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Shiro Dhara Head and shoulder treatment with flowing oil (60 mins, MYR145 / 35) shiro-dharaIn Shiro

Dhara, a calm-inducing, stream of warm herbal oil is rhythmically poured over the forehead, that streams also through the scalp and hair; thereafter, the head and shoulders would be gently massaged in a pacifying manner. Shiro Dhara is a holistic treatment, and a very relaxing one. It is unique for its employment of a special Ayurvedic massaging rhythm that could only be described as being of a 'swaying' sort. The sensation in Shiro Dhara is akin to that of being caressed; this becomes more apparent when one considers the liquids we use, which range from simple oils and herbal oil concoctions, to medicated butter milk, and others. Shiro Dhara is a powerful experience, which puts the patient at peace and often invokes tranquil feelings from within. It is also one of the most important treatments in Ayurveda, as it is used to change a person's body condition (prakriti). Shiro Dhara is one of the treatments that can be used to relieve insomnia, depression, cervical spondylosis, (excess of) bodily heat, headaches and migraine, and sinusitis; it has also been said to improve memory. Note Shiro Dhara has been referred to as the third eye treatment, but please take note that that is a symbolic gesture only. research Abstract One of the critical problems in the study of physiotherapy of Oriental medicine is not being able to use the same reproducible stimulation, especially in Ayurvedic oil treatments. To address this problem, we developed a healing robot which conducts shirodhara (an oil treatment) in a computerized reproducible manner. The physio-psychological changes during taila dhara conducted by the healing robot and an estimated psychological experiences during taila dhara by psychometric studies of anxiety and altered states of consciousness (ASC) were studied. The physiological changes of the practitioners themselves were checked. Sixteen healthy adult females (ages 21-56, 33 9 years) signed informed consent and participated in this study. During shirodhara the monitoring items for the subjects were: blood pressure and intermittent blood pressure, electrocardiogram (ECG) R-R intervals, expired gas analysis, impedance cardiography and electroencephalogram (EEG). The single EEG (C3 lead) of the technician was recorded at the same time, and respiratory movement of the chests of both subject and technician were also recorded. In the active studies, shirodhara was performed by a machine with a pumping and heating system. The subject's feelings during shirodhara showed deep restfulness with less anxiety - as if the subjects were between the sleep and awake states. Shirodhara induced bradycardia and the relative suppression of LF/HF power spectrum density, which indicated lowered sympathetic tone. Expired gas analysis showed a decreased tidal volume and CO2 excretion. The EEG showed the slowing of the ? wave, an increase in ? and ? activity and an increase in right-left coherence. These metabolic, ECG, and EEG findings support the reported experiences of relaxed and low metabolic states during shirodhara. Physiological changes during shirodhara were similar to those of meditation, including ?-wave dominance in the frontal area and a decrease in heart rate and CO2 excretion. These findings indicated a change in the function of the frontal lobe, limbic system, brain stem, and autonomic nervous system. On the other hand, the EEGs of the technicians of the manual shirodhara showed an increase in their stressful condit- ion, which may also justify the utility of the healing robot as an assistant for the technicians.

for mental tension , stress and depression takradhara supposed to be good. it stimulates proper channels for the endocrinal functions. for chronic head ache if is vataj go for taila dhara.

efficacy of shirodhara is proved.u can use in various mental problems,energy blockages,it works on nervous plexus and rythum of pouring helps regulate mood with help of hormones.apart from that very good for hair and head problems,hrt problems like htn.drvya u cnt decide wat cud be is wat is appropriate for disease and condition.takra dhara is best in some conditions and taila in difrnt.again difrnt yogs for hair and scalp related problems

combination of takra + aamlaki kwath is very useful in insomnia... chandanbalalakshadi tail is good for mental relaxation. for mental disorders the kwath of brahmi,jyotishmati,jatamansi,vacha and bala would be best.

Shirodhara is highly effective in treating all the mental health imbalances, stress, anxiety, tension, depression and specific problems related to head, neck and sinuses. It probably stimulates the Pineal Gland, pituitary and Hypothalamus-the fundamental endocrine glands; by continuous pouring on the forehead thus organizing and regulating all harmonal secretions. type of dhara depends mainly on the condition. thaila dhara is best for neurological conditions and takra dhara does wonders in psycho somatic conditions.

**dr.rajesh please go through my previous discussion in case title "role of shirodhara in alopecia totalis" *these therapies strenghten the hair roots,relax the nerves and muscle fibres and provide nutrition to the hairs *shirodhara has anxiolytic and asc inducing effects,and it promotes a decrease in noradrenaline and exhibits sympatholytic effect,resulting in the peripheral foot circulation and immunopotentiation.

*TAKRADHARA: This is similar to Shirodhara but buttermilk is poured onto the forehead, instead of herbal oil. It is very effective in combatting certain types of migraines, and other specific Pitta disorders, where cooling and refreshing therapies are recommended.

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