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Subject Year /Semester Meeting Time Allocation Standart Compentence

: English : VII/II : 4th : 25 minutes : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana .

Basic Compentence

: Mengungkapkan langkah eritorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,lancar berterima untuk berinteraksi di lingkunga terdekat.


: Students are Able to make sentences in form of simple future tense

I. Teaching Objective

: Students are expected to be able to make sentences based on pattern of simple future tense and change the positive,negative and interrogative sentences.

II. Teaching Material III. Teaching Method IV. Teaching Activities. A. Pre- Activities

: Simple Future Tense : Direct Method

Teacher greet the students Teacher attend list the class Teacher ask the students related to the topic What will you do after this class? What will you do tomorrow?

Who knows the tense that we used to express our next activities?

B. While Activities The student activities: Student do the exercise Student make sentences based on pattern of simple future tense Change the positive, negative and interrogative sentences

Material The Simple Future Tense Definition of future tense The simple future tense is used in expressing our next or future activities. It uses shall or will as auxiliary verb. The infinitive without to directly in positive or affirmative sentence. Shall or will be put in initial position of a sentence if we want to make interrogative sentence. If we want to make negative one, we only put not after shall or will or we can make constraction shant for shall not or wont for will not. For Example: I will write a letter He will finish his work tomorrow The Pattern Of The Simple Future Tense ( + ) Subject + shall/will+ infinitive without to + Object ( - ) Subject + shall/will+ not + infinitive without to + Object ( ? ) Shall (shant) / will (wont) + Subject + infinitive without to + Object Short Answer Yes + Subject + shall / will or No + subject + shall / will + not

Long Answer Yes + Subject + shall /will + infinitive without to + Object No + Subject + shall / will + not + infinitive without to + Object Shall may be used with I or We Example of the pattern above Adi will buy a new house He will not buy a new house Will / Wont he buy a new house? Yes, he will. Yes, he will buy a new house

Exercise I: Change these sentences into simple future tense 1. Anti buy ice cream for Bill. 2. He play football at field tomorrow. 3. I Stay at home all day tomorrow. 4. I go to bed after I finish my work. 5. I get home at eight oclock.

Exercise II: All of the following sentences in form simple future tense: Change into negative form 1. She will go to your home after this class. 2. I shall finish my study next year.

3. Amel will eat lunch at the cafeteria with her friends. 4. Serlina will write a letter. 5. She will playing badminton next week.

Exercise III: Change of the sentences below into interrogative form 1. I will go to the Taman Ria beach tomorrow. 2. She will buy a dictionary in Gramedia shop. 3. We will do the homework in Ranis house. 4. I will give you some food for dinner. 5. He will play volleyball in the next month.

C. Post Activities : 1. Ask the student about the material, do they have understood or not ? 2. Conclude the Material

D. Learning Resources E. Evaluation F. Homework tense.

: A piece of paper about patterns : : Please make paragraph based on the simple present future


Exercise I : change these sentences into present future tense 1. Anti will buy ice cream for Bill. 2. He will play football at field tomorrow. 3. I shall Stay at home all day tomorrow.

4. I shall go to bed after I finish my work. 5. I shall get home at eight oclock.

Exercise II: All of the following sentences in form simple future tense : Change into negative form 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She will not go to your home after this class. I shall not finish my study next year. Amel will not eat lunch at the cafeteria with her friends. Serlina will not write a letter. She will not playing badminton next week.

Exercise III: Change of the sentences below into interrogative form 1. Will I go to the Taman Ria each tomorrow? 2. Will she buy a dictionary in Gramedia shop? 3. Shall we do the homework in Ranis house? 4. Shall I give you some food for dinner? 5. Will he play volleyball in the next month?

Evaluation 1. After the class ends, I will go to home. 2. 3. I shall visit my grandmother next week.

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