanding the text due to literal translation

 Ephesians 4:4 "men's dice game" is an expression that alludes to the practice of cheating with the
fingers. The literal translation is meaningless; a clearer translation is: the wiles of men, i.e. it alludes to
 Romans 12:11 "in the spirit, boiling" is an unnatural expression. The clearest translation is: to be radiant
or glowing, with the spirit

How does a translator's doctrinal bias influence his or her work?

 Promote ideas that support their doctrines; for example, by inserting terms such as Hell, Trinity,
Purgatory, etc.

What liberties have some translators taken with respect to the use of the name Jehovah?

 Suppressing the personal name of God

 They omitted the divine name completely or retained it only in some places

Is the New World Translation a paraphrased Bible?

 No, it is not, as it is more accurate in its translation. The free translation does not mention the specific
behaviors that the apostle Paul tells us to avoid.

What should a good translation achieve?

 The New World Translation achieves:

o Accurately conveys the original message
o Communicates the correct meaning of a word or phrase
o Uses simple language that invites reading

How the Bible came to us

Why is it necessary to copy manuscripts?

 The ink and leather were threatened by humidity, mold and various types of worms, so it was
necessary to make copies and preserve them as long as possible.
Who were the Sopherim and the Masoretes?

 Professional copyists of the Hebrew Scriptures

 Masters of translation, they lived between the 6th and 10th centuries CE.

How did they contribute to the preservation of the Bible?

 When making meticulous copies

What is the Leningrad Codex?

 Dating from 1008, it is the world's oldest complete copy of the Hebrew Scriptures; it established the text
of most modern critical editions of the Hebrew Bible. It is located in the National Library of Russia

What does the comparison between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Masoretic text of Isaiah confirm?

 That these manuscripts faithfully transmit the Word of God

 The book of Isaiah offers irrefutable proof that the transmission of the biblical text over more than a
thousand years at the hands of the Jewish copyists had been extremely faithful and careful.
 Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the value for textual comparison of both the Septuagint and the Samaritan
 Confirms the decision of the New World Translation Committee to reinstate the name of Jehovah in the
places where it had been deleted from the Masoretic text

Not all ancient biblical manuscripts use the same terms Which example illustrates the origin of the differences?

 If 100 people are asked to copy a large document, some will undoubtedly make mistakes, but none will
make the same mistake; comparing the various copies makes it easier to identify and isolate errors.

Why are Bible students not concerned about this circumstance?

 Experts on the subject point out that "the transmission of the text of the Hebrew Bible is of an
extraordinary rigor, unequaled in classical Greco-Roman literature" J. Trebolle. "the existing evidence
of the writings of the New Testament, is greater than that of many classical authors, the authority of
whom no one would dream of questioning" F. Bruce

Which text served as the basis for the first edition of the New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures?

 The Masoretic Hebrew text

 The Leningrad Codex
 Hebrew Bible

What master Greek text did the New World Bible Translation Committee use in the mid-20th century to
translate the Christian Greek Scriptures?

 Greek text by Bover, Merk, UBS

 Septuagint

The Name of God in the Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures

Why do many versions of the Bible not have the name of God?

 Because they prefer to use titles or qualifiers

What reasons do some translators give for omitting the name Jehovah?

 They think that the Almighty does not need an exclusive name.
 They follow the Jewish tradition of not using God's name for fear of profaning it.
 There is no way to know how to pronounce it exactly, so the best option is to use a title or qualifier.
Why are these unfounded?

 Because the same people who argue that they do not use the name of God because they do not know
its exact pronunciation, use the name of Jesus even though they do not know its exact pronunciation.

Why does the New World Translation use the form Jehovah?

 Bernardino Rebolledo's translation of the Psalms of 1661 uses the form Jehová
 The Biblical scholar Joseph Bayant Rotherham used the English form Jehovah as the most familiar and
acceptable form.
 What is really important is not the exact pronunciation, but to recognize that it is a proper name and not
just an appellative title.

What does Jehovah's name mean?

 He Makes It Happen
 Jehovah created all things and accomplishes everything he sets out to do.

Why do the words of Exodus 3:14 not fully define the name of Jehovah?


 I Will Become What I Want to Be
 The name Jehovah comes from a verb meaning "to become" and it is in the causative form, not just the
formative form. Hence, no matter what happens, their will and purpose will become a reality.

The Name of God in the Christian Greek Scriptures

When the Tetragrammaton appears in quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures, what do most translators do?

 They do not include the name Jehovah, but substitute it with the title Lord.

How many times does the name Jehovah appear in the Christian Greek scriptures of the New World

 237 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures

On what two facts did the New World Bible Translation Committee base the use of the name Jehovah in the
Christian Greek Scriptures?

 In the fact that the Greek manuscripts we have today are not the originals; most of them were made at
least 200 years later than the originals.
 The copyists of the time changed the Tetragrammaton for the term Kyrios = Lord.
 The Committee considered that there was strong evidence that the Tetragrammaton appeared in the
original Greek manuscripts; this fact was confirmed when manuscripts were found in the Qumran

How will you help Bible students and others benefit from this information about the use of Jehovah's name in
the Bible?
What do you think of the New World Translation?

The New World translation (part 2)

How useful are the notes of the New World Translation?
 They provide textual information in a simple manner. They help us to see that the 3 original languages
harmonize in their expressions.
Comment on the usefulness of notes containing references to appendices, such as John 12:38 and 1
Corinthians 7:17.

 Notes contain other literal translations and may present 1) basic linguistic meaning 2) etymology of
some words and 3) accepted lexicological definitions.
 References are intended to indicate ideas, events and parallel stories; bibliographic and geographic

Why don't the notes help to better understand the texts?

 Endows Translation with a critical device

 Useful information of a non-technical nature is presented.
 Significant textual notes taken from the margins of the manuscripts

Marginal references
It gives examples of how we can use the information contained in the marginal references:
Parallel ideas (Matthew 4:1 and Luke 4:1)
Fulfillment of prophecies (Psalm 22:1 & Matthew 27:46)
Direct quotations of phrases, expressions, and whole verses (Deuteronomy 8:3 and Matthew 4:4).
Models of the covenant of the law and its fulfillment in the Greek Scriptures (Exodus 23:19 and 1 Corinthians

Index of biblical words

How do we make good use of the Bible Word Index?

 It is very useful, because sometimes we do not remember the biblical quotation, but we remember a
key word, which we can look up in the word index and find the text.

How could we use the entries comfort and console in a shepherding visit?

 comfort = Isaiah 61:2 comfort those who mourn

 Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted, when God executes his
vengeance he will give us the oil of rejoicing instead of mourning as Isaiah 61:3 mentions.
 When making a shepherding visit, the comfort given should be based on the Scriptures as indicated in
Romans 15:4, for it is only through the Word of God that we come to have the comfort of hope in

Prophets and kings of Judah and Israel

How does the table "Prophets and Kings of Judah and Israel" help us to better understand the biblical

 Thanks to this table it is easier to understand and explain that both the prophet Jeremiah and King
Zedekiah were linked to the destruction of Jerusalem.
 We can see the division of Israel into two kingdoms (10 northern tribes) Israel and (2 southern tribes)
 In spite of their conduct Jehovah sent prophets to turn them from their disobedience and lack of faith.

Jesus' life on earth

Explain the usefulness of the four gospels in chronological order.

 Helps us to corroborate what really happened, strengthens our Christian faith

 It helps us to see that the gospels were written with meticulous precision.
 Mention by name cities, places and well known personalities that we can corroborate to strengthen our
 They provide complementary information
 The objectivity and frankness of expression of the stories reveal negative aspects of some disciples,
which shows that they tell the truth.
What is explained in "map symbols"?

 Explaining the direction in which Jesus traveled to preach

How do the maps and accompanying explanations allow us to better understand the biblical passages?

 They place us in the story

What practical information can we find in the section "Map Symbols" on the back cover of the booklet Guide to
the Study of God's Word?

 Safe or unsafe location

 Roads
 Place name and/or alternative name

How would you use the "The Message of the Bible" section?

 Jehovah has a purpose for the earth and mankind, so he will fulfill it without fail; which gives meaning to
our life and hope for the future.

Explain by example how to use the following aspects of the Study Guide to the Word of God booklet in
personal study, preparation for meetings, or with your Bible students

 Maps - provide important information for locating the year, place, event and story in the Bible.
 Diagrams- provide additional relevant information to get to know or become familiar with the tabernacle
and the high priest. Object and/or utensil and quotations referring to it. Solomon's Temple (beginning of
construction - destruction) helps us to locate places such as the Holy of Holies, Holy of Holies or the
side chambers and in which citation it is referred to. The temple mount helped me to locate the
women's court inside the Temple, which guarantees that we are important to Jehovah.
 Time periods- helps me to see in chronological order what Jesus experienced during the last week on
earth, as well as placing me in the places and stories in the Gospel. Hebrew Calendar and the
corresponding Gregorian Calendar
 Measures.- for liquids in liters or gallons. Dry products in pounds or quarts. Length in meters or inches.
Equivalences and use of socks in the country.
 Currencies- Wages and equivalent currency. Conversions of pounds, mine, talent, etc.

Introduction to the Word of God

Explain how to use the 32-page booklet entitled "Introduction to the Word of God in the following situations:

 As we preach from house to house- most of us believe in God and when faced with difficult situations
we turn to him for help and comfort - do you know his name? Read Psalm 83:18 Explain the importance
of calling on His name. Romans 10:13
 In making revisits- How to get to know God Nehemiah 8:8
 Bible study- help you discover the central theme of the Bible.
 In conducting meetings for field service- how to get closer to God Proverbs 3:5-6
 During the practice sessions with the family- how to have a happy family life and what each family
member can do to contribute to it.
 In preparing a student for ministry.

Keep up to date with spiritual enlightenment

Explain in what sense is Jehovah the source of all spiritual enlightenment?

 In the sense that only Jehovah provides us with reliable guidance, comfort and hope.
 Psalm 43:3 refers to "truth" which brings us to Proverbs 6:23 which mentions in part that the LORD's
commandments are a lamp and his law is a light.
 Isaiah 30:21 This is the way, walk in it.
 Satan's wicked world is plunged in darkness, while Jehovah's people continue to receive light by
declaring God's purposes, understanding them and spreading the good news of the Kingdom Psalm

What does it tell us about Jehovah that he reveals his purpose gradually?

 He shows us consideration, because he allows us to understand the ideas one after the other, that is to
say, he is patient in giving us time to assimilate his teaching.
 It tells us about the consideration he has for the human being. For instead of revealing all his purposes,
he gives us time to progressively assimilate and understand his will.

What role does Jesus play in clarifying Jehovah's purposes?

 The function of teacher or illuminator as shown in John 9:5 as he enlightens us with the knowledge of
the truth
 According to 2 Corinthians 4:6 the life-giving light comes from Jehovah and is concentrated in Jesus
Christ, who is the central figure in the fulfillment of God's purposes. Through Jesus Christ light is
radiated to the world

The true servants of the first century

In the first century, how did the brothers in charge of the work act in response to the gradual
spiritual enlightenment? Acts 15:7-12

 They acted with humility, unity and promptness. For example, in the clarification of circumcision, they
examined the Scriptures, asked the guidance of the Holy Spirit, heard from Peter and Paul the
conversion of some uncircumcised Gentiles, and in the end came to the same conclusion, which they
put in writing and sent to the congregations.

After analyzing the testimonies, on what basis did the body of apostles and elders make their

 They based their decision on the Word of God, since they remembered related biblical quotations, so
they agreed with the facts presented.
 James quoted from Amos 9:11-12 and all conformed to the spirit.
 Decision based on Jehovah's law and not according to customs

By what means were decisions communicated to congregations?

 Through the appointed servants such as the apostle Paul and Barnabas who exercised their
itinerant ministry by carrying out various missions on behalf of the central council of the
congregation. In this way, the decisions taken were transmitted in a gradual, clear, positive and
encouraging manner.

How did the Christians of that time show that they were willing to walk by spirit?

 Being obedient, they did not question decisions or investigate on their own.
 They tried to have the same mentality and recognized the Holy Spirit as Jehovah's helper.
 The Acts account notes that after reading the letter they rejoiced at the encouragement. In addition,
Judas and Silas encouraged the brothers with many speeches and strengthened them. This
contributed to peace and unity within the congregations, so that they continued to grow and become
firm in the faith.
True servants today
Who did Jesus appoint to feed his sheep in these last days?

 To the faithful and discreet slave, which is composed of a small group of anointed brothers who
participate directly in preparing and providing spiritual food at the appropriate time.
 Faithful = has been loyal to Jehovah
 Discreet = is prudent and has good judgment in conducting preaching.
 Benefits: nourishment that allows us to be well nourished in a spiritual sense, clarification of truths that
contributes to strengthen our faith and determination to stay clean in every aspect of our life. It also
educates and trains us for preaching.

Why is it essential to analyze biblical prophecies to make our faith more solid?

 By verifying the fulfillment of the prophecies down to the smallest details, we have more reasons to
fully trust in Jehovah and it gives us the guarantee that the prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled will
be fulfilled without fail.
 His trustworthy prophetic word gives us purpose in life. It directs our activity toward a worthwhile
 It confirms that Jehovah's promises are fully fulfilled. As we deepen our understanding of fulfillment,
we receive the Holy Spirit and our faith is strengthened.

In the doctrinal field, he explains how the truths about the great spiritual temple of Jehovah have
been gradually clarified.

 In ancient times it was believed that Anointed Christians were being prepared on earth and would
eventually become stones in Jehovah's heavenly temple. By the 1970's a more thorough analysis
shed more light on the subject, they came to understand that the spiritual temple of Jehovah is not
in the process of construction and that the Anointed Christians are serving in the courtyard and in
the Holy of the Spiritual Temple offering daily sacrifice of praise.

How have we benefited from a better understanding of the following texts?

 Luke 21:26.- By confirming that the tribulation will not begin and end all at once. Signs will be
presented that will mark the beginning of the great tribulation. It places us in the fulfillment of
 Romans 13:1-2.- By understanding that our subjection to the authorities is relative, not absolute.
Our obedience is to Jehovah and then to governments as long as they do not conflict with God's
 Matthew 6:9.- Not to ask for the vindication of the name of Jehovah, but rather for the vindication of
his Sovereignty and the Sanctification of his name. Israel profaned the name of Jehovah, hence the
need to sanctify it.

What effect has the new explanation about the faithful slave had on you?

 Of deep gratitude for Jesus Christ made sure that in these exciting times we receive a constant
supply of spiritual nourishment at the appropriate time. I show my gratitude by being loyal and
 It is very comforting to know that Jehovah is aware of the earthly part of his organization. It
deepens our knowledge of God's deepest affairs and strengthens our trust and gratitude.

How do these doctrinal refinements strengthen your faith and trust in Jehovah and his

 It strengthens my faith and confidence that Jehovah is aware of our needs, deficiencies and
limitations; therefore, He continually refines us to bring glory to His Holy Name. Such refinement
cleanses and protects true worship
What clarifications in the moral field have contributed to Jehovah's servants giving glory to his
name in both word and deed?

 It was thought that issues related to sexual morality were only a personal matter.
 It was frankly warned that a servant of God could not devote part of his day to doing the will of God
and the rest of the time to the works of the flesh.
 Watchtower October 1942 moral standards for single and married persons
 Trial marriages, sexual relations between engaged persons, consensual relations outside marriage,
sexual abstinence within marriage, unwise divorces are not accepted.
 Discussed in the Watchtower: marital responsibilities, biblical prohibition of fornication and what it
consisted of.
 Masturbation, pornography, soap operas, degrading music, etc.

How can we benefit from a good understanding of the following texts?

 1 Corinthians 5:13.- Keeps the congregation clean. It tests our loyalty to Jehovah or family. It helps
us to see how Jehovah views the matter and act accordingly.
 Ephesians 4:19.- To reject categorically any type of pornography, books, novels, images, movies or
videos. Understand what comprises uncleanness, fornication and loose conduct. Preventing
 Romans 12:9.- Understanding Jehovah's view of moral standards involves avoiding what he hates
in order to keep true worship clean.

What organizational changes of our day are a fulfillment of Isaiah 60:17?

 One of them is the democratic appointment of the service director in each congregation, who
lacked the true spirit of evangelization and in some cases were reluctant to preach, to the point of
dissuading those who wanted to do so. Beginning in 1932, instructions were given to put an end to
elections, now the election would be theocratic, now the service director had to take the lead in
preaching the good news.
 The way of organizing and caring for its people is gradually improving.
 1895 election of elders from among members of the congregation by vote
 1919 theocratic appointment of the Service Director
 1932 elections abolished, Service Committee elected
 1938 congregation servants are appointed theocratically
 2014 appointment of elders and ministerial servants

How do the characteristics of the site prove that the slave is faithful and discreet?

 Our website is aimed at people of all ages, with special sections for children, teenagers, parents,
families, married couples, etc.
 It fully complies with the function entrusted by Christ, since it keeps us alert and nourished in a
spiritual sense.

How have you used our website to strengthen...

 Your family? By looking at broad casting we see practical ways to expand our service. Marriage
and Parenting Section + How to stop arguing + How to deal with debts
 To your preaching partners? By helping him explain topics such as: Is God guilty of suffering or
When was Jesus born. Helps us to put into practice the various facets of preaching
 Your own faith? It is easier to go deeper into topics such as the parable of the talents or the parable
of the 10 virgins, because the information is in one place.

Stay up to date
What have you had to do to keep up with spiritual enlightenment?
 Buying time for reading and meditating on the Scriptures by eliminating hobbies such as watching TV,
shopping, going on vacation, etc.

What impact has it had on your work as a precursor?

 I feel more confident in preaching

In what sense has it resulted in peace and justice?

 Especially in a spiritual sense, because knowing that we are doing what is pleasing to Jehovah, I feel
very happy with a peace and tranquility that is inexplicable for other people.

What do we learn from the attitude of the Israelites toward the "pillar of fire and cloud"?

 Whether the Israelites would not be lost in the wilderness depended on their recognition of the visible
means Jehovah was using to direct them.
 That the survival of each of us will depend in large measure on our humble acceptance of Jehovah's
 I must be humble in following their guidance, keep up to date with their instruction and accept the
advice they give me.

How do we demonstrate that we value divine guidance with respect to:

 Teach Bible courses? By putting instruction into practice, have progressive studies. Avoid talking too
much, giving too much detail, overwhelming the student with too much information. Highlight key text
and make use of thoughtful questions.
 Preach to those who speak another language? Meditating on the benefits I have by letting myself be
guided by Jehovah, makes me also want to share this knowledge with the greatest number of people,
even those who speak a different language.
 Being consistent in family worship? By following the suggestions we will see how our friendship with
Jehovah will be strengthened. 2 Corinthians 6:18. Putting spiritual activities before entertainment has
many benefits such as enjoying family time worshipping Jehovah, strengthening our marriage, having a
happy marriage, etc.
 Cooperate with Hospital Liaison Committees? Thanks to their diligent efforts to keep the medical
community informed, more and more professionals are willing to cooperate and avail themselves of
alternative treatments. On the other hand, many brothers and sisters in the country have also benefited
from the work of the Patient Visiting Groups.
 Behaving correctly in assemblies? dignified behavior brings praise to Jehovah's name,
demonstrates love for our brothers and attracts other people

What assurance do Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and John's descriptions of the heavenly part of Jehovah's
organization give us?

 The guarantee that God perfectly controls its organization, directing every movement through his holy
 Jehovah's organization never stands still and is totally dedicated to fulfilling its purposes.

What attitude do we need to keep walking on the path of progressive enlightenment?

 Be humble and have an attitude of waiting on Jehovah, i.e., we may not fully understand the reason for
the change at the moment, however, we trust that God will give us the spiritual enlightenment to
understand and joyfully accept the change.

How will such an attitude help us to react favorably to a change that has to do with ingrained customs
or traditions?

 Be humble. Maintaining a flexible attitude toward customs that do not conflict with Jehovah's
commands can win acceptance from local people Philippians 2:3
How do we show constant gratitude for flashes of spiritual light?

 By continuing to acquire knowledge, strengthen our faith for the purpose of serving Jehovah with a full
heart and help others to do the same.

How will such changes impact your Bible study methods?

 In deepening the analysis of the fulfillment of prophecies

 Paying attention involves more than just reading carefully or listening respectfully. It implies acting in
harmony with the prophetic word, allowing it to influence our lives and the way we use our time and

How will we shine our light?

 Through preaching. Sharing the light of truth with the greatest number of people and together glorify the
name of Jehovah.
 Doing excellent deeds, like helping our neighbors

Why do you wish to continue walking on the path of progressive enlightenment?

 Such enlightenment involves knowing more about Jehovah, his qualities, purposes and personality; as
a result loving Jehovah more and serving him better with knowledge by helping others to also benefit
from knowing Jehovah by applying God's principles in their lives.

Review day 1
Strengthen your relationship with Jehovah
Why do we forerunners take time to study, meditate and pray, despite having such a busy life?

 We study in order to learn what the divine will is and to put it into practice.
 Meditation will engrave crucial information in our heart and shape our inner being.
 Prayer brings us closer to God, and it is of great benefit to have a frank and open communication with
our Creator.

How does meditation contribute to a closer friendship with Jehovah?

 By meditating we can see the qualities of Jehovah which helps us to see him as a real being.
 Meditating not only allows us to memorize data, but it will also engrave crucial information in your heart
and shape your inner being.

How useful is it to reflect on Jehovah's answer to our prayers?

 We perceive qualities such as loving kindness, power and the desire he has to help us, thus proving
that only Jehovah is good.

New World translation

In what ways is the New World Translation better?

 It has a simple language, easy to understand. Contains very practical aids such as marginal references
and notes that help us to better understand a biblical story or passage.

What basic principles have guided the New World Bible Translation Committee?

 .
What ideas discussed in class today have reinforced your confidence in the accuracy of the New World

What does the name Jehovah mean?

 He Makes It Happen".

Why are we sure that the divine name must appear in the Bible?

 For it was Jehovah himself who allowed it to appear in the Bible, so that we might know his name and
use it.

The New World Translation (part 2)

How do you plan to use the booklet "A Guide to the Study of God's Word?

How useful are maps and charts?

What is important to remember about marginal references and notes when reading the New World

How would you awaken enthusiasm for the New World Translation, both in preaching and in the congregation?

Keep up to date with spiritual enlightenment

How did Jehovah's true servants of the first century react to spiritual enlightenment?

 They acted with humility, unity and promptness, all made possible by examining the Scriptures and
asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

How do today's true servants of Jehovah react to spiritual enlightenment?

 Like the Christians of the first century, they based their decisions on the Scriptures, adhering to the
guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Why is it essential for forerunners to keep up with the spiritual light?

 We must take the lead because of the commission we have to teach other people.

How do you plan to achieve this?

 Taking time out from other activities such as watching TV,

 For the type of work I have, (sometimes I just have to wait for a call, the answer of a quotation, flight
confirmation, etc) I can use query tools like

How useful have the changes in doctrine, morals and organization been for us?

 It is very helpful to know that Jehovah's organization is refining

What flashes of light received in recent times do you particularly value?

Defends Jehovah's sovereignty
Humanity is entirely dependent on Jehovah
Define the word Sovereignty

 Maximum authority within a political scheme and the sovereign as the superior being within a non-
material entity.

For what reasons is Jehovah the rightful Sovereign of the universe?

 He is the creator and owner of all things and therefore the source of all authority and power, the
Supreme Ruler of all governments (Psalm 24:1).
 Because he is the Creator and because of his Divinity and supremacy as the Almighty (Job 41:11).

Why doesn't Jehovah's Sovereignty depend on our integrity?

 Jehovah allowed Satan to put man's loyalty on trial before the whole universe. He gave his
creatures the privilege of demonstrating that Satan is a liar.
 Whether we are loyal to Jehovah or not does not call into question God's sovereignty, for he is still
the creator and owner of all things and therefore the source of all authority.

According to Acts 17:25 and 28, to what extent are we all dependent on Jehovah?

 We depend on Jehovah in every way, for through him we have life and we move and even exist
because of God. For we are also his offspring

What evidence of the independent thinking world do you see in today's world?

 The fact that most people live without taking into account their creator, even doubting his existence
or criticizing those who do believe in God.
 More and more importance is being given to human rights, but the obligations we have to the
Universal Sovereign are not even taken into account.

As Romans 1:24, 26, 28 and Colossians 1:21 point out, what do independent people not realize?

 That they are far from Jehovah. That they live in a disapproved state of mind, given to uncleanness,
shameless sexual appetite, practicing the wicked works that belong to the ruler of this world.

According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 Into what deception do these people fall?

 In thinking that they are right or that they have the right to do with their lives as they please. Satan uses
all his cunning to present himself as an angel of light to trap them.

As Jeremiah well recognized, why is man unable to direct his footsteps in a drunken way?

 Because man has neither the capacity nor the right to govern himself.

In what way do you show that you wish to submit to Jehovah's Sovereignty?

 Psalm 143:10 exhorts us to plead with the Lord to "teach us to do his will, for he is our God. To act in
accordance with our supplication we must study and meditate on the Holy Scriptures, put into practice
their guidance (live in conformity with what we have learned).

Submission to Jehovah demands loyalty

Explains the biblical meaning of loyalty.
 It is the goodness that lovingly attaches itself to an object until its purpose in relation to that object has
been realized. It presupposes a good relationship with God.
 Connotes the idea of holiness, righteousness, reverence, devotion or piety, the careful observance of
all duties towards God.

How has Jehovah demonstrated that he is loyal?

 By making use of expressions such as "I will not cause my face to fall [angrily] upon you, for I am loyal"
and "I will not remain resentful until time indefinite" Jehovah demonstrates that he constantly shows
kindness to his servants and even deals justly with one who has committed wrong. Thanks to which we
must glorify his name, because only Jehovah is loyal as indicated in Revelation 15:4.
 He never abandons his faithful servants like Abraham and David,
 Isaiah 46:4 "even to one's old age, I am the same" Jehovah is faithful to his standards

How does it give us strength to reflect on God's acts of loyalty?

 It strengthens us to meditate on how Jehovah has helped his faithful servants, for it reminds us that no
matter how bleak the situation may seem, Jehovah is at our side as long as we remain loyal to him.
 Jehovah values the loyalty of his servants and rewards them by being loyal to them (Proverbs 2:6-8).

How do we show loyalty by putting into practice what the following biblical texts say?

 Ephesians 6:1.- by obeying our parents, we are in fact obeying Jehovah and giving Him honor
 Colossians 3:18.- being in subjection to my husband, I am in reality subject to the authority of Jehovah.
 Hebrews 13:17.- being submissive and obedient to the appointed servants of the congregation

How can you demonstrate your loyalty when someone speaks ill of Jehovah, His Word, the congregation or
fellow Christians?

 In the case of Jehovah, by defending him on the basis of accurate knowledge of the truth. Defend his
Word by demonstrating the correct application of the Holy Scriptures. In the case of our brothers, the
best defense is not to spread rumors that are not known to me.

How does the principle of Acts 10:34-35 help you to be loyal in the face of racism, nationalism and similar

 To adopt the attitude of Jehovah who is not partial, to strive to see all people from God's point of view.
 Because Jehovah makes no distinctions and desires a full witness to the Kingdom, we make every
effort to ensure that people of every race, nationality, and social level have the opportunity to hear the
good news and act on it.

How do we demonstrate loyalty when we are being persecuted?

 By being willing to lay down our lives in defense of our brothers in the faith as John 15:13 indicates. Be
hospitable to our brethren who are being persecuted as Acts 9:23-25 indicates.
 Not to disclose confidential information for the purpose of handing over our brothers to the authorities.

Submission to God must come from the heart

Explains the principle of 1 Peter 1:22

 Demonstrate a love free of hypocrisy

 One of the basic elements of the Greek word that translates as "natural affection" (affection)
 Those who have the right attitude of heart obey, so that they are not prejudiced
 Fi-lí.a = affection (warmth, intimacy, affection) a.gá.pe = love (more to do with the mind)
 Appreciation is the key to brotherly and sisterly affection.

Apply it to the following situations:

A sibling avoids dealing with another because he/she is of a different race, nationality or social standing

 Take the initiative and invite him to lunch, to our family worship, in the company of other families of the

A sister sits in the Kingdom Hall away from someone she doesn't like or changes congregations for the same

 Remind him that one of the hallmarks of Christ's disciples is love, and that such love must be free of
hypocrisy, that is, we must love from the heart, which implies forgiving and forgetting or discarding any
feelings of rancor.

How do we evidence that we submit wholeheartedly to the Sovereignty of Jehovah ...

 In the choice of books or magazines we read? We don't want anything to ruin our spiritual
prosperity, so we make sure that our reading honors God's righteous sovereignty.
 In the choice of entertainment, such as the television programs or movies we watch? -Submitting
to the sovereignty implies showing loyalty, which entails the idea of holiness, so before choosing the
type of entertainment we will make sure that it conforms to Jehovah's high moral standards.
 When using electronic devices or surfing the Internet? There will be no room for anyone who
attacks God's sovereignty or refuses to submit to His authority.
 En the treatment we give to our spouse and family in the intimacy of our home? Jehovah is the
highest authority in the universe, hence the importance of not leading a double life, because we do not
wish to stain the holy name of the Universal Sovereign.
 In attending to our duties and assignments in the congregation? To do all things to the glory and
honor of the LORD.

What effect does it have on us that love for Jehovah's ways and our obedience to him really proceed
from the heart?

 A positive effect, for as we allow ourselves to be instructed by Jehovah, his truths become lodged in our
hearts and therefore our obedience will be genuine.

Jehovah exercises His sovereignty through the congregation

According to the following texts, what opportunities do you have to demonstrate that you recognize Jehovah's

 Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20 Do not slacken the pace in preaching and conducting progressive Bible
 Matthew 24:45-47 in humbly following the guidance we receive through the faithful slave
 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 to show loyalty to Jehovah by not associating with those who are disciplined
 1 Corinthians 7:39 respecting the command to marry only in the Lord
 1 Timothy 5:17 respecting and obeying the appointed servants of the congregation
 Hebrews 10:23-25 attend all meetings and prepare for them so that there is a real exchange of

What benefits do you derive from recognizing that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty through the

 By respecting and obeying the appointed servants of the congregation, I am in fact acknowledging
Jehovah's sovereignty.

How is your attitude toward Jehovah's sovereignty reflected in the way you view the people of the territory?
Romans 5:8
 Manifest an optimistic attitude in preaching to all people without making any kind of distinction, in the
hope that they will benefit from Jehovah's love for humanity

Defend Jehovah's sovereignty forever.

What qualities should we cultivate?

 Integrity and endurance

At the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ, to what test will mankind be subjected?

 To a final test of integrity and devotion

Why will it never again be necessary to resolve the question of universal sovereignty?

 Because the court of heaven will have judicially settled the matter and closed the case.

Take a sincere interest in others

Knows the person and his or her circumstances
What indicates that the apostle Paul took into account the circumstances and mindset of those to whom he

 In addressing King Agrippa II he acknowledged his expertise in all customs, as well as in disputes
among the Jews. He then skillfully used what he knew of Agrippa's beliefs and spoke to him about
matters that the king understood very well (Acts 26:2-3).

When addressing someone, what details will reveal their culture, interests or family situation?

 Your clothing can reveal your culture, whether you give too much importance to your person and even if
you are a widow.

What things in the environment could you look out for?

 Appearance of the house or yard, toys in the yard

How could you find out what their religious beliefs are?

 Their way of expressing themselves on religious matters, charms or chains with religious images

What current events interest the people of the territory?

 Security, cost of living, employment, health and the environment

Gives examples

 How do media reports serve as a basis for initiating conversations? Have you seen on the news the
number of terrorist acts that have been committed over the weekend? ..... why is there so much
violence in the world? Do you think the day will come when we can feel more secure?

How does thinking ahead of time about how to approach people make our presentations more interesting?

 When reading the Watchtower and Awake magazines we can think about how to present them to the
people of the territory, to our neighbors, relatives or work colleagues, thinking about the needs of each
one, we can make our message more attractive.
If people of foreign origin have come to your community, what preaching methods have worked well for

 Learn at least one greeting in your native language

Why make use of the booklet "Good News for People of All Nations?

 It is a very useful tool because we do not have to be polyglots to give the message in the mother
tongue of the people who want to know and get closer to God.

What do you value about this brochure?

 In addition to the number of languages, the method of presentation is very simple.

What experiences have you had?

 I have not used it

How can you use the site when you meet someone who speaks another language?

 We can search for the topic in our language, and then show it in the menu so that it can search for its

How do we cultivate interest?

 When making presentations that capture their attention or respond to their concerns

How does what we observe and discover about our interlocutors influence our presentations?

 We captured their attention and had good conversations, leaving the doors open for future visits.

Listen carefully to your interlocutor's comments and concerns.

How can we use questions effectively?

 Use questions that refer to issues of real interest to the interlocutor.

 Ask questions that cause expectation
 Ask opinion questions

Why is the use of questions a sign of interest?

 Because it is an invitation to people to express their point of view.

How do we get our interlocutor to say what he or she thinks about an issue without being indiscreet?

 According to Colossians 4:6 To display grace means to show loving kindness and mercy, to be
pleasing and courteous. So we cannot ask questions that do not require an audible response.

Why should we not give the impression that we are subjecting you to an interrogation?

 Because that would quickly end the conversation

 Because what we really want is to bring out what is in the hearts of those who listen to us and
strengthen their relationship with God.

Why do we honor our interlocutor when we listen to him or her?

 Because we listen to you attentively and respectfully, without interrupting you.

Why is listening carefully an obvious proof that we care about what you think and feel?
 By listening to them we make it evident that we value their ideas, feelings and may motivate them to
pay more attention to our message.

What are the advantages of looking him in the eye during a conversation?

 We show interest in the interlocutor

 We make it clear that we are convinced of what we are saying.
 Observe the reaction to what we are saying

Why should it be praised whenever possible?

 To motivate you in your learning

 To encourage you to express yourself freely

Be flexible when presenting biblical teachings.

In preaching, what would you say to show that you take into account the circumstances of the following types
of people?

 An elderly person.- tell you about the conditions in which we hope to live forever in a paradise on
 A child, a teenager, a university student - to talk to him/her about the creation that proves the
existence of an all-powerful and wise God.
 A father, a mother - to talk to you about the challenges of parenting and the help we have to help us
do it.
 A sick person - in addition to sharing the comfort of the hope we have, we can offer to help you in
whatever you need.
 A person we have woken up - be brief or even ask if we can come back at a more convenient time
for him.
 A bereaved person - sharing the benefits of prayer
 Someone who has a nice house or a beautiful garden - comment that human beings like beautiful
things, so in the future God intends that the whole earth will be transformed into a paradise.

To what extent is it appropriate to change or adapt the presentation in order to capture the attention of the
person at the door?

 To a great extent, as we adapt to their needs, they will be more willing to listen to us.

How to do it?

 By being observant and listening attentively

If the client mentions a personal concern, why should we focus the conversation on that issue?

In which cases would it be better to end the conversation?

 When we don't know the answer.

 When the person is an opponent and only seeks to provoke an argument.
 When it is evident that you only seek to create a debate

What notes will help us to remember the people who showed interest?

 Topic of conversation, publication, pending question, etc.

Why is this a sign that we care deeply about them?

 We demonstrate personal interest in your concerns.

House-to-house preaching: the most important

method of evangelization
How Jesus viewed the preaching commission
How do Luke 4:43 and John 4:34 summarize Jesus' primary life work?

 The pleasure he derived from preaching the good news was similar to the satisfaction of a good
nutritious meal.

What prompted Jesus to preach?

 Love for Jehovah, love for the truths that Jehovah passed on to him, love for people

Discuss in what three important ways Jesus manifested his love for preaching?

 The immense pleasure of teaching people to see their heavenly Father as He really is
o He made the ministry the center of his life, living a simple life
 He was pleased to help them have a good relationship with Jehovah.
o He devoted all his energies to the ministry, regardless of whether he was tired, hungry or
thirsty. Generous use of their time and energies
 He was aware of the urgency of carrying out his ministry
o .

How does meditating on the zeal of Jesus influence our way of seeing the house-to-house work?

 To preach the good news with zeal to all kinds of people, to devote our time and energy generously
to the work and even more so as we contemplate that the end is rapidly approaching.

What authority has entrusted us to do this work, and what does this mission entail?

 Jehovah, through his son Jesus Christ, entrusted us with the work of
 Take the initiative in making disciples of Christ, teach them to defend and share biblical truths and
defend their faith.

Jesus expressed his compassion and love through preaching

How did Jesus feel about those to whom he preached?

 He sympathized with their state of spiritual abandonment in which they were, like sheep without a

How will having the same balanced view of Christ help us to be kinder and more patient with those who reject
the message?

 Do not focus on the negative

What does the fact that Jesus looked for the good in people teach us?

 Jesus knew that if he adopted a negative and critical view of others, he would only discourage them.
His efforts to find the good in people stimulated many to improve.

What can we do if we find it hard to look for the good in others?

 Keep in mind why they are so valuable in the eyes of Jehovah. If we make an effort, we can also see
their good qualities.

Be courageous in preaching from house to house

What does it mean to speak the word of God with boldness?

 To express oneself with courage, firmness, fearlessness, heart with courage.

How can we reconcile courage and prudence so as not to offend others?

 Be polite in your response, do not contradict or try to correct their beliefs, it is best to seek common

Explain with the following biblical texts what is achieved by preaching from house to house:

 Proverbs 27:11.- to rejoice the heart of Jehovah by defending his legitimacy as universal ruler
 Acts 20:26-27.- not to be guilty of bloodshed by shrinking back from preaching
 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 - Warning against rebels or enemies of Jehovah
 2 Peter 3:11-14.- we give them the opportunity to demonstrate by their way of life that they are on
Jehovah's side.

The joys of preaching from house to house

Why is house-to-house work still our main method of evangelization?

 Jehovah's command through Jesus, who sent his disciples two by two and from house to house (Luke
 It allows us to search for the deserving in a systematic and orderly manner.

Why does this work cause us joy?

 Instead of offering the sacrifices prescribed by the Law, we worshiped Jehovah by preaching from
house to house. Strengthens our bonds of love and unity.

In what different ways does it benefit us to preach, according to the following biblical texts?

 Through preaching we can develop or reinforce the qualities of the Holy Spirit, such as goodness, faith,
gentleness, joy and peace Galatians 5:22-23
 It prepares us to present a defense of biblical truth.

Follow the model of Jesus in ministry

How do our prayers and our works demonstrate that we understand the urgency of ministry?

 Pray to Jehovah to send more workers for the harvest. To make ourselves available for preaching on
routes or territories that are not very well worked, to learn a new language, etc.

If we perceive that our zeal is waning, why should we be encouraged to reflect on Jesus' attitude?

 Despite the circumstances, he did not lose his sense of urgency.

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