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Oleh: Prof. Dr. Drodjatun Kuntjorojakti

1. Experimental and intangible/invisible 2. Simultaneous (real time, face-to-face delivery) 3. Location specific 4. Cannot be stored

Add value to other processes Adding intelligent value

Without services there could be no functioning economy!

Centrality in any economy

Inbound flow

Outbound flow

Services account of BOP

A. Traded Services 1. Trade Consumer Example : Tourism health 2. Trade Business


Most dynamic Sector !

2. Facilitational Support

B. Facilitative services
1. Facilitational Logistic

Example : Legal financial

Example : transporta tion

Example : Banking trade

! !
Accounting (Profesional Services)

Technology intensive Knowledge intensive # Skills # expertise Increasingly exposed to international dimension Capacity Efficiency Competitive

s.t. technological and social innovation

Accounting Like :
# # # Advertising Consulting Computer services

Professional services
Accounting, auditing, tax related management consulting Include: # Computer system for business transaction processing # Provision of information to management

Rely heavily on # Skill # talent
Of key individuals and rain makers

1. HRD problem 2. Ideas processes combined with technology + remote delivery

Trend perubahan jangka panjang, abad ke-21: Globalisasi


intensifikasi daripada interdependencies


saling ketergantungan di antara: # Ekonomi # Industri # Perusahaan Paradigma shift !

Menuju ke: keterbukaan (global openness)

Indikator makro : X+M Y

Dimungkinkan karena ekonomi dunia menjadi : # Bonderless # Tidak tergantung waktu (via telecom, wireless, paperless)

! %

ketergantungan ekonomi kepada: # International trade meningkat # International finance meningkat # International ervices meningkat

Paradigma shift

Triple T Revolution
& Transportation " role of distance ! " transportation cost " location decline! & Telekom " time ! " telecom cost % & Travel " global awareness " travel cost

Awareness of changes

Alternatives opportunities choices

# Challenges # Threats # dangers

Choices of :
# # # # # Goods Services Money (currency) Capital Information knowledge knowhow technology

Semakin banyak jumlah dan variasinya at all levels of economics and social activiteies


User Consumer loyalty !



Penyebab Globalisasi


Triple T Revolution containerisation, ' Trucks, train, ships, cargo plane, air and seaports, software dev. & Global door-to-door, multi modal through-freight system

T1 Transportation "

T2 Telecomunication "

digitalisation ' stelite, optic fibre, computer & global person-to-person, integrated services digital network (ISDN)

T3 Travel/tourism "

mass travel, ' jumbo jets, aiports & long haul direct mass travel

& Transportation / freihgt cost turun & Communication / information cost turun & Travel cost turun

& Globalisasi

" mega competition !

! "prices turun (world inflation turun) " profit margin turun "
requirement meningkat for : productivity efficiency delivery quality

" just in time (JIT/Kanban) " total quality control (kaizen TQC), TQM


zero deffect
Processing (TQC, TQM) ZD
Output delivery

Mobilization of resources and factors JIT



& Megacompetition Menuntut perusahaan untuk sadar lingkungan o Operational o Industrial o External

Menuntut : Informatin intensive Knowledge intensive activities

! " Anywhere

Menuntut motivasi & partisipasi manpower (workers and managers) yang committed to : deliver the best, customised, on time Every time! at : competitive price


Pendorong baru strata menengah (bukan middle class) information haves

& Basisnya: Profesionalisme Urban area Modern sectors Close interface between: - business - academia

California style of life spending behaviour

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