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DBJ Explorer

1 2 Introduction 1.1 Technical Review Problem Specification 2.1 Problem Analysis 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 Purpose Scope Current problem Problem domain Need for the product ---------------------------1 1 16 16 17 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 22 23 25 26 27 44 45 46 47 51 56 56 68 71 72

2.2 Current system

2.3 Proposed system 2.4 Proposed system architecture 3 System Analysis 3.1 Feasibility Study 3.2 Software and Hardware Requirements 4 System Design 4.1 UML Design 4.2 Database Design 4.3 Front end Design 5 Testing 5.1 Test Plan 5.2 Testing Process 6 7 8 9 Implementation 6.1 Input Output Screens Maintenance Conclusion Bibliography

DBJ Explorer
1. Introduction
1.1 Technical Review Java Initially the language was called as oak but it was renamed as Java in 1995. The primary motivation of this language was the need for a platform-independent (i.e., architecture neutral) language that could be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer electronic devices.
Java is a programmers language. Java is cohesive and consistent. Except for those constraints imposed by the Internet environment, Java gives the

programmer, full control. Finally, Java is to Internet programming where C was to system programming. Importance of Java to the Internet Java has had a profound effect on the Internet. This is because; Java expands the Universe of objects that can move about freely in Cyberspace. In a network, two categories of objects are transmitted between the Server and the Personal computer. They are: Passive information and Dynamic active programs. The Dynamic, Self-executing programs cause serious problems in the areas of Security and probability. But, Java addresses those concerns and by doing so, has opened the door to an exciting new form of program called the Applet. Java can be used to create two types of programs: Applications and Applets: An application is a program that runs on our Computer under the operating system of that computer. It is more or less like one creating using C or C++. Javas ability to create Applets makes it important. An Applet is an application designed to be transmitted over the Internet and executed by a Java compatible web browser. An applet is actually a tiny Java program, dynamically downloaded across the network, just like an image. But the difference is, it is an intelligent program, not just a media file. It can react to the user input and dynamically change.

DBJ Explorer
Features of Java Security Every time you that you download a normal program, you are risking a viral infection. Prior to Java, most users did not download executable programs frequently, and those who did scanned them for viruses prior to execution. Most users still worried about the possibility of infecting their systems with a virus. In addition, another type of malicious program exists that must be guarded against. This type of program can gather private information, such as credit card numbers, bank account balances, and passwords. Java answers both these concerns by providing a firewall between a network application and your computer. When you use a Java-compatible Web browser, you can safely download Java applets without fear of virus infection or malicious intent. Portability For programs to be dynamically downloaded to all the various types of platforms connected to the Internet, some means of generating portable executable code is needed .As you will see, the same mechanism that helps ensure security also helps create portability. Indeed, Javas solution to these two problems is both elegant and efficient. The Bytecode The key that allows the Java to solve the security and portability problems is that the output of Java compiler is Bytecode. Bytecode is a highly optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by the Java run-time system, which is called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). That is, in its standard form, the JVM is an interpreter for bytecode. Translating a Java program into bytecode helps makes it much easier to run a program in a wide variety of environments. The reason is, once the run-time package exists for a given system, any Java program can run on it. Although Java was designed for interpretation, there is technically nothing about Java that prevents on-the-fly compilation of bytecode into native code. Sun has just completed its Just In Time (JIT) compiler for bytecode. When the JIT compiler is a part of JVM, it compiles bytecode into executable code in real time, on a piece-by-piece, demand basis. It is not possible to compile an entire Java program into executable code

DBJ Explorer
all at once, because Java performs various run-time checks that can be done only at run time. The JIT compiles code, as it is needed, during execution. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Beyond the language, there is the Java virtual machine. The Java virtual machine is an important element of the Java technology. The virtual machine can be embedded within a web browser or an operating system. Once a piece of Java code is loaded onto a machine, it is verified. As part of the loading process, a class loader is invoked and does byte code verification makes sure that the code thats has been generated by the compiler will not corrupt the machine that its loaded on. Byte code verification takes place at the end of the compilation process to make sure that is all accurate and correct. So byte code verification is integral to the compiling and executing of Java code. Java programming uses to produce byte codes and executes them. The first box indicates that the Java source code is located in a. Java file that is processed with a Java compiler called javac. The Java compiler produces a file called a. class file, which contains the byte code. The. Class file is then loaded across the network or loaded locally on your machine into the execution environment is the Java virtual machine, which interprets and executes the byte code. Java Architecture Java architecture provides a portable, robust, high performing environment for development. Java provides portability by compiling the byte codes for the Java Virtual Machine, which is then interpreted on each platform by the run-time environment. Java is a dynamic system, able to load code when needed from a machine in the same room or across the planet. Compilation of code When you compile the code, the Java compiler creates machine code (called byte code) for a hypothetical machine called Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM is supposed to execute the byte code. The JVM is created for overcoming the issue of portability. The code is written and compiled for one machine and interpreted on all machines. This machine is called Java Virtual Machine.

DBJ Explorer
During run-time the Java interpreter tricks the bytecode file into thinking that it is running on a Java Virtual Machine. In reality this could be a Intel Pentium Windows 95 or SunSARC station running Solaris or Apple Macintosh running system and all could receive code from any computer through Internet and run the Applets. Simple Java was designed to be easy for the Professional programmer to learn and to use effectively. If you are an experienced C++ programmer, learning Java will be even easier. Because Java inherits the C/C++ syntax and many of the object oriented features of C++. Most of the confusing concepts from C++ are either left out of Java or implemented in a cleaner, more approachable manner. In Java there are a small number of clearly defined ways to accomplish a given task. Object-Oriented Java was not designed to be source-code compatible with any other language. This allowed the Java team the freedom to design with a blank slate. One outcome of this was a clean usable, pragmatic approach to objects. The object model in Java is simple and easy to extend, while simple types, such as integers, are kept as high-performance non-objects. Robust The multi-platform environment of the Web places extraordinary demands on a program, because the program must execute reliably in a variety of systems. The ability to create robust programs was given a high priority in the design of Java. Java is strictly typed language, it checks your code at compile time and run time. Java virtually eliminates the problems of memory management and deallocation, which is completely automatic. In a well-written Java program, all run time errors can and should be managed by your program. The Java Platform A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. We've already mentioned some of the most popular platforms like Windows 2000, Linux, Solaris, and MacOS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the operating

DBJ Explorer
system and hardware. The Java platform differs from most other platforms in that it's a software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms. The Java platform has two components: The Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) The Java Application Programming Interface (Java API)

You've already been introduced to the Java VM. It's the base for the Java platform and is ported onto various hardware-based platforms. The Java API is a large collect /.ws ]ion of ready-made software components that provide many useful capabilities, such as graphical user interface (GUI) widgets. The Java API is grouped into libraries of related classes and interfaces; these libraries are known as packages. The following figure depicts a program that's running on the Java platform. As the figure shows, the Java API and the virtual machine insulate the program from the hardware.

Native code is code that after you compile it, the compiled code runs on a specific hardware platform. As a platform-independent environment, the Java platform can be a bit slower than native code. However, smart compilers, well-tuned interpreters, and justin-time bytecode compilers can bring performance close to that of native code without threatening portability.

DBJ Explorer
Swing Overview
AWT Swing MVC UI delegates and PLAF AWT AWT (the Abstract Window Toolkit) is the part of Java designed for creating user interfaces and painting graphics and images. It is a set of classes intended to provide everything a developer requires in order to create a graphical interface for any Java applet or application. Most AWT components are derived from the java.awt.Component class as figure 1.1 illustrates. (Note that AWT menu bars and menu bar items do not fit within the Component hierarchy.)

DBJ Explorer

Partial Component hierarchy The Java Foundation Classes consist of five major parts: AWT, Swing, Accessibility, Java 2D, and Drag and Drop. Java 2D has become an integral part of AWT, Swing is built on top of AWT, and Accessibility support is built into Swing. The five parts of JFC are certainly not mutually exclusive, and Swing is expected to merge more deeply with AWT in future versions of Java. The Drag and Drop API was far from mature at the time of this writing but we expect this technology to integrate further with Swing and AWT in the near future. Thus, AWT is at the core of JFC, which in turn makes it one of the most important libraries in Java 2. Swing Swing is a large set of components ranging from the very simple, such as labels, to the very complex, such as tables, trees, and styled text documents. Almost all Swing components are derived from a single parent called JComponent which extends the AWT Container class. Thus, Swing is best described as a layer on top of AWT rather than a replacement for it. Figure 1.2 shows a partial JComponent hierarchy. If you compare this with the AWT Component heirarchy of figure 1.1 you will notice that for each AWT component there is a Swing equivalent with prefix J. The only exception to this is the AWT Canvas class, for which JComponent, JLabel, or JPanel can be used as a replacement (in section 2.8 we discuss this in detail). You will also notice many Swing classes with no AWT counterparts. Figure 1.2 represents only a small fraction of the Swing library, but this fraction consists of the classes you will be dealing with most. The rest of Swing exists to provide extensive support and customization capabilities for the components these classes define.

DBJ Explorer

Partial JComponent hierarchy


Swing components are referred to as lightweights while AWT components are referred to as heavyweights. The difference between lightweight and heavyweight components is zorder: the notion of depth or layering. Each heavyweight component occupies its own zorder layer. All lightweight components are contained inside heavyweight components and maintain their own layering scheme defined by Swing. When we place a heavyweight inside another heavyweight container it will, by definition, overlap all lightweights in that container. What this ultimately means is that we should avoid using both heavyweight and lightweight components in the same container whenever possible. This does not mean that we can never mix AWT and Swing components successfully. It just means we have

DBJ Explorer
to be careful and know which situations are safe and which are not. Since we probably wont be able to completely eliminate the use of heavyweight components anytime soon, we have to find ways to make the two technologies work together in an acceptable way. The most important rule to follow is that we should never place heavyweight components inside lightweight containers that commonly support overlapping children. Some examples of these containers are JInternalFrame, JScrollPane, JLayeredPane, and JDesktopPane. Secondly, if we use a popup menu in a container holding a heavyweight component, we need to force that popup to be heavyweight. To control this for a specific JPopupMenu instance we can use its setLightWeightPopupEnabled() method. Alternatively we can call JPopupMenus static setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled() method, and pass it a value of false to force all popups in a Java session to be heavyweight. Note that this will only affect popup menus created after this call is made. It is therefore a good idea to call this method early within initialization.


Platform independence

The most remarkable thing about Swing components is that they are written in 100% Java and do not depend on peer components, as most AWT components do. This means that a Swing button or text area will look and function identically on Macintosh, Solaris, Linux, and Windows platforms. This design eliminates the need to test and debug applications on each target platform.
3.Swing package overview

javax.swing Contains the most basic Swing components, default component models, and interfaces. (Most of the classes shown in Figure 1.2 are contained in this package.) javax.swing.border Classes and interfaces used to define specific border styles. Note that borders can be shared by any number of Swing components, as they are not components themselves.

DBJ Explorer
javax.swing.colorchooser Classes and interfaces supporting the JColorChooser component, used for color selection. (This package also contains some interesting undocumented private classes.) javax.swing.event The event package contains all Swing-specific event types and listeners. Swing components also support events and listeners defined in java.awt.event and java.beans. javax.swing.filechooser Classes and interfaces supporting the JFileChooser component, used for file selection. javax.swing.plaf Contains the pluggable look-and-feel API used to define custom user interface components. Most of the classes in this package are abstract. They are subclassed and implemented by look-and-feel implementations such as metal, motif, and basic. The classes in this package are intended for use only by developers who, for one reason or another, cannot build on top of existing look-and-feels. javax.swing.plaf.basic Consists of the Basic look-and-feel implementation which all look-and-feels provided with Swing are built on top of. We are normally expected to subclass the classes in this package if we want to create our own customized look-and-feel. javax.swing.plaf.metal Metal is the default look-and-feel of Swing components. It is the only look-andfeel that ships with Swing not designed to be consistent with a specific platform. javax.swing.plaf.multi This is the Multiplexing look-and-feel. This is not a regular look-and-feel implementation in that it does not define the actual look or feel of any components. Rather, it provides the ability to combine several look-and-feels for simultanteous use. A typical example might be using an audio-based look-andfeel in combination with metal or motif. Currently Java 2 does not ship with any multiplexing look-and-feel implemenations (however, rumor has it that the Swing team is working on an audio look-and-feel as we write this).

DBJ Explorer
javax.swing.table Classes and interfaces supporting the JTable control. This component is used to manage tabular data in spreadsheet form. It supports a high degree of customization without requiring look-and-feel enhancements. javax.swing.text Classes and interfaces used by the text components including support for plain and styled documents, the views of those documents, highlighting, caret control and customization, editor actions and keyboard customization. javax.swing.text.html This extension of the text package contains support for HTML text components. (HTML support was being completely rewritten and expanded upon while we were writing this book. Because of this our coverage of it is regretably limited.) javax.swing.text.html.parser Support for parsing HTML. javax.swing.text.rtf Contains support for RTF documents. javax.swing.tree Classes and interfaces supporting the JTree component. This component is used for the display and management of hierarcical data. It supports a high degree of customization without requiring look-and-feel enhancements. javax.swing.undo The undo package contains support for implementing and managing undo/redo functionality. MVC architecture MVC is a well known object-oriented user interface design decomposition that dates back to the late 1970s. Components are broken down into three parts: a model, a view, and a controller. Each Swing component is based on a more modern version of this design. Before we discuss how MVC works in Swing, we need to understand how it was originally designed to work.

DBJ Explorer

Figure 1.3 Model-view-controller architecture

<<file figure1-3.gif>>


The model is responsible for maintaining all aspects of the component state. This includes, for example, such values as the pressed/unpressed state of a push button, a text components character data and information about how it is structured, etc. A model may be responsible for indirect communication with the view and the controller. By indirect we mean that the model does not know its view and controller--it does not maintain or retreive references to them. Instead the model will send out notifications or broadcasts (what we know as events). In figure 1.3 this indirect communication is represented by dashed lines. 2 View

The view determines the visual representation of the components model. This is a components look. For example, the view displays the correct color of a component, whether the component appears raised or lowered (in the case of a button), and the rendering of a desired font. The view is responsible for keeping its on-screen representation updated and may do so upon receiving indirect messages from the model, or direct messages from the controller. 3 Controller

The controller is responsible for determining whether the component should react to any

DBJ Explorer
input events from input devices such as the keyboard or mouse. The controller is the feel of the component, and it determines what actions are performed when the component is used. The controller can receive direct messages from the view, and indirect messages from the model. 1.3.4 Custom view and conroller

One of the major advantages MVC architecture provides is the ability to customize the look and feelof a component without modifying the model. Figure 1.4 shows a group of components using two different user interfaces. The important point to make about this figure is that the components shown are actually the same, but they are shown using two different look-and-feel implementations (different views and conrollers -- discussed below).

Figure 1.4 Malachite and Windows look-and-feels of the same components <<file figure1-4.gif>> Some Swing components also provide the ability to customize specific parts of a component without affecting the model. More specifically, these components allow us to define custom cell renderers and editors used to display and accept specific data respectively. Figure 1.5 shows the columns of a table containing stock market data rendered with custom icons and colors. We will examine how to take advantage of this functionality in our study of Swing combo boxes, lists, tables, and trees.

DBJ Explorer
1.3.5 Custom models

Another major advantage of Swings MVC architecture is the ability customize and replace a components data model. For example, we can construct our own text document model that enforces the entry of a date or phone number in a very specific form. We can also associate the same data model with more than one component (as we discussed above in looking at MVC). For instance, two JTextAreas can store their textual content in the same document model, while maintaining two different views of that information.

Client Server Over view: The key client server idea is that client as user is essentially insulated from the physical location and formats of the data needs for their application. With the proper middleware, a client input from or report can transparently access and manipulate both local database on the client machine and remote databases on one or more servers. An added bonus is the client server opens the door to multi-vendor database access indulging heterogeneous table joins. Why Client Server Client server has evolved to solve a problem that has been around since the earliest days of computing : how best to distribute your computing, data generation and data storage resources in order to obtain efficient, cost effective departmental an enterprise wide data processing. The earliest client server solutions therefore could best be characterized as SLAVE-MASTER. Time-sharing changed the picture. Remote terminal could view and even change the central data, subject to access permissions. And, as the central data banks evolved in to sophisticated relational database with non programmer query languages, online users could formulate adhoc queries and produce local reports with out adding to the MIS applications software backlog. However remote access was through dumb terminals, and the client server remained subordinate to the Slave\Master.

DBJ Explorer
2. Problem Specification
2.1 Problem Analysis The DBJ explorer Designer
The DBJ explorer is an interface from which a requested information can be accessed from a database. If you are requesting that information from a SQL database (or from a database accessed via ODBC), your query must be written using the Structured Query Language (SQL). The SQL is not difficult to learn, but mastering the fine points of creating and retrieving data with SQL can take quite a while. Since the DBJ explorer eliminates the need to understand SQL, it can get you building effective queries right away. The JExplorer has been designed to meet the needs of individuals with little or no query background, as well as, the needs of experienced SQL professionals. If you are new to querying, you will enjoy the way the JExplorer helps you create queries. By answering a few questions on a set of sequential tabs, you'll give the program all the information needed to generate a query that fits your needs. The program will do all the work for you. If you are an SQL professional, you will appreciate the facility that enables you to fine-tune the queries that the JExplorer generates. If you are more comfortable writing your own SQL queries, you will find it easy to enter the queries directly or even paste them in from another source. The DBJ explorer can be a powerful tool for many of your information gathering needs. The DBJ explorer can only access data stored in an ODBC data source. Any SQL or other type of database mentioned in the query topics must be accessed through an ODBC data source.

DBJ Explorer

2.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this project is to develop an efficient and system based information retrieval package for various information.

2.2 Current System

Limitations of the existing System: The following observations are made in the existing system In the existing system each and every query need to be processed by the user. A mistyped query yields an error and the query need to be retyped again. It may be confusing for the users when they are processing the aggregate functions and some SQL Expressions. There may be a chance of making mistakes. The proposed system is looking for a solution to overcome the above limitations. Hence the system is studied to solve the above problems.

2.2.3 Need of the product

The proposed system is user friendly and it can be used in a multi user environment. Increases the efficiency of the information retrieved from the database. There wont be any mistyping of the queries because, it automatically generates a query according to the user specification. Ease of retrieval of information.

DBJ Explorer
2.3 Proposed System To overcome the above said limitations with the existing system, the need of a new system arises, which should be more advantageous than the existing system. Advantages of the proposed system The proposed system is user friendly and it can be used in a multi user environment. Increases the efficiency of the information retrieved from the database. There wont be any mistyping of the queries because, it automatically generates a query according to the user specification. Ease of retrieval of information. 2.4 Proposed System Architecture 1. Overview:

The DBJ explorer Designer

The DBJ explorer is an interface from which a requested information can be accessed from a database. If you are requesting that information from a SQL database (or from a database accessed via ODBC), your query must be written using the Structured Query Language (SQL). The SQL is not difficult to learn, but mastering the fine points of creating and retrieving data with SQL can take quite a while. Since the DBJ explorer eliminates the need to understand SQL, it can get you building effective queries right away. The JExplorer has been designed to meet the needs of individuals with little or no query background, as well as, the needs of experienced SQL professionals. If you are new to querying, you will enjoy the way the JExplorer helps you create queries. By answering a few questions on a set of sequential tabs, you'll give the program all the information needed to generate a query that fits your needs. The program will do all the work for you.

DBJ Explorer
If you are an SQL professional, you will appreciate the facility that enables you to fine-tune the queries that the JExplorer generates. If you are more comfortable writing your own SQL queries, you will find it easy to enter the queries directly or even paste them in from another source. The DBJ explorer can be a powerful tool for many of your information gathering needs. The DBJ explorer can only access data stored in an ODBC data source. Any SQL or other type of database mentioned in the query topics must be accessed through an ODBC data source.

Why use a query

Query files provide a means of off-loading much of the data generating tasks normally performed by DBJ explorer on to an SQL. The set of data returned represents a subset of the actual data in the database - only the data you specifically need. If you are an experienced SQL programmer, the DBJ explorer allows you to reuse your existing queries, quickly and easily. All of your existing queries become convenient query files that you can use to design reports with DBJ Explorer. The DBJ explorer supports powerful SQL pass-through reporting, it does not support the full SQL language or allow you to edit every part of an SQL statement. When using the DBJ explorer to create data sets on which to base your reports, you get all of the power of SQL, including complex sorts, and aggregate functions.

DBJ Explorer

3. Module Description: MODULES: Login module It contains two fields namely, username and password. Transaction module This module contains three important functions Insert Create Select Delete 1. Insert: By selecting this option the user can easily insert the values into the table of which he chosen. 2. Select: By selecting this select option the user can able to view the different table names that are present in the database and also records present in the respective chosen table. 3. Delete: By selecting the delete option the user can able to delete the respective record of a particular table. 4. Create: By selecting the create option the user can create a new table. So, its clear that a module of a Database explorer plays a vital role in the transition of data in the entire database system. Reports module:

Using this interface we can generate user defined queries. Even we implemented Math Operation, Condition, Sort, group by operations.

Using the DBJ explorer

The JExplorer has two primary uses:

DBJ Explorer
1. Designing and developing data sets for building reports, and 2. Retrieving and analyzing current information on an "as needed" basis to facilitate informed decision making.

Jexplorer Reports And Query Data Sets

Jexplorer Reports allows you to design a report based on a query data set rather than tables and fields. Since the query contains a predefined set of data, the tables and fields necessary for the report are already included. The set of data produced by the SQL query works just like a database table when you design your report. The name of the query, along with fields it accesses, appear in the Text box. Aggregate functions and SQL expressions act like fields, providing data values corresponding to each record in the SQL query.

Data Analysis And Decision Making

You may not always need to produce finished reports based on your data; sometimes you just need numbers in a hurry (to prepare for a meeting, to help make projections, etc.). The JExplorer makes it easy to get the information you need. Sometimes you may need to retrieve the same data on a recurring basis (weekly, every month end, etc.). By setting up and saving a single query, you can retrieve updated data quickly, whenever you need it, with minimal effort.

DBJ Explorer

3. System Analysis
Purpose of Analysis Analysis is about predicting the future not documenting the past. How do we do this? o Recognize that a target may be viewed as a dynamic system o Systems may be analyzed statically or dynamically o Systems need to be represented as separate functional and physical models. o System functions change slowly with time while physical elements may change. o dramatically The model provides evidence of how well the target is understood. The model is reverse-engineered from multi-source, sampled data. Total analysis is never completed.

Systems Analysis Phase Work performed by/ deliverables written by Deliverables Systems Analyst System Specification: everything about what the

proposed system will do, nothing about how it is to be built 1. Sponsoring users 2. Chief programmer (or Software Architect or Lead developer

Audiences who read, understand, and accept the deliverables

System Analysis is a process of examining the current system in order to develop the software design tool through better procedures and methods. It is the process of

DBJ Explorer
gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing the problems and using the information to recommend approaches in the system. System analysis is done to understand the problem, which the new system is going to solve. Such analysis typically requires a thorough understanding of existing system, and the part, which must be automated. Understanding the existing system is usually the starting activity in problem analysis. The goal of this activity is to understand the requirement of the new system that is to be developed. The major steps followed in System Analysis are: Problem evaluation and synthesis. Proposed System. Software Requirements Specification. Feasibility study.

3.1 Feasibility Study All projects are feasible given unlimited resources and infinite time. But in reality both resources and time are scare. Projects should confirm to time bounds and should be optimal in their consumption of resources. This places a constant approval of any project. After problem is clearly understood and the solutions are proposed the next step is the part of system analysis. The main objective of this study is to determine whether the proposed system is feasible or not. Feasibility as applied to our system pertains to the following areas. Operational feasibility Technical feasibility Economical feasibility

DBJ Explorer
Operational feasibility
Operational feasibility is willingness and ability of the employers in the organization to use and support the proposed system. As concerned to the organization the staff working here are willing to use the proposed system. So the proposed system is operationally feasible. The proposed system will no way interior than the existing manual system and it yields better results than the manual system. This system will give good support and makes the service easy because The system has a user interface enabling an easier usage of the software. No special training is necessary for users to use this system.

Technical feasibility
A study of resource availability that may affect to achieve an acceptable system. The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area to ensure at this stage. It is essential that the process of analysis and definition to be conducted in parallel with an assessment of technical feasibility. The consideration that is normally associated with technical feasibility includes the resources availability of the organization where the project is to be developed and implemented. By taking these into consideration, the resources available at Nutrine Confectionery Company Private Ltd were observed and found that the company has enough resources to develop any kind of project.

Economic feasibility
Economic feasibility is concerned with the cost savings, increased profits and reductions in effort. It shows how much beneficial is the new development system over the existing system.

DBJ Explorer
Even though project development is some what cost in the long term the system will reduce human work and it becomes more economical. The benefits of the development system are reduced human effort increases in performance reliable, accurate information is available increased speed of processing proper maintenance and easy retrieval of data. 3.2 Software and Hardware Requirements The user is expected to ensure that the minimum requirements for running the product are satisfied. The hardware and software environment in which this product was developed is specified. It is necessary to make sure that the hardware and software the consumer uses is compatible to the specification given below. Hardware Requirements Computer Processor Main Memory Hard Disk Floppy Drive Monitor Mouse Keyboard Software Requirements Operating System Backend Front-end : Windows 2000 : Oracle10g : JDK 1.5, AWT, Swing : : : : : : : : Assembled Pentium 80386 microprocessor or higher 128 MB or higher 4.3 GB or higher 3 inch SVGA color monitor 2 or 3 button mouse 108 keys or higher

DBJ Explorer

4. System Design
The Design Document combines specifications, concepts, analyses, diagrams, and schematics to convey the technical and operational requirements of an IT system. The System Design Document describes how to transform the requirements and the functional design into more technical system design specifications

Work perforCla by/ deliverables written by

System Design Phase Chief programmer (or Software architect or Lead developer) System Architecture: design, etc. platform choice,

Deliverables Audiences who read, understand, and accept the deliverables

database design, program design, user interface

Programmers and technical specialists

1.Purpose of the system System design document is used to decompose the main system in to sub Systems. The purpose of this project is to develop an efficient and internet based information retrieval package for various information Systems. 2.Design Goals The basic goal of this document is to subdivide the project into sub Systems and to give a more appropriate view of the project. The main goal is to automate the Searching Process. 3.Definations, acronyms, and abbreviations:

DBJ Explorer
All the definitions and acronyms used in RAD are used here. 4.References: The systematic view of the project is accessed in system design by Extracting the significant features of the system from requirements elicitation documentation process i.e. RAD 5.Over view: The system design document gives a brief over view of the whole project by subdividing into subsystems in which each subsystem takes its own whole as a main system functionality. 4.1 Unified Modeling Language The Uniform Modeling Language (UML) is one of the most exciting tools in the world of system development today. The UML enables system builders to create blue prints that capture their vision in a standard, ease to understand way and communicate them to others. The UML is the brain child of Greedy Booch, James Rumbaugh and Jacobson. The UML has become the de facto standard in the software industry and it continuous to evolve.

The Components of UML

The UML consists of a number of graphical elements that combine to form diagram. Because it is a language the UML has used for combining these elements. The purpose of the diagram is to present multiple views of a system and this set of multiple views is called a model. It is important to note that a UML model describes what system is supported to do. It doesnt tell how to implement the system. The most important diagram of the UML is Class diagram.

DBJ Explorer
Class Diagram A class is a category or group of things that have similar attributes and common behaviors. Class diagram provides the representations that developers work from. Class diagram help on the analysis side too. They enable analysts to talk to clients in the clients terminology and then simulate the clients to relieve important details about the problems they solved. An example of the UML notation that captures these attributes and behavior of washing machine is shown below. Rectangle is the icon that represent the class. It is divided in to three areas. The upper most area contains the name, the middle area holds the attributes and the lower area shows the operation. A class diagram consist number of these rectangles connected by two lines that show how the classes relate to one another. Object Diagram Object is an instance of a class a specific thing that has specific values of the attributes and behavior. UseCase Diagram A usecase diagram is a description of a system behavior from users standpoint for system developers, this is a valuable tool. It is a true technique gathering system requirements from a users point of view Sequence Diagram Class diagram and Object diagrams represent static information. The UML Sequence diagram shows the time based dynamic of the interaction. State diagram At any given time an object is in a particular state. A person can be a newborn, infant, adolescent, teenager or adult. This diagram has the start state at the top and stop state at bottom. Collaboration Diagram The elements of a system work together to accomplish the systems objectives and a modeling language must have a way of representing this . The UML collaboration diagram is designed for this purpose.

DBJ Explorer
Component Diagram The net component diagram is geared expressly toward computer system .A component diagram contains - approximately enough components , interface and relations . Modern software development proceeds as particularly important in team based development effort. Activity Diagram It is an extension of the state diagram. The activity diagram highlights the activities. A rounded a rectangle narrowed and more over shaped than a state icon represent each activity. An arrow represents the transaction from one activity to next. Deployment Diagram The UML deployment diagram shows the physical architecture of a computer in a component, which is

based system. It can depict the computer and devices. Show their connection with one another and show the software that sits on each machine. A cube represents each computer with interactions between computer drawn as lines connecting the cubes. Analysis is the process of transforming a problem definition from a fuzzy set of facts and myths into a coherent statement of a systems requirements. The main objective of the analysis is to capture a complete, unambiguous, and consistent picture of the requirements of the system and what the system must do to satisfy the users requirements. The OOA process consists of the following steps: 1. Identify the actors. 2. Develop a simple business process model using UML activity diagram. 3. Develop the use case. 4. Prepare interaction diagrams. 5. Classification-develop a static UML class diagram.

DBJ Explorer

Develop use cases, activity diagrams

Develop Interaction diagrams

Identify classes, relationships attributes ,and methods.

Identify Actors

The object oriented analysis process in the Unified Approach(UA).

4.4.1. Identify the actors

The actors are the external factors that interact with the system. To identify the actor we need to know Who is using the system Or, in the case of new system, who will be using the system.

DBJ Explorer

<<DB Administrator>>


<<EDP Manager>>

fig: Actors of the System

DBJ Explorer

4.1.2. Business Processing Model

During this phase of analysis, processes and the applications that support them are modeled. These activities would been enhanced and supported by using the activity diagram. The main idea behind this phase is to get a basic model without spending too much time in the process. The advantage of developing a business process model is that it makes you more familiar with the system and therefore the user requirements and also aids in developing use cases. For the current system , the activities that the user can do are, How the user enters into the system. How the user selects the table. How the user process the Queries. How the user views the reports.

DBJ Explorer
The activity diagram illustrating above activities is shown as in the diagram

DBJ Explorer

4.1.3. Use Case Model

Use Cases are scenarios for understanding system requirements. A use case model can be instrumental in project development, planning, and documentation of system requirements. A use case is an interaction between users and a system; it captures the goal of the users and the responsibility of the system to its users. The use-case model describes the uses of the system and shows the course of events that can be performed. In other words, it shows a system in terms of its users and how it is being used from a user point of view. Furthermore, it defines what happens in the system when the use case is performed. Use cases and their descriptions for the current applications are. Use Case Name: LoginForm Displays the Uids to the Actor who uses the system. Use Case Name: CheckValidUser Checks for whether the user is valid or not. Use Case Name: Table Form Displays the tables of the users who logged In. Use Case Name: SelectForm Displays the users with a screen to perform some manipulation on the fields they need.

Use Case Name: Reports

Displays the query generated and prints the appropriate records.

DBJ Explorer

Use case model is shown in the figure.

enter into system

select usename Dbserver user validate the user

select table

query generation

build table

show records

Use-case model for the System

DBJ Explorer
4.4.4. Interaction Diagrams
Interaction diagrams are diagrams that describe how groups of objects of objects collaborate to get the job done. Interaction diagrams capture the behavior of a single Use Case, showing the pattern of interaction among objects. The diagram shows a number of example objects and the message passed between those objects with in the use case. One kind of interaction diagram is sequence Diagram. Sequence diagrams are an easy and intuitive way of describing the behavior of a system by viewing the interaction between the system and its environment. A sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in a time sequence. It shows the objects participating in the interaction by their life times and messages they exchange, arranged in time sequence. A sequence diagram has two dimensions: the vertical dimension represents time, the horizontal dimension represents different objects. The vertical line is called the Objects lifeline. The lifeline represents the objects existence during the interaction. An object is shown as a box at the top of a dashed line, the lifeline. Each message is represented by an arrow between the lifelines of two objects. The order in which these messages occur is shown top to bottom on the page. The sequence diagram is very simple and has immediate visual appeal. A sequence diagram is an alternative way to understand the overall flow of the control of a program.

DBJ Explorer

Sequence diagram:
User 1: enter into system 2: shows list of users 3: select the user 4: validate the user DBJ system Db server

5: shows list of tables 6: select the table 7: shows list of fields

8: generates query 9: executes query

10: shows records

Sequence Diagram to connect to the data base by supplying appropriate user and password.

DBJ Explorer

Collaboration diagram:


1: enter into system 3: select the user 6: select the table 7: shows list of fields 8: generates query 2: shows list of users 5: shows list of tables 10: shows records

DBJ system

4: validate the user 9: executes query Db server

Classification-Developing a static UML class Diagrams

Classification is the process of checking to see if an object belongs to a category or a class. Classes are an important mechanism for classifying objects. The chief role of a class is to define the attributes, methods, and applicability of its instances.

DBJ Explorer
The UML class diagram, also referred to as object modeling, is main static analysis diagram. A class diagram is a collection of static modeling elements, such as classes and their relationships, connected as a graph to each other and to their contents. Class diagrams do not show temporal information. Object modeling is the process by which the logical objects in the real world are represented by actual objects in the program. The visual representation of the objects, their relationships, and their structures is for ease of understanding. A class is drawn as a rectangle with three components separated by horizontal lines. The top name compartment holds the class name, other general properties of the class, such as attributes, are in the middle compartment and the bottom compartment holds a list of operations. For the current application classes identified during this phase of analysis are, Login Form Check Valid User Table Form Select Form Build Table The attributes identified in the classes are,

Class LoginForm:
User Id Password

Class TableForm: Table Names Fields

Class Select Form: Fields Mathematical operations Relational operations

DBJ Explorer
Aggregate functions Logical Operators.

The classes along with their attributes and methods identified during this phase of analysis for the current project are represented in the static UML class diagram.

Class diagram:

loginid : string password : string

TableForm CheckValidateUser
loginid : String password : String boolean checkvaliduser() fields tables displayTableNames() displayFields()

fields tname math_operation() logical_op() con_op() groupby_op() build_query()

fields table displayRecords()

DBJ Explorer


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DBJ Explorer

Data Dictionary
data dictionary is a catalog- a repository- of the elements in the system. As the name suggests, these elements center around data and the way they are structures to meet user requirements and the organization needs. A data dictionary is a collection of data about data. The basic idea is to provide information on the definition, structure and the use of the element an organization uses, the data element is a unit of data that cant be decomposed. Data dictionary is used To manage the details in the large system. To communicate a common meaning for all system elements. To document the features of the system. To facilitate analysis of the details in order to evaluate characteristics and determine where system changes could be made. To locate errors and omission in the system.


Design is the first step in development phase for any engineering product or system. It may be defined as the process of applying various techniques and principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process, or a system insufficient detail to permit its physical realization. Software design is an interactive process through which requirements are translated into blue print for constructing the software. The design is represented at high level of abstraction.

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Designing Classes
Object-oriented design requires taking the object identified during object-oriented analysis and designing classes to represent them. Once the classes and their attributes for the application are identified, the design process begins. The process Designing Class consists the following activities. 1. apply design axioms to design classes, their attributes, method, associations, structures and protocols. refine and complete the static UML class diagram by adding details to the diagram. 1.1.1. Refine Attributes. 1.1.2. design methods and the protocols by utilizing a UML activity diagram. 1.1.3. Refine the associations between the classes(if required). 1.1.4. refine the class hierarchy and design with inheritance(if required). iterate and refine.

Object-oriented design axioms

An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for which there is no counterexample or exception. Object-oriented design axioms are, Axiom 1. The independence axiom: It states that, during the design process, as we go from requirement and use case to a system component, each component must satisfy that requirement without affecting other requirements. Axiom 2. The information axiom: It states to minimize the information content of the design in order to represent the facts with a minimum complexity and maximum simplicity.

DBJ Explorer
UML Attribute Presentation: The following is the attribute presentation suggested by UML: Visibility name: type-expression=initial value Where visibility is one of the following: + public visibility(accessibility to all classes). # protected visibility(accessibility to subclasses and operations of the class).

- private visibility(accessibility only to operations of the class).

Refining Attributes for the system In this phase of designing, the attributes identified classes are refined as shown. Refining attributes for the LoginForm Calss: During the analysis phase the attributes identified for this class are Login User Password Total users

The refined attributes after adding information of visibility, implemented type +Login User: String +Password: String

The goal of data design is to generate a set of relation schemas that allows us to store information without unnecessary redundancy and allows us to retrieve information easily. We can achieve optimization, ease of use in maintenance by designing the

DBJ Explorer
database using relational model in which data is stored in the form of tables and their exists a relation between or among the tables. The design objectives must be To reduce redundancy. To arrive at loss-less join. To reduce the time as compared to the present system. To reduce the number or errors.

NORMALIZATION Normalization is a step-by-step reversible process of converting given collection of relations to some desirable form in which the relations have a progressively simpler and more regular structure. No information is lost in normalization process. First Normal Form: a relation R is said to be in 1NF if all underlying domains contain atomic values only. Second Normal Form: a relation R is said to be in 2NF if and only if it is in 1NF and every non-key attribute is irreducibly dependent on the primary key. Third Normal Form: a relation R is said to be in 3NF if and only if it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute is non-transitively dependent on the primary key. Here you are not creating any tables to store information, the concept of Normalization does not play a major role in this system.

User Interface Design:

A graphical user interface (GUI) uses icons to represent objects, a pointing device to select operations, and graphic imaginary to represent relationships. Once the analysis is complete, developers can start designing the user interfaces for the objects and determining how these objects are to be presented. The main goal of the user interface is to display and obtain needed information in an accessible, efficient manner. The design of the softwares interface, more than any thing else, affects how a user interacts and therefore experiences an application. A well-designed UI has visual appeal that motivates users to use the application.

DBJ Explorer
5. Testing
Introduction: Testing is performed after the coding phase. It is a major software quality control measure employed during software development. Its basic function is to detect the errors in the software. The goal of the testing is to uncover required design and coding errors in the programs. The input phase of the testing is the written code. Testing is performed with unit testing which detects errors in each module. These modules are integrated into subsystems and tested for integration. Eventually the overall system is tested which is called system testing. At the end, the system is tested with the real data at the place of installation called as acceptance testing. Testing involves selection of test cases on the basis of two methods. Functional testing, which involves selection test cases for testing the specifications of the system or the module. The goal of the testing is to select the test cases such that maximum number of errors can be detected by making use of minimum number of test cases. For this reason we generate the test cases on the basis of the test criteria. Testing Process: Testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and ensuring the reliability of the software. During testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test cases and output of the program for the test case is evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it is expected to. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding as yet undiscovered error. A successful test is one yet uncovers as yet-undiscovered error.

DBJ Explorer
Testing Testing means quality test. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error. Objective should be to design test that systematically uncovers different classes of error to do with a minimum amount of time and effort. Testing cannot show the absence of Defects, it can only show that soft wear defects are present. It is important to keep this statement in one of these ways knowing the specific function that a product has been designed to perform, test can be conducted that demonstrate each function is fully operational. This approach is called black box testing. Knowing the internal working of the product, test can be conducted to ensure that all gears mesh that internal operation of the product performs according to specification and all internal components have been adequately exercised. This Approach is call white box testing.

DBJ Explorer
5.1 Test Plans Testing:

Overall test process Relationship of test documentation Definitions Good plans and good tests Risk assessment Schedule constraints Resource constraints Basic test plan structure Using a master test plan Using checklists Creating your own standards Unit testing Functional testing System testing Performance testing Configuration testing Regression testing Which test types to apply When are you done? Coverage techniques Estimating the effort

1. Overview of Test Documentation

2. Analyzing the Application

3. Documentation Options

4. Different Testing Types, Different Documentation

5. Coverage and Estimation

DBJ Explorer
A program unit is usually small enough that the programmer who developed it can test it in grate detail than will be possible when the unit is integrated into an evolving soft wear product. Functional testing: Functional Testing Specifies the operating condition, input values and expected result .The function should be designed to take care of the situation. Performance testesshould be designed to verify response time, execution time, throughput and Secondary memory utilization. Stress testing is designed to overload a system in various ways. The purpose of the stress test is to determine the limitation of the system. Structural stresses are conducted with examining the internal processing logic of the Software system. System testing: A system is tested for online responses, volume of transactions, stress Recover from failure and usability. System testing involves two kinds of activities integration testing and acceptance testing. Integrated testing: Bottom up integration is the traditional strategy used to integrate the components of software system into a functional whole. Bottom-up integration consists of unit testing followed by sub system testing of entire system. Unit testing has the goal of discovering Errors in the goal of discovering errors in the individual modules of the systems. The primary purpose of subsystems testing is to verify operation of the interfaces between modules in the system. System testing is concerned with the designing logic, control flow, recovery procedures, and throughput, capacity and timing characteristics of the Entire structure. Top-down integration starts with the main routine and or low immediate subordinated routines in the systems structure. System integration is distributed throughout the implementation phases: Modules are integrated as they are developed. Top-level interfaces are tested first. The top-level routing provides a natural harness for low-level routines. Error is localized to the new modules and interfaces that are being added. It involves planning and execution of functional tests, performance tests and

DBJ Explorer
Stress tests in order to demonstrate that implemented systems satisfy its requirements. Testing Types: Black box Testing focuses on the input/output behavior of the component. Black box tests do not deal with the internal aspects of the component nor with the behavior or the structure of the component. White box Testing focuses on the internal structure of the component. A white box test makes sure that every state in the dynamic model of the object and interactions among the objects are tested.

Client Needs Requirements Design Code

Acceptance Testing System Testing Integration Testing Unit Testing

Issues in Testing Classes: Testing classes brings in some new issues that are not present in testing functions. First, a class cant be tested directly, only an instance of a class can be tested. This means that we at least a class indirectly by testing its instances, of the class and list them to test the class. In Object Oriented programs, control flow is characterized by message passing among object, and the control flow switches from one object to another by inter object communication. Consequently there is no sequential control flow with in a class like in functions. This lack of sequential control flow with in a class requires different approaches for testing. Thirdly, new issues are introduced due to inheritance. There are basically tow reasons for problems that arise from inheritance .The structure of inheritance hierarchy and the kind of inheritance.

DBJ Explorer
Overall, testing of objects can be defined as the process of exercising the routines provided by an object with the goal of uncovering error in the implementation of the routines or state of the object or both .To test an object, we have to test the interaction between the methods provided on the object. For this, the problem for finding the patterns of method invocation of the object under test with different arguments, which will yield error .In some sense, by executing various patterns, we are testing the communication between the different methods of the object. 5.2 Testing Process Test plan: Testing commences with a test plan and terminated with acceptance testing. A test plan is a general document for the entire project that defines the scope and approach to be taken, and schedule of testing as well as identifies the test items for the entire testing process and the personal responsible for the different activities. Test planning can be done well before the actual testing commences and can be done in parallel with the coding and the design phases. The inputs for forming the test plan are 1. Project plan 2. Requirements document A test should contain the following: Test unit specification: A test unit is a set of one or more modules together with associated data, that are from a single computer program and that are the object of testing. A test unit may be a module, a few modules or a complete system. In this project we will perform tests on the following units. 1. Connecting to Web server. 2. Selecting the Company Details. 3. Validation of the Employee Bills. 4. Selecting the Details & disconnect. Features to be tested: This includes all software features and combinations of features that should be tested. A soft features is a software characteristic specified or implied by the requirements or design documents. These may include functionality, performance, design constraints and attributes. In this project all the functional features specified in the requirements documents will be tested.

DBJ Explorer
Testing Types Acceptance Testing Testing the system with the intent of confirming readiness of the product and customer acceptance. Testing without a formal test plan or outside of a test plan. With some projects this type of testing is carried out as an adjunct to formal testing. If carried out by a skilled tester, it can often find Ad Hoc Testing problems that are not caught in regular testing. Sometimes, if testing occurs very late in the development cycle, this will be the only kind of testing that can be performed. Sometimes ad hoc testing is referred to as exploratory testing. Testing after code is mostly complete or contains most of the functionality and prior to users being involved. Sometimes a select Alpha Testing group of users are involved. More often this testing will be performed in-house or by an outside testing firm in close cooperation with the software engineering department. Software testing that utilizes a variety of tools to automate the testing process and when the importance of having a person Automated Testing manually testing is diminished. Automated testing still requires a skilled quality assurance professional with knowledge of the automation tool and the software being tested to set up the tests. Testing after the product is code complete. Betas are often widely Beta Testing distributed or even distributed to the public at large in hopes that they will buy the final product when it is released. Testing software without any knowledge of the inner workings, structure or language of the module being tested. Black box tests, as Black Box Testing most other kinds of tests, must be written from a definitive source document, such as a specification or requirements document.. Compatibility Testing Testing used to determine whether other system software components such as browsers, utilities, and competing software will

DBJ Explorer
conflict with the software being tested. Testing to determine how well the product works with a broad range Configuration Testing of hardware/peripheral equipment configurations as well as on different operating systems and software. Testing two or more modules together with the intent of finding defects, demonstrating that defects are not present, verifying that the Functional Testing module performs its intended functions as stated in the specification and establishing confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do. The process of exercising software with the intent of ensuring that the software system meets its requirements and user expectations Independent Verification and and doesn't fail in an unacceptable manner. The individual or group doing this work is not part of the group or organization that

Validation (IV&V) developed the software. A term often applied to government work or where the government regulates the products, as in medical devices. Testing with the intent of determining if the product will install on a Installation Testing variety of platforms and how easily it installs. Testing two or more modules or functions together with the intent of finding interface defects between the modules or functions. Testing completed at as a part of unit or functional testing, and sometimes, Integration Testing becomes its own standalone test phase. On a larger level, integration testing can involve a putting together of groups of modules and functions with the goal of completing and verifying that the system meets the system requirements. (see system testing) Testing with the intent of determining how well the product handles Load Testing Performance Testing competition for system resources. The competition may come in the form of network traffic, CPU utilization or memory allocation. Testing with the intent of determining how quickly a product handles a variety of events. Automated test tools geared specifically

DBJ Explorer
to test and fine-tune performance are used most often for this type of testing. Testing that involves the users just before actual release to ensure that users become familiar with the release contents and ultimately accept it. Often is considered a Move-to-Production activity for ERP Pilot Testing releases or a beta test for commercial products. Typically involves many users, is conducted over a short period of time and is tightly controlled. (see beta testing) Testing with the intent of determining if bug fixes have been successful and have not created any new problems. Also, this type Regression Testing of testing is done to ensure that no degradation of baseline functionality has occurred. Testing of database and network software in order to keep company Security Testing data and resources secure from mistaken/accidental users, hackers, and other malevolent attackers. The process of exercising software with the intent of ensuring that the software system meets its requirements and user expectations and doesn't fail in an unacceptable manner. The organization and Software Testing management of individuals or groups doing this work is not relevant. This term is often applied to commercial products such as internet applications. (contrast with independent verification and validation) Testing with the intent of determining how well a product performs Stress Testing when a load is placed on the system resources that nears and the exceeds capacity. Testing a specific hardware/software installation. This is typically System Integration performed on a COTS (commercial off the shelf) system or any other system comprised of disparate parts where custom Testing configurations and/or unique installations are the norm.

DBJ Explorer
User Acceptance Testing Testing in which the software tester has knowledge of the inner White Box Testing workings, structure and language of the software, or at least its purpose. See Acceptance Testing.

DBJ Explorer
6.Implementation Input and Output Screens

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7. Maintenance
Implementation is the process of converting a new or revised system into an operational one. It is the key stage in achieving successful new systems because it involves a lot of upheaval in the user department. It must therefore be carefully planned and controlled. A part from planning the two major tasks of preparing for implementation are education and training of users, testing of the system, various conversion produces and post implementation review. Education of users should really have taken place much earlier in the project when they were being involved in the investigation and design work. Training has to be given to the stuff regarding the new system.. Once staff has been trained, the system can be tested. Implementation includes all those activities that takes place to convert from the old system to the new system. The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual or automated system, or it may be a major modification to an existing system. In the earlier case, proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet organization requirements, successful implementation may not guarantee improvements in the organization using the new system, but improper installation will prevent it.

There are four basic methods of implementation. Parallel system method. Direct cut over method. Pilot system method. Phase-in method. PARALLEL SYSTEM METHOD: In this method, the old system is operated along with the new system. The new system is accepted after the results have matched for an acceptable period.

DBJ Explorer
Advantages: This method offers great security. The old system can take over if errors are found in the new system or if some usage problems occur. Disadvantages: This method doubles operating costs also the new system may not get fair trail DIRECT CUT OVER METHOS: In this method the new one replaces the old system. This makes organization to fully rely on the new system. Advantages: This method forces users to make the new system, work. immediate benefits from new methods and controls. Disadvantages: There is no other system to fall back on if difficulties arise with the new system. PILOT SYSTEM METHOD: In this method, the working version of the system, is implemented in one part iof the organization. Based on the feedback, changes are made and the system is installed in the rest of the organization by one of the other methods. Advantages: This method provides experience and live test before implementation. Disadvantages: This method may give the impression that the old system is unreliable and not error-free. PHASE IN METHOD: In this method, the system is implemented gradually across all users. Advantages: It allows some users to take advantage of the system early. It allows training and installation without unnecessary use of resources. There are

DBJ Explorer

Disadvantages: A long phase-in causes user problems whether the project goes well(over enthusiasm) or(resistance or lack of fair trail).

The new system developed, is implemented using pilot system method because of its live testing nature, any problems occurring can be solved immediately and it also gives best working experience to the users. Also it has the advantage of getting feedback from the users, if the feedback needs changes, application is best suited to the users. its feasibility is studied, and then implemented. Once again the system is lively, for future testing, and this is done until the

DBJ Explorer

8. Conclusion
The DBJ Explorer can be a powerful tool for many of your information gathering needs. If you are new to querying, you will enjoy the way the DBJ Explorer helps you create queries. By answering a few questions on a set of sequential tabs, you'll give the program all the information needed to generate a query that fits your needs. The program will do all the work for you. If you are an SQL professional, you will appreciate the facility that enables you to fine-tune the queries that the DBJ Explorer generates. If you are more comfortable writing your own SQL queries, you will find it easy to enter the queries directly or even paste them in from another source.

DBJ Explorer

1. Software Engineering - Practitioners Approach by Roger S. Pressman, McGraw Hill International Edition. 2. Java Script from 3. An Introduction to Database System by C. J. Date. 4. Java Complete References by Patrik Nortan. 5. Thinking in Java (BPB Publication) by Bruce Ekkel. 6. CORE Servlets & JSP from sun micro systems by MARTHALL 7. UML in 24 Hours - SAMS outline by JOSEPH SCHMULLER.

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