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International University of Professional Studies David Allan Lane August 9, 2011

Assignment The Workplace Labyrinth: A Heroic Journey to the center of Your Self (By: Marion Ross-Hubbard)

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment Assignment criteria: DISSERTATION ASSIGNMENT Read the following dissertation:

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH: A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOURSELF By Marion Moss Hubbard Please write about your experience, responding to: 1. The key points made by the author. 2. What, in your opinion, is the authors intent, i.e. the impact she wishes to have on the reader? 3. What is your experience of what the author is expressing? 4. How does this dissertation affect your perception of life? 5. How could you use what you've learned from the author in your personal and professional life? The author, Marion Ross-Hubbard proposes in her book The Workplace Labyrinth; A Heroic Journey to The Center of the Self the theory that the workplace its self is the most appropriate forum for the process of becoming, or discovering David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment ones potential for becoming, when use is made of the mythological signets of the

Labyrinth in conjunction with the personal knowledge of ones own personal Heroic journey is acknowledged while walking its path. In support of her proposal the writer uses the life works of the American Mythologist Joseph Campbell; especially to her purpose, The Power Myth, 1991 and The Hero With A Thousand Faces, 1949, to illustrate her understanding of the practical application of myth; both in order to underscore her point that there is a profound correlation between the challenges with which we are presented within the workplace and, everyday occurrences emerging from our personal and collective experience of life; and that specific role we play in the evolution of that life. I find the authors particular focus on the workplace to be somewhat misdirected. If her intentions are that this dissertation is to be of benefit to the general populous. Not all people have jobs in the conventional sense of the word; a workplace as defined by corporation. Nor, are all who are employed part of a team. I contend that the whole of ones life is its self, played out in the arena, deserving of the label workplace, and that ones life is his/her opus; a work of art. Furthermore, though I am fully aware of this labor of Love that the author ahs presented us, not withstanding her honest intentions toward clarifying, for the reader, the models upon which her dissertation is built; the heros journey, the symbology of the labyrinth, Ken Wilbers emphasis of transitioning from the self- centered; narcissistic egoic stages of mans evolution to the more synthesizing and

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment integral form of the trans-egoic stage, and the inclusion of the historical propositions of ancient and modern mythology, her efforts are misspent only to in that she confines her theory solely to the workplace as the corner stone of her proposal.

Were her perspective focused more on our personal development, making use of all the aspects covered in her piece, directed toward assisting the journeyer in arriving at a more purposeful life, through practice, and by definition of a more complete and integral expression, it would then seem only natural to include the Workplace in the scope of this achievement? And, what of the controlling factor relevant to the objective of being an agent of change in the workplace? Is not transformation a more organic and preferred term? Change, for all its implied benefits, is something we have people attempting to enact in abundance. It is the content of the stories we make up and tell, derived from our narrow perspective as we view the world and ourselves in it. Transformation is the substance of context, the vessel in which the change inevitably takes place. The author employs the term change on innumerable occasions in this piece, which in my estimation leads one to a false sense of power over his or her affectivity in achieving it in the workplace. I take with the authors interchangeable use of the words change and transformation because they are completely different entities. Which one is it?

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment Change in the workplace resulting from the realization of myth and heros journey

along the Labyrinths challenging path? or transformation of the workplace by virtue of ones own life having become transformed? Why not transformation, all a round? Change is a dangerous word to use when regarding any alteration of the human spirit expressed though a brain encased in the habitual habitat of a constructed reality; any alteration of that construct would normally require powerful and deliberate interruption to its normal course of trajectory. In modern day language change implies rearrangement and a shape-shifting Minotaur is still, nevertheless a Dweller upon the threshold. It is important to mention here as well, that though this self-inquiry and application of knowledge and wisdom derived from study of myth, the Labyrinth, the Minotaur has its rewards, I believe that, even armed with this accoutrement a too determined venturing upon the quest for formula only and at best, allows the seeker greater ability to observe his own observer thereby missing the synchronicity in a life in process of becoming. In light of this dilemma, I found the sections solely related to the workplace to be myopic and too far-reaching, therefore missing the mark of self-discovery in contrast to self-investigation. Self-mastery however, is a tricky task and though the author makes clear distinctions regarding her collective resources and data, the concept of control did not leave me throughout the reading. It would have been more productive in a general sense if the author had not used the workplace as the corner stone to her dissertation, and focused primarily on

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment the souls development; attention given more on awareness and a development of

sensitivity to what is, as one unfolds along the path of the Labyrinth, albeit with the knowledge she has given us, lighting our way. Hence, in presenting a less heady and weighty thesis, and having called out to us more on the soul level we could express through guided progressive steps a developing, natural, genuine transformation at the core of our being. Attitude is the most important dynamic to the character of one, who in the possession of self-knowledge, unrestricted and won, not at the expense of self- construction but derived from self-observation, can become an agent for transformation in any and all areas of the human experience. One would be advised however, not to dawn a mistaken persona or role unbefitting; a ten-size shoe, fits not all. The role we discover to be ours must genuinely suit us and be appropriate to the whole of our purpose, with all its varying occasions and appropriateness. I commend the author for the meticulous cumulative data from the numerous fields of Mythology, and the practical inclusion of the labyrinth as symbol of the path our hero journeys along, if he chooses to walk it, whether that be a path of his or her chosen or pre-ordained. I appreciate her emphasis on the existence of ones own path indicated by past and present conditions and situations, as being indicators of that persons purpose or role in lifes bigger picture. Her references and correlations made between myth, philosophy and psychology as a source of materials from which to work, both within ones self and co-workers is quite genial

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment to which she fully exposes the reader in completeness, with an understanding of that which can support them along their journey. Although, the authors focus is rather weighty in the direction of change in the workplace, she does achieve a sense of guided direction toward this goal by informing us of the need to begin with ourselves, for example by discovering and

confronting our own Minotaur which I equate with the Dweller on the Threshold. She tells us that the Minotaur from Classical times through the Renaissance, appears at the center of many depictions given by commentators of ancient myth. One of the most affective means to attaining transformation is elaborated by the author in section: 4.2; 4.2.3: p. 112,Reclaiming the Minotaur as a symbol of wholeness. of her dissertation. Here is a summery. The most ancient part of the Myth of the Minotaur story; the killing of the Minotaur, presents, the most resounding support for the authors solution to transitioning from the egoic to trans-egoic stages of human development today. The labyrinth is the symbol of the unconscious, which the hero must enter to overcome the monster. The Minotaur represents the dark, devouring side of matriarchy, which must be encountered and transformed, with the help of the clew (origin of clue), the thread of self-observation showing the way out. The word labyrinth is derived from labrys, a double-headed axe shaped like a butterfly, and thus representing transformation, but is also linked to labia. Encountering ones personal Minotaur in the passageways of the unconscious leads to psychic transformation. Some commentators see the whole myths meaning as solar. According to this way of thinking, Ariadne1 is a solar

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011


goddess, and Theseus abandons her because he knows that close relations with a goddess can prove fatal. As to the method by which one goes about achieving a transformative experience in the workplace using his/her model of walking the Labyrinth, the author explains in section, 4.2.6 Integrate Ariadne's Thread of Wisdom Into Your Work p.124.

1 Ariadne's thread, named for the legend of Ariadne, is the term used to describe

the solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of proceeding, such as a physical Labyrinth, a logic puzzle or an ethical dilemma, through an exhaustive application of logic to all available routes. It is the particular method used to enable us to follow completely through to trace steps or take a point by point a series of discovered truths in a contingent, ordered search that reaches a desired end position, to the center of the Labyrinth and back out again. This process can take the form of a mental record, a physical marking, or even a philosophical debate; it is the process itself that assumes the name. David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment Two sections that I found to be most beneficial when reading this

dissertation, in that they are not solely theoretical but very practical are; firstly, and very is recapitulating for me, is taken directly from Joseph Campbells work on the heros journey, and is to be found in the section: Workplace Journey p.141 4.4.1 Stage 1: The Call to Adventure .144 4.4.2 Stage 2: The Refusal .145 4.4.3 Stage 3: Acceptance of The Call. 147 4.4.4 Stage 4: Crossing the Threshold ... 149 4.4.5 Stage 5: Meeting Allies .151 4.4.6 Stage 6: The Trials 152 4.4.7 Stage 7: The Respite. 154 4.4.8 Stage 8: Magic Flight 157 4.4.9 Stage 9: Triumphant Return. 159 4.4.10 Stage 10: Master of Two Worlds. 162 4.4.11 Understand the Importance of Completing All the Stages 164 4.4.12 Incorporate Your Workplace Journey into a Lifelong Heroic Epic. 166 Secondly; what I found most helpful, are the authors suggested exercises listed here by appendix heading and page number: APPENDICES A. USE YOUR MYTHOLOGICAL CONSCIOUSNESS TO

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR 10 SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment TRANSFORM YOUR WORKPLACE MYTHOLOGY 297 B. APPLYING THE HEROIC STAGES TO YOUR PERSONAL WORKPLACE JOURNEY. 316 C. APPLYING THE HEROIC STAGES TO YOUR ORGANIZATIONS COLLECTIVE JOURNEY 321 D. INCORPORATE YOUR WORK INTO YOUR LIFELONG HEROIC EPIC 331 Each one of these steps worked in me a slight but poignant shift in my perception and approach to encountering my own journey. Like the horology of a time piece; bauche, assortment and Calibri, all working synchronically, together advancing all its parts toward the express purpose of that click: the escapement, that audible tick-tock one hears when ever theyre near a clock, connoting the illusion of time passing, the walking of the labyrinth, symbolizes in appearance, forward motion, of steps taken from the first, at its opening toward the center, then back out again to the opening. This is the affect that the dissertation THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard might have on anyone serious enough to challenge their own sense of being in favor of transforming not only their experience of the Workplace but from any perspective or standpoint of their lives. Employment of the exercises given in this dissertation can be applied in therapeutic settings to help patients discover precisely motivating factors in there lives that seem adversely affect their lives and put these to constructive use.

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR 11 SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment Also, garnered through the practice of walking the Labyrinth in ones life both practitioner and patient can gain a clearer image of the deeper meaning behind many hitherto seeming undesirable character traits, that without therapy, the patient may experience as shameful or completely troublesome. I would use some of the techniques of discovery and the directives given by the author for acquiring self-knowledge in combination with hands-on exercises of painting, body movement and vocal production toward the opening up of the physical body to the possibility of clearer vision of the patients work (our work) on addressing the blockages to the souls fuller expression. As well, I would apply the techniques for addressing and embracing the inner Minotaur and subjugating {it} to the patients own determined growth. The position I take is that my life is my workplace; that the rewards with which I am to be met, along the journey are of the journey and not necessarily won exclusively at the finish. Here, I leave you with a poem: Walking The Labyrinth Like the horology Of a time piece bauche David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

THE WORKPLACE LABYRINTH; A HEROIC JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR 12 SELF, Marion Ross-Hubbard. Assignment Assortment and Calibri Working synchronically Together advancing

Parts toward Express purpose Click: the escapement Audible tick-tock

Hear When er, near Clock, Illusion

Time passing Walking The Labyrinth

Appearance Forward motion Steps taken

First opening Toward center Back out

To the opening

David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011


David Allan Lane; I.U.P.S. Assignment 2011

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