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Egypt Geography -

Nile basin northwest corner of Africa Nile, 10,000 swamp/desert, 3000 years, Christianity Nile River, 4000 M, Egypt/Mediterranean, south most/Upper Egypt, enclosed flooding (12) North of modern day Cairo, triangular delta-lower Egypt,150 miles, 2/3 arable land Flooding (July to October) Aswan Dam, 20th century Rich alluvium, climate/irrigation, 2-3 crops annually Communication link, trade network, unified Egypt (Nile) Mountains and deserts Land junction between Africa, Near East, connection between the Red Sea, African, Near Eastern, and European cultures (Nubia and other societies in Sub- Saharan Africa) Land gave Egyptians many rich resources domestic an came from Nubia (South) and southwest Asia Egyptians linked to Mediterranean and southwest Asia; Nubia linked Egypt with eastern Mediterranean and Sub Saharan Africa Flood plains led to rich land Nile links to Mediterranean basin and sub Saharan Africa Population led to formal organization (similar to Mesopotamia) Protected by Red Mediterranean Seas and deserts Trade begins around 4000 (around Nile) Per iodization 1. Old Kingdom (2686-2181) 2. Middle Kingdom (2040-1674) 3. New Kingdom (1552-1069) 4. Late period (715-332) political unity and instability and disunity Pre dynastic Egypt (3100) Archaic period West Asia (Neolithic), city-states, irrigation,, political federations, unified 3100, King Menes (upper Egypt) Old Kingdom, 2 mil., Memphis, Re, absolute monarchs, pharaohs link gods/harmony Theocratic government, Political/religions control, high priest/economy, land owners, monopoly foreign/ domestic trade Power of pharaohs strongest during this period and Old Kingdom Pyramids (authority) 2600 to 2500 built Elaborate bureaucracy, Viziers, governors. Taxes, public work projects, leadership issues/coup 4 different dynasties ruled Egypt State religion, worship/various manifestations of sun god, proper rituals Mummification/of soul, Pyramid Age, Imhotep-mud-brick /above ground burial structure/ 2650/ Zosers/1st monumental structure, forth dynasty 1st pyramid, 80, Giza Remained close with Nubia; two reasons commercial and political Invasions and gold ivory and stones Tensions most prevalent during 1st two periods 3100-2600 5 military invasions Egypt gained control lower Nubia; 3000 Egyptian presence led to Kush Powerful nobility, political fragmentation, 2050/Mentuhotep/noble,Thebs Middle Kingdom,

Amon/re Eli-Lisht south of Memphis, political alliance/middle class/ absolute rule/ democratized state religion/ life after death (commoners) military campaigns/Nubians south, Libyans west, Bedouins east, international trade, Weak pharaohs, Hyksos Palestine, weapons, bow, chariot bronze armor, 1650 Lower Egypt New Kingdom Expel Hyksos, open Egypt, 1490, Sudan west Asia, controlled gold rich Nubia, Tutmose III, Palestine/Syria, imperialism Hittites/northern Syria / Ramses II, Sea peoples 12 century, Greek/Persian

Social Classes - cites not as prominent as Mesopotamia; Memphis formed 3100 - cities = wealth; social classes: peasants and slaves, similar to that of Mesopotamia supplied hard labor - Ruling class different: Pharaoh instead of urban kings; lack of nobility - Military class instead: elaborate bureaucracy (more social stratification) - Nubia: social distinctions: hierarchical society - EX. Menore government officials, priests, craftsmen, slaves, labors, merchants - Economic specialization and Trade Women - Egypt and Nubia: compared to Mesopotamia= patriarchal society - Public and private authority in men; women more influences in Egypt served as regents Nubian rulers = women - Egyptians married young (girls 12; boys 14) - Women in charge of household and education (kids) - Womens property and inheritance was theirs - Some in both societies served as priests; formal education, operated businesses, peasant women worked in fields and some were scribes - Parents arranged marriages; (property and family) - Main idea behind marriage was production of kids - Girls learned housekeeping skills - Bronze metallurgy made its way from Mesopotamia - Bronze technology slow to development (Mesopotamia 3000) - Egypt 17h century with Hyksos (due to their reliance on it) - Bronze expensive short supply; royal monopoly of it - Nubia relied on imports of bronze - 1000 large scale production of iron (developed independently; abundant supply Sub-Saharan Africa - Iron developed independently around Sudan - Textile manufacturing, pottery woodworking, leather production and stone cutting (examples of job specialization) - Efficient transportation led to trade networks; linked Nile River Valley to outside world - 3500 merchants traveled Nile (Nile flows North) boats currents from Upper to Lower Egypt - Wind currents help sailboats helped them go the other direction - 3000 traveled into Mediterranean basin; 2000 traveled into Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea - Wheeled vehicles were used in around Nile Valley (obtained from Mesopotamia) - Donkey cravens was also used from Nile to ports of Red Sea - Nubia overland transportation (Cataracts) Trade Networks Nubia and Egypt developed trade networks; Egypt few natural resources except for Nile

4000 trade between Nubia and Egypt begins; Exotic goods: leopard skins, ivory, ostrich feathers, gold and slaves to Egypt Pottery, wine, honey and finished products to Nubia Most desired import form Egypt was linen textiles (flax), jewelry and furniture Mesopotamia trade (3500), eastern Mediterranean (300) cedar needed New Kingdom: = trade in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden ( East Africa Punt; Ethiopia and Somalia) Imported gold, slaves ivory, cattle

Writing - Egypt by 3200 appeared (Mesopotamian influence); pictographs accompanied (buildings and monuments) papyrus scrolls shed light on religion, literacy and commercial records with symbols representing ideas & sounds - Everyday writing Hieratic (simplified form of hieroglyphics) - Used from 2600-600 CE.; replaced by Greek Alphabet - Scribes had a good life in Egypt; The Satire of Trades - Lived a comfortable, honorable and dignified life - Early Nubian writing was hieroglyphics (strong Egyptian influence religion; and 8th an7th century when Nubians leaders of Kush controlled Egyptian pharaohs trade, travel and communication big during time period - Influence declines after 5th century BCE Religion

National religion based on individual mortality life after death/ polytheistic, large pantheon of deities, Primary gods were Amon and Re; Amon Theban local god, sun, creation, fertility and reproduction Re was another sun god; During the New Kingdom some suggested they were a universal god (earth) Brief time period cult faces monotheism (from Aten; deity associated with sun) Akhenaton (13531335) Lasted until his death Mummification: Mesopotamian = end of individual existence; search for immortality Old Kingdom: only pharaohs and royal family mummified Later royalty/wealthy mummified; New Kingdom: mere mortals eligible Cult of Osiris: (God of Underworld) Seth killed brother Osiris; wife = Isis Cult = high moral standards; he decided fate Weight of feather= justice

Sub Saharan Africa - Bantu peoples: inhabited Nigeria eastern and southern part of Cameroon - Cultivated oil palms and yams; later millet and sorghum and goats - Tribal chieftains: conducted religious rituals and dealings with outside tribes - Trade with hunters and gathers; forest people in tropical rainforests - Migrated to new territories ; 3000 migrated south - 2000 reach Congo River and east to Great Lakes - 1000 occupied most of west Africa )South of Equator) - Two main features: migration canoes traveling Congo and Niger & agricultural surpluses - 1000 iron technology led to greater migration )( iron technology most of sub Sahara) - Age groups/sets : shared responsibilities; young = light chores, initiation (adulthood) military service and farming - Monotheistic beliefs (5000) good/evil divine force could take form of individual sprits - Force responsible for rewards and punishment; proper attention led to rewards - Neglect = punishments

forces of nature, Osiris,

Religious art projects.

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