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PomographyHamtul is

Pomography the showof subjects is relatedto sex in orderto trigger someone get to aroused sexuallyor to have erotic satisfaction. Pomography poffayed in books. video, is videogames animations and drawings, magazines, amongothers.Fromthis definition, is rny it perception that pomograp$ is harmful sincethe stimulation sexualarousalmay lead to of -,, l j crimesassociated with sex such as sexualviolence. Besides, fact that pomography in the is varioustypesof mediait may reachto wrong persons suchas youngpeoplecausing tiem to in to b'ngage sex at an early age which may in tum put them at risks associatod sexual The paperthat follows will argue out that pomography hamful giving my intercourse. is (Wes1). thoughts, ideas my perception rheissue and on 1 get I believ thatwhenpeople exposed pomography, tendto change to tbey theirattitude organs, henc towards andtheirsexual sex and theyarelikely to increase their sexual urge.As a partners rcsult,this may cause suchpeople engage sexual to in intercouNe with different which
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will obviouslyexpose them to risks of confactingsexuallytransmined diseases. addirion, In I according my thoughts, believethat exposure pomographic to to materialmay increase a person's sexual drive which may alsolead to careless indulgence sexualintercourse, in either partners with anyperson aslong asthesexual with different or for urges will be satisfied.

. ,'. 1 t,,, .1 . ,r ii.y I agree with the author that Expbstireto pomographic material may causepeople to inInonoru-ous retationstrips. my view, In triggerssexual excitement and "ngug. ry-ogrThJ i ' tn' ' r arousal whichwilt in tum leadpeople indulging lqqnogamous thattheirsexual to so desire in can be met (POSSIBLE HARMFUL EFFECTSOF PORNOGRAPHY SOCIETY ). This has IN resulted a number heanbreaks to people panicularly of sincesome womencannot stand beingin a relationship where multiplepafiners involved. are Fromthe previous reseatch I haveconducted with regard womenhavinga milder to lhat sexual drive,I do believe thatexposure pomography mostlyharmfulto womenasit makes to is b, . \,r.. o.l^ .' themgetexploited With themildersexual sexuajiy. drive,theywill indulgein sexual intercourse in orderro satisfymen and nol necessarily their o\rn satisfaction. for From this explanation, I I think prostitution asa resultoftoo muchexposure pomographyfWesrWhensorne is people ,,f ,,-/ ro ).
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payingso asto get sex.This hasgreallyr, aresexually arcused. theywoulddo anFhingincluding prosritution makingmanypople encouraged and figureprostitution a means tbe end.h is as to uue thal mostwomenhavemildersexual drivethanmen.but onemav wonderwhy thev arethe oneswho are the main players prostitutjon. in The solutionto this puzzleis that most women indulgein prostitution eammoneysoas1omale endsmeet. to Therefore. believe I thatthe more exposure pomography more prostitution to the the willbecome rampant. 'ttt' ' -' ln my ideas, believe I thatpoDography not only beenharmfulto individuals also' -' has but _:fqh { rq,Ilglnl!g,p!!$r -socjety 7j, l.t. '

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to the entire society. It has tamperedwith the norms of the

pomography caused peopleto wanr ro experiment until marriage. my perception, In has whal they have been watchingor reading.Mo.eover.this has causedextramarital sex and the - ( swapping sexpanners. cansaythatthis hasincreased of I sexual immorality the society, in hence (Baumeister causing harmto theentiresociety 127).

to may makepeople get involvedin pomographic materials or I think watching reading activitiessuchaspromiscuity,coercionolsexualharassmentandextramaritalsex.Theincreased sexual desirescause'speople to indulge in sexual offencessuch as rape, incest' child has how pomography become (Baumeister This reveals 75) and sodomy bestiality molestation, who are involvedandthe entiresociety Furthemore'I believe harmfulto both the individuals violence be rampant' to sexual has to thatexposure pomography caused tbe especially onesthat pomoEf,aphic materials or watching reading Frommy own ideas, peopleto indulgein suchacts atd homosexuality bestialitymay influence ponraylesbianism, (Baumeister 74)' Someof the which are regadedby the societyas immoral and despicable suchacrs ,) to people wanting experiment to ponrays oral sexandthis may influence pomography to related suchactions' diseases themto risksofcontracting whichmayexpose whoa of is I would say that pomography very hamfu! to eaenthe reputation PeoPle ,:r1 ,\' 1\ and in it. Most of the time womenare involVelinshoolingnudity' lesbianism sexual indulge in photogmphs. may tamishtheir imaSe the societyandthey may loserespect This intercoune amongpeoplewhich may later crashtheir selFsteemand the ego They may end up feeling (Baumeister 217) worthless 3' tr x- . , ,,,,"
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they materials I concurwith the authorthat when peoplewatchor readpomographic desiresln this theirsexual to means satisfy theymayrequire and arcused hence sexually become or men comeup with way of gettingsexuallysatisfied case,I believesomepeopleespcially whereone may find it which may be harmfulpsychologically suchas masturbation ejaculating (West) ln and perform normallyduring a nomal sexualencounter difficult to get aroused \'" pointshould be encouraged it is thatpomography harmfulandat no I conclusion,believe -

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