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1714 R. Sinville and S. A. Soper J. Sep. Sci.

2007, 30, 1714 – 1728

Rondedrick Sinville1 Review

Steven A. Soper1, 2, 3

Department of Chemistry, High resolution DNA separations using microchip
Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, LA, USA
Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Louisiana State Planar microfluidic devices have emerged as effective tools for the electrophoretic
University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA separation of a variety of different DNA inputs. The advancement of this miniatur-
Center for BioModular Multi- ized platform was inspired initially by demands placed on electrophoretic perform-
Scale Systems, Louisiana State ance metrics by the human genome project and has provided a viable alternative to
University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
slab gel and even capillary formats due to its ability to offer high resolution separa-
tions of nucleic acid materials in a fraction of the time associated with its predeces-
sors, consumption of substantially less sample and reagents while maintaining the
ability to perform many separations in parallel for realizing ultra-high throughputs.
Another compelling advantage of this separation platform is that it offers the poten-
tial for integrating front-end sample preprocessing steps onto the separation device
eliminating the need for manual sample handling. This review aims to compile a
recent survey of various electrophoretic separations using either glass or polymer-
based microchips in the areas of genotyping and DNA sequencing as well as those
involving the growing field of DNA-based forensics.
Keywords: DNA diagnostics / DNA forensics / DNA sequencing / Microchip CE /
Received: April 9, 2007; revised: May 8, 2007; accepted: May 8, 2007
DOI 10.1002/jssc.200700150

1 Introduction ences within various regions of the genome known as

polymorphisms that are produced from either environ-
The completion of the human genome project (HGP) mental or inherited conditions. Most polymorphisms are
approximately 50 years after the discovery of the DNA classified as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in
double helix has unveiled a multitude of genetic infor- which a single base is substituted, which can potentially
mation, which will and has begun to shape future direc- lead to genetic mutations and thus, the development of
tions in biomedical research and others as well. For deleterious conditions such as sickle cell anemia, muscu-
instance, we now know that the sequences of human lar dystrophy, and many forms of cancer to name just a
genomes are nearly 99% identical and that our genome few.
contains only approximately 30 000–40 000 genes Unraveling the primary structure of our genome (DNA
instead of the hypothesized 100 000 (one gene per pro- sequencing) or looking for unique sequence structural
tein), leaving only 1% of the human genome that makes differences within the genome (DNA genotyping) has
each individual unique [1, 2]. Aside from the discovery of driven the advancement of DNA-based electrophoretic
the remaining unidentified genes, the challenge that technologies significantly beyond the performance met-
now remains is identifying (genotyping) the subtle differ- rics that could be realized using slab gels, which was the
dominant electrophoresis platform until the late 1990s.
Correspondence: Professor Steven A. Soper, Department of In order to relieve the labor-intensive demands associ-
Chemistry, Louisana State University, 232 Choppin Hall, Baton
Rouge, LA 70803, USA
ated with slab gels, automated high-throughput formats
E-mail: of gel electrophoresis were required to meet the
Fax: +1-225-578-3458 demands predicated by the HGP. This demand was satis-
fied to a certain extent with the development of capillary
Abbreviations: AS-PCR, allele-specific PCR; CAE, capillary array
array electrophoresis (CAE).
electrophoresis; CGE, capillary gel electrophoresis; DGGE, dena-
turing gradient gel electrophoresis; HDA, heteroduplex anal- To further reduce the time and overall cost of DNA
ysis; HEC, hydroxyethylcellulose; HGP, human genome project; analysis, planar microfluidic devices have been projected
HPMC, hydroxyl propylmethyl cellulose; LCR, ligase chain reac- as a viable alternative electrophoretic platform. This has
tion; LDR, ligase detection reaction; mtDNA, mitochondrial lead to the production of a few commercial instruments
DNA; SBE, single base extension assays; SNP, single nucleotide
polymorphism; SSCP, single-strand conformational polymor-
using glass microchips instead of capillaries or slab gels,
phism which have been discussed elsewhere in detail [3]. Table 1

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J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728 Electrodriven Methods 1715

Table 1. Performance and operational comparison between three different electrophoresis platforms used for DNA sequencing

Number Injection Analysis Average Field Through- Gel Lane

of lanes volume time (h) read-length strength* put (bases pouring tracking
(nL) (bp) (V/cm) per 8 h)

Slaba) gel 96 500–1000 6–8 700a) 20–50 67 200 Yes Yes

Capillary 96b) 1–5 1–3 650b) 100–300 l166 400b) No No
Microchip 96c) 0.1–0.5 0.1–0.5 430c) 100–300 l660 480c) No No

a) ABI 377A [73].

b) Based on ABI 3730xl using standard sequencing conditions (Applied Biosystems:
c) Based on research from ref. [65].

provides a basic operational and performance compari- cant amounts of preprocessing prior to the electrophore-
son between three electrophoretic platforms typically sis such as purification, amplification via PCR, and label-
used in DNA analysis namely, slab gel, CAE, and micro- ing of the generated DNA fragments. Unfortunately,
chip electrophoresis (microchip CE). As can be seen from different instruments are required for each step of the
the data presented in Table 1, CAE and microchip CE processing pipeline, which significantly increases the
offer some attractive capabilities, such as the elimina- capital equipment costs for performing genetic assays as
tion of gel pouring and lane tracking due to the boun- well as demands high levels of operator expertise. (ii)
dary conditions imposed on the separations by the walls Automation of the entire DNA processing pipeline pref-
defining the separation channel. In addition, the small erably into a single instrument. As noted above, the anal-
diameter of columns utilized in microseparation plat- ysis of DNA typically requires many processing steps,
forms permit the use of higher electric field strengths to with each step dedicated to a different instrument. This
significantly reduce electrophoretic development time. requires manual handling and transfer of samples from
As a result of the performance capabilities associated instrument-to-instrument, which leads to contamina-
with these microcolumn separations, they can improve tion, sample loss, and potential errors in reporting
throughput compared to slab gel electrophoresis by answers from assays in which the copy number of the
nearly three-fold using a CAE format, and by nearly an input DNA is low. (iii) Disposable fluid handling devices
order of magnitude for microchip CE. The challenge that can be mass-produced at low cost. The containers or
with the microcolumn separation techniques is that reactor vials for the sample must be discarded after a sin-
they require load volumes that are three to four orders of gle use to prevent sample carryover from one assay to the
magnitude smaller than slab gel electrophoresis and as next potentially giving rise to false positives, which is
such, place severe demands on detection and/or sample critically important in such areas as DNA diagnostics
preprocessing prior to the separation to build sufficient and DNA forensics. At the present time, titer plates are
concentrations of the targets for detection. used for sample containment, which are then poised on
In this postgenomic era, DNA separation-based tech- instruments that carry out the required active process-
nologies are shifting from basic research tools into a ing such as thermal cycling reactions. In the case of the
more diffuse user pool targeting such applications as electrophoresis step, the samples (typically 96–384) are
clinical diagnostics, forensic applications, and small- either pipetted into slab gels or electrokinetically
scale sequencing of individual genomes for personalized injected into an array of glass capillaries. The slab gel is
medicine initiatives. To realize this transition, DNA- used once and discarded while capillaries are flushed
based analysis systems must attain certain performance after a single use and filled with fresh sieving matrix.
characteristics such as: (i) Development of low cost Microfluidic chips hold the potential to allow expan-
instrumentation that can be easily operated by novice sion of DNA-based assays into a broader application base
users. Typically, the equipment required for processing due to their ability to directly address the three issues
DNA samples is expensive, difficult to operate and main- cited above. For example, microfluidic chips can be con-
tain, and performs only one of the many steps that are structed from moldable polymer (plastic) materials to
required for DNA processing. For example, many of the fabricate monolithic devices that are not only potentially
CAE-based instruments require expensive laser systems low cost, but also can be populated with many of the
for reading fluorescence from the columns in a finish processing steps required for DNA analyses on the same
line format, expensive sieving matrices that must be chip to carry out the electrophoretic separation. This can
changed after each run, and finally, perform only the create functional platforms that provide high levels of
separation step. DNA samples typically require signifi- automation at low cost and reduce the number of periph-

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1716 R. Sinville and S. A. Soper J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728

erals (i.e., instruments) built around the intended appli- formationally induced mobility shifts of Watson–Crick
cation. matched or mismatched single or dsDNA fragments and
Early microfluidic efforts were focused on developing represent an alternative to DNA sequencing, which is
devices specifically for the electrophoretic step of DNA still impractical for routine clinical uses due to its rela-
analyses and used predominately glass-based substrates. tively high cost, labor-intensive processing, and slow
This was spawned by glass’ high optical clarity, which turn-around time. Moreover, scanning methods have the
nicely accommodates optical fluorescence readout, and ability to score DNA regions containing large insertions
surface properties that were similar to that of capillaries, and/or deletions. Genomic interrogations of this sort are
which allowed simple transitioning of many of the sur- typically used for the detection of unknown SNPs within
face chemistries from capillary-based instruments to PCR amplified regions; however, vital information
microchips. regarding the exact sequence location and characteriza-
In the past few years, many polymeric materials have tion of SNPs are not rendered using most mutation
been extensively evaluated for their potential use as scanning assays. With the exception of DGGE, all of the
microelectrophoretic devices and several have been methods described above have been adapted to a micro-
found to possess favorable qualities [4]. Besides the lower fluidic format.
cost of the material, the manufacturing methods now
available to produce plastic microfluidics allow for
2.1 SSCP
much faster production to meet the anticipated
demands imposed by the clinical and forensic markets. SSCP is widely applied for DNA mutation scanning due
However, it should be noted that many of the established to its relative simplicity as only PCR amplification and
surface chemistries that have functioned well for glass or subsequent denaturation of the double-stranded ampli-
fused silica, such as the dynamic coatings used to sup- cons to generate ssDNA is required for sample prepara-
press the EOF or minimize solute-wall interactions, do tion prior to the electrophoretic sorting. ssDNA frag-
not transition well to polymer-based devices due to pro- ments, under the appropriate experimental conditions,
found differences in surface chemistry. In addition, the possess sequence-specific 3-D conformations resulting
optical clarity of many polymers does not compare favor- from intrastrand base pairing. Heterozygous alleles have
ably to that of glass or fused silica, especially in the UV the exact same size as homozygotes, but possess one or
and/or visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum more altered bases at loci that can be scored through con-
[4]. formationally induced perturbations to the electropho-
In this review, we will focus specifically on recent prog- retic mobility. Samples subjected to mutation scanning
ress made in the area of microfluidic chips for electro- surveys using SSCP, and all mutation scanning assays for
phoretic-based genomic analyses including genotyping, that matter, typically include the mutagenic DNA as well
DNA sequencing, and forensic applications. For reviews as their known wild-type counterparts from a PCR-
that cover a variety of different biological applications of defined region. As such, the electrophoretic technique
microchips, we would refer the reader to ref. [5–9]. In must be able to afford high resolution capabilities to
addition, for information pertaining to the integration observe the presence of the mutation in a high level of
of various DNA preprocessing steps onto microsepara- background from “normal” or wild-type DNA sequences.
tion chips, several reviews have appeared [10, 11]. The Closely following the formats adopted for SSCP anal-
areas that we will discuss include genotyping applica- ysis using slab and capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE),
tions (mutation scanning and mutation detection) for researchers have established microfluidic separation
diagnostics, DNA forensics, and finally, DNA sequencing. methods for SSCP. For example, the first published
research exploring SSCP on a microchip was by Tian et al.
who displayed the usefulness of this platform to distin-
2 Genotyping: Mutation scanning guish three common mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2
genes (185delAG, 5382insC, and 6174delT) among the
Ashkenazi Jewish population, which possess high risk
Mutational scanning strategies are used to search for for breast cancer. Their glass microchip profiling meth-
sequence polymorphisms in which the locus of a poly- odology, which paralleled a CGE method that was also
morphism is not known or the sequence variation occurs presented in the report, used 2.5% hydroxyethylcellulose
sporadically within a certain section of the genome. (HEC) containing 10% glycerol as a sieving matrix, which
Common scanning techniques that are used in conjunc- discriminated all mutant alleles from their wild-type
tion with electrophoresis to type DNA include single- counterparts with a four-fold reduction in analysis time
strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP), heterodu- (l130 s) compared to the CGE separation [12]. However,
plex analysis (HDA), denaturing gradient gel electropho- they noted a substantial decrease in resolution in the
resis (DGGE), and TGGE. These methods are based on con- microchip SSCP profiles and attributed it to possible

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J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728 Electrodriven Methods 1717

inadequate surface passivation of the microchip using because it relies on differences in conformational struc-
PVP as the dynamic coating for EOF suppression and a tures of nearly complementary (heteroduplexed) and
lack of adequate temperature control in the microchip completely complementary (homoduplexed) dsDNA frag-
format. ments instead of single-stranded intramolecular folding
As with the case of SSCP analysis employing capilla- as is used in SSCP. Formed heteroduplexes contain bulges
ries, the most scrutinized aspect of microchip SSCP sep- within the rehybridized DNA fragments where bases are
arations remains the selection of appropriate separation mismatched and are typically accompanied by an abun-
parameters to impart large mobility differences for dance of homoduplexes that possess hybrid ions that are
subtle sequence variations such as the type of sieving fully matched (i. e., no bulges). When electrophoresing a
matrix, stability of the additive, wall coatings, tempera- mixture of homoduplexes and heteroduplexes using the
ture, and field strength. Parametric studies placing appropriate separation parameters, slight mobility shifts
emphasis on these parameters have recently emerged. between these species are often observed. This method is
For example, Endo and coworkers presented a systematic often used for DNA species containing insertions or dele-
optimization of SSCP separation conditions using a glass tions, which typically yield more pronounced mobility
microchip, which they ultimately used to probe for a set shifts due to significant bulges resulting from mis-
of seven p53 mutations. Evaluating a wide array of siev- matched base pairs in duplexed DNA.
ing and glycerol concentrations, they found 1.5% methyl- Tian et al. first brought attention to the potential of
cellulose excluding glycerol to be the most effective siev- microchip HDA separations for differentiating six differ-
ing matrix as the two commercial systems used (Agilent ent heterozygous breast cancer associated mutations
2100 Bioanalyzer and Hitachi SV1100) did not possess (185delAG, E1250X (3867GT), R1443G (4446CG),
microchip cooling capabilities to attenuate the Joule 5382insC, 5677insA, and 6174delT) within BRCA1 and
heating produced when glycerol was present [13]. Using BRCA2 genes. This was one of the first reports of HDA sep-
the optimized set of sorting parameters, the authors arations in which the microchip CE method was directly
were able to analyze the full panel of markers within compared to CGE formats [16]. The authors found a four-
1 min. Kang et al. [14] used another sieving combination to six-fold reduction in the analysis time for the micro-
(1.75% PVP, 1.0% poly(ethyleneoxide), 5% glycerol includ- chip trials using the same buffer and sieving reagents as
ing 0.01–0.025% NaOH) to enhance selectivity of SSCP that used for CGE (16TBE buffer with 15% urea, 2.5%
profiles for ghrelin (childhood obesity-related) Leu72Met and 4.5% HEC with 10% glycerol). The reduced analysis
point mutations using commercial glass microchip- time was associated with the use of an effective separa-
based instruments. They were able to resolve the full tion distance for the microchip (5.5 cm) that was shorter
panel of markers using the aforementioned microchip than that used for the CGE format. However, this separa-
conditions in under 85 s. A high-throughput SSCP anal- tion channel length was insufficient to provide the same
ysis of genes associated with hereditary hemochromato- level of resolution incurred with the capillary columns.
sis (metabolic iron storage disorder) and hypertrophic Another microchip-HDA study involving the detection
cardiomyopathy (heart muscle abnormality) has also of five BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations was conducted and
been demonstrated using a 48-lane section of a 384-lane directly compared to a denaturing (d)-HPLC method [17].
glass-based microdevice, which yielded 100% sensitivity These authors found that while the glass microchip sep-
for the 21 mutations being scanned [15]. The 200 mm arations could not approach the remarkable selectivity
diameter high-density microchip contained 8.0 cm provided by d-HPLC, the microchip method could pro-
length straight channels that were radially configured vide more information on different mutations within
about a centered common anode. In this study, they per- the same amplicons. Moreover, the authors emphasized
formed separations in their preferred sieving material the microchip’s operational advantages including sim-
(5.0% polydimethylacrylamide (PDMA), 10% glycerol, plicity of the separation protocol, versatility, and lack of
15% urea) at two running temperatures (25 and 408C) to sample preparation constraints.
realize full separation of the marker panel. The authors Due to the similarities in the electrophoretic condi-
also noted that using a delayed back biased electroki- tions used for HDA and SSCP, separations of various DNA
netic injection scheme improved sample loading result- species can be performed using both HDA and SSCP simul-
ing in higher plate numbers and improved resolution. taneously. The complementarity of the two is often advan-
tageous in circumstances when the selectivity of one is
inadequate to score the presence of all potential muta-
2.2 HDA
tions. Therefore, most adaptations of these techniques on
HDA is an electrophoretic mutation scanning method microfluidics have been performed in a tandem format.
that is based on relative conformational changes The first microchip-based HDA-SSCP report of this type
between heteroduplexed and homoduplexed PCR-ampli- was given by Vahedi et al., [18] who described an inte-
fied DNA fragments. This method differs from SSCP grated on-chip labeling of HFE and BRCA1 amplicons

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1718 R. Sinville and S. A. Soper J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728

with fluorescent dyes prior to separation of the comple- Buch et al. used a ten channel polycarbonate (PC)
mentary species using a commercial polymer. A similar microfluidic device out-fitted with external bulk heaters
integrated microchip-based HDA/SSCP approach by Man- or internally tapered microheaters to induce spatial and
age et al. [19] was reported with the exception of the on- temporal temperature gradients along the length of the
chip labeling scheme as noted for the Vahedi et al. report. separation channels for gel-based sorting of G-C rich
The authors detailed the profiling of three specific HFE dsDNA fragments generated from a primary PCR. Com-
mutations having high clinical relevance (C282Y, H63D, paring the two heating configurations, they found that
and S65C) for hemochromatosis. The separation required the integrated microheaters provided better thermal
a 4 min electrophoresis development time using micro- response time and more accurate control, producing bet-
chip CE. An exhaustive study to elucidate the optimal ter TGGE separations [22]. This same group later intro-
parameters for glass microchip CE analyses using a com- duced a mutation scanning network consisting of an
bined HDA/SSCP method was conducted by Hestekin et al. integrated 2-D microelectrophoretic platform, which
[20]. They found that a combination of 8% w/v 600 kDa combined a standard size-based gel electrophoresis sep-
LPA and a dynamic wall-coating of poly(N-hydroxyethyl- aration in the first dimension with TGGE in the second
acrylamide) as opposed to a wall coating using covalent dimension [23]. This device, which is shown in Fig. 1, was
methods provided the best performance for p53 con- made from PC with external bulk heaters used to estab-
former separations, which could be completed in less lish the temperature gradient along the TGGE channels.
than 10 min of electrophoresis development time. An intermediate sample stacking strategy was imple-
Diverging from the use of a combined HDA and SSCP mented as well to reduce band broadening during sam-
approach, an integrated on-chip HDA/RFLP methodology ple transfer between the dimensions. The 2-D separations
was reported; the discrimination of both heterozygous of multiplexed SNPs varying in size and sequence were
and homozygous mutations present in the HFE gene conducted in a development time of less than 5 min with
using microchip electrophoresis was shown, which the the prerequisite resolution to observe all of the SNPs [23].
HDA method alone was incapable of detecting [21].
To date, all HDA-related assays have been conducted
on glass-based microchips. For clinically based assays
3 Genotyping: Mutation detection
that require one-time or disposable use devices, transi- applications
tioning these mutation-scanning electrophoresis assays Unlike the mutation scanning techniques previously dis-
to polymer-based chips will be critical, since polymer cussed, mutation detection methods are geared toward
devices can be produced at lower cost in higher scale pro- the identification and detection of particular genomic
duction modes compared to glass chips. variations in which the locus is known within a certain
gene. Most assays associated with this class of mutations
involve the use of nucleotide recognition enzymes
2.3 TGGE and DGGE including endonucleases, exonucleases, and thermo-
stable ligases, which specifically cleave or bond DNA sites
TGGE and DGGE are two analogous techniques used to that harbor the mutation being interrogated. Several of
discriminate heteroduplexes containing mismatched the mutation detection assays that have been utilized for
base pairs from fully matched homoduplexes by continu- the identification/detection of point mutations or SNPs
ously altering the temperature or chemical denaturant include allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR), RFLP, ligase detec-
conditions in a gradient format during the migration of tion reaction (LDR), ligase chain reaction (LCR), and sin-
solutes through the separation channel, which affects gle base extension assays (SBE), all of which depend on a
the degree of dsDNA conformational stability through- high resolution electrophoretic step to sort the gener-
out the separation process and as such, perturbs electro- ated products in order to score the presence or absence
phoretic mobility. Here, denaturing of the dsDNA is of the mutation of interest. Most assays of this type
induced either by heating (temperature, TGGE) or impos- require DNA primers that hybridize to particular loca-
ing linear increases in chemical denaturing agents tions within the genome harboring the mutation being
within the sieving gel (denaturing, DGGE) to affect the interrogated prior to the enzymatic reaction. Therefore,
separation. While it has been difficult to translate DGGE they require knowledge as to the specific location of the
from the slab gel to microseparation formats due to the mutation in order to design the appropriate sequences
inability to introduce heterogeneous denaturing condi- in the primers required for the assay.
tions into the gels for the microseparations, TGGE has
proven to be more amenable to these separation plat-
3.1 AS-PCR
forms, especially microchip CE, because of the ability to
fabricate heating elements along the length of the entire While PCR is an attractive method to amplify target DNA
separation column. sequences of interest prior to secondary treatments, PCR

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J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728 Electrodriven Methods 1719

Figure 1. Illustration of the tem-

poral temperature control setup
used for microchip TGGE. The
microchip in this case was
made from PC. Reprinted with
permission from [23].

amplicons can be directly interrogated for scoring the PCR bands with more than six unit repeat differences
presence of SNPs based on the use of sequence-specific could be resolved in less than 3 min using a 6 cm electro-
primers for the locus or loci being interrogated. For phoretic separation length.
example, if the PCR primers possess a mismatch with the Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-receptor gene microsa-
target DNA, the amount of PCR product can be signifi- tellite alleles of the D19S394 tetranucleotide repeat asso-
cantly reduced or even eliminated by proper selection of ciated with familial hypercholesterolemia were sized
the annealing temperature used in the three-step ther- using an Agilent 2100 microchip system [26]; 17 alleles
mal cycling process associated with PCR compared to were easily distinguished using microchip CE, which var-
fully matched primer/template duplexes. Therefore, the ied from 0–17 repeats. Likewise, the same instrumenta-
electrophoretic sorting of PCR amplicons can be used to tion was used by Sohni et al. [27] to perform routine sep-
detect the mutation of interest by preceding the electro- arations for a host of PCR-amplified VNTRs markers indi-
phoresis with a PCR step. Challenges in AS-PCR include cative of diabetic and cardiovascular complications stem-
the need for tight control on the design of primers and ming from irregularities in several genes. A 12-lane
understanding their annealing temperatures (Tm), the microchip was used to detect spermatogenetic failure in
inability to highly multiplex the assay and the difficulty a multiplexed format following an offline multiplexed
in securing quantitative information due to the non- PCR of three DNA sequence-tagged sites of interest on the
quantitative nature of most PCR-dependent assays. Y chromosome [28]. With all of the required components
Huang et al. selected separate gastric cancer-related resolved using a 1.5 cm effective separation channel, 36
SNPs using a microchip CE system to complement a sim- samples could be processed within 180 s.
ple-tube genotyping method, which combined a whole A PCR study of p16 tumor suppressor gene inactivation
blood PCR with a tetra-PCR in which the PCR was con- via hypermethylation was also evaluated on a microchip
ducted directly from 1 lL of unpurified whole blood or using AS-PCR. Comparing the ability of slab gel and an
paper-dried blood [24]. Three typical genotypes of the two injection-molded PMMA microchip to resolve methyla-
SNPs probed (IL-1B-31 and IL-1B-511) within the IL-1B tion-specific PCR amplicons from 153 DNA plasma and
gene were obtained in a 2 min analysis time using a com- tissue specimens including positive and negative con-
mercial microchip system with its appropriate gel trols, Zhou et al. found that the microchip separations
matrix (Agilent system). yielded a 26.6% higher positive rate while maintaining
Sung et al. demonstrated the use of PMMA microchips specificity equal to that of slab gel electrophoresis [29].
to perform fast exclusion tests via PCR product profiling While fluorescence detection schemes are primarily
of fragile X syndrome (FXS) alleles based on their repeat- used for DNA genotyping analyses due to its high sensi-
ing unit size, (CGG)n, within the familial MR type 1 tivity and low LODs as well as the ease of labeling frag-
(FMR1) gene [25]. Using wire imprinted or hot-embossed ments using fluorescently tagged primers required for
PMMA microchips filled with 1.3 or 1.8% hydroxyl pro- the PCR step, an on-chip electrochemical detection strat-
pylmethyl cellulose (HPMC) containing an intercalating egy has also been introduced that was capable of detect-
dye (TOPRO-3) to enhance detectability, they found that ing PCR amplicons [30]. By modifying a screen-printed

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1720 R. Sinville and S. A. Soper J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728

Chen et al. [32] utilized wire-imprinted PMMA micro-

chips to screen for hepatitis C present in blood serum of
symptomatic patients and reported the completion of
separations one order of magnitude faster than CGE. In
another study, fabricated PMMA microchips were also
used to probe for SARS and hepatitis B virus (HBV) in sam-
ples of known infected patients [33]. The device, contain-
ing trapezoidal imprinted channels transferred from a
silicon master, reportedly yielded detection rates of
94.4% (17/18) and 80.6% (29/36) for multiplexed PCR
SARS and HBV samples, respectively.
Karasawa et al. [34] performed microchip CE separa-
tions to detect cariogenic (tooth decaying) bacteria in
dental plaque. In this case, AS-PCR was performed to
amplify S. mutans and S. sobrinus, both known to promote
tooth decay when they coexist in plaque. Comparing sev-
eral mixtures of polyethylene oxide (PEO) and HPMC,
they found 0.125% HPMC/0.6% PEO to provide the opti-
mal mesh for the given amplicon sizes (202 and 226 bp).
Figure 2. Electropherograms for the separation and detec-
tion of DNA fragments present in a BIONEER 1 kbp DNA The separation of the two species was carried out in
standard marker (concentration = 130 ng/mL). The detector l85 s on commercial Hitachi injection-molded PMMA
consisted of a modified screen-printed carbon electrode. (a) microchips.
The surfaces of the carbon electrodes were modified with
poly-5,29-59,29-terthiophene-39-carboxylic acid, which
improved the analysis performance by lowering the detection
potential. Electrophoretic results with electrochemical detec- 3.2 PCR/LDR and LCR
tion of 30-cycle PCR products at a bare (b), and modified (c)
screen-printed carbon electrode. The standard marker con- LDR is a mutation detection assay that involves the use of
sisted of 500, 1000, 1610, 2000, 2961, 4025, 5007, 5991, two complementary primers designed to flank a poly-
8029, and 10 200 bp fragments. The detection potential
used was 10.8 V (vs. Ag|AgCl reference electrode). morphic site within the target DNA. One primer is called
Reprinted with permission from [30]. the discriminating primer and contains the polymorphic
site on its 39 end with the allelic content matching the
polymorphism on the target DNA. The other primer,
carbon electrode, which effectively lowered the detec- termed the common primer, is phosphorylated at its 59
tion potential and reduced electrode fouling, unlabeled end. Upon hybridization of these primers to the target
human heat shock factor (HSF1) gene amplicons were DNA, a highly specific thermostable ligase seals them
electrophoresed in a sieving matrix comprised of HEC at only if there is a complete match between bases on the 39
an optimal field strength of 200 V/cm and were detected end of the discriminating primer and the polymorphic
with the screen-printed carbon electrodes. Some repre- locus on the target DNA. If successful ligation does occur,
sentative results from this study are shown in Fig. 2. The it generates an elongated and fluorescently labeled oligo-
assay possessed a detection limit of 584.3 fg/lL (€1.3 fg/ nucleotide that can be distinguished from excess labeled
lL). unligated primers through differences in their sizes
Besides routine testing for endogenous genetic condi- using electrophoretic sorting [35]. This assay is attractive
tions of individuals for clinical diagnostic/prognostic because it decouples the PCR from the mutation detec-
applications, PCR-based approaches for the detection of tion reaction, which provides high specificity, it is ame-
deleterious bacterial and viral infections affecting nable to multiplexing and it also performs exceptionally
humans have also been subjected to electrophoretic anal- well in the presence of high levels of wild-type targets.
ysis using microchip CE. For example, Kaigala et al. [31] The challenge associated with this technique rests not on
developed a hybrid microfluidic system for the produc- the reaction itself, but with the ability to adequately
tion, detection, and quantification of PCR products from resolve, via electrophoresis, several short single-base dif-
the BK virus (BKV), a renal dysfunction highly associated ferentiated oligonucleotides (a100 bp) from the labeled
with transplanted kidney rejection. By integrating PCR and unligated primers that can potentially mask the pos-
and separation processes onto PDMS-glass hybrid micro- itive signals indicative of the mutations due to their
devices, they were able to detect as few as one to two viral much higher concentration when the copy number of
copies as well as gauge the overall viral loads of clinical the mutated DNA is low compared to the wild-type
samples from renal transplant patients. sequences. Therefore, highly viscous polymers (8–10%

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J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728 Electrodriven Methods 1721

polyacrylamide) are typically required to provide base- resolve LCR products of NOD2/CARD15 genes related to
line resolution of all components generated from the inflammatory bowel disease using microchip CE.
LDR assay.
Thomas et al. demonstrated the ability to use a hot-
3.3 SBE
embossed PMMA microchip filled with a 4% LPA (linear
polyacrylamide) or other commercial polymers for the SBE, also known as minisequencing, has emerged as an
analysis of a 12.2 K-ras LDR product (44 bp), indicative of effective mutation detection technique to determine the
a mutation that could be associated with the onset of allelic composition at a particular locus; it is considered
colorectal cancer [36]. The results secured from the attractive due to its simplicity as only a few major com-
microchip CE result were compared to those using a con- ponents including a primer, polymerase, and a nucleo-
ventional CGE format with a 4% LPA sieving gel. CGE side triphosphate substrate are required to conduct the
analysis of the LDR samples was incapable of providing assay [41]. Moreover, the total development time of reac-
reliable results due to electrokinetic injection biases; the tions is considerably short compared to most typing
higher concentration of the LDR primers as well as their methods in terms of those requiring thermal cycling
higher mobility prohibited sufficient injection of the [42]. SBE reactions entail annealing a primer one base
generated LDR products, especially when the wild-type removed from the locus containing the SNP to a particu-
DNA was >100-fold higher in copy number compared to lar DNA template. Following hybridization, fluorescently
the mutant DNA. The microchip CE format performed labeled dideoxynucleotides are added to the reaction
much better under these conditions due to the absence and the appropriate dideoxynucleotide is added based
of electrokinetic injection biases when adopting a cross-T on the allelic composition of the locus being interro-
injection format. The microchip CE separations of LDR gated. The reaction is similar to conventional Sanger
products possessing a 100-fold molar excess of wild-type sequencing reactions except that deoxynucleotides are
targets clearly showed the presence of the low copy num- not included in the reaction cocktail and as such only a
ber mutant alleles (well-resolved from the intense primer single base is added to the primer [43]. This method has
peaks) and required a development time of l120 s in a been adapted to various microchip CE systems and the
separation channel length of only 3.5 cm [36]. In addi- four-color multiplexing detection hardware associated
tion, the authors demonstrated that desalting prior to with many CGE sequencing and genotyping equipment,
electrophoretic separation using microchip CE was not which allows for spectral identification of the incorpo-
necessary as it was in the case for CGE. rated dideoxynucleotide. Although SBE in conjunction
The LDR assay, which is carried out with temperature with conventional CGE has been extensively used and
cycling (denaturing and annealing) to linearly amplify reported for multiplexed SNP genotyping, few reports
the number of generated products, is often times discussing SBE/microchip CE combinations have sur-
coupled to a primary PCR to amplify the gene of interest, faced, most likely due to the stringent separation per-
which can contain severe loci harboring the mutations formance demanded for SBE (single base resolution of
of interest. PCR and LDR have been successfully inte- short, l20 bp, DNAs).
grated onto a polymeric microfluidic device that can be Vreeland et al. [44] illustrated the novel pairing of SBE
used to generate products for subsequent interrogation with end-labeled free solution electrophoresis (ELFSE) for
using microchip CE [37]. The reaction time of the coupled genotyping three p53 loci using a commercial CGE sys-
PCR/LDR was reduced to 6.5 min as opposed to 1.5 h tem and discussed the potential of transitioning this
required for conventional benchtop thermal cycling strategy to microfluidic platforms. Recently, the Barron
instrumentation. group demonstrated the microchip-based separation of
LCR is also a SNP detection method and is based on the multiplexed reactions to probe 16 p53 loci with 96%
ligation of two pairs of oligonucleotide primers that accuracy using ELFSE and microchip CE. With only a
hybridize to adjacent positions on complementary denaturing buffer containing a EOF suppressant as an
strands of a target dsDNA. Similar to PCR, LCR exponen- electrophoretic medium, extension units harboring 16
tially amplifies target sequences; LCR differs from PCR unique, monodispersed, uncharged polyamide drag-tags
because it amplifies only the generated probe molecule facilitated the size dependent separation of species
(ligated primers). Moreover, LCR has been found to be within 70 s using a commercial glass microchip [42].
more specific than PCR in some cases, which is prone to Herbert et al. reported on an electrochemical approach
amplifying false positives occurring in early cycling for detecting mock SNP sites using SBE on a miniaturized
events [38, 39]. The products of this application have also platform. The microchip CE device was composed of a
been detected and quantified following electrophoresis PDMS chip aligned and sealed with a cover slip contain-
on a microfluidic device. In a study highlighting the ing working and reference electrodes positioned near
effect of polymers to dynamically passivate silicon-glass the channel outlet. Sinusoidal voltammetry was used to
microchips, Lou et al. [40] demonstrated the ability to distinguish electrochemically active extension products

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1722 R. Sinville and S. A. Soper J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728

Figure 3. (a) Reconstructed plot of time versus pixel number of the CCD, which was monitoring restriction fragments generated
across the multichannel microchip. The shaded bar represents fluorescence intensity collected by the CCD. The sampling capil-
lary moved from right to left depositing samples into the chip, so the lane farthest to the right is designated as lane 1. (b) Sche-
matic of the chip setup with capillary sample introduction. LIF detection was achieved by focusing an argon ion laser into a line
across the chip 5.5–6.5 cm from the injection point. A liquid nitrogen-cooled CCD was used to analyze the collected fluorescence
photons. Adapted and reprinted with permission from [46].

from unincorporated excess terminators following elec- and secondary treatments of the cleaved fragments with
trophoresis through agarose in less than 4 min [45]. other restriction enzymes can provide further specific
fragmentation patterns that can be subsequently sub-
jected to electrophoretic sorting. If a mutation or SNP
3.4 RFLP
exists at a particular restriction site, it can change the
RFLP relies on the use of various endonucleases, com- restriction pattern generated, which can be deciphered
monly referred to as restriction enzymes that cleave rec- using gel electrophoretic sorting. The limitation associ-
ognition sequences usually 4–8 bp in length within ated with this mutation detection strategy is that the
dsDNAs. Upon treatment, DNA fragments having unique mutation loci must be contained within a restriction site.
sizes corresponding to the distance between the restric- A high-throughput microfluidic design has been devel-
tion sites cut by the restriction enzymes are generated, oped for the continuous assessment of restriction

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J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728 Electrodriven Methods 1723

enzyme kinetics, which have been traditionally con- tion (7.6 cm effective separation channel length). Accord-
ducted using labor-intensive processing of millisecond- ing to the authors, the method could be performed in
interval quenched enzymatic reactions and subsequently about 45 min, whereas conventional methods would
subjected to slab gel electrophoresis. The device for this require days to perform this same type of assay [49].
application, as seen in Fig. 3, used a capillary sampling
device to dispense aliquots (1 injection/14 s) from a reac-
tion mixture to a multichannel (five channels) glass chip
4 DNA forensics
with the collected fragments separated in the chip using
an LPA sieving matrix and detected via LIF with a CCD The identification of humans based on DNA profiling has
camera [46]. A 62 bp dsDNA containing a KpnI restriction become a powerful tool in the field of forensics. Usually,
site was used for system evaluation and the effects of tem- this profiling is achieved by the analysis of highly poly-
perature and restriction enzyme concentration were also morphic variations presented in the form of STRs, which
examined. The unique aspect of this setup was that the consist of specific two to seven base repeating patterns
sampling device (a capillary) was not fixed to the separa- (e. g., (CAGT)n) found in the genome. Primarily, STRs are
tion platform (the microchip), and continuous intermit- distributed throughout noncoding regions of the
tent injections could be processed in the pipeline with- genome known as junk DNA with the number of repeat-
out the need for completion of preceding separations, ing units typically very specific for a particular individ-
thus increasing throughput. ual, especially when occurring at several different loci.
The ability of microchip electrophoresis to assess Forensic DNA specimens are commonly matched to
restriction digests of samples containing low percen- alleged criminal suspects in modern law enforcement
tages of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations in blood using human identification systems validated according
from diabetic patients was investigated by Guttman et al. to the DNA Advisory Board’s (DAB) Quality Assurance
[47]. The assay included the generation of 250 and 251 bp Standards. These DNA testing systems typically involve
products of a PCR-RFLP treatment designed to include a the amplification of highly polymorphic STRs by PCR.
known ApaI site responsible for the mutation followed AmpFlSTRm Profiler Plus and COfilerm, Powerplexm,
by the electrophoretic sorting of these products. In glass Powerplex-Y, and Y-PLEXTM 12 are examples of commonly
microchannels filled with a 2% agarose gel containing used multiplex systems for genotyping polymorphic
ethidium bromide, they were able to routinely discrimi- STRs residing in the human nuclear DNA (nDNA) and
nate 1–2% of A324G mtDNA point mutations in mixtures male Y-chromosomal DNA. These analyses are routinely
containing 98–99% wild-type levels in less than 12 min performed using CGE and the genotyping capability of
[47]. In a related report, the same author introduced a the ABI 3130 automated DNA Sequencer/Genotyper
high-throughput 96-lane format combining microfi- instrument within forensic laboratories. However, prior
brous membrane-mediated DNA digestion with subse- to gel sorting, the DNA sample must be extracted from
quent microchip electrophoresis processing. An auto- the specimen, typically using precipitation-type tech-
mated spotter was used to deliver submicroliter quanti- niques, purified and then, PCR amplified.
ties of target DNA and digestion enzymes from 96 well The resulting genetic “fingerprints” are then com-
plates onto a membrane, which served as both a reaction pared to profiles within the combined DNA Index System
vessel as well as the microchip sample preconcentration/ (CODIS) databank to identify a match. The advantage of
loading inlet. Results indicated that the digestions were these types of analyses lies within the very large number
completed within 1–10 min and subsequent separations of STR alleles that provide a very high power of statistical
in the agarose-filled channels (4 cm effective length) discrimination. When DNA evidence is limited, analysis
were completed in 5–10 min (20 min total analysis time) of human mtDNA targets is often employed because of
[48]. Recently, an on-chip treatment of mtDNA employ- the high copy number of mitochondria and mtDNA mol-
ing restriction enzymes was used by Taylor et al. [49] to ecules in each cell [50].
differentiate homogeneous and heterogeneous popula- Forensic DNA testing can also be used in other areas
tions of mtDNAs. The procedure was carried out on a targeted for investigative forensics. These include estab-
straight channel 8.0 cm commercial glass chip (Micra- lishing the paternity of children [51], inferring the geo-
lyne) and included excising a mtDNA sequence from plas- graphic origin of unknown human DNA samples [52, 53],
mid DNA via enzymatic digestion with EcoRI to linearize identifying potential microbial or viral pathogens for
the plasmid loops into dsDNA and denaturing/renatur- biodefense [54], or recognizing species specific source(s)
ing to form duplexes of the digested DNA all taking place of unknown trace evidence [55]. These investigative DNA
in a single sample well. The generated products were forensic applications typically use PCR-based analysis of
labeled with an intercalating dye (SYTOX Orange) that a variety of genetic systems including, STRs, single
was present in the separation matrix (Genescan polymer nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and mobile element
containing 10% glycerol) during electrophoretic separa- insertion polymorphisms.

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1724 R. Sinville and S. A. Soper J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728

Figure 4. (a) CAD drawing of the multilane chip layout used for STR analysis. The design contained 16 lanes with 16 double-T
injectors on the right for electrokinetic sample injection. It has a section where all channels converge for scanning (arrow), and
the overall distance at this point is 3.2 mm from injection to detection. (b) Complete assembly with anode on the lower left and
the cathode board on the top right corner; there is a vial for sample inlet and sample waste for each lane. The effective length of
each lane is 20 cm. (c) Computer screen image of six-channels of electrophoresis results for the chip system are shown in (a).
The electropherograms are from five data samples and one allelic ladder. Reprinted with permission from [59].

The key elements of successful STR-typing include 11.5 cm effective channel length and appeared in this
both high-resolution electrophoresis and precise sizing same report.
of DNA samples with respect to internal standards used In a subsequent study, the degree of multiplexing was
to identify various alleles within a given locus. The core further enhanced using a four-color excitation/detection
advantages of microchip CE in terms of DNA forensics system capable of examining 15 loci simultaneously
includes the ability to integrate sample preprocessing within 20 min with single base resolution ranging from
steps into a monolithic wafer and the ultra-fast separa- 0.75 to 1 [58]. This work led to the development of an STR
tions afforded by microchip CE, which could play a vital analysis instrument designed around a 16-lane glass
role in compiling more extensive forensic databases and microchip CE device. The chip layout, as seen in Fig. 4,
also, relieving the backlog of DNA typing cases. For exam- included double-T cross injectors for electrokinetic injec-
ple, the cost, speed, and lack of simple and user-friendly tions in each separation channel and 20 cm effective sep-
equipment available for forensic DNA tests have contrib- aration lengths that converged near the detection point
uted to the current backlog of over 300 000 DNA evi- to fall within the range of an optical scanner. Peak accu-
dence samples from criminal trials (Department of Jus- racies of 0.4–0.9 bp were reported using the CODIS 13-
tice: locus multiplex established by the FBI [59].
675.html). More recently, plastic microchip CE devices have been
Work was described by Schmalzing et al. [56] in 1997 assessed for their potential to accommodate high-resolu-
using a glass chip possessing a single channel (45 lm tion analysis of STR samples [60, 61]. In two related stud-
deep and 100 lm wide) to separate single-locus and four- ies, polyolefin substrates having hot-embossed micro-
loci PCR-amplified STRs spiked with allelic standard lad- channels (4.5, 6.0, 10, and 18 cm long separation chan-
ders with a CE development time of only 30 s and 2 min, nels) filled with a replaceable 4% LPA matrix under dena-
respectively, with a 4% LPA matrix under denaturing turing conditions were used to electrophoretically sort
conditions over a 2.6 cm effective separation distance. common STR ladders. While the 4.5 cm channel was capa-
This work was later extended upon by using a dual wave- ble of providing single base resolution between microvar-
length LIF detection approach to increase the multiplex- iants [60], higher quality performance was illustrated
ing capacity of the system to process an eight-loci STR using the 10 and 18 cm length channels with a 3% LPA
panel simultaneously in a single separation channel [57]. sieving matrix. However, it was noted that pressure toler-
A microvariant allele present in the sample requiring sin- ances associated with these devices dictated what sieving
gle base resolution was resolved in 10 min using an matrix concentrations could be used [61]. Exceeding pres-

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sure tolerances by pumping high viscous gels through the With an effective separation distance of 3.5 cm, four-
plastic channel caused release of the cover plate from the color DNA sequencing traces of l150 bp were performed
chip substrate and subsequent device failure. with 97% base calling accuracy in only 540 s. Improve-
A high-throughput forensic study was demonstrated ments upon this work followed refining subsequent plat-
using a 96-lane microchip CE device with a four-color forms to improve both resolution and throughput. Ulti-
radial scanning fluorescence detection system. Profiled mately, high density (96-lane) CE microchips with deeper
samples attained using conventional CGE were analyzed (30 lm) and longer (15.9 cm) effective separation lengths
in parallel for comparison followed by the analysis of sev- radially configured into a common anode were devel-
eral (17) unexamined samples using the 96-lane micro- oped, which increased the average read length to 430
chip; microchip CE provided single base resolution and bases [65]. While this particular microfluidic device was
runs were completed within 30 min [62]. The STR typing initially intended for sequencing, it has been utilized in
was accomplished using the PowerPlex 16m and some of the previously mentioned high-throughput gen-
AmpFlSTR Profiler Plusm multiplexed PCR systems. Forty- otyping and forensic applications as well [62].
eight previously analyzed single-source samples were After a stringent parametric study of microelectropho-
accurately typed, as confirmed by an ABI Prism 310 and/ retic sequencing separations in terms of channel lengths
or the Hitachi FMBIO II CGE instruments. Minor alleles and sieving gel concentrations [66], work by Aborn et al.
in 3:1 mixture samples containing female and male DNA [67] introduced an automated microchip CE sequencing
were reliably typed as well. system employing 384-channel microdevices with chan-
All of the aforementioned microchip-related forensic nel lengths varying from 37–45 cm situated on large
studies emphasized the use of STR specifically for human glass plates (25650 cm2). The device was capable of pro-
identification. However, in the field of anthropology the viding 781 base read lengths and called 1.726105 bases
ability to differentiate human remains from those of ani- per 384-lane run with 99% accuracy.
mals by sampling hair and bone remnants for mtDNA is Although sparingly reported, plastic-based microflui-
sufficient. A recent study has evaluated the usefulness of dics has also been employed for DNA sequencing. Boone
a microchip-processed PCR analysis using a commercial et al. [68] reported four-color sequencing reads of 640
system and glass microchip for probing mtDNA of bases with 98% accuracy using an acrylic microchip bear-
ancient sources [63]. Highly degraded human and nonhu- ing an 18 cm embossed channel within 30 min. Using
man DNA samples were positively identified using a polyolefin microchips with much shorter channels
microchip CE separation by selectively amplifying target (4.5 cm), Shi et al. demonstrated the ability to read a
human-specific mtDNA genes (Cytochrome b and 16S sequence to 320 bases with 99.1% accuracy within
ribosomal RNA). 13 min [60]. In both studies, replaceable LPA matrices
were used for sieving.
Along with the miniaturized sequencing separation
platforms, auxiliary components have been incorporated
5 DNA sequencing
into the microchip CE system to aid in the separation
Sequencing remains the gold standard for the analysis of and detection. For example, Ueberfeld et al. [69] used a
DNA in many applications such as genotyping or DNA solid support sample loading technique to minimize the
forensics in spite of some of its current limitations, obstacles associated with the processing of low concen-
which mainly includes the labor-intensive sample pre- trations of DNA sequencing fragments typically encoun-
processing, the slow development time, and the high per- tered using microfluidic devices (see Table 1). By directly
formance demands placed on the electrophoresis phase injecting Sanger DNA sequencing samples reversibly
of sequencing. The quest to design microchip CE for adsorbed onto paramagnetic microspheres and
demanding DNA sequencing applications as part of the extracted from solution with a magnetized wire, they
HGP spawned the production of elaborate units featur- were able to achieve fluorescence signal intensities that
ing dispersion-limiting channel turn geometries to were equal to that of standard offset T injectors having
extend channels within a small footprint for increased >10 times the initial DNA sample content [69].
DNA read lengths, offset injection crosses to increase Also of interest are efforts in microchip CE for poten-
sample injection plug volumes to aid in detection, and tially simplifying the DNA separation phase of the
multilane formats for high-throughput analyses. sequencing processing pipeline by developing alterna-
The pioneering report for transitioning sequencing tive electrophoretic separation mechanisms that could
CGE separations to microfabricated CE chips was pre- potentially eliminate the necessity of using sieving mate-
sented by Woolley et al. in 1995 [64]; the electrophoresis rials such as polymer gels and their associated high vis-
was conducted on a simple, straight-channel (50 lm cosity constraints. Using the previously mentioned ELFSE
wide, 8 lm deep) microchip, in which channels were technology [70], l110 base sequencing read lengths have
etched into glass wafers filled with a polyacrylamide gel. been reported using conventional CE in l18 min [71].

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1726 R. Sinville and S. A. Soper J. Sep. Sci. 2007, 30, 1714 – 1728

Figure 5. (a) Photograph of an integrated microchip device showing one of two nucleic acid processing systems. Colors indicate
the location of sequencing reagent (green), capture gel (yellow), separation gel (red), and pneumatic channels (blue). (b) High-
quality sequencing data generated using the integrated bioprocessor shown in (a). Sanger sequencing extension fragments
were generated from a 750 bp pUC18 PCR amplicon. Automatic base calls were secured by the program PHRED and base
numbers are indicated above the electropherogram. The scale bar is 5 mm in (a). Reprinted with permission from [72].

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