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The Curriculum Outline of Surgery

For Nepalese Medical Students

Department of Surgery

Weifang Medical University

Pre fac e

Surgery is one of the main subjects of the clinical medicine.

It’s a subject referring some diseases which doctors usually

treat with operations or manure procedures. It’s characterized

with remarkable practicality and also has a profuse theory-


The teaching Objective is that medical students could master

the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnoses

and treatments of the surgery diseases. Thereby they can make a

foundation for surgical work.

The procedure of surgery teaching includes class lectures,

experiences, practices and intern practices. Ability training

should be emphasized as well as the combination of theory with


In teaching methods, teachers should pay attention to the

correlation of surgery with other medical subjects, take

advantages of self-learning and teacher-student interflow, put

stress on the gradualness, and bring the initiative of students

into full play.

The Teaching Period (class hours) of Each Part of the


[1 class hour(Chr) = 40 minutes]

chapte Contents theor experiments practice

r y

1. Introduction 2

2. Molecular biology in surgery 2

3. Asepsis 2 2

4. The disturbance of humoral 6

fluids in surgical patients

5. Surgical shock 4 2

6. MODS 3 2

7. Surgical infection 4 2

8. Trauma and military injury 4 2 4

9. Tumor 4 4

10. Transplantation 4 2

11. Increased intracranial 4 4

12. Craniocerebral trauma 4 4

13. Intracranial and intraspinal 4 4


14. The disease in the neck 4 4

15. The chest diseases 4 4

16. The thoracic injury 4 4

17. The pulmonary diseases 4 4

18. The esophagus disease 4 4

19. The heart disease 8 8

20. The abdominal hernia 4 4

21. The abdominal injury 4 4

22. Stomach and duodenum 8 8


23. Small intestine diseases 4 4

24. Appendix disease 4 4

25. Colon, rectum and anal canal 6 4


26. liver diseases 4 4

27. The portal hypertension 4 4

28 Bile duct diseases 8 8

29 Pancreas diseases 4 4

30 Peripheral blood vessel and 4 4

lymphatic diseases
31 Genitourinary Congenital 4 4


32. Urinary Injury 4 4

33. Genitourinary Infection 4 4

34. Genitourinary Tuberculosis 3 4

35. Urinary Obstruction 4 4

36. Urinary Calculus 4 4

37. Genitourinary Tumor 4 4

38. Surgical therapy of diseases 4 4

of adrenal gland

39. Male sexual dysfunction and 4 4

male infertility

40. Fracture Synopsis 8 8

41. The injury of the bones and 6 6

joints of upper limbs

42. Hand injury and replantation 4 4

of amputated limbs and


43. The injury of the bones and 6 6

joints of lower limbs

44. Fracture of the spine and 4 4


45. The chronic injury of 4 4

locomotor system

46. Pains in Back-leg and neck- 4 4


47. The pyogenic infection of 4 4

bone and joints

48. Bone and joint tuberculosis 4 4

49. Bone tumor 4 4

50. Synopsis of plastic surgery 4 4

51. Principles of operative 16


tota 216 20 196


⒈ Objectives

⑴ To understand the category of surgery.

⑵ To set up the correct view point for surgery studying.

⒉ Teaching contents

The category of surgery; how to study surgery.

⒊ Homework

⑴ How can we study well surgery?

⑵ What’s the relationship between surgery and internal



⒈ Objectives

⑴ The important role of molecular biology in modern surgery .

⑵ To master the main principles of gene diagnosis.

⑶ To understand the usage of the gene diagnosis and biological

therapy in surgical practice.

⒉ Teaching contents

The structure and function of gene, molecular diagnosis and

their clinical usages.

⒊ homework

What’s the main principles of gene diagnosis?


1. Objectives

(1) To create aseptic concept. To master the aseptic principles

during operation.

(2) To know well the commonly used ways of asepsis and


(3) To master the announcements of washing hands and wearing

sterile gown and gloves.

(4) To know well the way of sterilization of the operation region

and paving the sterile towels.

2. Contents

(1) The definition of asepsis .

(2) The commonly used ways of asepsis and sterilization of

surgical instruments, surgical articles, surgical dressings.

(3) Aseptic principles during the operation .

3. Contents of practice

(1) Commonly used ways of asepsis and sterilization .

(2) The procedures of washing hands ,wearing sterile gown and


(3) The preparation, sterilization of the surgical region and

paving the sterile towels.

4. Emphasis

The concept of asepsis . Aseptic principles during operation.

5. Homework

(1) What are the Aseptic principles during operation?

(2) How to wash your hands and wear sterile gown and gloves?


1. Objectives

(1) To master the etiology and treatment of the metabolic

disturbance of water and sodium.

(2) To know well the clinical manifestation and diagnosis of

various types of


(3) To master the etiology and treatment of the metabolic

disturbance of potassium.

(4) To know well the clinical manifestation and diagnosis of the

metabolic disturbance of potassium.

(5) To master the etiology,pathophysiology, clinical manifestation

and treatment of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.

(6) To understand the etiology of respiratory acidosis and

respiratory alkalosis.

(7) To understand the physiologic regulation of water

,electrolyte,and acid-base balance.

2.Contents of teaching

(1) the etiology, clinical manifestation, treatment of isotonic,

hypertonic and hypotonic dehydration.

(2) the etiology, clinical manifestation, treatment of hypocalemia

and hypercalemia.

(3) the etiology, clinical manifestation, treatment of metabolic

acidosis and alkalosis.

(4) the etiology, clinical manifestation, treatment of respiratory

acidosis and alkalosis.


The diagnosis , prophylaxis, treatment of the disturbance of

water , electrolyte, and acid-base balance.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 6 class hours including 4 class hour(Chr) lecturing and

2 Chr discussion .


(1) To retell the clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment of

various types of dehydration, metabolic disturbance of


(2) To retell the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical

manifestation and treatment of metabolic acidosis and



1. Objectives

(1) To master the etiology, cardial pathologic changes of surgical


(2) To master the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and


principles of surgical shock.

(3) To know well the principles of therapy for surgical shock..

2. Contents of teaching
The etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis

and treatment of surgical shock.


The pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of surgical shock.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

5. Homework

(1) The etiology , pathophysiology of surgical shock.

(2) The clinical manifestation diagnosis and treatment of surgical



1. Objectives

(1) To understand the definition, etiology ,clinical

manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of MODS.

(2) To master the etiology, clinical manifestation,diagnosis and

therapeutic principles s of acute renal failure.

(3) To know well the clinical manifestations of acute respiratory

distress syndrome.

2. Contents of teaching

(1) the etiology, clinical manifestation,diagnosis of MODS.

(2) the etiological classification, clinical

manifestation,diagnosis and the therapeutic principles of acute

renal failure.

(3) the clinical manifestation,diagnosis and the therapeutic

principles of acute respiratory distress syndrome.


(1) The definition of MODS.

(2) The etiology, treatment of ARF.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 3 Chrs including 2 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the etiology and the principles of therapy for

surgical infection.

(2) To master the diagnosis and principles of therapy for sepsis.

(3) To master the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment

of tetanus.

(4) To know well the clinical manifestation and suppurative

infection of superficial tissues.

(5) To understand the clinical manifestation and treatment of the

acute suppurative infection of hands, the using

principles of antibiotics.

2. Contents of teaching
(1) The definition, classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment

of surgical infection.

(2) The definition, etiology, diagnosis, treatment of general

surgical infection.

(3) The pathogenic mechanism, clinical features ,diagnosis,

treatment, prophylaxis of tetanus.

3. Emphasis

(1) The etiology of surgical infection.

(2) The diagnosis and the treatment of sepsis.

(3) The diagnosis and the treatment of tetanus.

4. homework

(1) To tell the common etiology of surgical infection.

(2) To tell the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of


(3) What are the diagnostic and therapeutic principles of sepsis?


1. Objectives

(1) To master the classification, diagnosis and therapeutic

principles of trauma.

(2) To master the debridement for soft tissues injuries.

(3) To understand the pathologic changes of trauma.

2. Contents of teaching
(1) The definition and classification of trauma.

(2) The pathology of trauma.

(3) The diagnosis of trauma.

(4) The principles of therapy for trauma.

3. Contents of practice


4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


The principles of debridement of soft tissues .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the principles of classification and nominating for


(2) To master principles of the diagnosis and treatment of tumors.

(3) To understand the diagnosis and treatment of the common benign

tumors of the superficial tissues.

2. Contents of teaching

(1) The classification and nomination for tumors.

(2) The common etiology of tumors.

(3) The pathology of tumors.

(4) The clinical manifestation of tumors.

(5) The diagnosis of tumors.

(6) The treatment of tumors.

3. Emphasis

The pathology, the diagnosis ,the principles of therapy for


4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

5. homework

The diagnostic procedures, the principles of therapy for tumors.


1. Objectives

(1) To understand the basic definition of transplantation.

(2) To know well the pretransplantation preparation works.

(3) To master the clinical manifestation of various types of

rejection, and the prophylaxis, treatment of acute rejection.

2. Contents of teaching

(1) The definition and classification of transplantation.

(2) Clinical immune reaction of transplantation.

Transplant antigens.

The activating of the immunoreaction.


Hyperacute rejection ,
Acute rejection,

Chronic rejection.

(4) The treatment of acute rejection

(5) The acquiring of transplantation organs.

Selection of organs

The obtaining and storage of the organs.

(6)the indications for renal transplantation

3. Emphasis

(1) Transplantation immunology.

(2) The diagnosis of rejection

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 2 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .

5. homework

The preoperative preparation for transplantation.


1. Objectives

(1) To understand the definition of increased intracranial


(2) To know well the etiology, pathology, pathophysiology of

increased intracranial pressure.

(3) To master the clinical manifestation of increased intracranial

(4) To master the indication and contraindication of lumber

vertebral canal puncture.

(5) To know well the clinical manifestation of acute brain hernia.

(6) To understand the special examination, diagnosis and treatment

of increased intracranial pressure.

(7) To master the treatment of increased intracranial pressure and

the therapy of decreasing intracranial pressure.

2. Contents of teaching

(1) Increased intracranial pressure: the definition, pathology,

patho- physiology, clinical manifestation, mechanism.

(2) Tentorium cerebelli hernia : the clinical manifestation ,

diagnosis and treatment

(3) Increased intracranial pressure: new development.

3. Emphasis

The etiology, pathology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment

of increased intracranial pressure.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

5. Homework

(1)The clinical manifestation of increased intracranial pressure.

(2) The treatment of increased intracranial pressure. ,and the

therapeutic methods of decreasing intracranial pressure.


1. Objectives

(1) To know well the principles of therapy for scalp injury .

(2) To know well the diagnosis of linear fracture of skull and the

surgery indication of the depressed fracture.

(3) To master the clinical manifestation and treatment of fracture

of skull base.

(4) To master the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral concussion.

The clinical features of diffused axonal injury. .

The clinical manifestation of cerebral concussion and

laceration and primary cerebral stem injury .

(5) To understand the differentiation of primary brain injury and

secondary brain injury.

(6) To master the clinical manifestations of epidural hematoma and

subdural hematoma.

(7) To know well the diagnosis of chronic subdural hematoma.

The presentation of CT, MRI of intracranial hematoma.

The surgery indications for intracranial hematoma.

(8) To know well the GLASCOW evaluation and traditional evaluation

for coma.

2. Contents of teaching

(1) Skull fracture : the classification, diagnosis, treatment

(2) Primary brain injury: pathogenesis ,clinical manifestation and


(3) Intracranial hematoma: diagnosis and treatment

(4) Opened brain injury: treatment

(5) Chronic subdural hematoma: diagnosis

(6) Intracranial hematoma: the presentation CT ,MRI

(7)The surgery indication for intracranial hematoma.

(8) The GLASCOW evaluation and traditional evaluation for coma

3. Emphasis

(1) Fracture of skull base : clinical manifestation and treatment

(2) Epidural hematoma and subdural hematoma: clinical


(3) Cerebral concussion: the diagnosis and treatment.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

5. Homework

(1) To tell the clinical manifestation of epidural hematoma and

subdural hematoma.

(2) To tell the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral concussion.


1. Objectives

(1) To know well the classification of intracranial tumors.

(2) To understand the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and

differential diagnosis of intracranial tumors.

To understand the treatment of intracranial tumors.

(3) To master the classification and clinical manifestation of

intracranial tumors.

(4) To master the differential diagnosis of intramedullary and

extramedullary lesions.

2. Contents of teaching

(1) Intracranial tumors: clinical manifestation, the

classification, diagnosis and differential diagnosis and


(2) Intraspinal tumors: clinical manifestation, classification,

diagnosis and differential diagnosis and treatment.


(1) To tell the common clinical manifestation of intracranial


(2) To tell the differential diagnosis of intramedullary and

extramedullary lesions.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To understand anatomy and physiology of thyroid gland.

To understand physiology of parathyroid gland.

(2) To know well surgical classifications and features of


(3) To know well indications for surgical treatment, preoperative

preparation, postoperative complications and therapy.

(4) To know well etiology and principles of therapy for simple


(5) To know well pathological types and clinical features of

thyroid carcinoma.

(6) To master clinical manifestations of thyroid carcinoma ;

To master differential diagnosis and treatment of thyroid


(7) To understand the features of tumors in different part of the


2. The teaching contents:

(1) The outline of Anatomy and physiology of thyroid.

(2) The etiology, clinical manifestations and treatment of simple


(3) Surgical classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

indications for surgery of hyperthyroidism.

(4) Preparation before surgery and main complications of partial

excision of thyroid.

(5) The pathologic types, clinical features, differential

diagnosis and treatment of thyrophyma and thyroid carcinoma.

3. The emphasis and difficulty:

Clinical manifestations and principles of therapy for

hyperthyroidism and thyroid carcinoma.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

5. homework

(1) What are the clinical manifestations of thyroid carcinoma?

(2) To describe the differential diagnosis and principles of

therapy for thyroid nodes.


1. Objectives and demands

(1)To know well the main contents and the meaning of the

visualization of the breast;

To know well the methods of the palpation of the breast.

To know well the groups of axillary lymph nodes.

To know well the common methods of the special exam about the

breast diseases.

(2)To know well the etiology, clinical manifestations and

principles of the therapy for acute mastitis.

(3) To know well the clinical features and treatment of the

mastopathy and fibroadenoma.

(4) To master clinical manifestations, clinical stages and

treatment of the breast cancer.

2. The teaching contents:

(1) The main contents and meaning of the vision inspection of the


(2) The methods of the palpation of the breast.

(3) The groups of the axillary lymph nodes and the common special

exam methods of the breast exam.

(4) The etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention

and cure of acute mastitis.

(5) The diagnosis and treatment of mastopathy.

(6) The clinical features and treatment of the breast


(7) The etiology, pathology, clinical stages, clinical

manifestations, differential diagnosis and therapeutic

principles of the breast cancer.

3. The emphasis and difficulty

The clinical manifestations, clinical stages, main points of

the differential diagnosis and principles of the therapy.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

5.The homework :

⑴ What are the manifestations of the breast cancer?

⑵ To describe the clinical stages and the treatment of the

breast cancer.


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To understand the anatomical features of the ribs.

(2) To master the pathophysiology of the fracture of multiple

ribs (chest softening); the clinical manifestations and

treatment of the rib fracture.

(3) To master the treatment of the closed pneumothorox.

(4) To master the pathophysiology and the emergent treatment of

the open pneumothorox.

(5) To master the clinical manifestations and the treatment of

tension pneumothorox.

(6) To know well the pathophysiology of the hemothorax;the

judgment of the advance hemothorax;the clinical

manifestations and signs of the pericardium congestion.

(7) To know well the methods about the close drainage of thoracic

(8) To understand the diagnosis and the principles of the therapy

for the injured suffocation, the lung injured for explosion,

the combined injury of the breast and belly.

2. The teaching contents:

(1) Introduction about the injury of the breast.

(2) The etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and treatment of the rib fracture, pneumothorax and


(3) The clinical manifestations and signs of the pericardium


3. The emphasis and difficulty:

The pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

treatment of the multiple ribs fracture, tension pneumothorax

and advance hemothorax.

4. The homework:

(1) The pathophysiology of the chest softening.

(2) The emergent treatment of all kinds of pneumothrorax.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To master the pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic

procedure, differential diagnosis and treatment of the lung


(2) To understand the main point of the diagnosis and treatment

about adenoma of the bronchus and lung benign tumors.

(3) To understand surgical treatment of the bronchiectasis and

pulmonary tuberculosis (TB).

2. The teaching contents:

(1) Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis and surgical principles of the

therapy for lung cancer.

(2) The international TNM staging of the lung cancer.

3. The emphasis and difficulty

The clinical manifestations, diagnostic procedure and

differential diagnosis of the lung cancer.

4. The homework

(1) What are the pathologic types of the lung cancer?

(2) Differential diagnosis of lung cancer.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1.Objectives and demands

(1) To master the pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis

and differential diagnosis of the esophageal carcinoma.

(2) To understand the prevention and treatment of the esophageal


(3) To understand the diagnosis and principles of the therapy for

cardiospasm, esophageal leiomyoma and diverticulum of the


2.The teaching contents

(1) The epidemiology, etiology, pathology, clinical

manifestations, diagnostic procedure, differential diagnosis,

prevention and treatment of the esophageal carcinoma.

(2) International TNM staging of the esophageal carcinoma.

3.The emphasis and difficulty

The pathology, early clinical manifestations, diagnostic

procedure and differential diagnosis of the esophageal carcinoma.

4. Homework

How to diagnose the early esophageal carcinoma?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To master the fundamental conception of the extracorporeal

circulation and the cardiac muscle protection.

(2) To understand the fundamental knowledge of the open heart


(3) To master surgical principles of the therapy for common

congenital heart disease.

(4) To master the operative indications of the mitral stenosis and

the aortocoronary bypass.

2. The teaching contents

(1) The basic measure of the heart disease: a. basic equipment of

the extracorporeal circulation. b. Implementation of the

extracorporeal circulation. c. heart muscle protection.

(2)Congenital heart disease:

The pathology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and

principles of therapy for patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary

stenosis, atrial septal defect, ventricular srptal defect and

tetralogy of Fallot.

(3) The acquired heart disease

The pathology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and

principles of the therapy for rheumatic mitral

stenosis,atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.

3. The emphasis and difficulty

Surgical principles of the therapy for congenital heart

disease and acquired heart disease.

4. Homework

(1) Term explanation extracorporeal circulation, heart muscle

protection, tetralogy of Fallot.

(2) What are the operative indications of patent ductus

arteriosus, ateial septal defect, ventricular septal defect?

(3) How To master operative indications for aortocoronary bypass?

(4) What are the operative indications for aortocoronary bypass?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 8 Chrs including 6 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1).To know well dissection of inguinal tunnel, inguina area and

femoral tunnel.

(2) To master pathogenesis, clinical types of indirect inguinal


To master differential diagnosis of indirect inguinal hernia

and direct inguinal hernia.

(3) To know well surgical treatment of indirect inguinal hernia.

To know well the treatment of incarcerated hernia and

strangulated hernia.

(4) To know well main point of diagnosis and treatment of femoral


(5) To understand clinical manifestations and treatment of the

other abdominal hernia.

2. The teaching contents:

(1)Introduction: conception, etiology, pathodissection and

clinical type of abdominal hernia.

(2)Inguinal hernia: partial dissection of inquina area; clinical

manifestations and differential diagnosis of indirect inquinal

hernia and direct inquinal hernia; surgical basic principles and

indications of all methods about inquinal hernia; principles of

the therapy for incarcerated hernia and strangulated hernia.

(3)Femoral hernia

Anatomy outline of inquinal tunnel; clinical manifestations,

differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of femoral


3. Emphasis and difficulty:

Constitution, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential

diagnosis and treatment of inquinal hernia.

4. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

5. Homework

(1)To describe pathogenesis of indirect inguinal hernia.

(2)How to identify indirect hernia and direct hernia?


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To know well clinical manifestations, diagnostic steps and

diagnostic methods of closed abdominal injury.

(2) To master principles of the therapy for closed abdominal

injury and indication of emergent surgery exploration.

(3) To know well clinical feature of injury in spleen, liver,


To know well clinical feature of injury about small

intestine, colon and rectum.

2. The teaching contents:

(1) Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic steps and

methods of closed abdominal injury;

(2) Treatment, indication of surgical exploration, surgical time

chosen and basic principles of surgical treatment;

(3) Clinical feature, diagnosis and treatment of rupture about

liver, spleen, pancreas and intestine.

(4)Clinical manifestations and treatment of retroperitoneal


3. Emphasis and difficulty:

Clinical manifestations, early diagnostic methods and principles

of the therapy for closed abdominal injury.

4. Homework

⑴ principles for the therapy for closed abdominal injury

⑵ Indication of emergent surgery exploration about abdominal


5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

⑴ To understand anatomy of stomach and duodenum

⑵ To master surgical indications for gastroduodenal ulcer; To

know well operative Objectives, methods and surgical

complications .

⑶ To know well clinical manifestations, diagnoses and

principles of the therapy for acute perforation of gastroduodenal

ulcer, massive hemorrhage and pyloric obstruction.

⑷ To master diagnoses and principles of therapy for carcinoma

of stomach.
⑸ To understand clinical manifestations and surgical features of

congenital hypertrophic pylorostenoses.

2. The teaching contents

⑴ Anatomy and physiology of stomach; Anatomy of duodenum.

⑵ Principles of therapy for gastroduodenal ulcer; indications of

surgical treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer and its surgical

principles and methods; clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis and therapy for acute perforation of

gastroduodenal ulcer ,massive hemorrhage and pyloric obstruction;

surgical complications of gaastroduodenal ulcer.

⑶ Pathology ,clinical manifestations, early diagnosis and

therapy for carcinoma of stomach.

⑷Pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic, differential

diagnosis and therapy for congenital hypertrophic pylorostenosis.

3.Emphasis and difficulty:

Surgical indication for gastroduodenal ulcer; surgical

principles and theoretical base for common operative methods;

clinical manifestations and treatment methods of complications

for gastroduodenal ulcer; clinical manifestations, early

diagnosis and therapy for carcinoma of stomach.


⑴What are the indications of surgical therapy for gastric ulcer

and duodenum ulcer?

⑵How many complications are there after operation of

gastroduodenal ulcer?

⑶What is the theoretical base of surgical therapy for

gastroduodenal ulcer?

⑷To describe clinical manifestations ,early diagnosis and

therapy for carcinoma of stomach.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 8 Chrs including 6 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To master etiology, classification, pathophysiology,

diagnosis and treatment of intestinal obstruction.

(2) To master identification of simple intestinal obstruction and

strangulated intestinal obstruction, mechanical intestinal

obstruction and paralytic ileus, high intestinal obstruction and

low intestinal obstruction.

(3) To know well treatment of all kinds of intestinal


(4) To understand surgical indications for nonspecial intestinal

(5) To understand clinical manifestations and treatment of small

intestine tumor.

2. The teaching contents:

(1) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of

tuberculosis of intestine; clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

treatment of Crohn’s disease.

(2) Etiology, classification, pathophysiology, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of intestinal

obstruction; identification of simple intestinal obstruction and

strangulated intestinal obstruction.

(3) Clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of common

small intestine tumors.

3. Emphasis and difficulty

Etiology, classifications, pathophysiology of intestinal

obstruction; pathophysiology, clinical manifestations of

strangulated intestinal obstruction; diagnosis and treatment of

simple intestinal obstruction and strangulated intestinal


4. Homework

(1)What is the common etiology of intestinal obstruction?

How to classify the different intestinal obstructions?

(2)What are the clinical manifestations of intestinal


(3)How to distinguish simple intestinal obstruction and

strangulated intestinal obstruction?


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To know well etiology and pathology of acute appendicitis.

(2) To master clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential

diagnosis, treatment and surgical complications of acute


(3) To know well feature and principles of the therapy for special


(4) To understand diagnosis and treatment of chronic appendicitis.

2. Teaching contents:

Outline of pathophysiology of appendix ;etiology, pathology,

clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of

acute appendicitis; surgical treatment indication and

complications of acute appendicitis; clinical feature and

treatment methods of acute appendicitis of newborn infant, acute

appendicitis of children ,acute appendicitis in gestational

period and acute appendicitis of old man; etiology, pathology,

diagnosis and treatment of chronic appendicitis.

3. Emphasis and difficulty

Clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis

of acute appendicitis.

4. Homework

(1) The differential diagnosis of the appendicitis.

(2) What are the surgical complications of the acute appendicitis?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To know well meaning of rectum digital examinations, body

position and special examinations.

(2) To master clinical manifestations, diagnosis, principles of

the therapy for carcinoma of rectum; To know well its surgical

methods and indications.

(3) To understand clinical feature and principles of the therapy

for congenital ano-rectal malformation and congenital


(4) To know well differential diagnosis, clinical manifestations

and treatment of perianorectal abscess

(5) To master clinical manifestations, diagnosis and principles

of the therapy for carcinoma of colon; To know well its

pathology types and surgical methods.

2. Teaching contents:

(1)Pathophysiology and clinical common exam methods of rectum and

anal canal.

(2) Body position and meaning of rectal examinations.

(3) Differential diagnosis, pathology, classification, diagnosis

and treatment of congenital ano-rectal malformation.

(4) Pathology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of

congenital megacolon.

(5) Differential diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment

of periano- rectal abscess.

(6) Pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of

carcinoma of rectum.

(7) Pathology, stage, clinical manifestations, early diagnosis and

principles of the therapy for carcinoma of colon.

3. Emphasis and difficulty:

Anatomy and exam methods of rectum and anal canal; diagnosis and

treatment of carcinoma of rectum; early diagnosis and

principles of the therapy for carcinoma of colon.

4. Homework

(1)What is the clinical manifestation of carcinoma of rectum?

(2) To describe surgical treatment indications of carcinoma of


(3) Clinical manifestations of carcinoma of colon.

(4) Which are the feature of clinical manifestations about

carcinoma of left-half colon and right-half colon?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 6 Chrs including 4 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To know well anatomicophysiology of liver.

(2) To know well differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of

bacterial liver abscess.

(3) To master clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential

diagnosis and surgical indication of primary liver cancer.

(4) To understand progress of the treatment of liver cancer.

2. Teaching contents:

(1) Anatomicophysiology of liver; etiology, pathology, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment

of bacterial liver abscess.

(2) Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis and treatment of primary liver cancer.

(3) Supplement modern treatment progress of liver cancer.

3. Emphasis and difficulty

Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, differential

diagnosis and treatment of liver abscess; Etiology, pathology,

clinical manifestation, differential diagnosis and treatment of

primary liver cancer.


How to diagnose early primary liver cancer?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To understand anatomy of portal system and physiological

meaning of blood from portal system pouring into liver.

(2) To know well etiology, pathophysiology and clinical

manifestation of portal hypertension.

(3) To know well the purpose and variety of surgical treatment of

portal hypertension.

2. The teaching contents:

(1) Anatomy and physiology of portal system.

(2) Pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis and treatment of portal hypertension.

(3) The use of tricavity and bicapsular tuble; endoscopic

treatment of varication.

(4) Application of medicine contracting vessel as massive


(5) The purpose of surgical treatment.

(6) Conceptions of extensive devascularization around the cardia

and shunt.

3. Emphasis and difficulty

(1) Anatomic feature of portal system.

(2) Surgical principles of the therapy for portal hypertension.

4. Homework

(1)What is the common etiology of portal pertension?

(2)Surgical principles of the therapy for rupture of esophagus-

gastric varices.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To understand anatomy and physiology of bile ducts.

(2) To know well the common special exam methods of bile duct

(3) To know well clinical manifestations, main point of diagnosis

and surgical indication of cholelithiasis and bile duct


(4) To master etiology, clinical manifestations and treatment of

AOSC(acute obstructive supporative cholangitis).

(5) To understand clinical manifestations and treatment of

carcinoma of gallbladder and carcinoma of bile duct.

2. The teaching contents:

(1)Anatomy and physiological function of bile duct disease,

especially common special exam methods of bile duct disease.

(2) Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis

and treatment of cholelithiasis.

(3) Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

treatment of acute cholecystitis, AOSC and primary sclerosing


(4) Etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of bile duct


(5) Complications and its prevention and treatment of bile duct


(6) Surgical indications of biliary ascariasis.

3. Emphasis and difficulty

(1) Common special examinations of bile duct disease.

(2) Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis and treatment of cholecystolithiasis and


4. Homework

(1)What are surgical exporative indications of common bile duct

during gallbladderectomy?

(2)What are clinical manifestations of extrahepatic bile duct


(3)What are the therapeutic principles s of intrahepatic bile

duct stone and extrahepatic bile duct stone?

(4) Principles of the therapy for AOSC.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 8 Chrs including 6 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives and demands

(1) To know well the clinical manifestation , diagnosis, local

complications and indication of surgical therapy.

(2) To know well the clinical manifestations of cancer of the

head of the pancreas and periampullary adenocarcinoma.

(3) To understand the clinical manifestations and diagnosis of

2. The teaching contents:

(1) Anatomicophysiology of pancreas.

(2) Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

treatment and complications of acute pancreatitis.

(3) Clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of cancer of

the head of the pancreas and periampullary adenocarcinoma.

3. Emphasis and difficulty

(1) Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

treatment of acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis.

(2) Clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of cancer of

the head of the pancreas and periampullary adenocarcinoma.

4. Homework

(1) What are the clinical manifestations of acute pancreatitis?

(2) Local complications of acute pancreatitis?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .



1. Objectives and demands

(1) To know well etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations,

stages, diagnosis and treatment of thromboangitis obliterans

(Buerger disease).

(2) To know well diagnosis and treatment of arterial aneurysm.

(3) To know well anatomy, physiology of lower extremity vein.

To know well diagnosis and treatment of primary lower

extremity deep vein valve insufficiency.

2. The teaching contents :

(1)Etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, stages,

diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of

thromboangitis obliterans and arteriosclerosis obliterans


(2) Anatomy of lower extremity vein; Clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and treatment of chronic lower extremity vein

insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis.

(3) Diagnosis and treatment of arteriovenous fistula.

3. Emphasis and difficulty

Diagnosis and treatment of arteriosclerosis obliterans (ASO),

chronic lower extremity insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis.

4. Homework

Diagnostic methods of primary lower extremity varicose veins?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the clinical manifestations and principles of

therapy for polycystic kidney.

(2) To master the etiology, diagnosis and therapy of


(3) To know well the etiology, pathology, diagnosis and therapy of


(4) To understand clinical manifestations and therapy principles

of therapy for obstruction of pyeloureteral junction.

2. The teaching contents

(1) The etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy

of polycystic kidney.

(2) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of

obstruction of pyeloureteral junction.

(3) The etiology clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy

of crytorchidism

(4) The pathology, diagnosis and therapy of hypospadias.

3. Emphasis

(1) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of

polycystic kidney.

(2) The etiology , pathology, diagnosis and therapy of


4. Homework

(1)Tell the clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney.

(2) How many type does hypospadias has?

(3) Tell the principles of therapy for crytorchidism.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

conservative treatment and operative indications for renal


(2) To master the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

therapy of bulb of penis injury.

(3) To master the etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and principles of therapy for post urethral injury.

(4) To know well the etiology, diagnosis and therapy of bladder


(5) To understand ordinary etiology and principles of therapy for

ureteral injury.
2. The teaching contents

The etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis

and therapy of renal injury, bladder injury and urethral injury.

3. Emphasis

(1) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, specific measure of

conservative therapy of renal injury.

(2) The etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy

of bulb of penis injury.

(3) The etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy

of post urethral injury.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the specific measure of conservative therapy of renal


(2) Tell the clinical manifestations and principles of therapy for

bulb of penis injury.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the etiology, common pathogenic bacteria route of

infection and principles of the application of antibacterial

drugs of urinary infection.

(2) To understand clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for pyonephrosis and perinephrosis.

(3) To know well the etiology and principles of therapy for

bacterial cystitis.

(4) To know well the etiology, diagnosis, and principles of

therapy for gonorrheal urethritis and nongonococcal


(5) To know well the etiology, diagnosis, and principles of

therapy for chronic bacterial prostatitis.

2. The teaching contents

(1) The pathogenic bacteria, causative factors of infection, route

of infection and principles of therapy for genitourinary


(2) The clinical manifestations and principles of therapy for

pyonephrosis and perinephrosis.

(3) The etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy

of gonorrheal urethritis and nongonococcal urethritis.

(4) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of chronic

bacterial prostatitis.

(5) The etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for acute bacterial cystitis and chronic

bacterial cystitis.

3. Emphasis

(1)The causative factors of the urinary infection.

(2) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of chronic


(3) The diagnosis and therapy of gonorrheal urethritis and

nongonococcal urethritis.

4. Homework

(1) What are the causative factors of the urinary infection?

(2) Tell the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of

chronic prostatitis.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the etiology, pathology, diagnosis, differential

diagnosis and therapy of renal tuberculosis.

(2) To know well the application and announcements of common

antibuberculosis drugs.

(3) To know well the principles and indications for operation.

2. The teaching contents

(1)The route of infection of male genitourinary tuberculosis.

(2) The pathological morphology, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and therapy of renal tuberculosis.

3. Emphasis

(1) The pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis and therapy of renal tuberculosis.

4. Homework

(1)Tell the pathology, clinical manifestations of renal


(2)What are other diseases from which renal tuberculosis


5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 3 Chrs including 2 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To understand etiology and pathophysiology of urinary


(2) To master the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy

of hydro- nephrosis.

(3) To master the pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis,therapeutic method and operative

indications for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

(4) To understand etiology and therapy acute retention of urine.

2. The teaching contents

(1) Etiology, pathophysiology of urinary obstruction.

(2) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of


(3) The etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis

differential diagnosis and therapy of benign prostatic


3. Emphasis

(1) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis

and therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

4. Homework

(1) What are the clinical manifestations of benign prostatic


(2) What are the diseases from which the benign prostatic

hyperplasia should be distinguished?

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives
(1) To understand pathogenesis influential factors,

athophysiology, calculary constit and calculary property of


(2) To master the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential

diagnosis and therapy of upper urolithiasis.

(3) To know well the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

and therapy of vesical calculi.

2. The teaching contents

(1) The etiology and pathophysiology of urinary calculus.

(2)The clinical manifestations, diagnosis therapy and prevention

of upper urolithiasis.

(3) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of vesical


3. Emphasis

(1) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of upper


4. Homework

(1)Tell the clinical manifestations of upper urolithiasis.

(2) Tell the principles of therapy for upper urolithiasis.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To understand pathology of various renal tumors.

To master the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy

of various renal tumors.

(2) To master the pathology, the clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and therapy of tumor of urinary bladder.

(3) To know well the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for carcinoma of prostate.

(4) To understand pathology, the clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and principles of therapy for tumor of testis.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The pathology, the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

therapy of renal carcinoma, tumor of renal pelvis and


(2) The etiology, pathology, the clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and therapy of tumor of urinary bladder.

(3) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of

carcinoma of prostate and tumor of testis.

3. Emphasis

(1) The pathological features, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and therapy of tumor of urinary bladder.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the pathological features of tumor of urinary


(3) Tell the operative principles of therapy for tumor of urinary


5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To know well the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for Cushing’s syndrome, primary

hyperaldosternism and disease of catecholomine.

(2) To understand preoperative preparation and operative

points of adrenocortical ademoma, primary hyperaldosternism

and pheochromocytoma.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and principles of

therapy for Cushing’s syndrome, primary

hyperaldosternism and disease of catecholomine.

(2) The preoperative preparation and therapy of

adrenocortical ademoma, primary hyperaldosternism and


3. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .



1. Objectives

(1) To understand anatomical and physiological feature of

male genital system.

(2) To understand type and therapy of male sexual


(3) To know well the etiology and diagnostic steps of male


(4) To understand common methods of male contraception.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The basic conception of male genital physiology.

(2) The diagnosis and therapy of male sexual disturbance.

(3) The etiology, diagnosis and therapy of male infertility.

(4) The measure and indications of male contraception.

3. Emphasis

(1) The etiology and diagnostic steps of male infertility.

4. Homework
(1) Tell the etiology of male infertility.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the conception, classification, clinical

manifestations, early and advanced complications of


(2) To know well the course and influential factors of the

healing of fracture.

(3) To know well the emergency treatment, principles of

therapy, criterion of reduction of fracture and

therapeutic methods for open fracture.

(4) To understand essential requirements of manipulate


(5) To understand indications and common measure of external

fixation of open induction.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The conception, etiology, classification and mechanism of

replacement fracture of fracture.

(2) The clinical manifestations and diagnosis of fracture.

(3) The multi-injury, early and advanced complications of


(4) The course of healing and influential factors of healing

of fracture.

(5) The preventive principles of late healed, disunion and

malunion of fracture.

(6) The emergency treatment and principles of therapy for


(7) The principles of therapy for open fracture.

3. Emphasis

(1) The conception, the clinical manifestations, early and

late complications of fracture.

(2) The emergency treatment and principles of therapy for


(3) The criterion of reposition of fracture and therapy of

open fracture.

4. Homework

(1) The classification of fracture.

(2) The early and late complications of fracture.

(3) The healing criterion of fracture.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 8 Chrs including 6 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the features of replacement, clinical

manifestations, complications and diagnosis of fracture

of shaft of humerus, humeral supracondylar fracture and

fracture of the distal radius. To understand therapy of


(2) To know well the features of replacement, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for fracture of the calvicle and

antebrachial double fracture.

(3) To know well the clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

differential diagnosis and measure of manipute reduction

of dislocation of the shoulder joint.

(4) To know well the classification, clinical manifestations

and principles of therapy for dislocation of the elbow.

(5) To know well the nosogenic age, pathogenosis, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of sub luxation of

capitulum radii.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The etiology, classification, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and therapy of fracture of the calvicle.

(2) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of

dislocation of the shoulder joint, dislocate of the elbow

and sub luxation of capitulum radii.

(3) The anatomical synopsis, etiology, classification,

features of replacement, clinical manifestations,

complications, principles of therapy for fracture of

shaft of humerus.

(4) The anatomical synopsis of fracture of shaft of humerus.

The etiology, classification, features of replacement,

clinical manifestations, complications, principles of

therapy for various fracture of shaft of humerus.

(5) The anatomical synopsis, etiology, classification,

features of replacement, clinical manifestations,

complications, principles of therapy for double fracture

of forearm.

(6) The anatomical synopsis, etiology and classification of

fracture of the distal radius. The clinical

manifestations, diagnosis and principles of therapy for

rectate fracture of the distal radius.

3. Emphasis

(1) The features of replacement, clinical manifestations,

complications and diagnosis of fracture of shaft of

humerus, humeral supracondylar fracture and fracture of

the distal radius.

(2) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential

diagnosis and manipulative reduction of dislocation of

the shoulder.

4. Homework

(1) The features of replacement of fracture of shaft of

humerus, humeral supracondylar fracture and fracture of

the distal radius.

(2) The classification of dislocation of the shoulder joint

.The measure of manipulative reduction of it.

(3) The complications of humeral supracondylar fracture.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 6 Chrs including 4 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .



1. Objectives

(1) To know well the principles of therapy for hand injury.

(2) To know well the indications and operative principles of

replantation of limb and amputated finger.

(3) To understand time limited in common temperature of


2. Teaching contents

(1) The anatomical features of the hand, the functional

position, rest position, protectant position of the hand.

(2) The exam and diagnosis of hand injury.

(3) The field first aid and principles of therapy for hand


(4) The replantation of the limb and amputated limb and


a. The emergency treatment of amputated limb and finger.

b. The indications of replantation of limb and amputated

limb and finger.

c. The operative principles and steps of the replantation of

limb and amputated finger.

d. The treatment after operation of replantation of limb.

3. Emphasis

(1) The principles of therapy for hand injury.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the principles of therapy for hand injury.

(2) Tell the indications of replantaion of limb.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To know well the classification, the clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and therapy of metra-dislocation of the hip joint.

(2) To master the classification, the clinical manifestations and

therapy of fracture of the femoral neck.

(3) To know well the etiology, classification and therapy of the

fracture of femoral shaft.

(4) To know well the etiology, classification, classification and

therapy of fracture of the tibia and fibula and fracture of

the ankle.

(5) To know well the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and

therapy of meniscus of knee joint injury.

(6) To understand etiology, classification and therapy of

intertrochanteric fracture, fracture of tibibal plateau and

fracture of patella.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The classification, clinical manifestations, manipulative

reduction of dislocation of the hip joint, the classification

of metra-dislocation of the hip joint.

(2) The anatomic synopsis, etiology, classification, the clinical

manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of fracture of the

shaft of the femur and intertrochanteric fracture.

(3) The anatomic synopsis, etiology, classification, the clinical

manifestations, diagnosis and therapy of fracture of the

shaft of fracture of the patella.

(4) The anatomic synopsis, pathogenesis, pathology, clinical

manifestations, the exam of imageology and arthroscopic exam

and therapy of meniscus of knee joint injury.

(5) The anatomic synopsis, etiology, classification therapy of

fracture of tibial plateau and fracture of the tibia and


(6) The anatomic synopsis, etiology, classification, clinical

manifestations diagnosis and therapy of fracture of the ankle

and bones of foot injury.

3. Emphasis

(1) The classification, clinical manifestations and therapy of

fracture of the femoral neck.

(2) The classification and clinical manifestations of dislocation

of the hip joint.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the classification of fracture of the femoral neck.

(2) Tell the classification and measure of manipulative reduction

of dislocation of the hip joint.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 6 Chrs including 4 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the classification, the clinical manifestations,

exam, diagnosis carrying for first aid and principles of

therapy for fracture of lumbar vertebra and thoracic

bertebral fracture.

(2) To know well the classification, the clinical

manifestations, exam, diagnosis and principles of therapy for

cervical spine fracture.

(3) To know well the classification, the clinical manifestation,

principles of therapy and prevention of complications of

spinal cord injury.

(4) To know well the classification, clinical manifestation,

diagnosis and principles of therapy for fracture of the


2. Teaching contents

(1) The etiology, classification, the clinical manifestations,

exam, diagnosis, carrying for first aid and principles of

therapy for fracture of the spine.

(2) The pathology, clinical manifestations, complications and

principles of therapy for spinal cord injury.

(3) The constit of pelvic ring and classification clinical

manifestations, complications, diagnostic steps and therapy

of fracture of the pelvis.

3. Emphasis

(1) The classification, clinical manifestations, exam, diagnosis

and principles of therapy for thoracic vertebral fracture and

fracture of lumbar vertebra.

(2) The clinical manifestation, complications and therapy of

fracture of the pelvis.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the classification of fracture of lumber vertebra and

thoracic vertevra.

(2) Tell the classification of fracture of the pelvis.

(3) Tell the complications of fracture of the pelvis.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives
(1) To master the diagnosis and principles of therapy for

periarthritis of shoulder, radiohumeral epicondylitis,

tenosynovitis osteochondrosis of the tuberosity of tibia and

chondromalacia of patella.

(2) To understand etiology, pathology of periarthritis of

shoulder and tenosynovitis stenosans.

(3) To understand etiology, classification, pathology and result

of caput femoris necrosis.

(4) To know well the prevention and principles of therapy for

caput femoris necrosis.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The classification, the clinical manifestations, principles

of therapys and prevention of chronic injury of locomotor


(2) The anatomic synopsis, etiology, clinical manifestations and

therapy of periarthritis of shoulder, radiohumeral

epicondylitis, tenosynovitis osteochondrosis of the

tuberosity of tibia and chondromalacia of patella.

3. Emphasis

(1) The diagnosis and therapy of periarthritis of shoulder,

radiohumeral epicondylitis,tenosynovitis osteochondrosis of

the tuberosity of tibia and chondromalacia of patella.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the rang of periarthritis of shoulder.

(2) Tell clinical manifestations, tenosynovitis stenosans.

(3) Tell the pathological course of osteochondrosis of capitular

epiphysis of femur.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To understand etiology, the property of backleg pain, neck

pain and shoulder pain.

(2) To master the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

differential diagnosis of hernia of intervertebral discs.

(3) To master the classification, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cervical spondylosis.

(4) To know well the classification, pathology and therapy of

hernia of intervertebral discs.

(5) To know well the therapy of cervical spondylosis.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The anatomic synopsis, etiology, classification, property of

pain and pressure pain point of backleg pain.

(2) The etiology, classification, pathology, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis differential diagnosis and therapy

of hernia of inervertebral discs.

(3) The anatomic synopsis, etiology and classification of neck

pain and shoulder pain.

(4) The etiology, classification, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis differential diagnosis and therapy of cervical


3. Emphasis

(1) The clinical manifestations, diagnosis differential diagnosis

of hernia of intervertebral discs.

(2) The classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

differential diagnosis of cervical spondylosis.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the clinical manifestations of hernia intervertebral


(2) Tell the classification and clinical manifestations of

cervical spondylosis.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To master the etiology, pathology, early diagnosis and

principles of therapy for acute hematogenic osteomyelitis.

(2) To understand etiology, diagnosis and principles of therapy

for chronic suppurative osteomyelitis.

(3) To understand pathology, clinical exams and principles of

therapy for suppurative arthritis.

(4) To know well the etiology, clinical manifestations , diagnosis

and differential diagnosis of suppurative arthritis.

2. Teaching contents

(1)The route of infection of suppurative osteomyelitis.

(2) The etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, early

diagnosis and principles of therapy for acute hematogenic


(3) The etiology, diagnosis principles of therapys and selection

of operative measure of chronic hematogenic osteomyelitis.

(4) The etiology, pathology, early diagnosis and principles of

therapy for suppurative arthritis.

3. Emphasis

(1) The etiology, pathology, early diagnosis and principles of

therapy for acute hematogenic osteomyelitis and suppurative

4. Homework

(1)How to diagnose the acute hematogenic osteomyelitis early?

(2)What is the aim of the operative for acute hematogenic


5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To know well the pathology, clinical manifestations, early

diagnosis and principles of therapy for bone and joint


(2) To master the clinical manifestations and principles of

therapy for spinal tuberculosis.

(3) To know well the clinical manifestations and principles of

therapy for coxalgia.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, exams of

imageology, systematic and local therapy of bone and joint


(2) The pathology, clinical manifestations, exams of

imageology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy

of spinal tuberculosis.

(3) The pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

antidiagstole and therapy of spinal tuberculosis with


(4) The pathology, clinical manifestations, exams of

imageology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy

of coxalgia.

3. Emphasis

(1) The pathology, clinical manifestations, early diagnosis and

principles of therapy for bone and joint tuberculosis.

4. Homework

(1)Tell the course of pathology of bone and joint tuberculosis.

(2) Tell the operative principles of bone and joint tuberculosis.

3 Tell the features of imageology of spinal tuberculosis.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .


1. Objectives

(1) To know well the classification, the distinguishing between

benign and malignant bone tumor, differential diagnosis and

principles of therapy for bone tumor.

(2) To master the features of X-rays, clinical manifestations, and

principles of therapy for osteochondrome.

(3) To know well the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for osteochondrome, giant cell tumor.

2. Teaching contents

(1) The classification, the features of benign and malignant bone

tumor, clinical manifestations, diagnosis surgical staging and

principles of therapy for bone tumor.

(2) The clinical manifestations, features of X-rays, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for benign bone tumor.

(3) The clinical manifestations, features of X-rays, and

principles of therapy for giant cell tumor.

(4) The clinical manifestations, features of X-rays, diagnosis and

principles of therapy for osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma and


3. Emphasis

(1) The features of X-rays, clinical manifestations and principles

of therapy for osteosarcoma.

4. Homework

(1) Tell the features of X-rays of osteosarcoma.

(2) Tell the things by which to diagnose bone tumor.

(3) Tell the principles of therapy for osteosarcoma.

5. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 3 Chr lecturing and 1 Chr discussion .

Chapter 50 Synopsis of plastic surgery

⒈ Teaching contents

introduction of plastic surgery

2. Time distribution for theory teaching

Total 4 Chrs including 2 Chr lecturing and 2 Chr discussion .

Chapter 51 Principles of Operative Surgery

⒈ Objectives

To master the principles of operative surgery.

⒉ Teaching contents

⑴ Antisepsis principle and technique;

⑵ Knotting; Sutures ; Exposure; Drains ;

⑶ Debridement and suture;

⑷ Experimental intestinal anastomosis;

⒊ Teaching methods

Experiments following teachers

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