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Separating Fact
From Fiction
eleased in March 2003, the
book The Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown quickly
made The New York Times
bestseller list. A year later, it
CONTENTS was declared a bestseller in 100
countries, while Doubleday, its
“Please, Help Me!” . . . . . 2 publisher, called it “the all-time
What Is The Truth? . . . . . 3 bestselling adult novel.”
Why such interest? The
Separating Fact author claims to have given
From Fiction . . . . . . . . . 28
the world a fictional, fact-based
Test The Spirits . . . . . . . 31 conspiracy theory alleging
“scientific evidence that the
New Testament is false
testimony” (p.341).
Because a “good read”
combined with bad history is not
something to stake your life on,
we have asked RBC research
editor Dennis Fisher to help us
sort out the facts from the fiction.
Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Design:Terry Bidgood
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved.
© 2005 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA
“PLEASE, 25+ years I’ve been a
HELP ME!” Christian all a lie? Was
Jesus just a man? Did

he e-mail reached it all really happen?
our office with a Was He married to Mary
sense of urgency. Magdalene? Is everything
This is what it said: I was raised to believe
Dear RBC, just made up for the
I don’t know where else sake of money? I have
to turn. I pray to God to know.
that you can help me. I don’t know where
I began to read the else to turn. Now I am
book by Dan Brown doubting if there is a
called The Da Vinci Code. heaven, a God, and
It was an interesting book Jesus. Please, help
until I got to the part me! Please, in God’s
where he’s talking about name, help me. I’m
how Christianity began, brokenhearted, confused,
how it’s all false, and that and still crying.
Christianity is basically a This person’s response is
lie and stolen from pagan not surprising. The Da Vinci
religions. The secret Code has a storyline that
societies, the Holy Grail, makes it difficult to know
the church changing where the truth begins and
facts, removing parts of ends. Although it’s written as
the Bible. Is it all true? a novel, this conspiratorial
So much of it makes murder mystery claims to
sense. There were things be based on well-researched
that I had heard before historical facts—facts that
and ignored. But now I contradict historical
have to know. Is the last Christianity.
WHAT IS THE chain of knowledge.
TRUTH? Suddenly, now, despite
all the precautions . . .

an Brown’s novel despite all the failsafes
The Da Vinci Code . . . Jacques Saunière was
begins with the the only remaining link,
murder of Jacques Saunière, the sole guardian of one
curator of the Louvre of the most powerful
Museum in Paris. As he is secrets ever kept.
dying, Jacques hears his Shivering, he pulled
murderer say, “When you himself to his feet. I must
are gone, I will be the only find some way. . . (p.5).
one who knows the truth.”
The truth. In an instant, What is the plotline
the curator grasped of The Da Vinci Code?
the true horror of the The complex story of The
situation. If I die, the Da Vinci Code is one of
truth will be lost forever intrigue and conspiracy.
(p.4). While in Paris on
With a bullet lodged in business, a Harvard
his stomach, the curator is professor by the name of
gripped by . . . Robert Langdon receives an
a fear far greater than urgent call. The curator of
that of his own death. the Louvre art museum has
I must pass on the secret. been found murdered. The
. . . He thought of the police are baffled by an
generations who had encoded message left by the
come before them . . . dead man and written with
of the mission with his own blood. Langdon
which they had all been follows the trail of this
entrusted. An unbroken mystery, which leads to
clues left in the works of compelling blend of history
Leonardo Da Vinci. He joins and page-turning suspense.”
efforts with cryptologist
Sophie Neveu, Saunière’s Why are some
granddaughter, and together readers shaken
they discover that the dead by this novel?
curator was part of a secret Central to the controversy
society, the Priory of Sion, is the book’s alleged exposé
whose members included of the historic church and
Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, its Bible. Since followers of
and Leonardo Da Vinci. Christ stake their lives on
Behind the scenes, the biblical record, The
Opus Dei, a Catholic lay Da Vinci Code touches a
organization, is plotting to nerve when its alleged
prevent the discovery of expert declares, “The church
an ancient secret, the Holy has two thousand years of
Grail, kept hidden by the experience pressuring those
Priory of Sion for centuries. who threaten to unveil its
If discovered, it would lies. Since the days of
shake the foundations of the Constantine, the church
church and the faith it has has successfully hidden
proclaimed for millennia. the truth about Mary
Dan Brown’s plotline Magdalene and Jesus. We
draws strength from public should not be surprised that
knowledge of past and now, once again, they have
present church scandals and found a way to keep the
has been recommended as a world in the dark” (p.407).
good and provocative read Brown claims ancient
by prestigious critics. The evidence that Jesus was
Library Journal recommends not a God-man as described
The Da Vinci Code as “a by the church. Instead, the
novel’s “experts” describe alien. Its mythological
Jesus as a mere man who setting of redemption
had a child with Mary leads to a depreciation
Magdalene and gave her the of the historical events
responsibility of leading His of the life, death, and
disciples after He was gone. resurrection of Jesus.
The source of these Its view of man’s
allegations is a collection relationship to God
of ancient Gnostic gospels leads to a denial of the
found at Nag Hammadi, importance of the person
Egypt, in 1945. The Secret and work of Christ, while,
Books Of James and The in a Gnostic context,
Gospel Of Thomas are just “salvation” is not
two of these documents understood in terms of
that reflect the ancient deliverance from sin, but
philosophy of Gnosticism. as a form of existential
From the early days self-realization (The
of the Christian church, New Bible Dictionary).
Gnostics promoted a Although the Gnostic
different view of Christ. gospels are second- and
They claimed to have a third-century writings,
“secret knowledge” that The Da Vinci Code regards
was necessary to know them as the “lost books
the truth about God. of the Bible” that represent
Regarding the the true picture of Jesus
second-century teaching and His teachings.
of Gnosticism, one modern Secret knowledge, goddess
source says, worship, and self-deification
From the standpoint of emerge as an alternative
traditional Christianity, theory to the historic record
Gnostic thinking is quite of the Bible.
Why were the accounts, and instead of
Gnostic gospels resting on the foundations
excluded from of the Jewish Scriptures, the
the Bible? Gnostic gospels reflect a
There are many reasons worldview that is foreign
the Gnostic gospels were to both Old and New
not included in the Bible. Testaments.
Early church leaders found
consensus in determining Why are so many
whether ancient Christian taking The Da Vinci
documents were sacred Code seriously?
by asking some basic On the title page of The
questions: Was it written Da Vinci Code, the author
by an apostle of Christ claims: “All descriptions
or by someone who had of artwork, architecture,
direct contact with the documents, and secret
apostles? Did the writings rituals in this novel are
in question receive wide accurate.” In addition,
acceptance as being Brown offers a lengthy list
consistent with the teaching of acknowledgments that
of Christ and the apostles? leave the impression that all
Did they bear the mark and of these prestigious sources
effect of spiritual power and and institutions collaborated
truth? with him in his research.
None of the Gnostic Since so much of the
gospels measure up to the complex plot and theme
New Testament standard development are dependent
of reliable documents. upon Dan Brown’s claim of
Instead of being consistent legitimate research into real
with the earliest and people, times, and places,
most reliable eyewitness it’s easy for the reader to
assume that the backbone the book’s alleged factual
of The Da Vinci Code is basis does not stand up.
credible. Because the heroes Richard Abanes, in his
of the novel are “seekers book The Truth Behind
of truth,” they seem to be The Da Vinci Code, writes:
leading us to higher ground, Most critics would
as when a Harvard professor acknowledge that
says, “I’m a historian. I’m Brown has the right to
opposed to the destruction say whatever he wants to
of documents, and I would say. What is problematic,
love to see religious scholars however, is the way that
have more information to he, his publisher, and
ponder the exceptional life the media have been
of Jesus Christ” (p.342). presenting The Da Vinci
This is the apparent Code: as a fact-based
passion for truth expressed exposé wherein the
by another of the book’s characters reveal truths
heroes, a researcher by the long hidden from, or at
name of Teabing, who makes the very least ignored by,
statements like, “It’s a the general public (p.9).
matter of historical record, This observation is
. . . and Da Vinci was important because Brown
certainly aware of that fact. has repeatedly insisted that
The Last Supper practically his novel is based on fact.
shouts at the viewer that During an interview he said:
Jesus and Magdalene were One of the many
a pair. . . . The marriage of qualities that makes
Jesus and Mary Magdalene The Da Vinci Code
is part of the historical unique is the factual
record” (pp.244-245). nature of the story. All
On closer look, however, the history, artwork,
ancient documents, and imagination and creative
secret rituals in the novel style to master his art.
are accurate—as are the He must be a master
hidden codes revealed of the past so as to
in some of Da Vinci’s portray accurately ideas,
most famous paintings attitudes, tendencies,
(ibid, p.9). and themes and weave
This is what makes his story—accurate in
The Da Vinci Code so all its details—into the
misleading. It claims to be thematic materials. . . .
an accurate portrayal of Historians and novelists
history. Yet the book is a often differ in their points
seductively clever mix of fact of view about the
and fiction. historical novel and its
purpose. However, both
Does The Da Vinci agree that the writer of
Code deserve to historical fiction must
be thought of as not distort past reality;
historical fiction? the writer must not
Historical fiction is a genre manipulate historical
of literature in which facts to make the novel
imaginary characters more interesting or
live within the realistic exciting (Yale-New
boundaries of known facts. Haven Teachers
In her class syllabus Institute).
Using Historical Fiction By this definition, The
In The History Classroom, Da Vinci Code would need
Sarah K. Herz writes: to develop its plot with
The author of historical historical integrity. When
fiction must blend challenged on his facts, the
historical facts with author cannot rightfully say,
“It’s only a novel.” Such Jesus Christ by having His
positioning places the reader child. The book also treats
in a schizophrenic world of as fact the existence of a
fact and fiction. secret society called the
Dan Brown writes an Priory of Sion, which for
“alternative history” without centuries has kept the
giving the reader the ability secret of Jesus’ relationship
to see where his facts begin to Mary. Mary Magdalene,
and end. Literary scholars according to this bestselling
see the difference; the novel, represents the
average reader may not. feminine aspect of God
Let’s look at how the (the “divine feminine”)—
“what if” history of The loved by Jesus but denied
Da Vinci Code plays out by the church for hundreds
with elements that are of years.
alleged to be factual. The Knights Templar are
also included as protectors
Are the book’s claims of the secret but were all but
about the Holy Grail, wiped out by the church.
the Priory of Sion, and The Holy Grail and
the Knights Templar the Priory of Sion are only
historical? two of the many “facts” that
According to The Da Vinci need to be subjected to a
Code, the legendary Holy historical “reality check.”
Grail is not the chalice used The Holy Grail is a
at the Last Supper of Christ. medieval legend about the
Instead, Brown uses his cup of the Last Supper. The
“experts” to suggest that the first appearance of the term
real Holy Grail is a person, “Holy Grail” was in 1170 in
Mary Magdalene, who Perceval, a romantic writing
carried the bloodline of about the legend of King
Arthur and his kingdom order founded in Jerusalem
of Camelot. When Brown in 1100 that was absorbed
suggests that the Holy Grail into the Jesuits in 1617.
is not a cup but actually The second and third
Mary Magdalene who Priory of Sion were each
carried on Jesus’ bloodline under the leadership of Pierre
by having His child, he alters Plantard (1920–2000), an
an existing legend about the anti-Semitic Frenchman who
historical “cup of Christ” and went to jail in 1953 for fraud.
uses it to advance fictional In 1954, Plantard formed a
claims about Jesus and Mary. group called the Priory of
Sion to help those in need of
low-cost housing. The group
Brown alters an dissolved in 1957. Then in
existing legend the 1960s and 70s he created
a series of forged documents
about the historical to “prove” the existence of a
“cup of Christ” and bloodline descending from
uses it to advance Jesus and Mary through the
kings of France to himself
fictional claims (claiming to be the rightful
about Jesus and heir to the throne). He
Mary. and his associates called
themselves the Priory of
Sion and deposited these
The Priory of Sion also documents in libraries all
has a basis in fact, but not over France, including the
in the sense that Brown National Library.
portrays it. The title has In 1993, however,
been used three different Plantard admitted under
times. It was first a monastic oath to a French judge that
he had fabricated all the Da Vinci and Isaac Newton.
documents relating to the Once again, however, Brown
Priory of Sion. The judge bases these assertions on
issued him a severe one of Plantard’s forged
warning and dismissed documents called Les
him as a harmless crank Dossiers Secrets d’Henri
( Lobineau (The Secret
The Knights Templar are Records Of Henri Lobineau).
based in history but, once Even though a French judge
again, not as portrayed in got Plantard to admit his
The Da Vinci Code. They hoax, Dan Brown uses these
were founded in 1118 as “secret records” as if they
a military religious order, were legitimate.
but they did not become These facts are important
wealthy, as alleged in the to readers of The Da Vinci
novel, by discovering the Code. If there is no credible
secret of the Holy Grail. evidence that Leonardo
And there is no evidence Da Vinci and Isaac Newton
that they were annihilated were secretly involved in the
for having knowledge of it. Priory of Sion, and if there
is only fraudulent evidence
Were Da Vinci that the Priory of Sion was
and Isaac Newton formed to keep “the secret
members of the of Mary Magdalene,”
Priory of Sion? other factual claims of The
The significance of the Da Vinci Code also need to
Priory of Sion is bolstered in be carefully looked at.
the plotline of The Da Vinci
Code by claiming a little- Did Da Vinci leave
known connection with clues to his beliefs
such geniuses as Leonardo hidden in his art?
Dan Brown’s main about secret religious
characters—Robert beliefs, which if known
Langdon, Sophie Neveu, would have changed the
and Leigh Teabing—are public’s acceptance of his
experts at deciphering codes work. In The Da Vinci Code,
and interpreting symbols. the great artist is portrayed
This is one of the most as a goddess worshiper who
compelling aspects of the left clues in his artwork to
novel. The book accurately let us know that his views of
points out that Leonardo Christ were not in line with
was known to have used the teachings of the church.
reverse text (which could be But how believable is this
read with a mirror) for some claim? Art critics who have
of his “progressive theories no interest in defending the
on astronomy, geology, church have rejected the
archaeology, and notion. Authorities in the
hydrology” (p.300). Yet, art world believe that the
his “secrets” were probably “hidden clues” to Leonardo’s
more scientific than secret faith exist only in the
religious. Leonardo was imagination of those looking
among the Renaissance to make a conspiracy
scientists who had to be theory plausible (see:
careful not to raise suspicion Bruce Boucher, “Does
that their theories were The Da Vinci Code Crack
challenging established Leonardo?” The New York
church doctrine on creation. Times, 8/3/03; Sian Gibby,
Brown, however, “Mrs. God,” Slate, 11/3/03).
used the fact of Da Vinci’s
reverse-style scientific essays Is the book’s
to suggest that Leonardo portrayal of the
also left clues in his artwork Catholic organization
known as Opus alleges to have uncovered
Dei accurate? “secrets” about the church.
Early in The Da Vinci Code, The truth is that the real
a “tortured soul” by the Opus Dei is a Roman
name of Silas is introduced Catholic lay organization
as the faithful assassin that emphasizes piety and
doing “the work of the good works. Its founder
Lord.” Silas turns out to Josemaria Escriva was born
be a member of Opus Dei, in Babastros, Spain, in 1902
complete with a spiked belt and created the Work (or
for self-mortification and Opus Dei, “work of God,”
a willingness to silence as it would later be known)
(murder) all enemies of to empower lay people,
the secret society. instead of focusing on the
Brown begins his spirituality of clergy.
book by stating as fact: The characteristics of
“The Vatican prelature Opus Dei are self-denial
known as Opus Dei is a and sacrificial good works
deeply devout Catholic sect within the context of the
that has been the topic of Roman Catholic Church.
recent controversy due to Yet its portrayal in The
reports of brainwashing, Da Vinci Code as existing
coercion, and a dangerous to suppress documents of
practice known as ‘corporal the Priory of Sion is pure
mortification.’ Opus Dei has fabrication. As we have
just completed construction already noted (pp.9-11),
of a $47 million National the claim that the Priory
Headquarters at 243 of Sion exists to keep the
Lexington Avenue in secret of the relationship
New York City.” between Jesus and Mary
Again, The Da Vinci Code is without merit or evidence.
To what extent has practice of using medical
the church devalued knowledge to ease the pain
women? of childbirth” (p.125).
According to The Da Vinci It is public knowledge
Code, “Powerful men in that followers of Christ have
the early Christian church not always treated women
‘conned’ the world by with the love and respect
propagating lies that that Jesus Himself showed
devalued the female and the women who followed
tipped the scales in favor Him. Yet the truth is that the
of the masculine. . . . persecuted groups listed by
Constantine and his male Brown were not specifically
successors successfully targeted because of their
converted the world from gender. The Inquisition
matriarchal paganism to targeted men and women—
patriarchal Christianity priests, nuns, artists,
by waging a campaign transients, and political
of propaganda that enemies among others.
demonized the sacred To the extent that The
feminine” (p.124). Da Vinci Code is right about
In addition, The Da Vinci the church’s devaluation of
Code refers to the Catholic women, it is only because
Inquisition and to victims followers of Christ have
that “included all female missed the spirit of their
scholars, priestesses, own Scriptures and Leader.
gypsies, mystics, nature For 2,000 years, the Bible
lovers, herb gatherers, and has urged its readers to
any women ‘suspiciously break not only with the
attuned to the natural fertility cults and goddess
world.’ Midwives also were worship of pagan religions,
killed for their heretical but also to reject the kind
of patriarchal culture that “The Holy Grail represents
treats women as servile, the sacred feminine and the
sexual objects, or property. goddess, which of course
Even though the spirit of the has now been lost, virtually
culture has often crept into eliminated by the church.
the church, Jesus’ treatment The power of the female and
of women and the apostle her ability to produce life
Paul’s teaching that men was once very sacred, but it
should love their wives as posed a threat to the rise of
Christ loved the church have the predominantly male
changed the hearts of men church, and so the sacred
who are open to the Spirit feminine was demonized
of Christ (Eph. 5:25). and called unclean”
Because of this influence, (p.238).
the church has, in many By that rationale, and
cultures, raised the status of with second-century Gnostic
women from “legal property” documents, Brown builds
to a relationship of “co-heirs his case that Jesus not only
in Christ” (1 Pet. 1:7). took Mary Magdalene as
His wife but planned to
Was Mary Magdalene make her the founder of
ever worshiped as a His church (p.254).
goddess? All of this, however,
According to The Da Vinci is contrary to what many
Code, Jesus wanted Mary scholars regard as the oldest
Magdalene to restore to the and most reliable accounts.
church the concept of “the The New Testament portrait
sacred feminine.” of Mary Magdalene is in
Robert Langdon, sharp contrast to Dan
Brown’s Harvard Brown’s vision of her.
symbologist, explains: According to the gospel
of Mark, Jesus delivered her Yet despite the
from seven demons (16:9). historical evidence that
Grateful for being set free, Mary Magdalene was
she became a follower who, one of many followers who
along with many others, witnessed the miracles and
provided financial support to unparalleled life of Christ,
Jesus and His disciples (Lk. The Da Vinci Code portrays
8:1-3). She was a witness of a romantic relationship that
the crucifixion, burial, and leads to marriage and a
resurrection of Christ (Mt. child.
27:55-56; Mk. 15:40). John’s
gospel says Mary was the Did Jesus and Mary
first to see Jesus after His Magdalene marry
resurrection (Jn. 20:11-18). and have a child?
In short, the New Although the New Testament
Testament paints a picture never explicitly says that
of Jesus and Mary that Jesus remained single, it
is honorable and above gives indirect evidence that
reproach. Their relationship He did not get married like
is consistent with that of a His apostles and brothers.
woman who, along with the The apostle Paul later wrote
other disciples, followed in his first letter to the
a man who could heal Corinthians, “Do we have
withered legs, walk on no right to take along a
water, and turn water into believing wife, as do also the
wine. The Gospel accounts other apostles, the brothers
of their friendship are of the Lord, and Cephas?”
marked by a reserve and (1 Cor. 9:5). If Jesus had
spiritual connection that married, Paul would have
does not even hint at included Him in the list.
romantic involvement. The combined evidence
that Jesus lived a single life family, they refer to His
of devotion to His mission, mother, brothers, and
however, does not show sisters but never to a
up in The Da Vinci Code. wife. Furthermore, there
In fact, one of its main is no hint that He was
characters claims, “Almost widowed (Breaking The
everything our fathers Da Vinci Code, p.41).
taught us about Christ Bock goes on to give
is false” (p.235). three arguments against the
In the context of a novel, claim that Jesus and Mary
such a statement reflects were married:
“freedom of speech.” But 1. Mary is never tied
fiction is not something on to any male when she was
which to stake our lives. named (Mt. 27:55-56; Mk.
Darryl Bock, who is a 15:40-41; Lk. 8:2; Jn. 19:25).
research professor of New 2. A minister’s right to
Testament Studies at Dallas marry was cited without
Theological Seminary, says reference to Jesus (1 Cor.
this about Jesus being 9:4-6).
married: 3. Jesus showed no
Most scholars have long special concern for Mary
believed that Jesus was Magdalene at the cross
single . . . . No early (Jn. 19:25-27).
Christian text we Even though the Bible
possess, either biblical gives us compelling reason
or extrabiblical, indicates to conclude that Jesus and
the presence of a wife Mary were not married, why
during His ministry, His should we trust its claims
crucifixion, or after His over the claims of the
resurrection. Whenever Gnostic gospels and
texts mention Jesus’ The Da Vinci Code?
Why should we trust (3) Are there other sources
the biblical accounts outside the document that
of Jesus and Mary? corroborate the document’s
The trustworthiness of any claims? Even today,
ancient document depends historians follow these
on its ability to stand up guidelines. They remain
under time-tested criteria. foundational to the science
Let’s see what that measure of textual criticism.
of authenticity is and how Such guidelines help
the New Testament and us to see some of the many
the Gnostic gospels stand reasons that the credibility
up to it. of the New Testament has
In the ancient Greek stood the test of time. The
world, Aristotle cast a giant Nag Hammadi documents
shadow of scholarly and (Gnostic gospels), by
scientific insight that comparison, were written
touches us today. Long about 100 to 200 years after
before the invention of the life of Jesus. Being later
the printing press, Aristotle in time and lacking
used well-reasoned connection to those who
criteria for recognizing knew Christ, they reflect
the trustworthiness of an Gnostic doctrines of the
ancient document. He listed second and third centuries
three guidelines that have rather than a first-century
stood the test of time: record of witnesses.
(1) Was the person an By contrast, the
eyewitness to the event he New Testament gives us
recorded? (2) How many eyewitness accounts, with
copies of the record do we more copies, closer to the
have and how close are they event than any other
to the event they describe? document from the first
century. Even though the of this distortion of history
oldest manuscripts are not is The Da Vinci Code’s view
complete, textual critics are of Emperor Constantine.
able to piece together the
evidence. Small portions Was Constantine
like the Chester Beatty a lifelong pagan?
and John Ryland papyri According to The Da Vinci
fragments bring scholars Code, Constantine “was a
back to within 40 years of lifelong pagan who was
the writing of the gospel of baptized on his deathbed,
John (F. F. Bruce, The New too weak to protest. . . .
Testament Documents—Are Rome’s official religion was
They Reliable? pp.17-18). sun worship—the cult of
Likewise, F. F. Bruce in his Sol Invictus, or the Invisible
book Jesus And Christian Sun—and Constantine was
Origins Outside The New its head priest” (p.232).
Testament shows how Once again, the record
historians have used other of history is significantly
early documents to confirm different than what Dan
the reliability of New Brown states. According
Testament accounts. to church historian
Even in the face of such Kenneth Scott Latourette,
evidence, The Da Vinci Code Constantine was a fourth-
can still cause confusion. By century Roman Emperor
developing a cleverly written who confessed a life-
plot that commingles “a changing experience that
good read” with a mixture caused him to reverse a
of historical fact and fiction, longstanding persecution
the casual reader is unable policy against Christians. By
to tell where the truth starts his Edict of Milan (AD 313),
and stops. A good example he extended to Christianity
the toleration granted other his day that water baptism
religions of the day. washes away sin. There is
It’s true that reason to believe that he
Constantine’s alleged delayed his baptism until
conversion to Christ is the last moment to try to
complicated by the fact assure that all the sins of
that Roman emperors were his life would be cleansed.
regarded as both political
and religious heads of Was Constantine
state. In the Roman senate, responsible for the
Constantine was considered view that Jesus is God?
head priest of the cult of Sol According to Brown, “Jesus’
Invictus and also “pontifex establishment as ‘the Son of
maximus” (commander and God’ was officially proposed
chief) of the priests of the and voted on by the Council
faith. of Nicaea.” And “until that
Despite this mix of moment in history, Jesus
political and pagan religious was viewed by His followers
power, history bears record as a mortal prophet . . . a
that Constantine’s interests great and powerful man,
were not merely political. but a man nonetheless.
Until his Edict of Milan, A mortal” (p.233).
Christians had been Without question,
regarded as enemies of Constantine was a pivotal
the state because of their figure in church history
confession that Christ, who did more than grant
rather than Caesar, is King followers of Christ protection
of kings and Lord of lords. under the law. He was also
Constantine’s baptism responsible for convening
just prior to his death may the Council of Nicaea (AD
reflect a misguided belief in 325) to help church leaders
develop consensus about 7:14) meaning “God with
the doctrine of Christ. us” (Mt. 1:23), and “the
The council was Lord” (Ps. 110:1).
convened because an This view of Jesus as God
aged presbyter named Arius in the flesh was later taught
denied the full deity of Christ by the apostles who were
by proclaiming, “There was eyewitnesses to all that
[a time] when [Jesus] was Jesus said and did.
not.” Arius reasoned that According to the New
because Jesus came into this Testament, these witnesses
world in physical form, He did not always form their
must be changeable—unlike opinions easily. One of
God, His Father. them, named Thomas, is
The views of Arius stirred still known as “the doubter.”
great controversy among Yet upon encountering
other church leaders who the risen Christ, Thomas
were convinced that the confessed, “My Lord and
writings of both Old and my God!” (Jn. 20:28).
New Testament Scriptures In our day, Thomas’
showed that the Messiah words might sound like a
who came into the world profane exclamation. But
was fully divine. The idea his confession reflects the
that Jesus was a God-man reasoned conclusion of other
did not begin with apostles who recorded what
Constantine. Hundreds they had seen and heard.
of years before Jesus Peter addressed Jesus as
came into the world, “the Christ, the Son of the
Old Testament prophets living God” (Jn. 6:69). And
anticipated a coming the apostle Paul, after his
Messiah as “Mighty God” conversion, ascribed to Jesus
(Isa. 9:6), “Immanuel” (Isa. the essential attributes of
God and full deity in human that Jesus was “truly most
form (Phil. 2:5-11; Col. 2:9). manifest Deity, He that is
Additional evidence made equal to the Lord of
shows that belief in the deity the universe.”
of Christ preceded the days When Constantine
of Constantine. In the convened the Council of
generations that followed Nicaea, the Council’s
conclusion that Jesus
Christ was “God of very
There is a wealth God” had deep historical
and scriptural roots. It’s
of evidence showing also important that he
that the belief in did not lead the Council
the deity of Christ but served as an advocate
for reconciliation and
did not originate agreement among the
with Constantine. members (The Truth Behind
The Da Vinci Code, Abanes,
p.37; Breaking The Da Vinci
the Apostolic Age, the full Code, Bock, pp.101-102;
divinity of Christ was widely Christendom Volume 1,
accepted by the church Bainton, pp.97-98).
fathers. Justin Martyr in AD Even if Constantine did
150 wrote, “[Jesus is] the not project deity upon the
first-begotten Word of God, man Jesus but cooperated
is even God.” In AD 185, with a growing consensus
Irenaeus proclaimed that about His divine nature, was
Jesus of Nazareth is “our he responsible for destroying
Lord and God and Savior legitimate documents that
and King.” Clement of should have been included
Alexandria (c. AD 200) said in our Bible?
Did Constantine Once again, however, the
tamper with the record of history is different.
contents of the Bible? There is no evidence that
“The Bible, as we know it Constantine ordered the
today, was collated by the burning of any Gnostic
pagan Roman emperor gospels. What were burned
Constantine,” says Dan were Arian papers found by
Brown’s “expert” (p.231). the Council of Nicaea to be
He continues: “Because heretical. This destruction of
Constantine upgraded documents says more about
Jesus’ status almost four the church’s defense of the
centuries after Jesus’ death, doctrine of Christ than it
thousands of documents does about the origin of the
already existed chronicling New Testament.
His life as a mortal man. The informal recognition
To rewrite the history of New Testament Scriptures
books, Constantine knew was well under way long
he would need a bold before Constantine. And
stroke. From this sprang the formal affirmation of
the most profound moment the New Testament as we
in Christian history. . . . know it today occurred 72
Constantine commissioned years later at the Synod of
and financed a new Bible, Carthage (AD 397). It
which omitted those was then, decades after
gospels that spoke of Constantine, that the
Christ’s human traits and official books of the Bible
embellished those gospels were ratified (A Timeline Of
that made Him godlike. The Church History, Conciliar
earlier [Gnostic] gospels Press).
were outlawed, gathered up,
and burned” (p.234).
Does The Da Vinci Holies in Solomon’s Temple
Code or the New housed not only God but
Testament give us also His powerful female
a better “unbroken equal, Shekinah. . . . The
chain of knowledge”? Jewish tetragrammaton
The Da Vinci Code claims YHWH—the sacred name of
an “unbroken chain of God—is in fact derived from
knowledge” (p.5) that Jehovah, an androgynous
can be traced back to the physical union between the
Old Testament. The New masculine Jah and the pre-
Testament also claims Hebraic name for Eve,
to be rooted in the Jewish Havah (p.309).
Scriptures. But which of the Such concepts sound
two fits like a hand in glove scholarly when spoken by a
with Moses and the fictional Harvard professor
Prophets? of symbology. They can also
Dan Brown attempts be misleading when they
to tie his “secret knowledge” come from the pen of
to early Judaism with this someone who is trying to
shocking statement: rewrite history to claim that
“Admittedly, the concept God is pleased by the pagan
of sex as a pathway to practices of ancient fertility
God was mind-boggling cults. This is another
at first. Langdon’s Jewish instance, however, where
students always looked the facts are different.
flabbergasted when he first Researchers Carl Olson
told them that the early and Sandra Miesel note:
Jewish tradition involved The name “Jehovah”
ritualistic sex. In the didn’t even exist until
Temple, no less. Early Jews the thirteenth century
believed that the Holy of at the earliest (and
wasn’t common until difference of definition given
the sixteenth century), by Hebrew scholars in the
and is an English Theological Wordbook Of
word. It was created by The Old Testament.
artificially combining the Most likely the name
consonants of YHWH [YHWH] should be
(or JHVH) and the translated something like
vowels of Adonai (which “I am He who is,” or “I
means “Lord”), the name am He who exists” . . . .
substituted for YHWH More than anything
in the Old Testament by perhaps, the “is-ness”
Jews. The Hebrew—not of God is expressive both
“pre-Hebraic”—word of His presence and His
for Eve is hawwâ, existence (p.214).
(pronounced “havah”), The self-description of
which means “mother of God in the Old Testament
all living” (www.davinci is that He is personal and eternally existent. But why is
By contrast, Brown this important? The ancient
uses his own assumptions Hebrews were surrounded
to make unjustified claims by pagan people who
about Hebrew word worshiped many gods
meanings and origins. The and goddesses, offered
reader is asked to accept the their children as sacrifices,
words of Robert Langdon, a and engaged in ritual sex
fictitious authority in the and other forms of moral
field, who tries to tie the depravity. These forms of
worship of Israel to the worship were condemned
ancient fertility cults by the prophets. In fact, a
characteristic of Israel’s ruler of Israel or Judah
neighbors. Notice the was often approved or
condemned on the basis born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14;
of whether he accepted or Mt. 1:18,24-25). This
rejected such pagan cults Messiah would be born
(1 Ki. 15–16). in Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2;
Yet The Da Vinci Code Lk. 2:4-7). Although a king,
claims that the original form He would enter Jerusalem
of Judaism was polytheistic humbly on a donkey (Zech.
with goddess worship and 9:9; Mt. 21:6-11). Even
ritual sex (p.309). To place the piercing and death
such pagan practices within of Messiah were foretold
the Holy of Holies would centuries before the
have been a blasphemous
violation of Mosaic law.
The Da Vinci Code The Old and New
contradicts the combined Testaments fit
witness of the Hebrew
Scriptures. What about the together like a
New Testament? Does it give hand in glove.
a picture of continuity with
the Old Testament? Together,
the writings of Paul, Peter, invention of crucifixion as
James, John, and Jude a form of execution (Isa. 53;
combine with the gospels of Zech. 12:10; Mt. 27). And
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the Messiah triumphing
John to cite multiple sources over death in resurrection
from the Old Testament to was foretold (Ps. 16:10;
support their view of Christ. Isa. 53:10; Acts 2:31). These
They build on the testimony fulfillments of messianic
of Jewish prophets who predictions are only part
anticipated a coming of a much wider range of
Deliverer who would be other elements of continuity
also fulfilled by the unique the emperor Constantine
person of Jesus of Nazareth. rewrote history is that
Many have noted down Constantine could not have
through the centuries that collected and altered the
“the New Testament is combined evidence of
in the Old Testament history that preceded him.
contained and the Old Ancient documents
Testament is in the New including but not restricted
Testament explained.” They to the New Testament
do fit together like a hand in accounts tell the story of
glove—a fit that would have witnesses who saw the
been impossible to contrive. Old Testament Scriptures
fulfilled in Christ and who
Do “the winners” were willing to suffer and die
rewrite history to for what they saw in the life,
suit their desires? death, and resurrection of
Dan Brown’s expert Christ. These witnesses
“Grail hunter” tells Sophie: lived and died in spite of the
“History is always written power of Rome, not because
by the winners. When two of it. For most of the years
cultures clash, the loser is preceding Constantine they
obliterated, and the winner were a hated and persecuted
writes the history books— people (1 Cor. 1:26-31).
books which glorify their Followers of Christ were the
own cause and disparage outcasts of society. They
the conquered foe. As were the poor and powerless
Napoleon once said, ‘What witnesses of the history of
is history, but a fable Christ, not “the winners,”
agreed upon?’ ” (p.256). as alleged by Brown.
One problem with
the book’s observation that
SEPARATING Gnostic teachings are in
FACT FROM view in 2 Peter 1:16, but
the warning is a general
FICTION one to shun contact with
CUNNINGLY all false doctrines, which
DEVISED FABLES can pass on only myths
The first apostles of Christ and not the realities of
knew the difference between revelation.
fact and fiction. The New
Testament writer we know
as the apostle Peter wrote: “We did not follow
We did not follow cunningly devised
cunningly devised fables
when we made known to
fables when we
you the power and coming made known to
of our Lord Jesus Christ, you the power
but were eyewitnesses of
His majesty (2 Pet. 1:16).
and coming of our
Peter affirmed that the Lord Jesus Christ.”
historic Christian faith does Peter (2 Pet. 1:16)
not rest on cleverly invented
stories that have no basis in
fact. “Cunningly devised” Notice that this biblical
could literally be translated dictionary identifies Gnostic
“artfully framed by human teaching and myths that are
cleverness.” not consistent with events
The Theological recorded in Scripture as
Dictionary Of The New “cunningly devised fables.”
Testament makes the The word fables is
following observation: literally mythos, from
Certain unspecified which we get the word
myth. Other commentators TRUTH TWISTING
see a connection with The New Testament warns:
Gnostic teachings as well. Now the Spirit expressly
For example: says that in latter times
The reference here some will depart from
may be . . . to Gnostic the faith, giving heed
speculations about aeons to deceiving spirits and
or emanations which rose doctrines of demons
from the eternal abyss (1 Tim. 4:1).
(Vincent and Wuest). Down through the
This is not to say that centuries, what Paul called
all fiction or myth is wrong. “doctrines of demons” have
Some ancient myths, such been competing with the
as Aesop’s fables or Zen truth for the minds and
parables, have stood the test hearts of each generation.
of time as fictional morality In 1942, an Oxford
lessons. They are not written scholar and Christian
to make claims about history apologist named C. S. Lewis
but to illustrate principles tried to imagine the mindset
that speak to the human and strategies of such
heart. Likewise, well-written demons in a book called
novels can use imagination Screwtape Letters. It’s a
combined with a historical collection of fictional letters
backdrop to tell a gripping from a senior demon named
and insightful story. The Screwtape to a novice
Da Vinci Code, however, demon named Wormwood,
alters the facts of history his nephew and protégé.
to promote a Gnostic and Screwtape gives his nephew
fanciful portrait of Jesus. advice about how to use lies
The result is a bestselling and deception to keep the
“cunningly devised fable.” young man he was assigned
to from seeing the truth Testament Gospels] say
about “the enemy.” what they say and cannot
In one exchange, be added to; each new
Screwtape encourages “historical Jesus”
Wormwood to try to therefore has to be got
distract his “patient” from out of [the Scriptures] by
the real Jesus by using the suppression at one point
idea of “a historical Jesus.” and exaggeration at
Screwtape says: another (pp.123-124).
In the last generation The Jesus of The
we promoted the Da Vinci Code is an alleged
construction of such “historical Jesus.” The book
a “historical Jesus” on calls Christ a wonderful
liberal and humanitarian man while denying that
lines; we are now putting He was anything more.
forward a new “historical Brown’s fictional Grail
Jesus” on Marxian, hunter for instance, says,
catastrophic, and “Nobody is saying Christ
revolutionary lines. was a fraud, or denying
The advantages of these that He walked the earth
constructions, which we and inspired millions to
intend to change every better lives. All we are
thirty years or so, are saying is that Constantine
manifold. In the first took advantage of Christ’s
place they all tend to substantial influence and
direct men’s devotion importance. And in doing
to something which so, he shaped the face of
does not exist, for each Christianity as we know
“historical Jesus” is it today” (p.234).
unhistorical. The As we have seen,
documents [the New there is no evidence that
Constantine tried to alter The truth about Christ is
the record of the Old or New more amazing than fiction—
Testament Scriptures. And and far more believable.
because of the way the
Scriptures had been copied, TEST THE
distributed, and written
about, Constantine could

not have altered the existing he disciple who sat
biblical record even if he closest to Jesus at the
had wanted to. Last Supper left us a
Anyone who calls Jesus gospel of His life and three
a good teacher, but not God short letters of spiritual
and Savior, can do so only instruction. Many New
by ignoring or dismissing the Testament scholars believe
combined evidence. The that the letter of 1 John
Jewish prophets, apostolic had an ancient form of
eyewitnesses, church Gnosticism in view when
fathers, and hundreds of the apostle wrote:
millions of people over Beloved, do not believe
the last 2,000 years have every spirit, but test the
followed Christ long enough spirits, whether they are of
to find the truth in Him. God; because many false
By contrast, The Da Vinci prophets have gone out
Code combines fiction with into the world. By this you
distortion of fact, referencing know the Spirit of God:
second- and third-century Every spirit that confesses
writings of known enemies that Jesus Christ has come
of the church, a conspiracy in the flesh is of God, and
theory, and unproven claims every spirit that does not
of “genealogical documents” confess that Jesus Christ
that have never been found. has come in the flesh is
not of God. And this is 3), who said, “I am the
the spirit of the Antichrist, way, the truth, and the
which you have heard life. No one comes to the
was coming, and is now Father except through
already in the world. You Me” (Jn. 14:6).
are of God, little children,
and have overcome them, SUGGESTED READING
because He who is in you The Truth Behind The
is greater than he who is Da Vinci Code by Richard
in the world (1 Jn. 4:1-4). Abanes (Eugene: Harvest
John’s confidence in House, 2004).
Christ is as compelling Breaking The Da Vinci
today as it was in the Code by Darrell Bock
ancient world. He had (Nashville: Thomas
Nelson, 2004).
Cracking Da Vinci’s Code
“I am the way, by James Garlow and Peter
Jones (Colorado Springs:
the truth, and Victor, 2004).
the life. No one The Da Vinci Deception
comes to the by Erwin W. Lutzer
(Wheaton: Tyndale, 2004).
Father except Jesus & Christian Origins
through Me.” Outside The New Testament
Jesus (Jn. 14:6) by F. F. Bruce (Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974).
The New Testament
come to know Jesus not Documents—Are They
only as a wonderful friend Reliable? by F. F. Bruce
(Jn. 21:20-24), but as the (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
Creator of the world (Jn. 1:1- 1973).

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