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Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Paranormal: phenomena understood to be outside of sciences current ability to explain or measure

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


fund eld

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Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Agencies of Deception Politics of Capitalism








0% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

"national symbol of a failure to exercise a sense of concern for future generations."

FISCAL YEAR The People The Polluters


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Agencies of Deception The Camouage Approach

This art of landscape camouflage masks the histories and processes of disturbed industrial sites and obliterates a connection that might render these parks more meaningful to the public. Elizabeth Meyer
Urban Parks: Disturbed Sites, Citizens, and Risk Society

Waste is valued as long as it makes a profit. A dismantled Boeing 747 lies in the landscape as part of the back lot studio tram tour (seen on the roads). The cost of the tour starts at $51 per person. Alan Berger
Drosscape: Wasting Land in Urban America

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Agencies of Deception The Camouage Approach

Car repair/Pipe treatement facility redeveloped into commerical and ofce center.

As with stitching up wounds to the skin that are only recurring symptoms of some larger failing, the continual patching over of problems... ...fails to adequately address their source. James Corner
Eidetic Operations and New Landscapes

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Agencies of Deception Environmental Apocalypse to Way of LIfe

Gas Works Park, Seattle

What is the social reception of uncertain parks that consist of circuit walks along metal boardwalks elevated above a toxic ground plane planted with heavy-metal accumulator plants? Gathering places and memorials amid industrial ruins? Kiteflying mounds and extreme sports grounds situated atop tons of consumer waste, whose seepage is monitored? Elizabeth Meyer
Urban Parks: Disturbed Sites, Citizens, and Risk Society

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Agencies of Perception Agencies of Deception Environmental Apocalypse to Way of LIfe The Camouage Approach

This was a Pizza Hut Now it's all covered with daisies you got it, you got it -Talking Heads Nothing But Flowers

Image taken from Ana Mendietas Tree of Life/Silhouettes series 1973-1980

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Agencies of Perception Representation and Conceptualization

Any recovery of landscape in contemporary culture is ultimately dependent on the development of new images and techniques of conceptualization. James Corner
Eidetic Operations and New Landscapes

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson
DRAWING TOXIC PLUMAGE_mushroom clouds and the shadow kingdom

Agencies of Perception Visualizing the Shadow Kingdom

visible climactic sudden

An area of chemicals moving away from its source in a long band or column. A plume, for example, can be a column of smoke from a chimney or chemicals moving with groundwater. A concentration of contaminants in air, soil, or water usually extending from a distinct source A body of contaminated groundwater or vapour originating from a specific source and influenced by certain factors such as local groundwater or soil vapour flow patterns and character of the aquifer. The way polluted water extends downstream from the pollution source (analogous to smoke from a smoke-stack as it drifts downwind in the atmosphere). A visible or measurable discharge of a contaminant body from a given point of origin. Can be a visible body of pollution such as smoke coming from a stack or a measured amount such as heat in water coming from a power plant boiler. A plume is a visible smoke-like structure, which may contain pollutants emitted from an exhaust or smoke stack and released into the atmosphere. A volume of a substance that moves from its source to places farther away from the source. Plumes can be described by the volume of air or water they occupy and the direction they move. In groundwater a plume is an underground pattern of contaminant concentrations created by the movement of groundwater beneath a contaminant source. Contaminants spread mostly laterally in the direction of groundwater movement.

gradual anti-climactic




Designing for Contaminated Openlands

Kadi Franson CCA Thesis_Fall 2011 Extreme Environments_Gattegno

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Plans, Sections, and Renderings Conventions of Representation in Architecture

If landscape architects construct ideas, then the role of imaging in idea formation and projection needs to be better articulated than simply by opposing artistic renderings to technical working documents. James Corner
Eidetic Operations and New Landscapes

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Plans, Sections, and Renderings Conventions of Representation in Architecture

Site Map

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Muti-valent Knowings Eidetic Operations

The flow of toxic chemicals out of containment pits, beyond clay caps, property lines, downstream and downwind can be read about and acknowledged. But it is known differently, and I would agree more deeply. Through sight, sound, and touch, the mind engaged with its body, the intellect connected to emotions. Elizabeth Meyer
Urban Parks: Disturbed Sites, Citizens, and Risk Society

Eidetic: referring to a mental conception that may be picturable but may equally be acoustic, tactile, cognitive, or intuitive.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Contaminated Landscapes Visibility Gradient and Concept Imaging

Bountiful Ruin_Kadi Franson_CCA Thesis_Fall 2011

Bountiful Ruin_Kadi Franson_CCA Thesis_Fall 2011

Wish You Were Here Postcard series. October, 2011. poetic property v. delineated real estate. James Corner
Eidetic Operations and New Landscapes

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin_Kadi Franson_CCA Thesis_Fall 2011

Site Name: Leviathon Mine Location: Alpine County, CA Size: 250 acres Industry: Sulphur mining Timeline: 1951-1962 Known Contaminants: Sulfuric acid, arsenic, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, iron Description: Leviathan Mine is an abandoned open-pit sulfur mine high on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, in Alpine County CA. The mine, 24 miles southeast of Lake Tahoe, has been contaminating a nine-mile stretch of mountain creeks, resulting in devastating effects on aquatic life. The Toiyabe National Forest surrounds the site, and there are no permanent residents within several miles. The stream system drains into Nevada about five miles from the mine and enters Carson Valley nine miles downstream from the mine.

Site Name: Iron Mountain Mine Location: Size: 4,400 acres Industry: Iron, Silver, Zinc, Copper, Gold, Pyrite mining Timeline: 1860s-1963 Known Contaminants: Sulfuric acid, copper, cadmium, zinc, and other heavy metals Description: The low pH level and the heavy metal contamination from the mine have caused the virtual elimination of aquatic life in sections of Slickrock Creek, Boulder Creek, and Spring Creek. Since 1940, high levels of contamination in the Sacramento River have resulted in numerous fish kills. The continuous release of metals has contributed to a steady decline in the fisheries population in the Sacramento River. The Sacramento River is a drinking water source for approximately 70,000 people within 3 miles of the site.

Site Name: Iron Mountain Mine Location: Size: 4,400 acres Industry: Iron, Silver, Zinc, Copper, Gold, Pyrite mining Timeline: 1860s-1963 Known Contaminants: Sulfuric acid, copper, cadmium, zinc, and other heavy metals Description: The low pH level and the heavy metal contamination from the mine have caused the virtual elimination of aquatic life in sections of Slickrock Creek, Boulder Creek, and Spring Creek. Since 1940, high levels of contamination in the Sacramento River have resulted in numerous fish kills. The continuous release of metals has contributed to a steady decline in the fisheries population in the Sacramento River. The Sacramento River is a drinking water source for approximately 70,000 people within 3 miles of the site.

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Contaminated Landscapes Visibility Gradient and Concept Imaging

Bountiful Ruin_Kadi Franson_CCA Thesis_Fall 2011

Bountiful Ruin_Kadi Franson_CCA Thesis_Fall 2011

Wish You Were Here Postcard series. October, 2011.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bountiful Ruin_Kadi Franson_CCA Thesis_Fall 2011

Site Name: Stringfellow Location: Pyrite Canyon, CA Size: 17 acres Industry: Hazardous waste disposal facility Timeline: 1956-1972 Known Contaminants: Pesticides, VOCs, perchlorate, cadmium, nickel, chromium, manganese, PCBs, sulfates, and other heavy metals. Description: More than 34 million gallons of liquid industrial waste, primarily from metal finishing, electroplating, and pesticide production were deposited in evaporation ponds at the site. Heavy rains have caused the evaporation ponds to overflow into creeks and the soil. A groundwater plume of site-related contaminants exists in the Glen Avon area, preventing the use of private drinking water supply wells.

Site Name: Leviathon Mine Location: Alpine County, CA Size: 250 acres Industry: Sulphur mining Timeline: 1951-1962 Known Contaminants: Sulfuric acid, arsenic, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, iron Description: Leviathan Mine is an abandoned open-pit sulfur mine high on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, in Alpine County CA. The mine, 24 miles southeast of Lake Tahoe, has been contaminating a nine-mile stretch of mountain creeks, resulting in devastating effects on aquatic life. The Toiyabe National Forest surrounds the site, and there are no permanent residents within several miles. The stream system drains into Nevada about five miles from the mine and enters Carson Valley nine miles downstream from the mine.

Site Name: McCormick & Baxter Creosoting Co. Location: Near the Port of Stockton Size: 29 acres Industry: Wood preservation Timeline: 1942-1990 Known Contaminants: Arsenic, pentachlorophenol, chromium, copper Description: The site came to the attention of state agencies in 1977 when a fish kill was attributed to a release of PCP-contaminated stormwater runoff from the facility. Sampling has shown shallow aquifer contamination, which is connected to a drinking water source. Contaminants are still apparent in fish sampling. Local people are known to fish at the site, despite fencing and posted signage.

Bountiful Ruin: Designing For Contaminated Openlands

CCA Thesis: Fall 2011-Spring 2012 Kadi Franson

Contaminated Landscapes Visibility Gradient and Concept Imaging

Poison Pit Destinations Performative Photography. August, 2011.

The implications between ways of seeing and ways of acting are immense... James Corner
Eidetic Operations and New Landscapes
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

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