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Altered Images
the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll

R itu K um a r
D avid F M urphy
Viraa l B alsa ri

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia

Update 1
T ERI-Europe and the New
Academy of Business are cur-
rently working with various partners
income groups, in the three countries.
We hope that this will assist in even-
tually elaborating a home-grown
on a new initiative to understand and agenda of corporate responsibility sen-
encourage corporate responsibility sitive to the social, cultural, and eco-
across South Asia. The initiative seeks nomic situation in India, Sri Lanka,
to raise awareness and stimulate a and Bangladesh.
proactive corporate responsibility This report presents the results of
agenda in three South Asian coun- the initiative’s first activity—an
tries—Bangladesh, India, and Sri agenda-setting poll on corporate re-
Lanka.The partners are the Centre for sponsibility in India.The poll explored
Policy Dialogue (Bangladesh), TERI the perceptions and expectations of
(India), and LGA Consultants workers, company executives, and the
(Sri Lanka). The project is funded by general public towards the social, eco-
the Asia Division of the UK Depart- nomic, and environmental responsi-
ment for International Development. bilities of companies operating in
Additional support has been obtained India. It was the first to include work-
from the Commonwealth Science ers in a survey on corporate responsi-
Council, UK. bility. The poll was carried out during
Our vision is to contribute to a posi- August and September 2001 through
tive change towards business practices a partnership between TERI-Europe
and attitudes that support sustainable and ORG-MARG Research Private
development and poverty eradication Limited in four urban areas (Chennai,
in the region. The focus is on expand- Kolkata, Mumbai, and New Delhi)
ing the knowledge base of corporate and the industrial township of
practices in South Asia relating to Tiruppur in Tamil Nadu. The results
working conditions within factories; presented in this report are an initial
living conditions in surrounding com- snapshot of the state of corporate re-
munities; environmental protection; sponsibility in India and precursors of
and corporate accountability and a more in-depth survey that will help
transparency. In this way, we aim to TERI-Europe and its partners to bet-
provide useful information and tools ter understand attitudes and practices
(such as training materials) for South and develop targeted training materi-
Asian companies and civil society als for company executives, workers,
groups, especially the more vulnerable and community representatives.
Understanding and Encouraging Corporate
Responsibility in South Asia

Update One

Altered Images
the 2001 state of corporate responsibility
in India poll


Ritu Kumar
David F Murphy
Viraal Balsari


Altered Images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
© Tata Energy Research Institute 2001

ISBN 81-85419-90-6

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by
any means without prior permission of the Tata Energy Research Institute.

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Printed in India by Kaveri Printers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia

Understanding corporate responsibility 1

Corporate responsibility in India 2001: a snapshot 7

Conclusions and next steps 19

References 24

Altered Images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll

The authors wish to record their appreciation of
the assistance rendered by the Publications Unit at
TERI, India, especially the following.
P Ms Mudita Chauhan-Mubayi for adapting the
report into the text for this booklet and editing;
P Mr R Ajith Kumar for design, layout, and
P Mr R K Joshi for cover design and graphic
P Mr K P Eashwar for editorial supervision; and
P Mr T Radhakrishnan for production supervision.

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Understanding corporate responsibility

1 Understanding corporate responsibility

Ethical model
T he str uggle to define the
boundaries of corporate respon-
sibility for social and environmental
The origins of the first ethical model
of corporate responsibility lie in the
matters has deep roots in the history pioneering efforts of 19th century cor-
of business. From the beginning of the porate philanthropists such as the
Industrial Revolution,1 those within Cadbury brothers in England2 and the
and outside the business world have Tata family in India.3 The pressure on
battled over the very notion and ex- Indian industrialists to demonstrate
tent of corporate responsibility. Over their commitment to social progress
this time, four different ‘models’ have increased during the Independence
emerged, all of which can be found in movement, when Gandhi developed
India today (see Table 1). the notion of ‘trusteeship’, whereby

Industry rapidly developed in Britain in the 200_year_histor y.html> last accessed on
late 18th and 19th centuries with the intro- 13 December 2001.
duction of machinery. It was characterized by The Tata Group is India’s largest industrial
use of steam power, growth of factories, and and technological conglomerate with vast hold-
mass production of manufactured goods. ings in iron and steel, power utilities, and tex-
John and Benjamin, the Cadbury Brothers of tiles. Founded by Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata
Birmingham, pioneered the development of in 1868, the Group built the first steel mill in
chocolate around 1847. Detailed history avail- India in 1911 at Jamshedpur, India’s first planned
able at <www.cadbur industrial city. See web site at <>
company_information/company_histor y/ last accessed on 14 December 2001.

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Understanding corporate responsibility

the owners of property would volun- schools, infirmaries, etc. Many firms,
tarily manage their wealth on behalf particularly ‘family-run businesses’,
of the people. continue to support such philan-
thropic initiatives.
‘Iif desire to end capitalism almost,
not quite, as much as the most Statist model
advanced socialist. But our A second model of corporate respon-
methods differ. My theory of sibility emerged in India after Inde-
trusteeship is no make-shift, pendence in 1947, when India adopted
certainly no camouflage. I am the socialist and mixed economy
confident that it will survive all framework, with a large public sector

other theories.
Gandhi (1939), cited in Bose (1947)
and state-owned companies. The
boundaries between the state and so-
ciety were clearly defined for the state
Gandhi’s influence prompted various enterprises. Elements of corporate re-
Indian companies to play active roles sponsibility, especially those relating to
in nation building and promoting community and worker relationships,
socio-economic development during were enshrined in labour law and man-
the 20th century. The history of In- agement principles. This state-spon-
dian corporate philanthropy has en- sored corporate philosophy still
compassed cash or kind donations, operates in the numerous public sec-
community investment in trusts, and tor companies that have survived the
provision of essential services such as wave of privatization of the early 1990s.

Table 1 The four models of corporate responsibility

Model Focus Champions

Ethical Voluntary commitment by companies to public welfare M K Gandhi

Statist State ownership and legal requirements determine Jawaharlal Nehru
corporate responsibilities
Liberal Corporate responsibilities limited to private owners Milton Friedman
Stakeholder Companies respond to the needs of stakeholders – R Edward Freeman
customers, employees, communities, etc.

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Understanding corporate responsibility

Liberal model Many in the corporate world and else-

Indeed, the worldwide trend towards where would agree with this concept,
privatization and deregulation can be arguing that it is sufficient for busi-
said to be underpinned by a third ness to obey the law and generate
model of corporate responsibility— wealth, which through taxation and
that companies are solely responsible private charitable choices can be di-
to their owners. This approach was rected to social ends.
encapsulated by the American econo-
mist Milton Friedman,4 who in 1958, Stakeholder model
challenged the very notion of corpo- Yet, the rise of globalization has also
rate responsibility for anything other brought with it a growing consensus
than the economic bottom line. that with increasing economic rights,
business also has a growing range of
If anything is certain to destroy
free society, to undermine its
social obligations. Citizen campaigns
against irresponsible corporate behav-
very foundation, it would be a iour along with consumer action and
widespread acceptance by man- increasing shareholder pressure have
agement of social responsibilities given rise to the stakeholder model of
in some sense other than to make corporate responsibility. This view is
as much money as possible. This is often associated with R Edward Free-
a fundamentally subversive man,5 whose seminal analysis of the
’ Friedman (1958)
stakeholder approach to strategic
management in 1984 brought

4 5
Recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Eco- Pioneer of the stakeholder and ‘business eth-
nomic Sciences, Milton Friedman is widely ics’ concept in the context of corporate respon-
regarded as the leader of the Chicago school sibilities, Freeman developed a framework for
of monetary economics, which stresses the identifying and managing the critical relation-
importance of the quantity of money as an in- ships of the modern corporation. His concep-
strument of government policy and a determi- tual crystallization of stakeholder analysis has
nant of business cycles and inflation. Friedman become a staple of both academic writing and
has also written extensively on public policy, business decision-making models. Freeman’s
with emphasis on the preservation and exten- contribution to education at the intersection
sion of individual freedom. Further details are of business and society is also extensive. He
available at < has won numerous teaching awards and is well
bios/friedman.html> last accessed on 13 known for his innovative approach to peda-
December 2001. gogy. F u r t h e r d e t a i l s a r e a va i l a b l e a t
< faculty/Freeman.htm>.

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Understanding corporate responsibility

stakeholding into the mainstream of of the development of loyal,

management literature (Freeman inclusive stakeholder relationships
1984). According to Freeman, ‘a will become one of the most
stakeholder in an organization is any important determinants of
group or individual who can affect or commerical viability and business
is affected by the achievement of the
organization’s objectives.’

Wheeler and Sillanpää (1997)
However, it was not until the 1990s
that the idea of the stakeholder corpo- The experience of the past decade has
ration gained prominence in business served to reinforce this viewpoint.With
practice.The essence of the stakeholder companies facing increasing scrutiny
model was captured by David Wheeler in the global economy, the corporate
and Maria Sillanpää (formerly with responsibility agenda now encom-
The Body Shop) as follows. passes a wide range of issues includ-
ing provision of quality, safe products
The long term value of a com-
rests primarily on: the
at fair prices, ethical business practices,
fair employment policies, and environ-
knowledge, abilities and commit- mental protection. Companies are in-
ment of its employees; and its creasingly expected to perfor m
relationships with investors, according to a ‘triple bottom line’6 of
customers and other stakeholders. economic, social, and environmental
Loyal relationships are increas- performance. In addition, increasing
ingly dependent upon how a focus is being placed on the growth of
company is perceived to create corporate power and the need for
‘added value’ beyond the com- greater accountability and transpar-
mercial transaction. Added value ency to society, for example through
embraces issues like quality, reportage and stakeholder dialogue.
service, care for people and the Indeed, there is a growing consen-
natural environment and integ- sus throughout the world that com-
rity. It is our belief that the future panies need to go beyond their

At its narrowest, the term ‘triple bottom line’ must address to minimize any harm resulting
is used as a framework for measuring and re- from their activities and to create economic,
porting corporate performance against eco- social, and environmental value. It is signified
nomic, social, and environmental parameters. as three lines representing society, economy,
At its broadest, it captures the whole set of and environment.
values, issues, and processes that companies

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Understanding corporate responsibility

traditional ‘economic’ roles; the fol- agenda and the need to help clarify
lowing analysis from the Centre for both the concepts and the implications
Development and Enterprise in South for corporate practice. In addition, one
Africa demonstrates this aptly. of the weaknesses of the current situ-
ation is the tendency for the agenda
is in the interests of the corpo-
and the business sector as a
to be set at a global level, largely by
institutions located in the industrial-
whole to become more self- ized world, with little understanding
conscious social actors. Both the of the diversity of approaches and
individual firm and the voluntary track record in other parts of the
business association need to think world. For example, a 20-country pub-
hard and strategically about their lic opinion survey on corporate social
role in society, and their relation- responsibility carried out by the
ships with government and others. Toronto-based Environics International
To do anything else is counterpro- in July 2001 concluded that India

Bernstein and Berger (2000)
ranks last in terms of the level of social
responsibility demanded from compa-
nies (Environics International 2001).
This call for greater corporate respon- In order to gain a better under-
sibility to a wider range of stakeholders standing of the actual perceptions of
is also highly relevant in the Indian key players in the corporate responsi-
context. Many companies in India are bility debate in India, TERI-Europe
facing new pressures, not simply to conducted a snapshot poll in August–
comply with legislation, but also to September 2001. The poll focused on
meet the requirements of international four dimensions of corporate respon-
and national business partners, for sibility, namely worker health and
example, through codes of conduct safety, community relations, environ-
related to labour and environmental mental sustainability, and accountabil-
standards in their operations as well ity to stakeholders. The key findings
as their supply chains (see Box 1). of the poll are described in the follow-
Evidently, each of the four models ing section and will be used to guide
of corporate responsibility described more in-depth work by TERI-Europe
above are prevalent to some extent in and its partners to better understand
most countries, including India.What attitudes and practices and develop
is noticeable today is the dynamic na- targeted training workshops for
ture of the corporate responsibility stakeholder groups. ✤

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Understanding corporate responsibility

Box 1
Implementation of the triple bottom line concept at Tata Council for
Community Initiatives
The TCCI (Tata Council for Community Initiatives) is an initiative of the Tata Group to
add value to the businesses of the Tata Group of companies by incorporating sustain-
able development and the triple bottom line approach in group activities.

‘ We recognise that sustainable business development includes environmental and

social considerations as part of development cost and is part of long-term business
survival and growth. Environmental and social considerations have a strategic
position in outcomes and purpose of the business – as bottom lines. The adoption of
the triple bottom line concept is an explicit integration of human development
considerations in business processes. In Tata companies we encourage the manage-
ment to make a declaration of policy, strategy and budgets for environment and
community development, and run activities as part of a non-negotiable minimum
programme aimed at generating the reputation for the Tata Brand.
’ TCCI 2001

Research suggests that community investment, such as that made by the Tata Group,
has been shown to greatly increase employee loyalty as well as assist in the professional
and personal development of employees, further stimulating creativity and innovation.
Ultimately, this augurs well for the company.

Building the brand and Involving senior

generating reputation management in social
Synchronizing the triple Providing facilities and
bottom line for support from the company
sustainable development
Encouraging volunteers
to share their skills and
Adding Harmonizing Building social competency
economic environmental capital in the
Strengthening and working
value factors community
along with community-
based organizations
Reducing negative Initiating environment Networking to raise
impact friendliness funds and resources
Strategy at Tata Council for Community Initiatives

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

2 Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

T ERI-Europe commissioned the

market research agency ORG-
MARG Research Private Limited1 to
The poll was recently carried out in
Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New
Delhi, and Tiruppur (Figure 1).
conduct a quick poll on the state of The poll surveyed a total of 1212 per-
responsibility in India. The ORG- sons—1003 public representatives,
MARG poll was designed to capture 107 worker s, and 102 company
perceptions and expectations (related executives.
to corporate responsibility) of the fol- The poll gauges the opinions, con-
lowing three sets of stakeholders. cerns, and expectations of the three
! General public – men and women respondent groups. It attempts to reg-
in the age group 15–65 years and ister factors that influence the opinion
representing the upper socio-eco- of companies as well as those that
nomic classes shape expectations regarding corporate
! Workers – skilled, semi-skilled, and responsibility. A summary of the main
unskilled, including trade union findings is provided below.
members, workers’ representatives,
and non-trade union members Main findings
! Corporate executives – heads of
Global and national concerns:
labour/industrial relations, welfare
what do Indians care about?
departments, and manufacturing
and production divisions in MNCs Respondents across the three catego-
(multinational corporations), and ries were asked what they thought
large- and medium-sized Indian were the primary global and national
companies. issues of concern, including broader

Web site of ORG-MARG available at <> last accessed on 13 December 2001.

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

New Delhi



Mumbai Maharashtra


Tamil Nadu

Geographical spread of respondents to survey on corporate responsibility

Figure 1
in India in 2001

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

social and environmental issues as well concerned about the spread of human
as specific corporate responsibility diseases and overpopulation. Com-
concerns (Figure 2). pany executives are most concerned
Overpopulation, environmental about the depletion of natural
problems, spread of human diseases, resources.
and depletion of natural resources are With respect to national problems,
cited as the main problems facing the all three groups regard environmen-
world. The general public rates envi- tal pollution as a matter of very seri-
ronmental problems and spread of ous concern. However, a divergence
human diseases as their primary con- between the three groups appears in
cer ns whereas workers are most terms of some other issues. Company

Pollution/environmental 90
problems 98
Spread of human diseases 94
Overpopulation 94
Depletion of natural resources 90
Economic instability 85
Human rights abuses 89
Feeding a growing population 90
Growing power of 70
global companies 79
Violation of workers’ rights 89
The gap between rich and poor 84
Wars and armed conflicts 84
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent serious
Company executives Workers General public

Figure 2 Concerns facing Indian society

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

executives do not view unemployment What role should companies

and underemployment, unfair and play in society?
unsafe workplaces, or personal rights The poll gathered that people believe
and freedom as being major causes for that companies should be actively en-
worry. Workers, on the contrary, are gaged in societal matters (Figure 3). A
most concerned about unemployment majority of the general public feel that
and underemployment, poverty and companies should be held fully re-
homelessness, food safety, economic sponsible for roles over which they
problems, and job security. have direct control. These include

Supporting community 35
development initiatives
Empowering women and other groups 41

Providing lowest possible prices 56
Not harming the environment 60
Treating all employees 59
and job applicants fairly 81
Implementing consistent high standards 56
Helping solve social problems 56
Reducing the gap between rich and poor 44
Increasing economic stability 40
Reducing human rights abuses 44
Supporting government policies 38
Avoiding testing their products on animals 45

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Per cent holding the company fully responsible
Company executives Workers General public

Figure 3 Perceived role of companies

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

Labour practices and Brand quality and

business ethics (9%) reputation (58%)
Economic contribution and
management (10%)

Demonstrated responsibility
to the broader society (11%)

Environmental impacts

Figure 4 Most important factor in forming opinion of a company

providing good products and cheaper dimension’ and closely associated with
prices, ensuring that operations are a company’s brand quality and repu-
environmentally friendly, treating em- tation (Figure 4). Of the persons
ployees fairly without any discrimina- polled, 58% gave primary weightage
tion based on gender, race, or religion, to brand quality and reputation while
and applying labour standards globally. 32% reported that they considered en-
More than 60% of the general pub- vironmental, labour, and social issues
lic feel that companies should also be – all elements of corporate responsi-
held responsible for bridging the gap bility – as most important in forming
between the rich and the poor, reduc- an opinion of a company. This is quite
ing human rights abuses, solving so- a high percentage even by Western
cial problems, and increasing standards, and when combined with
economic stability. the finding that Indians expect com-
panies to play a major role in society
What are the predominant
through improvements in the
factors influencing Indian
workplace and the environment, the
opinion about companies?
result is potentially highly significant
The factors that influence opinions for corporate practice. It reveals, for
about the business sector in India ap- example, the vulnerability of compa-
pear to be centred on the ‘business nies operating in India to rising

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

public expectations. Similar to the re- Which sectors are the most
cent experiences of many global cor- socially responsible?
porations such as Nike and Shell, Table 1 shows that the IT (informa-
companies operating in India run the tion technology) and telecommunica-
risk of damaging their brands and tions industries are viewed as the most
reputations if they fail to embrace cor- socially responsible with a substantial
porate responsibility policies and prac- proportion of public and company ex-
tices. Hindustan Lever, for example, ecutives rating them among the very
is rated high in terms of brand quality best. Over the past decade, India’s IT
but has recently come in for consider- sector has generated substantial ex-
able public criticism for its handling port revenues and Indian IT skills and
of hazardous waste at a thermometer manpower have been in demand
factory in southern India. worldwide, giving the sector pride of

Table 1 Fulfilment of social responsibilities: best-rated industries

Industry Public (%) Workers (%) Company executives (%)

Information technology 78 58 67
Telecommunications 76 65 65
Pharmaceuticals 67 73 57
Clothing and apparel 63 66 55
Food 66 64 49
Electricity generation 55 57 41
Banks and finance 53 75 42
Cosmetics 49 55 49
Oil/petroleum 44 68 53
Genetically modified food 37 47 37
Biotechnology 39 48 39
Chemicals 37 53 37
Automobile 33 60 45
Mining 31 51 27
Alcoholic beverages 13 17 19
Tobacco 12 20 21

Respondents comprised 1003 public representatives, 107 workers, and 102 company executives.

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

place amongst other Indian industries. stakeholders as the least socially re-
Workers, however, rated the pharma- sponsible.
ceutical industry and the financial sec-
Who do Indians trust to work
tor (a predominantly state-controlled
in the best interest of society?
sector) as the most socially responsi-
ble. Interestingly, there are some sig- Each stakeholder group rates institu-
nificant divergences between public tions differently in terms of their trust-
and worker views of the automobile worthiness (Figure 5). Company
and mining sectors, with workers hav- executives believe that NGOs (non-
ing a far more favourable impression. governmental organizations) are the
By a wide margin, both the alcohol and most trustworthy institutions in the
tobacco industries are regarded by all countr y (a trust factor of 79%),

The press and media 85

Non-government organizations 77

Religious groups 84

Large Indian companies 58

Indian government 59

Global companies in India 42

Trade unions 61

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Per cent who trust
Company executives Workers General public

Figure 5 Institutions trusted to work in the interest of society

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

whereas workers and the general pub- Unilever, Sony, Johnson & Johnson,
lic favour the media and religious Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, Nes-
groups (85% and 84% respectively). tle, and Pepsi. Hindustan Lever (a
Across respondent groups, the na- subsidiary of the Unilever Group) was
tional government is not regarded as the most favoured among company
a very trustworthy institution. executives and the public. However,
For the most part, workers do not the main reasons for rating this com-
trust companies to work in the best in- pany as ‘responsible’ were ‘good qual-
terest of society. This is especially true ity products and services’, ‘trusted
of global companies operating in In- brand’, ‘good company’, and ‘personal
dia. Even company executives rate In- knowledge about the company’. None
dian companies better than global of the other indices of corporate re-
ones. This seems to indicate that they sponsibility such as environmental
are not giving their due to Indian soci- care, working conditions, human
ety and that a majority of foreign com- rights, accountability and transpar-
panies need to make major changes to ency, etc. were mentioned. Among
improve their public standing. workers, Coca-Cola is rated as the
The level of trust in trade and la- most responsible company. Attributes
bour unions is also quite low, even cited include ‘good company’, ‘good
among workers. product’, and ‘good employer’.
In contrast, when company execu-
Which are the most responsible
tives and workers were asked to name
companies in India?
the most socially responsible Indian
Participants were asked to identify the company, an overwhelming number
foreign and Indian companies that, named the Tata Group for reasons that
according to them, are the most so- give heavy weightage to ethical behav-
cially responsible. There were very few iour, environmental care, and social
mentions of major multinational com- welfare schemes for the community.
panies and it would seem that those Criteria cited were ‘good quality prod-
that were mentioned were simply ucts and services’, ‘trusted brand’,
quoted because they are the most vis- ‘good company’, and ‘good employer
ible. This may indicate that very few / treats employees well’. Other com-
large companies actively pursue a cor- panies named were Reliance, Godrej,
porate responsibility strategy or that Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Maruti,
there is low awareness of such efforts. Southern Petrochemicals, and the
Among those mentioned were Birla Group.

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

Is there evidence of child babies and small children. A signifi-

labour and/or gender discrimi- cant proportion of workers feel that
nation in the workplace? their company prefers not to employ
This question was addressed to com- women, and if it does so, the prefer-
pany executives and workers only. ence is for women of certain age
Company executives across industry groups only. Not surprisingly, com-
segments reported non-existence of pany executives disagree that there is
child labour in their companies. Only discrimination against women. How-
a small proportion of workers reported ever, more than a quarter of company
the use of child labour in their com- executives polled state that their com-
panies. In one case, training had been pany does have an age restriction for
provided to the children. women. Workers from manufacturing
Gender concerns are slightly more and exporting companies were the
complex. On an average, 50% of com- most vociferous in claiming that there
pany executives and workers state that is gender discrimination in their com-
their company provides special ben- panies (Figure 6).
efits and facilities to women staff with



60 58 Company
46 executives
40 31 Workers
Company prefers not Company prefers Company provides
to employ women to employ special benefits
women of certain and facilities to
age groups only women with children

Figure 6 Gender discrimination in the workplace

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

Are workers paid a satisfactory in the service sector tend to disagree

wage? with the above statement.
Only two-thirds of the workers are sat- Almost two-thirds of company ex-
isfied with their daily wages. Workers ecutives claim that there is an inde-
not affiliated to unions tend to be less pendent monitoring and verification
satisfied with daily wages than union system for implementation of labour
members. Almost two-thirds of all codes and policies. However, it was
workers confirmed that their company found that few companies publish re-
has the practice of allowing workers ports on their labour policies and prac-
to work more than eight hours (or one tices.This raises questions about claims
shift) in the day. This holds across of independent monitoring and verifi-
almost all industr ies. Over cation of labour codes by companies.
two-thirds of company executives
What source of information on
report that their company pays over-
company practices do Indians
time to such workers. This practice
trust most?
appears to be more common among
MNCs and manufactur ing and The general public and workers do not
exporting industries. appear to trust the reporting of com-
About 52% of all workers claim to panies on their company practices;
be paid overtime at the normal rate, rather, they are more inclined to be-
7% say that they are paid no overtime lieve verifications of external groups
at all, and the rest say that they are such as research organizations, NGOs,
paid overtime at a rate higher than media, and independent rating agen-
normal. Almost 69% of company ex- cies (Figure 7).
ecutives state that they pay overtime
at over 1.5 times the normal overtime
Are there regional differences
rate. Most workers seem ‘quite or very
in consumer sensitivity to
satisfied’ with pay, and workers from
socially responsible production?
the manufacturing and exporting sec- The results from polling in Chennai,
tors are more satisfied with overtime Kolkata, Mumbai, and New Delhi
pay than those in other sectors. show some interesting differences in
Most company executives and attitudes and expectations relating to
workers report that their companies corporate behaviour (Figure 8).
pay the minimum wage as fixed by the Residents of Chennai appear to
government. However, a large propor- have the highest expectations from
tion of unskilled workers and workers companies and are also the most

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

Not sure (4%)

Annual public reports, voluntarily
prepared by companies
Investigation by
interest groups
Annual public reports, or media (46%)
voluntarily prepared by
companies and verified
by an independent body

Mandatory annual
reporting, verified
by the government

Figure 7 Trusted information source for social/ethical practices of major companies

Kolkata Chennai

New Delhi Mumbai

Lightest shading = least ‘conservative’

Figure 8 Degree of ‘conservatism’ in the four metros

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Corporate responsibility in India: a snapshot

willing to buy products from compa- patterns are driven primarily by com-
nies that are environmentally and so- mercial factors and not influenced by
cially responsible. Chennai consumers a company’s record on social respon-
are also more concerned about a com- sibility. Residents of New Delhi reveal
pany’s labour codes and, hence, are a certain degree of concern for envi-
more willing to pay for socially respon- ronmental and social issues generally,
sible goods. In this respect, Chennai but do not expect companies to change
could be considered the most ‘progres- corporate practice accordingly, nor are
sive’ of the four metros. Although they willing to judge companies on
Mumbai residents expect companies their corporate responsibility practices.
to behave in a responsible manner, the Kolkata came across as being the most
poll revealed that their consumption ‘conservative’ city in this respect. ✤

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Conclusions and next steps

3 Conclusions and next steps

Conclusions their financial shareholders. For this to

I ndia’s experience with corporate re-

sponsibility is not new. In its oldest
form, corporate responsibility in India
be successful, corporate responsibility
must become an integral part of busi-
ness strategy. The key to being more
has included the concept of corporate ‘sustainable’ is for a business to adopt,
philanthropy and the Gandhian trus- demonstrate, and practise more holis-
teeship model.This is characterised by tic approaches to business, where
corporate donations in cash or kind, financial drivers together with sustain-
community investment in trusts, and able development performance (i.e.
provision of essential services such as social equity, environmental protec-
schools, infirmaries, etc. Many firms, tion, and economic growth) are incor-
particularly ‘family-run businesses’ porated into mainstream business
continue to promote philanthropy. strategy and embedded in organiza-
Alongside this tradition, the statist tional values.
model also exists amongst public sec- A few Indian companies are striv-
tor enterprises in the manufacturing, ing to adopt the stakeholder model.
mining, and services sector. However, This is happening not just in the larger
with privatization and globalization, companies but also in small- and me-
these models are gradually being com- dium-sized companies that are striv-
plemented by the stakeholder model, ing to incor porate sustainable
which demands a more structured ap- development and corporate responsi-
proach whereby companies need to bility as core areas of their business
address the concerns of other operations. The main business of the
stakeholder groups (workers and the IEI (Ion Exchange India Ltd), for ex-
community) together with those of ample, is the manufacture of ion

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Conclusions and next steps

exchange resins and effluents and scheme guides the farmers to partici-
water treatment. However, in keeping pate in certification and assures buy-
with its vision statement, the IEI has back of their products. In this way,
extended its operations to rural areas farmers are assured of marketing and
where it provides appropriate technol- remunerative prices with access to in-
ogy, training and services to the local ternational markets (IEEF 2000, IEEF
community in partnership with vil- 2001).
lage-based NGOs and philanthropic Despite these encouraging signs,
organizations (IEI 1999). The IEI has TERI-Europe’s preliminary poll has
also launched an ‘enviro farm’ scheme revealed a number of areas where
where organic farming on a commer- more progress is needed if the busi-
cial scale is undertaken with the in- ness sector is to keep pace with de-
volvement of local communities. mands for it to adopt more
Enviro farms are cultivated to the responsible, transparent, and account-
standards of the International Federa- able strategies and practices. Five key
tion of Organic Agriculture Move- conclusions emerge from the poll.
ment, Germany. Contract farming is
undertaken to increase the volume of
High expectations from compa-
nies are not yet matched by
organic production and to promote
judgements about corporate
social causes. The IEI trains various
farmer groups to produce and market
organic products. The company works Across all three groups surveyed, In-
exclusively with NGOs, associations, dians feel that the business sector must
and self-help groups to make them play a wider and more expansive
ready for organic production, specifi- societal role. In addition to providing
cation, and certification by forming good quality products at reasonable
Community Grower Groups. Based prices, companies should strive to
on the EC 2092/91 standards1 , the make their operations environmentally

Since 1993, when the European Commission aids, and ingredients in organic foods. All food
Council Regulation 2092/91 became effective, sold as organic must originate from growers,
organic food production has been strictly regu- processors, and importers who are registered
lated. This regulation sets out the inputs and with an approved body and subject to regular
practices that may be used in organic farming inspection. Available at <
and growing and the inspection system that en/consleg/main/1991/en_1991R2092_
must be put in place to ensure this. This regu- index.html> last accessed on 13 December
lation also applies to processing, processing 2001.

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Conclusions and next steps

sound, adhere to high labour stand- executives favour NGOs. Workers are
ards, reduce human rights abuses, and especially suspicious of companies as
mitigate poverty. Clearly, people ex- guardians of social welfare, perhaps
pect a lot from businesses. However, due to the traditional mistrust between
the poll also revealed that people are the two. Interestingly, most workers
not yet judging companies according (like other groups) do not trust trade
to these criteria. Public opinion about and labour unions to work in the best
companies is still focused on the busi- interest of society. This may well be a
ness dimension, with judgements reflection of the political influence on
largely stressing brand quality and labour unions in India, a phenomenon
reputation of companies. On the face that hampers Indian industry as well
of it, these two findings may appear as worker welfare.
to be contradictory but they are also A noticeable fact is that global com-
indicative of a future trend of rising panies operating in India are rated low
public expectations from the business in terms of trustworthiness. The per-
sector. If public demands continue to ception is that MNCs are not giving
exert pressure on companies to adopt their due to Indian society. This is also
more responsible practices, very soon reflected in the fact that people were
companies will begin to be judged not hard-pressed to name a ‘responsible’
only on their economic performance MNC operating in India.The message
but also on their environmental and is clear—foreign companies need to
social performance. This has implica- improve their public standing by
tions for how companies might rethink adopting and demonstrating the same
their future corporate strategies. commitment to environmental and
social standards as they do in the
More trust is placed in the
North and/or by facilitating greater
media and non-governmental
involvement of local communities.
organizations than in industry
A greater role for non-
The poll suggests that Indians do not
governmental organizations
trust either companies or labour/trade
unions to work in the best interest of The above findings suggests that the
society to the same extent as the business sector as a whole needs to
media and NGOs. Moreover, views rethink its strategy on how it executes
differ amongst the three groups.Work- its social and environmental respon-
ers and the general public place their sibilities.The indications are that find-
trust in the media whereas company ing creative ways to work with the

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll
Conclusions and next steps

NGO community would greatly en- that have worked for the benefit of the
hance corporate image. In the North, company and the female worker in-
the drivers for change towards more clude the provision of crèche facilities
sustainable business have come from within the factory and day care and
civil society organizations, such as special leave provisions to enable
NGOs. Engagement and dialogue female employees to attend to their
with opinion forming NGOs, research children’s needs. This assures women
institutes, and independent rating workers of continued employment
agencies can greatly enhance and pro- after childbirth and, at the same time,
tect corporate reputation. India has a benefits the company by reduced
large, diverse, and vibrant NGO sec- absenteeism, higher productivity, and
tor. As the poll has shown, people trust greater loyalty on the part of the
NGOs to work in the best interests of worker. Companies can work together
society. Hence, it is only logical that with women’s groups and NGOs to
Indian NGOs take on the mantle of set up relevant facilities within their
change agents by shaping, monitoring, premises.
and playing a constructive role in the
field of corporate responsibility.
Workers and the management
have sharply diverging percep-
Gender discrimination is a real tions of working conditions
issue in the workplace
Divergent views expressed by work-
Evidence suggests that gender dis- ers and company executives with re-
crimination, by way of hiring policies spect to wage levels, over time
and age restrictions on women em- payment, and labour policy in general
ployees, is fairly common in compa- indicate that there is a definite prob-
nies. Quite naturally, workers, as lem in the workplace. The problems
opposed to the company executives, seem more acute for unskilled work-
voice these assertions more openly.We ers and those employed in service
believe that this issue needs to be given industries. On the face of it, it appears
much greater priority. Given that la- that the business sector has not given
bour unions are not trusted by a ma- due recognition to the importance of
jority of workers themselves, both better workplace conditions and em-
unions and management need to find ployee satisfaction as a motivating fac-
creative (and perhaps collaborative) tor in increasing productivity and
ways and means of dealing with this reducing operating costs. Since there
problem. Tried and tested measures is no independent monitoring and

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
Conclusions and next steps

verification of labour policy reports is- demonstrate their responsibilities to

sued by companies, it is difficult to society. Identification of gaps and
verify the claims of different parties. clarification of resource needs hold
Clearly, though, there is a problem, permanent value.
and this is an issue that company man- TERI-Europe and its partners are
agers, unions, and worker representa- using these preliminary findings as the
tives need to address jointly. bases for a more in-depth investiga-
To arrive at a solution, companies tion into the issues. This will be used
must build trust, awareness raising, to develop targeted training modules
and training into their human resource for three key stakeholder groups—
management strategies. Again, com- company executives, workers, and civil
panies may wish to elaborate and im- society organizations (including trade
plement such programmes in unions and NGOs).
partnership with trusted NGOs or Although there appears to be con-
other similar organizations. siderable scope for collaborative ac-
tion, much remains to be done to build
Next steps capacity within business, civil society,
This report has presented the results and government to move the corpo-
of a timely public opinion poll on cor- rate responsibility agenda forward.
porate responsibility practices in A key part of this process is to pro-
India. Designed as an agenda-setting mote learning and inter-sectoral col-
exercise, it has served to highlight laboration in order to make Indian
some of the key areas that require at- companies more successful and more
tention and action by company man- responsible. Creativity and innovation
agers, workers, and civil society.There are imperative to enable India to de-
is a need for still greater understand- velop approaches to corporate respon-
ing of what Indian and international sibility suited to its own needs and
companies are currently doing to priorities. ✤

Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll

References Gandhi M K. 1939*

Ansoff H I (ed.). 1969 The Harijan (Poona), 16 December 1939
Business Strategy, p. 239 [cited in Bose 1947]
Harmondsworth, England: Penguin IEEF (Ion Exchange Enviro Farms). 2001
Bernstein A and Berger P L (eds). 2000 Industry–Farm Linkage through Con-
Business and Democracy: cohabita- tract Farming Strategy of Ion Ex-
tion or contradiction?, p. 8 change Enviro Farms: a report
London: Centre for Development and
IEEF (Ion Exchange Enviro Farms). 2000
Experiences in the Cultivation of
Bose N K (ed.). 1947 Organic Horticulture Crops: a report
Selections from Gandhi
IEI (Ion Exchange India Limited). 1999
Ahmedabad: Navjivan Publishing House
IEI News 66
Environics International. 2001 TCCI (Tata Council for Community Ini-
eFlash Report, CSR Index, July 2001
tiatives). 2001
Toronto: Environics International
Guidelines for Community Develop-
Freeman R E. 1984 ment, p. 13
Strategic Management:A Stakeholder
Wheeler D and Sillanpää M. 1997
The Stakeholder Corporation: a blue-
Boston: Pitman Publishing Company print for maximising shareholder
Friedman M. 1958* value, p. ix
Three major factors in business man- London: Pitman Publishing Company
agement: leadership, decision making
and social responsibility
[Talk delivered at Eighth Social Science
Seminar, 19 March 1958, as summarized
by W A Diehm in Social Science Reporter,
and cited in Ansoff 1969]

Understanding and Encouraging Corporate Responsibility in South Asia
About Commowealth Science Council
The Commonwealth Science Council is an intergovernmental organiza-
tion with membership open to all Commonwealth countries. It is a proactive
organization that seeks to leverage the members’ science and technology
capability through networking of knowledge and finance using modern
information technologies and facilitate its application by needy member
countries for sustainable economic, environmental, social, and cultural

Further details at <>

About TERI-Europe
A charity set up by TERI, India and approved by the Charity Commission
for England and Wales, TERI-Europe endeavours to strengthen the link-
ages between India and Europe by (1) exploring common grounds for
solutions to global problems like climate change, (2) setting up databases
to facilitate appropriate technology choices in various sectors of the econo-
mies, (3) informing European industry about business opportunities in
India’s energy and environment fields, and (4) promoting dialogue between
organizations on pertinent issues like corporate social responsibility.

Further details at <>

About New Academy of Business

The New Academy of Business is an independent business school with a
vision to build a just and enterprising future. It works with entrepreneurs,
educators, managers, activists, policy-makers, and other change agents to
produce educational activities and resources. Its major activities are teach-
ing, collaborative research, organizational learning, and eLearning.

Further details at <>

Contact details

Ritu Kumar
Director, TERI-Europe
27 Albert Grove, London SW20 8PZ
United Kingdom
Tel. 44 20 8947 9145
Also Environment Economist
Commonwealth Science Council
Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House
Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HX
United Kingdom
Tel. 44 20 7747 6212
Fax 44 20 7839 6174

David F Murphy
Programme Director
New Academy of Business
17-19 Clare Street, Bristol, BS1 1XA
United Kingdom
Tel. 44 117 925 2006
Fax 44 117 925 2007

Viraal Balsari
Consultant, Energy-Environment Technology Division, TERI
11 Gangotri, Banganga Road, Malabar Hill
Mumbai 400 006, India
Tel. 91 22 367 3126

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