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What is Forex?

Forex (Foreign exchange market) is the international financial market for free trade of national currencies. It has been operating since seventies of the XX century - from the moment when biggest countries decided to switch from fixed exchange rates to floating rates. Daily volume of Forex trading exceeds 4 trillion US dollars, and this number is still growing. Main currency of Forex operations is the United States dollar (USD). Market participants:

Central banks; Commercial banks; Investing banks; Brokers and dealers; Pension funds; Insurance companies; International corporations; Individuals.

Unlike stock exchanges, Forex market doesn't have any fixed working hours - it operates 24 hours per day, 5 days per week, since buying/selling operations are performed by banks allover the world at any time of day and night (some banks even work on Saturdays and Sundays). As any other exchange, Forex market is driven by supply and demand for a particular tool. For instance, there are buyers and sellers for "Euro vs US dollar". Exchange rates at Forex are changing constantly, and fluctuations may happen many times per second - this market is very liquid. Exchange rates are influenced by:

Economical factors (economical indicators of countries at the moment, politics of Central banks, changing interest rates, behaviour of importers and exporters, etc); Political factors (speeches of political leaders, president elections, etc); Market participants' mood and feelings, their expectations, rumours, etc; Force-major events (terroristic acts, accidents, catastrophes, etc).

Nevertheless, Forex market is much more stable than stock exchanges - it is not subject to huge surges, even if one currency is declining, another one is improving. One of big advantages of the market is its' close relation with latest information technologies. Clients from different parts of the planet may connect to Internet and start trading. Even big banks tend to use electronic trading - it's the most common way of trading now. At this moment, Forex is at the rapid developing phase, and it's expected to grow more and more in the future. Some of the advantages of Forex market over stock markets and/or other equities include:

Traders can make profits both on declining and developing economies; Traders can make very short-term orders - with some other markets there are certain regulations; Thanks to retail centers like "Forex4you", it's much easier to join Forex market virtually no minimum capital, quick registration, etc; Market is not regulated; There are no broker commissions or they are very low; Much higher leverages are provided; Market works non-stop 24 hours.

How to make profit?

Probably it is rather difficult for a beginner to realize, how to gain profit of Forex, let us demonstrate you some example: After you open a real account with 2000 Euro on it (classic account), you define the upper and lower limits of Euro to US dollar movement diagram and make up your mind to sell 200.000 Euro (2 lots) at the price of 1.2850 (bid price) US dollars for one Euro from the upper limit. You have Euro on your account. Our company provides you with 198.000 additional Euro to your existing 2000 for free, so now you have 200.000 in total. By placing an order you sell your Euro. With the help of marginal leverage your real pledge is 100 times smaller then the amount of money sold that is 200.000 / 100 = 2000 Euro (leverage effect). This very sum will be a pledge for a credit (marginal) operation on your account with maximum possible pledge as there is no more money left on your account. 200.000 Euro at the rate of 1.2850 makes 257.000 US dollars. Further the price decreases to the lower limit (for 100 points in the given example). You decide to buy 200.000 Euro sold previously at the price of 1.2750 (ask price) US dollars for one Euro, that makes 255.000 US dollars. 200.000 Euro you bought are withdrawn from your account automatically and the difference is left on it. Thereby you gain profit on difference between amounts sold and bought on decrease of the rate and that makes 257.000 - 255.000 = 2000 of US dollars. By decrease of the rate for 0.8% (from 1.2850 to 1.2750), you earned 78.43% (2000 US dollars from 2000 Euro by the market rate of 1.2750) from your initial account of 2000 Euro just in one day.

The other variant of gaining profit on the Forex market is based on the rise of the EURUSD currency pair rate: You suppose that the rate of Euro to US dollar (EURUSD) will increase. You have 2000 US cents (cent account) on your account. You buy 1500 Euro at the price of 1.2750 for 1500 * 1.2750 = 1912.50 US dollars. It is possible because of the credit that lets you deal with sum 100 times more than on your actual account (in this case the maximum possible for trading operations sum is 20 * 100 = 2000 US dollars). Some time later the rate increases. You sell 1500 Euro at the rate of 1.2850 and get 1500 * 1.2850 = 1927.5 US dollars. As a result of a speculative operation (bought cheaper, sold more expensive) you gained 1927.5 - 1912.5 = 15$ and that's your profit. You earned 75% from your initial account as the rate grew for 0.8%. The company gets profit with the fee as a spread between ask and bid prices that makes 30 US dollar in the given example (the EUR to USD spread is 0.0002 or 2 points). You can study all the terminology in our Glossary. Percentage-change of the rates spread is not taken into account in the given examples as it has an insignificant impact to the result. The given marginal leverage is standard (1 to 100), but you are able to use 1 to 10, 1 to 200 and 1 to 500 leverages. In case of classic non-cent account calculations are done by the analogy with the cent account, the difference is in the currency of an account. If you use the given operations by turns, you would get the 75+75=150% profitability from your initial account. In fact you may get income more than 150% by using correspondent methods of capital management. Also, while trading, you should always keep in mind risks management methods..

How to build your own trading strategy

Today Forex market participants analyze huge amounts of information depending on the type of their strategy. Some of them try to develop their own strategy from the beginning, others

use ready-made strategies and the third ones prefer using combinations of various strategies adjusting them for themselves. It is important to evaluate information received from the Internet filtering amateur opinions from valuable information from professionals. In fact it is really hard for beginners to find out their own style of trading. Lets try to figure out the most suitable strategy for you. There are some basic rules for you to start with:

First rule: When studying all the materials about trading strategies it is important not only to choose the one you like the most and test it on your demo-account but try to add something from yourself that comforts you. If you are able to create your own formula of success you will increase your professional skills and knowledge. Second rule: Do not invent bicycle once again. Use the results of other traders and analysts, study existing strategies and find the one that comforts you the most. Third rule: Take the biggest time-frame into account as short periods of time may contain market noises of false indicators. Fourth rule: While trading do not limit yourself with analyzing one time-frame only. Fifth rule: Carry out analysis on the basis of economic news. It is necessary to understand and guess the way news influence the market. Sixth rule: Use Stop and Profit functions. It is necessary to use the Stop function not only for beginners but for experienced traders too. Even if you watch over the market 24 hours a day there are psychological factor and many other side effects that you can avoid with the help of the Stop function set in time. Seventh rule: Use the currency pair volatility. Some currency quotations are very volatility, so it enables them to do sudden jumps. Thats why it is necessary to buy or sell them with minimum amount. Stops should be set as far as possible from the support (resist) line. Eighth rule: Be attentive when entering market on month closing moments and in the end of a trade week. It should remember that it is possible for your strategy to failure in the end of the working week. Let us explain why. American session is very volatility on Friday and the reason is news and great amount of closing operations. The same reasons are repeated in the end of the month.

Gradually you will form your own list of rules and some of those above might be neglected, but in the beginning you should better follow these simple rules and your trading will become stable and effective. ak nie jenis yg ak sndri pon xfhm...

- trade da untung bratus pip dibiakn tnpa TP- bila da rugi pon di biakn tnpa SL sbb pk dia akn retrace blik (padahal xtau smaada dia jtuh /naik skit ker byk)

*anda boleh trima pkai pndapt traders yg laen tp msti ikot saiz poket sndri, coz kita xtau baper capital dia ada, baper lot dia buka n baper byk rugi dia ley cover. sebaik2nyer ttap pda target anda. tau2 kang anda plk xdpt cover kne MC.

utk traders sumer amik iktibar n saranan sy nih.. kalo ak lalai pon sila ingtkn yer

* ltak target anda smada dlm bntuk SL @ TP target in a day/week.

*bila da untung n rsa tamak tetiba lak remove TP, pastikn ltak SL on profit ikut sukati baper korg snggup timer in case lost pip pastuh. (To prevent from lost your margin/equity/capital also @ the same time gain profits).

*Bila da untung, cepat2 tarik modal anda skit2, jgn sbuk nk besarkn lot lah.. @ pikir nnti kang xckup lah nk cover lost. pastikan anda trade ikot kmampuan semasa.

*kalo nk wat teknik scalpers pastikn anda ikut nasihat d ats. ini pngalamn sy sndri...


" Gain profits, keep your investment, minimize your lost"

Slamat berdagang kepada anda, Salam

Berikut kami rangkumkan tips sukses para trader kawakan dan yang juga telah menjalani profesi Trader(trading for Living). 1. Buat perencanaan dan gambaran trading dengan baik. Kriterianya, Anda harus mengetahui kapan :

Buka posisi

Berapa angka Stop Loss & Take Profit yang 'ideal' Punya strategi manajemen keuangan (money management). Hal ini terkait dengan berapa lama Anda bertrading dalam satu bulan, bagaimana tingkat ketahanan account anda terhadap resiko loss, kapan tarik dana, kapan menambah dana, dan alokasi pendapatan untuk tabungan, investasi dan konsumsi.

2. Jadikan trend sebagai sahabat karib Anda (Trend Follower). Jangan pernah melawan trend pasar (meski bukan termasuk aturan wajib). Jika harga sedang naik, Anda dapat memasang posisi Buy dan sebaliknya jika harga sedang turun maka Anda dapat memasang posisi Sell. Kebanyakan orang sering mengambil sebaliknya (counter trend) dan seringkali salah - walaupun ada juga sih yang sering benar :). 3. Pertahankan dengan baik & seksama modal Anda. Jangan biarkan modal Anda sampai $0.0. Jika memang loss, cobalah pertahankan 10 - 50% dari modal Anda, sehingga pada saatnya nanti hendak menambah dana atau injeck, Rupiah atau Dollar yang disetor tidak terlalu besar. Bayangkan jika Anda harus menambah dana besar untuk trading Forex akibat loss Anda. Jika dalam dua tiga kali trading sudah menghabiskan 20 - 40% dari modal akibat loss, berhentilah sejenak. Tahan diri Anda untuk membuka posisi baru. Jangan turuti diri Anda untuk "membalas dendam" atau "ingin balik modal". Coba tenangkan pikiran dan kepala Anda. Susun sistem trading Anda kembali di Demo Account. Sisihkan waktu 3 hari - 1 minggu untuk coba sistem trading di Demo Account. Jika sudah mantap, silahkan masuk kembali ke Real Account. 4. Mengetahui kapan saatnya buang "racun". Istilah racun adalah posisi Buy atau Sell yang telah dibuka yang telah floating(posisi mengambang/belum ditutup) negatif atau posisi minus yang lumayan besar. Katakanlah jika Buy GBP/USD Anda sudah -150 poin dalam kurun waktu 2 jam, apakah masih layak dipertahankan. Atau jika posisi AUD/USD sudah minus -100 dalam kurun waktu 20 menit, apakah masih disayang-sayang ??! Ah, nanti kan harga balik lagi. Nah, jika harga ndak balik-balik, kita jadi "keracunan" sendiri, baik pikiran dan jasmani. Kita bisa sakit secara jasmani jika memikirkan posisi yang belum ditutup yang mencapai 200 poin misalnya. Ingat saja, cari uang zaman sekarang agak sulit yah. Kalo sudah ndak produktif dalam waktu 2 - 3 jam, yah harus diamputasi/Cut Loss. Potong, buang yang sudah membengkak & tidak produktif. Apalagi yang mau melakukan

posisi menginap, lebih dari satu hari dengan mengharap profit yang lebih wah dan juga mendapat bunga premium, wajib hukumnya memasang Stop Loss. Saran kami, jika

hendak diteruskan esok hari,pasanglah Stop Loss 200 poin dari titik open posisi Anda. Gunakan saja fasilitas Trailing Stop jika disediakan oleh platform trading. Rencanakan Stop Loss Anda sedini mungkin. Hari-hari ini, pergerakan harga untuk Euro

& Pound mencapai 200 - 400 poin per hari. Tentukan ideal Modal Awal & Stop Loss Anda dengan situasi seperti itu. 5. Jangan emosi. Jika sudah mencapai target harian atau bulanan, segera keluar dari market. Jangan serakah. Hindari rasa takut. Nah ini terkait dengan tips no.6, be informed. Jika sudah mengetahui sejauh mana harga bisa bergerak dengan indikator teknikal & fundamental, jangan mencari penyakit. Jangan ragu untuk memasang Stop Loss atau Trailing Stop untuk membatasi kerugian. 6. Be smart & informed. Bukannya bermaksud mendukung salah satu TV Swasta, melainkan jadilah trader yang pintar. Pintar disini adalah punya dasar kenapa harus Buy dan kenapa harus Sell. Artinya, Anda harus meriset pasar secara Fundamental dan Teknikal. Bukalah Berita harian dari atau Sesuaikan tanggal & waktunya dengan waktu dimana Anda berada. 7. Segera tulis trading Anda pada sebuah jurnal trading. Buat catatan Laba/Rugi harian Anda. Catat juga sebab-sebabnya, kenapa rugi dan kenapa untung. My Trading Diary ..... 8. Saat harga sideways atau sedikit pergerakan, jangan masuk pasar. Intinya jika nurani Anda sendiri ragu-ragu, bagaimana dengan trading forex Anda. Ibaratkan saja Account Forex Anda sebagai mobil yang membawa Anda pada profit/keuntungan.

* Tidak berlaku bagi mereka yang memang spesialisasinya di saat market sideways! 9. Jangan trading terlalu banyak atau berlebihan. Dalam satu hari, bagi Anda seorang scalper maksimal 10 kali posisi. Untuk Anda yang Daytrader baiknya maksimal 2 posisi dan Swing Trader lebih sedikit lagi. Ingat, kondisi sering berubah-ubah dari waktu ke waktu. analisa teknikal & fundamental Forex yang

10. Never Give Up. Jangan menyerah.. jangan pernah menyerah. Loss di Demo $5000 dalam waktu 1 bulan, coba lagi dengan dana $1000. Loss, masuk lagi dengan dana $3000, dst. Temukan sistem trading yang cocok bagi diri Anda. Tujuannya hanya satu : Profit & Konsisten.

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