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0 Supportive tools to construction

3.1 Drawing Limits

Format » Drawing Limits

The drawing limits are two-dimensional points in the world coordinate system that represent a
lower-left limit and an upper-right limit. You cannot impose limits on the Z direction.

Command: limits

Reset Model space limits:

Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000, 0.0000>: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify upper right corner <12.0000, 9.0000>: Use one of the point fixing methods

3.2 Units

Format » Units

AutoCAD displays the drawing units dialog box. Then you can select an option according to your

3.2 DSettings

Tools » Drafting Settings…

This command provides some of the drawing aids to create the drawing at faster pace. When you
invoke this command AutoCAD displays the Drafting Settings dialog box.
This dialog box contains four tabs but most important one is Object Snap tab for beginners. Object
snaps constrain point specification to exact locations, such as midpoint or an intersection, on
existing objects. Using object snaps, you can locate an exact position on an object without knowing
the coordinate or by drawing construction lines.

3.2 Status Bar

3.2.1 SNAP

SNAP command causes the crosshairs to move in an imaginary grid so that the crosshairs locked on
the intersection of the grid. You can select snap option either clicking SNAP icon on status bar or by
pressing F9 key. The snap spacing can be changed by changing the parameters of the snap option of
Drafting Settings dialog box shown in above. Using the command SNAP also, you can select

3.2.2 GRID

GRID command will allow you to display grid over your drawing area specified by the limits. The
spacing can be changed by the “Drafting Settings” dialog box which displays when you right click
on the GRID icon on the status bar. The GRID command can be enabled/disabled by clicking on the
GRID icon or by pressing F7 key

3.2.3 ORTHO

ORTHO command is used with LINE command. It ensures all the lines are constructed orthogonal
to the current snap grid. You can select ORTHO mode either clicking “ORTHO” button on the
status bar or by pressing F8 key.

3.2.4 POLAR

POLAR command allows you to select angle measurements when drawing. The increment angle
can be changed by using “Drafting settings” dialog box. You can select POLAR mode either
clicking “POLAR” button on the status bar or by pressing F10 key

3.2.5 OSNAP

OSNAP command allows you to snap objects at to various points given under “Drafting settings”.
You can select OSNAP mode either clicking “OSNAP” button on the status bar or by pressing F3

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