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ACIUNE Era n anul 345 . Hr. Filip II Macedoneanul, amenina Grecia. Atena se afla n centrul ateniei lui. Sub aceast ameninare se convoac adunarea popular. Doi oratori psesc n fa. Primul este Eskines Politicianul. El este adeptul unei politici pasnice, de supunere n faa mpratului Filip. Aceasta va crua naiunea de rzboi. Vorbirea lui a fost frumoas, elocvent, n stilul politicianului versat. Mulimea l-a aclamat spunnd ntr-un glas: Mare orator. A urmat Demostene simplu, grav si la obiect. El gndea c Atena si ntrega Grecie va exista doar ct va fi liber. El era pentru libertate. Poporul asculta cu luare aminte. La urma a zis: Mergem frailor? Tot poporul i-a rspuns: S mergem. Atena s-a ridicat astfel mpotriva lui Filip.

Decizia nu poate fi luat dect dac este cineva care s pseasc n fa. Mergem? Aceasta este ntrebarea esenial care trebuie s se aud si astzi, chemarea la lupt. Proorocul Isaia spune: Un vuiet se aude pe muni ca vuiet de popor mult...Domnul si cerceteaz oastea care va da lupta- Is. 13: 4. ADEVRUL

Se spune c, odat, adevrul s-a hotrt s mearg la oras. Era o zi cald de var, asa c dup mai multe ore de mers se opri s se rcoreasc n unda limpede a unui lac. Pentru c avea timp, se dezbrc de haine si se arunc n apa binefctoare. Minciuna, care ntotdeauna vine pe urmele adevrului, porni si ea spre oras. A ajuns la lac si deoarece era foarte cald, s-a hotrt s fac si ea o baie. Pe cnd se dezbrca, a zrit hainele adevrului si deodat i ncoli o idee; se dezbrc iute de hainele ei, mbrc hainele adevrului si porni mai departe. Cnd a ajuns la oras, mult lume s-a bucurat zicnd: Iat, a sosit adevrul. n timpul acesta, adevrul iesi din ap si cnd si cut hainele, ddu peste zdrenele minciunii. nelegnd nseltoria, si pentru c el era adevrul, a refuzat s le mbrace, prefernd mai degrab s mearg dezbrcat, dect n hainele minciunii. Cnd a ajuns la oras oamenii l-au recunoscut zicnd unii ctre alii: Iat adevrul gol golu.

Minciuna n hainele adevrului rmne minciun. Orict de mult va ncerca s se deghizeze nu va putea s-si schimbe caracteul murdar. Din nefericire, muli sunt dusi n eroare de nselciune, de aceea, pentru sigurana noastr, este bine s cunoastem adevrulIoan 8:32, si s credem n el- 2 Tes.2:12. ADOPTARE Adoptarea copiilor este o practic foarte veche. Obiceiurile de adoptare difer de la o epoc la alta sau de la o cultur la alta. Potrivit unei cronici din Evul Mediu, General Cronic, n Spania exista o ceremonie special legat de acest eveniment. n vederea adoptrii, copilul era luat de tatl sau mama adoptiv, sub mantie, inut cu grij cteva momente, ca apoi s fie scos ca nou nscut. Din acest motiv, spune cronica, copiii adoptivi se mai numeau si copii ai hainei

Apostolul Pavel spune c am fost nfiai ca s cptm rscumprarea- Gal.4:5, ca s fim mbrcai n haine albe-Apoc. 3:5; 4:4. Vezi ca aplicaie si cazul lui Iosua, Zah.3:45; cazul lui Rut, Rut 3:9. AJUTOR n culegerea de meditaii Smna bun, se povesteste despre o femeie btrn si srac din Scoia, care se ruga Domnului s-i trimit pine. n drum spre sat civa biei au vzut-o rugndu-se si au auzit cererea ei naintea lui Dumnezeu. Ei s-au hotrt s fac o fapt bun, asa c au cumprat pinea si ntorcndu-se au dat drumul pinii pe cosul casei. Cnd femeiea a auzit pinea cznd, s-a ridica, a luat-o din semineu, a pus-o pe mas si a ngenunchiat din nou s mulumeasc lui Dumnezeu. Bieii de afar au vzut-o si ntruct credeau c lor li se datoreaz cuvintele de mulumire au strigat: Mamaie, nu a fost Dumnezeu, ci noi... Noi am adus pinea ! Ba nu, a rspuns femeia, Domnul a trimis-o, chiar dac a adus-o diavolul !

Nu v nselai , spune Iacov, orice ni se d bun, orice dar desvrsit este de sus, pogorndu-se de la Tatl luminilor...- Iacov 1: 16-17 AJUTOR Indigenii din Timorlaut, Arhipelagul Asiatic, ador ca Dumnezeu absolut Soarele.

Dup credina lor, ei sunt convinsi c la nceputul fiecrui an, odat cu sosirea sezonului ploios, soarele coboar ca s fertilizeze pmntul. Pentru ndeplinirea acestei misiuni, el se opreste ntrun smochin sacru, de unde nu mai poate cobor dect cu ajutorul omului. Ca s-i vin n ajutor, indigenii aseaz sub arbore o scar cu sapte trepte.

AJUTOR ZADARNIC Septimius Sever era protejatul mpratului filosof Marcus Aurelius. n calitate de proconsul al Siciliei si apoi de guvernator al Panoniei Superioare, la moartea mpratului, sprijinit de legiunile militare a ajuns la Roma unde s-a urcat pe tronul imperial. ntreaga via a fost nchinat activitii militare. Dorea s cucereasc tot mai mult. Pe cnd se afla n Bitinia, ntr-o campanie militar, a fost rnit de moarte. Avea 65 de ani. Aflat pe patul de moarte si-a adunat toate gndurile ntr-o trist reflecie: Am avut totul, dar asta nu-mi slujeste la nimic! Aplicatie Toate bogiile si faima nu sunt de nici un folos n ceasul morii. Ba nc, spune apostolul Pavel, socotesc toate aceste lucruri ca o pierdere pentru preul nespus de mare al cunoasterii lui HristosFil. 3: 7-8. AMNARE Archias, regele Tebei, sttea ntr-o sear cu civa prieteni la mas. Cnd veselia era n toi, s-a prezentat un servitor, care a nmnat regelui o scrisoare, fcnd meniunea c este ceva foarte important si urgent si c trebuie s o citeasc chiar atunci. Plin de vin , regele i-a rspuns: Nu am timp pentru fleacuri acum...Nu vezi c m distrez!? Mine va veni si rndul scrisorii. Spunnd acestea, arunc scrisoarea pe un fotoliu si continu distracia. n noaptea care a urmat regele a czut victima unui complot si a fost ucis. Scrisoarea coninea descrierea ntregului complot urzit mpotriva sa si de care ar fi fost scpat dac ar fi citit scrisoarea la timp. Amnarea a nsemnat pieirea lui. Aplicatie Amnarea face parte din arsenalul vrsmasului si are scopul de a mpiedica pregtirea personal pentru venirea lui Hristos. Un exemplu remarcabil este cel al mpratului Felix. Atunci cnd Pavel i-a artat Calea, rspunsul dregtorului a fost: De ast dat du-te; cnd voi mai avea prilej, te voi chema- Fapte 24:25. Altdat! Aceasta nseamn de fapt niciodat. ANTILUCRARE De multe ori crestinismul a fost ptat de viaa murdar a acelora care l-au predicat. Dorina de mbogire, spiritul colonialist, ncrestinrile cu sabia, au fcut din acestia mai degrab niste apostoli ai iadului dect ai lui Hristos. Muli bstinasi alegeau moartea, spnzurndu-se sau otrvindu-se mpreun cu copii lor, numai s nu ncap pe minile unor astfel de oameni. Istoria colonizrii vorbeste despre un sef bstinas, numit Hatuey, care s-a hotrt s reziste. A fugit mpreun cu supusii n munii Cubei. Acolo a artat supusilor lui un cos de aur spunndu-le: Acesta este dumnezeul crestinilor. Din cauza lui au murit cei dragi...

Dup trei luni, Hatuey, a fost prins si legat de un stlp care urma s fie transformat n rug. nainte s se aprind focul i s-a promis mntuirea si gloria vesnic n cer, dac accept s se boteze. Dar Hatuey a ntrebat: n cerul acesta locuiesc si crestini ? Da , bineneles...,


Cu mult timp in urma, spune o legenda, un rege s-a hotarat, intr-o buna zi, sa puna deoparte un timp special din an pentru a-si cinsti si onora cei mai talentati si priceputi dintre supusii sai. Cand ziua mult-asteptata sosi, o mare multime de oameni umplea curtea palatului regal. Patru finalisti au fost adusi in fata si dintre acestia, regele trebuia sa aleaga castigatorul. Prima persoana prezentata a fost cea a unui filantropist bogat. Se spunea ca acest om merita sa fie onorat nu numai pentru ajutoarele umanitare pe care le facea an de an, dar si pentru ca daduse saracilor o mare parte din averea sa. A doua persoana era un medic foarte renumit. Regelui i-a fost sugerat faptul ca medicul ar fi meritat aceasta onoare deoarece zi si noapte isi dedica serviciile celor bolnavi. A treia persoana era un judecator distins. Si de aceasta data, regelui i se spuse ca judecatorul merita aceasta onoare deoarece era recunoscut pentru intelepciunea sa, pentru dreptatea si pentru deciziile corecte pe care le lua. Cu siguranta, nu exista un alt judecator mai cinstit, si mai corect in timpul acela ca acest om... A patra persoana era o batrana. Toti cei prezenti au fost extrem de surprinsi s-o gaseasca printre finalisti, deoarece manierele ei erau foarte simple, ca si rochia ei, de altfel. Era greu de imaginat ca, cineva ca ea, putea sa fie printre cele mai onorate persoane din imparatie. Ce sanse ar fi putut sa aiba, in comparatie cu ceilalti trei, care aveau atat de multe reusite in viata lor? Cu toate acestea, puteai simti ceva deosebit legat de aceasta femeie.. privirea plina de dragoste, incredere si blandete. Prezenta ei nu numai ca a starnit curiozitatea regelui, dar l-a si pus pe ganduri... Cine era aceasta femeie? Raspunsul nu a ezitat sa apara din partea unuia dintre slujitorii sai care-i spuse: Vezi tu, marite rege, pe acel filantropist, doctor si pe judecator? Aceasta femeie le-a fost dascal! Femeia aceasta n-avea nici bunuri materiale, nici bogatie, nici tilu care sa-i aduca vreun merit sau renume, ci pur si simplu isi oferise viata ei pentru a indruma mintea si inimile altora in a ajunge Oameni de valoare! Nu exista nimic pe lumea aceasta mai puternic sau mai crestinesc decat o dragoste care se jertfeste pentru ceilalti!

When Can I Get Advertised?

A little boy asked Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California, "When can I get advertised?" He meant "baptized" but he made the right point--baptism is advertising that you're a Christian.

Making Pickles
"You don't make a pickle by taking a cucumber and sprinkling a little vinegar over it. You immerse it." -Harold J. Seymour

Theological Definition of Baptism

A little boy was asked in Sunday School to explain baptism. He said, "It's when the preacher holds you under water and you think about Jesus!"

Redneck Baptism
A man, a woman, and a redneck were scheduled to be baptized. The man was baptized first. When he came out of the water, he said, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want!" Then the woman was baptized. She came out of the water and said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" Now it was the redneck's turn. He didn't know any verses from the Bible, so when he came out of the water he yelled, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Theres a story told of a husband and wife both of who were doctors - one a doctor of theology and the other a doctor of medicine. When their doorbell was rung and the maid answered, the inquirer would often ask for "the doctor". The maids interesting reply was: "Do you want the one who preaches or the one who practices?" We know the theory of Christian living but what we must do is to practice it! 2. A Methodist pastor says to a Baptist pastor, If I immerse somebody just up to his ankles, it that enough? No, answers the Baptist. How about up to his knees? Nope. How about up to his shoulders? No sir! You mean Ive got to get the water over the top of his head? Thats right. says the baptist. Good, says the Methodist. That proves that its the top of the head thats the important part to get wet and thats what we dosprinkle the head.

3. One lady wanted to know what she would feel when she was baptized. Minister didnt know how to answer, varied responses. When he put her under, her body stiffened and her eyes popped open. The look on her face was a mixture of excitement and surprise. And all he could think was "Hey, Lord, How come I didnt get that!" As he pulled her up from the water, she put her hand on the back of her head; only then did he realize what had happened. He had moved toward one end of the baptistery, and when he had lowered her into the water, he had smacked the back of her head onto the baptistery steps! From Jeff Walling 4. A lad in a Baptist family got the notion that he was going to become a preacher. So he would get up on a stump and preach to the chickens or whatever came by. He decided one day that he ought to practice the art of baptism. He looked around for suitable objects for the ceremony. Their old dog had had pups which had grown to a pretty good size. He rounded them up and took them down to the creek and began dunking them under with the appropriate words. He got down to the last one, which was the least sociable. When he picked it up, it growled and bit him, drawing some blood. "Well," he said, "Ill just sprinkle you and let you go to hell." 5. Let me close off with a baptism I was able to witness in Lexington. A man after the service was baptized, he was in a wheel chair, he had MS. Before he was baptized into Christ, he shared this story. He said that he was so pumped about being baptized that he woke up at 4 in the morning. And when he woke up he had a thought he said it was like a dream the thought was of someone coming up to him, standing over him as he sat in his wheel chair and asking him this question; Bob if you had one wish and it would be given to you what would it be? He said it was obvious that the person quickly assumed that he would say that his greatest wish would be to get up out of that wheel chair and walk. BUT Bob told the one who asked him the question I already have the answer to my greatest wish Jesus Christ and today I am being baptized into His name. Has your greatest wish been answered yet? 6. Spurgeon: It is my first public declaration that a thing which looks to be unreasonable and seems to be unprofitable, being commanded by God, is law, is law to me. If my Master had told me to pick up six stones and lay them in a row I would do it, without demanding of him, What good will it do? Cui bono? Is no fit question for soldiers of Jesus. The very simplicity and apparent uselessness of the ordinance should make the believer say, Therefore I do it because it becomes the better test to me of my

obedience to my Master. When you tell your servant to do something, and he cannot comprehend it, if he turns round and says, Please, sir, what for? you are quite clear that he hardly understands the relation between master and servant. So when God tells me to do a thing, if I say, What for? I cannot have taken the place which Faith ought to occupy, which is that of simple obedience to whatever the Lord hath said. Baptism is commanded, and Faith obeys because it is commanded, and thus takes her proper place. 7. D L Moody was once asked why he urged Christians to be filled constantly with the Holy Spirit. "Well," he said, "I need a continual infilling because I leak!" He pointed to a water tank which had sprung a leak. "Im like that!" he said. Its a fact that living in this sinful world we do need to be replenished by the Spirit. A friend of mine, an evangelist, was asked if he believed in the "second blessing". "Of course I do," he replied, "and in the 3rd, 4th , 5th blessing, and so on." 8. Dr. M.R. DeHaan put it this way: In the early days of the church. . . , baptism was a declaration that the believer was definitely identifying himself with that group of people who were called Christians and were despised and hated. To be a Christian meant something. To identify yourself with those who were called Christians meant persecution, maybe death; it meant being ostracized from your family, shunned by friends. And the one act which was the final declaration of this identification was BAPTISM. As long as a man gathered with Christians, he was tolerated, but when once he submitted to baptism, he declared to all the world, I BELONG TO THEIS DESPISED GROUP, and immediately he was persecuted, hated, and despised. In baptism, therefore, the believer entered into the fellowship of the sufferings of Christ. A person might be a believer and keep it strictly a secret and thus avoid unpleasantness and suffering, but once he submitted to public baptism he had burned his bridges behind him. . . (Pamphlet, Water Baptism, p. 27). 9. "While visiting in Leningrad, a woman heard the story of 900,000 people who perished in the long siege of Leningrad during World War II. At one point they were trying to save the children from both the nazis and starvation---so they placed them on trucks to cross a frozen lake to safer locations. Many of the mothers, sure that they would never see their children again, yelled to them as they got on the trucks, "Remember your name. Remember your name." By our baptism, we commit ourselves to faithfully remember who we are". (Herb Miller. Actions Speak Louder Than Verbs. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989, p. 103). We remember our baptismal commitment of who we are by living our lives in such a way that we bear fruit in keeping with repentance (Matthew 3:8). 10.

Baptism: Take My Good Name

French writer Henri Barbusse (1874-1935) tells of a conversation overheard in a trench full of wounded men during the First World War. One of the men, who knew he only had minutes to live says to one of the other man, Listen, Dominic, youve led a very bad life. Everywhere you are wanted by the police. But there are no convictions against me. My name is clear, so, here, take my wallet, take my papers, my identity, take my good name, my life and quickly, hand me your papers that I may carry all your crimes away with me in death. The Good News is that through Jesus, God makes a similar offer. Something wonderful happens to us when we are baptized. When we are baptized, we identify ourselves with Jesus. We publicly declare our intention to strive to be like Jesus and follow Gods will for our lives. When we are baptized, our lives are changed. We see things differently than before. We see other people differently than before. Baptism enables and empowers us to do the things that Jesus wants us to do here and now. We are able to identify with Jesus because He was baptized. And we are able to love as he loved. Such identification is life changing. That kind of identification shapes what we believe and claims us. Billy D. Strayhorn, Come on in, the Waters Fine!

The aged negro clergyman announced solemnly from the pulpit: "Next Sabbath, dar will be a baptism in dis chu'ch, at half-pas' ten in de mawnin'. Dis baptism will be of two adults an' six adulteresses."

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