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Solutions for Practice 2: Installing tfre Oracle Database Software Background: In the practicesof this oolrsre, asrme role

of a database you the administrtor (DBA). The operatingsystem(OS) accountson your computerare: o The oracle userwith a password oracle of . The root userwith a password oracle of The systemadministraor set up the OS so that it is ready for the installation, and the has installation media is stagedat / stage/Dsk1. Perform the following tasksas the default oracle OS user, unlessotherwise indicatedAfter installing the software,execue 1ab_02_05. sh script, which createsa listener for the you. Note Completing this practice is critical for all following practice sessions. l. Instllthe Oracledatabase softwareas the oracle user.Navigateto the ,/stage/Diskl. directory, and start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) by entering . /runlnstaller. a) Double-click tlq XTepg ipgn on your desktop,and then enter: 1 ' 1 5/d \:L * g cd /etage lDek]$ ./rualnEtaller 2. Selectyour installation method for OUI. a) On the Installation Method page,selectBasic Installation, and confirm the following settings: Obiect
Database Home Location


Installation Type UNIXDBAGouo CreateStarterDatabase

Setting / uot / app/ oraclelproduct/l-o EnteroriseEdition

oins La l l Deselected

. 2 - o / db t

Note: Ensurethat you deselectthe CreateStarterDatabase option. b) ClickNext c) You are now on the pagetitled "Specifu Invenorydirectory and credentials."Accept as inventory directory and oinstal l as /u01, / app/ oracle/oralnventory Operating Systcmgroup name.Click Nef.

Oracle Database 109.'Administration Workshop I


Solutions for Practice 2: Installing the Oracle DatabaseSoftware (continued) prerequisites. product-specific list the OUI is loading products andchecking


d) After OUI has finished its prerequisitecheckson the'?roduct-Specific Prerequisite Checks"page,click Next. When the prerequisitechecksare finishe4 the Summarypageis displayed' a) Click Install to begin your installation.


Estimatedinstallation time is lO-15 minutes.However, varying environnents can greatly inJluencethis estimate. follow the instructionson that When the..ExecuteConfiguration scripts" pageappears, directory, and then frnish your installation with page,acceptthe default foi the local bin OUI.



Oracle Database10g.'Administration VtforkshopI


solutions for Practice 2: Instalting the oracle Databasesoftware (continued)

a) Double-click the XTerm icon on your deshop. b) Run the oraj-nstRoot. $s u

fi password: oracle <root password, does not * ed / lOL/ app / oracLe / oralnveftory # . /orainstRoot. sb # cd, /aOL/ app/oracle/producE lLO.2.O /db L #./ro ot.a b appear on the screen>

sh and root.

sh scriptsas root, and thenclick continue.


c) Accept the default for the local bin directorv.

Oracle Database109..Administration Workshop I


Solutions for Practice2: lnstalling the Oracle DatabaseSoftware (continued)

oracle],f [orc1eeXDRSR,41I3. s

[rootaEDRsB4gl cale] # cd /uo:t /aff,/aracle/oralnventory [ooteEDRSE4PlEalnvlrtory] * . /orsinstRao t . sh to ?tO. ging perniesious of /uoVpp,/ocle/orslaventsry gi:rg groupnane of ,/u0:t/app/aac1e/oralnventory to oinst*11.
elcectioB af the script is conplete

carnventory] * cd /uot/aPp./craele/Poduct/to. [rootaEDR$R4?1 ./aot. sh lrooteEDRSR4Pldbjl# script... envilonent variables are set a: or 0*JICLE-olfNEt= acle gfiilClE-JIOfiE= /u0:"/aFp/oracle/product/10. 2.O/db--:.
er tbe fuLl pathnane

2. tydb-!.


Yr s a

Capyitrg oraenv to ,rusr,/1ocal,lbln . . . capying coraenv to /usr/1oca1/birt .,.

f i 1 e ... i9 , / e t c / o r a t a b file as needed by will be added ts the /etc/orrtab tries shen e database is created Aseictnt tonfiguration

Fiished running genlc part cf scrlpt. $or product-speeifie rst sctions uiIl be perforued. [rooteEDRsR.lPl dbj]# I

d) Enter exit

to exit the root OS user.

e) Close the XTerm window, and then click OK on the "Execute Configuration scripts" page. The End oflnstallation pageappears.

\ t
Oracle Database109.'AdministratonWorkshop I B'5

solutions for Practice 2: Installing the oracle Databasesoftrvare (continued)

f) Make a note of your URLs. Y ou ryill usethernin laerpracticesessions.



t/ t,



I"t :;l -lL-

ss6o/,s.,1 \ :;

g) optionally, click Installed Products, review the product inventory, then click closc. h) Click Exit, andthen click Yes to leave OUI. 5. Executethe 1ab_02_05. sh script,which is in the ,/home/oracle/1abs directory. This script usesthe netca utility to ceatea listener for you. If you creae your first database with otII (as part of your installation), then oul invokes the networt configuration assishnq which creates first listener for vou. the a) In a terminal window, enter:
cd /hoste/oraclellabs . /la b 02 05. s h


You seean actity log, which should end with a success message. not, resolveany etro6 If that might have occurredOracle Databasel0g.- Administration Workshop I 8-6



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