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Role # ____________________ Section TE-A TE-B TE-C TE-D CE



Question 1 (10 points): All

All of the following questions carry 2 point and no partial credit for these questions. Please
provide a single line explanation for you answers even if you have to state the obvious. Otherwise
you will get a 0.

i. What is the difference between General Purpose Registers (GPR) and Special Purpose
Registers (SPR)? GPR are for general use, user visible and needs to have address bits in
the machine code. SPR are special purpose, do not need explicit address bits and may
be user visible or not

ii. What is the difference between a floating point number and a fixed point number?
A floating number has an exponent part via which it floats whereas Fixed point as the name says is
fixed and no exponent

iii. What is difference between a pre-indexing and post-indexing addressing mode?

Indexing  Indirection VS Indirection  Indexing

iv. If a microprocessor does not have an Accumulator register, can it still work?
Yes, it can use any of the general purpose registers but will need to use explicit address bits.

v. Why it is better to follow orthogonality principal for an instruction set?

That provides completeness via making the whole Op code useable for operation coding

Question 2 (20 points): Computer Arithmetic

a. Check if overflow occurs after addition of following 2’s compliment signed 16-bit numbers.
Perform all the necessary calculations. (7 points)

Principal: if one number is already big enough then any number added with the same sign will cause
an overflow e.g. to FFFF add any number (other than 0) and it will cause an overflow.
• -12345 and -54321 - Overflow

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Role # ____________________ Section TE-A TE-B TE-C TE-D CE

• 12345 and 54321 - Overflow

• 12345 and -54321 – no Overflow

b. Convert following IEEE 754 double precision numbers to their equivalent decimal value. (7 points)
– This is a binary number represented using Hex.
• 40F0000000000000h
= 0100 0000 11110 (13*4 zeros) = 1.0 x 2100 0000 1111 - 1111111111 = 1 x 21000 = 65536
• 413F424000000000h
= 0100 0001 0011 1111 0100 0010 0100 (9*4 zeros) =
1. 1111 0100 0010 01 x 210000010011- 1111111111 = 1. 1111 0100 0010 01 x 210100 = (approx) 1.11 x 210100 =
(Approx) 1835008

c. Express the following numbers in IEEE 32 bit floating point format. (6 points)

• -1/64 = -1 x 2-110 = 1 (11111111-110) 1 (22 zeroes) =

1 01111001 00000000000000000000000
• -2.625 = 2 + 5/8 = 10 + 101 x 2-11 = 10101 x 2-11 = 1 (11111111-11) 10101 (18 zeroes)
= 1 01111100 01010000000000000000000

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Role # ____________________ Section TE-A TE-B TE-C TE-D CE

Question 3 (20 points): Instruction Sets – Addressing Modes

For the following instructions assuming that 1st operand is destination fill
in values in the blank (shaded) cells in the following table.

00004100 = 00005100;
00004105 = 0000000A;
00004150 = 00000003;
00004200= 00000002;
00004206= 0000000A;
0000420D = 00000006;
00005100 = 00000006;
0000E100 = 00004100;
0000E106= 00004200;
R2= 00004105;
PC= 00004000;
FFFFABCD = 00000008;

Address Instruction Source Destination Source Destination Contents of

Addressing Addressing Effective Effective Destination
Mode Mode Address Address
2100 Load R1, 4100 Indirect Register (4100) R1 06

2101 MPY 4150,(E100)R1 Pre- Direct (E100 + (R1)) = 4150 (4200)*(4150

Indexing (E106) = 4200 ) = 2*3 =6
2102 ADD 200,0001 Immediate Relative to NA 4200 (4200)+0001
PC = 03
2103 SUB R1( E106), R2 Register Post-Indexing 4105 (E106) + (4206) -
Indirect (R1) = 4206 (4105) = A-A
2104 Pop 300 Stack Relative SP = 4300 (
2105 ADD R2,R1(E100) Indexing Register E100+(R1) = 4105 (4105)+(E10
Indirect E106 6) = A +
4200 = 420A
2106 Push R3(E100) Post Stack 4105 FFFFABCD (4105) = A
2107 DIV R2,0002; Immediate Register NA (R2) = 4105 (4105)/2 =
Indirect A/2 = 5
2108 ADD R1, R2(3) Base Register (R2) + 3 = 4108 R1 (R1) +
Register (4105)

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Role # ____________________ Section TE-A TE-B TE-C TE-D CE

Question 4 (20 points): Instruction Sets – Instruction Format, Registers

Following table shows machine code for data move and add instructions of a microprocessor, the
only user visible SPR (Special Purpose Register) is Program Counter - PC:

No. Instruction Machine code (hex) Meaning

1 MOVE R1,(A10) FF 0 01 A10 R1  (A10)
2 MOVE R1,R2,#5 FF 1 01 02 5 R1  ((R2) + 5)
3 MOVE R1,R2,#A10 FF 1 01 02 A10 R1  (A10 + (R2))
4 MOVE R1,R2 FF 3 01 02 R1  R2
5 STORE R1, (B10) FE 0 01 B10 R1  (B10)
5 ADD R1,#55 AA 2 01 55 R1  R1 + 55
6 ADD R1,R2 AA 6 01 02 R1  R1+R2
7 ADD R1,R2,R3 AA 7 01 02 03 R1  R2+R3

Now answers the following:

i. What is the optimal length of for the instruction

This is a fixed length instruction therefore look at the largest instruction from the table. The largest
Instruction is 10 Hex numbers (No. 3) = 40 bits.

ii. Does this follow orthogonality? If yes then how many mode bits and for what purpose (coding)
Yes, because op codes for all MOVE and ADD are the same. One Hex number is used for the mode
but that hex number is from 0-7. Therefore mode bits can be 3 or 4. In case of 3 mode bits the use is
for identification of Addressing Modes.

iii. How many GPRs (general purpose registers) does this microprocessor have?
The Machine code for any register instruction contains 01 for R1, 02 for R2 and so on therefore either
2 hex numbers are used for a GPR address or one hex. In case of one hex # of GPRS = 28

iv. How many addressing modes are supported?

Due to 3 mode bits max Addressing modes supported are 28 (not all the modes are shown in the table
above). OR simply count addressing modes in the table.

v. What is the size of directly accessible memory?

Max size of instruction = 40 bits; 8 bits are for op code, 3 for mode, 8 bits are needed for a GRPS
address  bits available for direct addressing = 40 – 8 – 3 - 8 = 21 bits.
vi. How many maximum operations this microprocessor supports?
Op code = 8 bits therefore 28 max operations.

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Role # ____________________ Section TE-A TE-B TE-C TE-D CE

vii. Is this has fixed instruction length or variable?

The instruction length is fixed because there are no mode bits to determine a particular length.

viii. In the above table entry 1, can you replace R1 with some SPR to increase directly accessible
Yes, PC (the only SPR available) can be used in the relative mode

ix. What SPRS will you add and why?

AC will be a good choice so that more direct bits become available for other addressing modes. IX
can also be added to provide help for indexing mode.

x. What is the word size for this microprocessor?

Word size = optimal instruction length = 40 bits

Question 5 (20 Points):Pipeline

The 6 basic stages for instruction fetch and execute are:
Fetch Instruction (FI), Decode Instruction (DI), Calculate Operands (CO), Fetch Operands (FO), Write
Operand (WO)
No. Address Instruction Meaning
I1 F000 MOVE R1,(A100) R1  (A100)
I2 F001 MOVE R2, (B100) R2  (B100)
I3 F002 ADD R3, R1, R2 R3  R1+R2 Address Data
I4 F003 SUB R4,R1,R2 R4  R1-R2 A100 5
I5 F004 DIV R5,R3,R4 R5  R3/R4 B100 A
I6 F005 STORE R5,(B100) R5  (B100)

a. Above table A1 shows 6 instructions and Table A2 shows data values for some locations,
please fill the following pipeline table B to execute these instructions. Please watch out for
the data dependency and if certain instruction do not need an stage then skip it i.e. if WO
stages is not needed then do not use it.

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TABEL B: (only one instruction can be in one stage at a time)

1 I1
2 I2 I1
3 I3 I2 I1
4 I4 I3 I2 I1
5 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1
6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1
7 I5 I4 I3 I2
8 I6 I5 I4 I3
9 I6 I5 I4 I3
10 I6 I5 I4 I3
11 I6 I5 I4
12 I6 I5
13 I6 I5
14 I6 I5
15 I6
16 I6

Shaded areas are due to data dependencies.

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Role # ____________________ Section TE-A TE-B TE-C TE-D CE

No. Address Instruction Meaning JUMP
I3 F002 ADD R3, R1, R2 R3  R1+R2
I4 F003 SUB R4,R1,R2 R4  R1-R2
I5 F004 JZ F002 Jump on Zero NOT TAKEN
I6 F005 ADD R5,R3,R4
I7 F006 JC FF03 Jump on carry TAKEN
I8 F007 SUB R6,R5,R1
I9 F009 JN FF05 Jump on TAKEN
I10 F00A MUL R7,R1,R2
I11 F00B JO FF07 Jump on NOT TAKEN
I12 F00C JUMP F002 PC  F002
I13 F00D STORE R7,(B100) R5  (B100)

FF03 JUMP F007 PC  F007

FF05 JUMP F00A PC  F00A
FF07 JUMP F002 PC  F002
Fill the following branch history table for the above code for 2 iterations:
No. Address of Branch State (2 bit history, use T for taken and NT Target Instruction
Instruction for not taken)

Previous branch previous to

previous branch
1 F004 (1st iteration) ----------------------- --------------------- I3
2 F006 NT --------------------- JUMP F007
3 FF03 T NT I8
4 F009 T T JUMP F00A
5 FF05 T T I10
6 F00B T T JUMP F002
7 F00C NT T I3
8 F004 (2nd iteration) NT T I3
9 F006 NT NT JUMP F007
10 FF03 T NT I8
11 F009 T T JUMP F00A
12 FF05 T T I10
13 F00B T T JUMP F002
14 F00C NT T I3

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