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Things to do: 1) fix inputs into CK.

req function - base it not only on name but number of vari ables //Global List of all functions that exist in smath //Miscellaneous Functions MS: { req:{ _nfo:"the global requirement object. ['reference':['requirement 1','requirement2'] ]" }, req(ref,reqs):{ _nfo:"adds the ref and requirements to the MS.req object", returns:[MS.req] }, req(var):{ _nfo:"get a list of required references for another ref", returns:["no requirements",["requirment1","requirement2"]] }, rmvLab(Mat){ _nfo:"this function removes labels of matrices-> if first row/co l contains strings it is removed", returns:[cleanedUpMat] }, matUnit(matrix,strUnit):{ _nfo:"quickly view a matrix with other units. strUnits must be in smath number notation -> {34*'ft^2/900*'s^3}", returns:[unitMatrix] }, JSONcall(JSON,fxn):{ _nfo:"takes on 2col matrix whose first col is keys and applies t hem(in order) to the supplied fxn", returns:["results of fxn call"] }, addRow(Mat,Row,rowNum):{ _nfo:"slices into Mat the supplied Row at rowNum", returns:["modified Matrix"] }, addCol(Mat,Col,colNum):{ _nfo:"adds into Mat the supplied Col at colNum", returns:["modified Matrix"] }, evalJSON(JSON):{ _nfo:"takes on 2 col matrix whose first entry are string represe ntations of global objects. It'll evaluate these strings and set them to the su pplied value", returns:["nothing, it just creates global objects"] } } //Check functions: CK: { getType(var):{ _nfo:"figures out if variable is a mat,num, or str", returns:["mat","num","str"]

}, types(o1,o2):{ _nfo:"figures out if obj1 is of the same type as o2", returns:[0,1] }, isMat(var):{ _nfo:"figures out if sent variable is a matrix", returns:[0,1] }, isNum(var):{ _nfo:"figures out if sent variable is a number", returns:[0,1] }, isStr(var):{ _nfo:"figures out if sent variabe is a string", returns:[0,1] }, req(var):{ _nfo:"check to see if the requirements of a variable exist", returns:[1,["REQUIRE:","requirement1","requirement2"]] }, req_isDef(str): _nfo:"checks if eval-ed string exists - must enter valid entries for a fxn", returns:[0,1] }, getDev(obj1,obj2):{ _nfo:"", returns:[] } } //Simply supported Functions: SS :{ Peq(distLoads,distance):{ _nfo:"This function takes on distributed loads and distance to f orm equivalent point load up to point of interest", returns:["pointLoad"] }, vNearX(loc,inputs):{ _nfo:"this function finds the shear in a beam near a location note: does not account for shear discontinuties", returns:["shear load"] }, vAtX(loc,inputs):{ _nfo:"this function finds the shear in a beam at loc - accounts for discontinuties in shear diagram", returns:["shear load"] }, mNearX(loc,inputs):{ _nfo:"this function finds the moment in a beam near a location note: does not account for moment discontinuties", returns:["moment load"] }, mAtX(loc,inputs):{ _nfo:"this function finds the moment in a beam at loc - accounts for discontinuties in moment diagram", returns:["moment load"]

}, }

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