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Hello, We understand that there is a co-opted movement by the Obama Administration stoogefest going on under the guise of the

OccupyWallstreet name. There are sev eral conflicting messages and attempts from the left to co-opt this movement muc h as the right co-opted the true Tea Party ideal. Starting Friday in Dallas at 6pm a more focused movement will take place that wi ll focus attention on those who want none - The Federal Reserve Bank. This movement will move through Houston and reach the Dallas Branch building of the Federal Reserve Branch of Dallas on Allan Parkway at high noon before it spr eads to the San Antonio branch on Sunday. OccupyWallstreet was merely an attempt to pull people off their couches and to g et involved in this sceptre of a financial system. WallStreet contains both Rob ber Barrons and true blooded Americans from sound financial institutions doing n o more than working as hard as they can chasing the American Dream. This is kno wn. What is not known by the common man is that the Federal Reserve is the heart of this financial upheaval. 1913 was not a good year for this country. That was t he year Wilson gave away our nations monetary capacities to a private bank. A ba nk who time and time again refuses to open it's doors to share how it is managin g the finances that drive this nation. OccupyTheFederalReserve will be born to draw attention to the trillions of dolla rs sent overseas right under the noses of the entire Checks & Balances of this s ystem. Red Blooded Americans do work hard. This is not a movement born of spoiled coll ege kids camping out with Apple products whining about handouts. This is a move ment of Red Blooded Americans who look past the confines of political partisansh ip to the heart of the financial turmoil, arguably, that is circling the world. The FCC goes after businesses conducting "questionable" practices. This is done regardless of the affect this has on the business whether it is publicly traded or a small Mom & Pop outfit. The Federal Reserve, however, is allowed to opera te under closed doors, with no oversight, by you, I, Congress, the WH, the CIA, the FCC, or any other watchful eyes, DESPITE the fact that they are the true con trollers and keepers of our US Dollar. Herman Cain says that the Federal Reserve does not need as much as an audit bein g that they "audit themselves". Well then Herman - Why not make those audits av ailable to the public? Why not admit that your involvement with the Federal Res erve may be something worth discussing in past GOP debates? Given the climate - we seek truth. We seek to take back the power of the wallet from the newly established Super Congress and return it back to where our Great Constitution wanted it - with the people in Congress. We are not spoiled college children. We are those seeking to fix the problems l eft not only by our parents, or their parents, but the problems left by our fath er's fathers so that our children do not end up passing the buck to the nextt ge neration such as has been the method for past generations. Money does not come out of thin air. A 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1 cost almost $4, 000 in 1972. A stock mustang now starts at over $22,000. A Snickers used to cos t $0.05 and now costs $1.50.

You and I nor the American people inflated this currency. It's high time people knew the true keepers of their monetary policy. My question for Mr. Cain this morning: "Do you think that the establishment of t he Federal Reserve was an unconstitutional act?". It's a simple question. You should be excited that there are people out there seeking to improve their c ondition, however misguided. It was the apathy of our parents and our parent's parents that got us to where we are today. We will be damned if we pass their failures onto the backs of our children. I leave this with the true words that inspire myself and OccupyTheFederalReserve . "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than st anding armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the is sue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corp orations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all pro perty until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conqu ered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the peopl e, to whom it properly belongs." ~Thomas Jefferson Our Goals for now: The return of Glass-Steagall and a swift implementation of E xecutive Order 11110.

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