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enerally lor ne Thursday

nihts are quite quiet out
last week l had the pleasure
ol }oinin in with the Video Canin
Society a roup ol awesone peo
ple who share a love ol anes le
spite the lact that there were a lot
ol people there usually over !C` it
was really lriendly and relaxed lt
was a lun atnosphere where you
could play your lavourite anes
on your lavourite consoles while
neetin new people lvery week
Ross Manthorp led luncan
Janie Kean and Kari Shouur all
lour ol whon are copresidents`
run tournanents and casual
natches ol the nost popular nul
tiplayer anes creatin lriendly
rivalries On the z'
ol Septen
oer they ran an all day lN party
which saw Mono translorned into
a anin conpetition huo where
they ran tournanents lor such
anes as leaue ol leends and
Starcran ll with prizes lor the win
The consoles used weekly are
all provided oy the connittee
alon with the anes out l was
told oy the ooys that they stronly
encourae people to orin alon
their own anes il theres anythin
you want to play that the connit
tee doesnt already have
lveryone had a chance to par
ticipate as there was a console in
every availaole space
While l was there we asked nost
ol the players aoout their lavourite
anes under a selection ol cateo
ries lirst Person Shooter, lihtin,
Racin, Platlornin, RPC, and lndie
s ln sure you can inaine we
received a wide rane ol answers
and there was a lot ol deoate lor
exanple TineSplitters was voted
the oest nrst person shooter while
Super Meat boy the oest lndie
ane We then asked each person
ol their honest opinion on their
all tine lavourite ane no }ude
nent and no holds oarred Those
answers raned lron The leend
ol Zelda Ocarina ol Tine lor the
Nintendo o4 Mass lnect z lraon
e and Silent Hill To say that
these people are ol a diverse taste
would oe a little oovious ld have
to say that oarin that in nind l lelt
like l could talk to each and every
one ol then without oein }uded
on ny own tastes which arent
reat lor soneone who works in a
video ane store`
lor anyone that wants to et
involved in the society they neet
weekly around the oack ol liar bar
at the couches lron /!Cpn until
the Union closes every Thursday
and can oe contacted on laceoook
lundee University Video Canin
TineSplitters !
bioshock I z
Hall lile z z
battleneld z z
loon z Hell on larth I
Metroid Prine ! I
Call ol luty Modern Warlare z I
Marvel vs Capcon ! !
Street lihter z z
Street lihter ! I
Rival Schools united by late I
Super Snash bros Melee I
Super Snash bros brawl I
Marvel vs Capcon z I
Tekken o I
burnout ! z
Crash Tean Racin z
Mario Kart Cane Cuoe z
Mario Kart Wii I
Mario Kart No4 I
lZero CX I
Cran Tourisno ' I
lorza Motorsport I
Super Mario World z
Super Mario Calaxy z
Crash bandicoot z
Super Meat boy I
Super Mario Sunshine I
Jak z I
Prince ol Persia SOT I
Super Mario o Colden Coins I
Pokenon Red I
Okani I
linal lantasy Vll I
lallout I
Zelda MM I
Super Meat boy !
Minecran z
World Ol Coo I
Phoenix Wriht ce ttorney I
nnesia I
Ocarina ol Tine No4 !
Halo ! z
Metal Cear Solid ! z
Mass lnect z z
Starcran z I
Starwars battlelront I I
Unreal Tournanents I
Colden Sun The lost e I
Call ol luty 4 I
levil May Cry ! I
borderlands I
linal lantasy Vll I
TineSplitters I
lreelance PC I
Zone Ol the lnders z PSz I
e ol Mytholoy I
larth lelence lorce I
lraon e I
Silent Hill I
lark Cloud z I
Phoenix Write ce ttorney I
Warcran I
Soul Caliour z I
Dundee University Video
Gaming Society
NO. 24 - OCT 2011 PAGE 27

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