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Heavens Paradox… (Subtitle; How to get anything you want)

Every single (religion) that was ever invented has (metaphoric) ideas to explain the acts of
Creation and the “reasons” thereof- but more religions are (born) through the metaphors
Which are used to explain the same reasons thereof. Prophets & philosophers used their
Metaphors to instigate (equality) & “democratic process”. Their intentions were good but
Their metaphors only created “more questions” that the most Pious had no answers for…

Such as; “Why must there be ANY PHYSICAL existence” at all since (all solid) substance
Will one day be no more? So the story of Eden came into play to give a (theory) of why Man
And ALL THINGS “eventually” erode into carbon based dust & ash. The orthodox and the
Liberals teach about heaven & hell and how we need to behave or what we must do in order
To get to either one. The book of Ecclesiastics teach we all return to the same place after our
Death regardless of our behavior. The Gnostic translations which are older don’t have the
New add-on of “keep Gods command” because the older (original) only taught that everyone
Goes to the dust after death & the spirit return to the (source) from which it came. The older
Version never talked about keeping ANY commands at all….

The written commands were invented to hopefully create a democratic society where equal
Justice would be applied to the rich & the poor- yet after Levi took over the priesthood, the
Laws became bent in favor of the rich only. The real Torah found in the museum of Israel
Show Moses only delivering the (10) LETTERS of God name to the elect & a (rule) was
Invented by “Levi” to represent each & every letter, which means God gave NO RULES
At all but only an introduction of him/herself or intro of the creative matrix many call God.

The Gnostic Jesus taught that “hell” is nothing but (human experience) & this very same
Historical Jesus never walked on water, never raised the dead, nor turned water to wine…
All those extra were written in 300 years later after the first translated “Gnostic Text”.
The Gnostic Jesus never claimed to be virgin born nor only begotten Son of God because
This too was added on in what we commonly call the mazoratic text we now call the KJV.

In truth, The Creative Matrix has (no emotion). Does not understand the term “right”
‘Wrong” black or white, big or small, tall or short but does (appear) to move according
To what many call (faith) sometimes called (deliberate intention) on our part as humans.
All of the prior terms are inventions of (man) & Mother Nature. The “matrix” is a
Creative force which sometimes uses (destruction) to create a replacement of that which
Was destroyed… If you do not believe in miracles- then the matrix rewards you with the
Lack of “miracles” to follow you everywhere you go…not to be (mean) but “gives” you
What you (believe in…!) The matrix is a “field of pure energy” & YOU are a (thought)
Within the matrix and “thoughts” are creative (energy). If you want anything & feel it
Is wrong to even have that of what you desire- then the Matrix (rewards) you by NOT
ALLOWING you to have that which you (feel) is wrong for you to have in the 1st place.

If you don’t feel like you deserve (abundance) then the Matrix (rewards) you with the
LACK of what you feel you don’t (deserve)…not to be mean- but to reward you with
What YOU feel is required by you. We first must KNOW & feel WORTHY of our desire.
This (KNOWING) requires constant talking to ourselves & constant recall of what we
Want to take place & constant self-reminders of how we (KNOW) that we “DESERVE”
What ever we desire. This takes (thought) & thoughts are creative energy… Remember?
In the beginning- there was the (word), but prior to ANY word there 1st must be a (thought)
And prior to ANY THOUGHT, there first must be a (thinker!)… So, Start thinking…!

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