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Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58

DOI 10.1007/s10653-006-9062-0


Dental fluorosis associated with drinking water from hot

springs in Choma district in southern province, Zambia
V. Shitumbanuma Æ F. Tembo Æ J. M. Tembo Æ
S. Chilala Æ E. Van Ranst

Received: 31 March 2006 / Accepted: 2 October 2006 / Published online: 25 November 2006
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006

Abstract This study was conducted to investi- eters. Results of the survey showed a highly
gate the high incidence of mottled teeth among significant (P < 0.001) association between pu-
residents of an area with hot springs in the Choma pils’ main sources of drinking water between birth
District of the Southern Province of Zambia. A and age 7 and the incidence of discoloured teeth.
survey involving 128 pupils was conducted at a All (100%) pupils who drank water from hot
Basic School to collect data on pupil’s back- springs before age 7 had moderate to severe
grounds and their main sources of drinking water fluorosis, while the majority (96.7%) of the pupils
between birth and age 7. A dental specialist who drank water from other sources had no
examined the pupils’ teeth and samples of drink- dental fluorosis. Fluoride concentrations ranged
ing water were collected from locations where the from 5.95 to 10.09 mg/l in water from hot springs,
majority of the pupils lived. It was analysed for and from 0.03 to 0.6 mg/l in water from other
fluorides and other drinking water quality param- sources. Fluoride levels in water from hot spring
water samples exceeded the 1.5 mg/l WHO
V. Shitumbanuma (&) guideline value for drinking water, while those
Department of Soil Science, School of Agricultural in water from other sources were significantly
Sciences, University of Zambia, 32379, Lusaka, (P < 0.05) lower than this. We conclude that the
Zambia high prevalence of mottled teeth among residents
of the study area is a case of endemic dental
F. Tembo fluorosis associated with drinking water from hot
Department of Geology, School of Mines, University springs containing high concentrations of fluoride.
of Zambia, 32379, Lusaka, Zambia

J. M. Tembo Keywords Dental fluorosis  Drinking water 

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faults  Fluoride  Granite  Hot springs  Zambia
School of Engineering, University of Zambia, 32379,
Lusaka, Zambia

S. Chilala Introduction
Choma General Hospital, 630063, Choma, Zambia
Dental fluorosis, or mottled enamel, is a common
E. Van Ranst
disorder of teeth associated with drinking water
Laboratory of Soil Science, Geological Institute,
Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 (S8), 9000, Gent, containing high concentrations of fluoride. The
Belgium critical period of exposure to fluorides that leads

52 Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58

to manifestation of enamel or dental fluorosis is that are part of the large granitoid mass known as
during the formation of permanent teeth, gener- the Choma–Kalomo batholith, which extends for
ally from birth to the age of 7 or 8 (Billings, several tens of kilometres between the Choma and
Berkowit, & Watson, 2004). Dental fluorosis has Kalomo Districts (Newton, 1963).
been reported in communities living in areas The Choma District is in the dryer part of
where drinking water contains fluorides at con- Zambia, locally referred to as the medium rainfall
centrations as low as 1.0 mg/l (Smith, 1939; region, which in the past two decades has expe-
WHO, 1996; Heller, Eklund, & Burt, 1997). It is rienced frequent dry spells and droughts. Avail-
particularly prevalent in the Rift Valley regions of ability of water for domestic and agricultural use
East Africa, especially in Kenya and Ethiopia, is often a problem in this region, particularly in
where volcanic sources of fluoride are important, the hot dry months of August–October, when
and in India and West Africa, where salts and most seasonal streams dry up. During such
sedimentary fluorine-bearing minerals are the periods, people depend on water from deep wells
primary sources of fluorine (Appelo & Postma, or have to travel long distances to get it. In
1994). locations with hot springs, residents have used
In Zambia, dental fluorosis is not very common water from the springs for their domestic require-
and is generally not well documented. However, ments, livestock and irrigating crops in the dry
an area with hot springs in the Choma District of season. The majority of the residents in our study
the Southern Province of Zambia has a high area are workers on commercial tobacco farms
incidence of people with discoloured and mottled and ranches, while others are small-scale farmers,
teeth. Residents of the area have long suspected engaged in growing maize or rearing cattle. Our
this problem to be associated with the drinking of target group in the study was the children of this
water from hot springs. Prior to this study, no low income group, who are the main victims of
scientific investigation had been conducted to the problem of mottled and discoloured teeth.
determine whether there was any link between
the occurrence of discoloured and mottled teeth Methods employed in the study
among residents of the area in Choma with hot
springs and consumption of water from the A survey involving 128 pupils at a Basic School in
springs. This study was conducted to establish the study area was conducted, using a structured
whether there was an association between the questionnaire. Data captured during this survey
incidence of discoloured teeth among residents of included pupils’ places of birth, their main source
this area and the sources of drinking water in the of drinking water between birth and age 7, their
area, and whether the incidence of discoloured current residence, age and sex, among other
teeth was associated with levels of fluoride in parameters. A physical examination of all the
drinking water. pupils’ teeth was also carried out by a dentist to
check for clinical signs of dental fluorosis using
Deans’ Index. Most of the children with clinical
Materials and methods signs of dental fluorosis had moderate to severe
dental fluorosis according to Deans’ Index.
Location and description of study area Results of the dental examination, indicating
whether or not pupils had clinical manifestation
The study was conducted in the Choma District of of dental fluorosis and the degree of severity of
the Southern Province of Zambia (Fig. 1). The the symptoms were captured on the same sheet
Choma District is located on the Southern Plateau that had other data on the background. After the
of Zambia, which is part of the Central African survey water samples were collected from main
Plateau, a generally flat landscape at an elevation drinking water sources at locations where the
of 1,200 m above sea level (Dalal-Clayton, majority of the pupils interviewed had lived
English, Williams, & Spaargaren, 1985). Much of between birth and age 7. The water samples were
the Choma District is underlain by granite rocks collected in triplicate at each location in 1-l

Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58 53

Fig. 1 Map of Zambia

showing location of the
study in the Choma

polyethylene bottles and transported to the lab. water sources, a t test was used. The statistical
The water temperature, pH and electrical con- analyses were carried out using the software
ductivity were measured on site using a portable packages SPSS version 11.0 and SAS version 6.12.
pH, EC Temperature, multiparameter analyser,
model Eijkelkamp 12.28. The following day, the
water samples were analysed for fluoride concen- Results
trations using an Ion selective electrode and for
other drinking water quality parameters follow- Relation between occurrence of mottled teeth
ing standard methods outlined in Clesceri, and drinking water source
Greenberg, and Eaton (1998). Furthermore, sam-
ples were collected from rock outcrops, at hot The incidence levels of discoloured teeth and
spring sites, at locations where outcrops were other symptoms associated with dental fluorosis
present at or near the hot springs. Thin sections of among pupils who drank water from hot springs
rock samples were made and studied using a and other sources of drinking water are presented
Reichert Neovar-Pol petrographic microscope, in in Table 1. All the 37 pupils (100%) who drank
order to determine the mineralogy of the rocks. water from hot springs during the period of
To test whether there was an association formation of their permanent teeth had symptoms
between the incidence of discoloured teeth among associated with dental fluorosis, while only 3
pupils and main sources of drinking water between (3.3%) of the 91 pupils who drank water from
birth and the age of 7 a Chi-squared test was used to other sources had these symptoms. The overall
analyse the data obtained from the survey. The incidence of moderate to severe dental fluorosis
sources of drinking water were grouped into two at the school was 31.25%, while that of pupils at
classes, namely hot springs and non-hot spring the school who had consumed water from hot
sources, hereafter referred to as ‘‘other sources’’. springs was 100%, and that of pupils who drank
To establish whether there was a significant water from other sources was 3.3%.
difference between the levels of fluorides in water Results of the Chi-squared tests of indepen-
from hot springs and that from other drinking dence between the source of drinking water and

54 Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58

Table 1 Occurrence of moderate to severe dental fluoro- trations than that with lower temperatures. There
sis among pupils in relation to their main source of was, however, no statistically significant relation-
drinking water between birth and age 7 in the study area
ship between water temperature and the concen-
Water source Clinical symptoms of Total tration of fluoride in the water.
dental fluorosis The range of fluoride concentrations of water
Absent (%) Present (%) samples from hot springs and from other water
sources is shown in Fig. 2. Concentrations of
Other (non-hot spring) 88 (96.7) 3 (3.3) 91 fluoride in water from hot springs are significantly
Hot spring 0 (0) 37 (100) 37
Total 88 (68.75) 40 (31.25) 128 higher (P = 0.001) than those in water from other
sources and also significantly greater than the
WHO (1996) guideline value for fluoride in
drinking water of 1.5 mg/l. In contrast, fluoride
incidence of occurrence of dental fluorosis indi- concentrations in water from other sources are
cated a highly significant (P < 0.001) association generally far below the WHO guideline, except
between pupil’s sources of drinking water be- for samples collected from a shallow well at
tween birth and age 7 and the incidence of Miller Farm, which is less than a kilometre away
discoloured teeth. Furthermore, the measures of from a hot spring.
association between the occurrence of dental
fluorosis among pupils and their main source of Geology of hot spring areas
drinking water also indicate a highly significant
(P < 0.001) strong (0.946–1.00) association. More The hot springs of the study area emanate from
specifically, the statistics indicated that the occur- within granitic rocks that make up the large
rence of clinical symptoms of dental fluorosis was granitoid mass called the Choma–Kalomo batho-
associated with drinking of water from hot lith. The granites are poorly exposed at the sites
springs, while the absence of symptoms of dental where most of the hot springs are located, except
fluorosis was associated with drinking water from at Chibimbi, where there are more extensive
other (non-hot springs) sources. The lambda outcrops.
values for the Chi-squared test indicated that a Two varieties of granite were observed in the
knowledge of a pupil’s source of drinking water field. The most common variety is a pink medium
between birth and age 7 reduced the error in to coarse grained porphyritic granite that varies in
predicting whether a pupil has dental fluorosis or composition from leucocratic K-feldspar granite
not by more than 90%. to mesocratic biotite granite. In places, aplite
dykes of up to 10 cm thick are observed, whose
Fluoride concentrations in water dominant minerals are K-feldspar and quartz.
from drinking water sources The second variety is a grey, porphyritic, coarse
to medium-grained biotite-hornblende granite.
Selected results of the analyses of the water Both rock types are weakly to strongly foliated
samples collected from the study area are pre- and in the more strongly deformed parts, the
sented in Table 2. The temperature of water from preferred orientation of the minerals, particularly
hot springs measured in the field ranged from 28.2 biotite, give the rock a gneissic appearance.
to 70.6°C, while that of samples collected from The surfaces of rock outcrops close to the hot
other sources (bore holes and shallow wells) springs appear whitish due to weathering of the
ranged from 24 to 26.6°C. The concentration of feldspars. The granite is a coarse grained rock
fluoride in water samples from hot springs was that consists of potassium and sodium feldspars,
significantly (P < 0.0001) higher than that of biotite, hornblende and quartz with accessory
samples from other sources, with mean values of apatite and iron ore. All the hot springs are
6.56 mg/l for hot springs and 0.15 mg/l for other located along fault structures in the granite.
water sources. In general, water with higher Faulting is indicated by sheared granite where
temperatures contained higher fluoride concen- the rocks are exposed at the surface.

Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58 55

Table 2 Temperature
Location Water source Temperature (°C) F– (mg/l)
and mean fluoride
concentrations (with B Miller Farm Hot spring 70.6 7.48 ± 0.01
standard errors) of water Reservoir * 21.5 10.10 ± 0.10
samples from different Shallow well 25.9 2.28 ± 0.01
sources in the study area Ross Farm Hot spring 28.2 6.82 ± 0.02
Chibimbi Hot spring 45.8 6.40 ± 0.66
Hot spring 32.8 8.27 ± 0.03
Semahwa river Hot spring 50.7 5.96 ± 0.01
ND measurement was not Moomba Farm Bore hole 24.8 0.60 ± 0.01
determined Nchenga Farm Bore hole 24.3 0.04 ± 0.01
Kachenje Shallow well ND 0.04 ± 0.00
* Originally derived from Choma Lodge River 26.6 0.03 ± 0.00
hot spring

10.0 crystals associated with biotite. The granite from

Chibimbi hot springs is pink in colour and in the
Fluoride concentration (mg/L)

main fault zone has been transformed into
mylonite, resembling quartzite. In the thin sec-
4.0 tion, the rock consists of microcline, sodic plagio-
clase and quartz, all of which show a high degree

WHO (1996) Drinking water guideline for F- of recrystallisation and granulation.
The grey granite consists of sodic plagioclase
0.5 (50%), which occurs as both porphyroclasts and
0.0 in the matrix, and hornblende (10%). The other
Hot Spring Others minerals in the rock are microcline (10%), quartz
Water Source
(20%) and biotite (10%). Accessory minerals
Fig. 2 Fluoride concentrations in water from hot springs include iron oxide, epidote and apatite. The grey
and other drinking water sources in the study area (Choma granite also displays varying degrees of alteration
District) of the feldspars to sericite and kaolinite. The
quartz in both rocks occurs as anhedral grains and
shows undulose extinction indicative of the defor-
Petrography and mineralogy mation suffered by the rocks.

Results of the petrographic analyses showed that Fault structures and location of the hot springs
the pink granite has a porphyritic texture in which
1–2 cm of pink microcline porphyroclasts are All the hot springs in the study area are located at
embedded in a medium-grained matrix of micro- edges of gently sloping topographic highs that
cline (50%), plagioclase (10%), quartz (25%), separate shallow, broad valleys that characterize
biotite (10%) and hornblende (1%), with iron the drainage pattern in the area. In all the areas
oxides, apatite and epidote as accessory minerals. investigated, the hot springs were observed to be
The microcline is subhedral to anhedral and located along faults that have been identified
shows moderate to strong alteration to sericite. using both satellite imagery and field observa-
Plagioclase occurs as a ground mass mineral with tions. In the field, the presence of faults is
anhedral to subhedral grain shapes showing indicated by the presence of fault breccia,
deformation twinning and moderate to strong silicification and shearing of the granite. Figure 3
kaolinisation and epidotisation. The biotite is shows the location of hot springs at Miller
green and occurs as unevenly distributed clots and and Ross Farms, and at Semahwa River, in
flakes scattered in the rock. Hornblende occurs as relation to the geology and occurrence of faults
isolated euhedral to subhedral green pleochroic in the area.

56 Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58

Fig. 3 Geology and

location of three of the
hot spring sites in the
study area

Discussion and conclusion Furthermore, because the majority of the children

in this study came from poor families who often
It is important to mention that the study area is in cannot afford toothpaste and therefore do not
a rural district with no industrial activity that usually use it, fluoridated dental products are not
could possibly serve as an anthropogenic source likely to be significant sources of fluoride in this
of fluoride. Additionally, the study area and its population. There is no fluoridation of water in
surrounding environment are very sparsely pop- Zambia, so the consumption of municipally fluo-
ulated. With the exception of the few locations ridated water cannot be considered a possible
with human dwellings, most of the area is under source of fluoride either.
the natural Miombo woodland that characterises Results of this study have shown that the high
much of the plateau region of Zambia. Conse- incidence of discoloured teeth among the resi-
quently, the mostly likely major sources of fluo- dents of the area of the Choma District with its
ride for the residents of this area are the water hot springs is strongly associated with the drink-
they drink and the food they eat. Considering that ing of water from hot springs that contain high
the majority of children included in the study are levels of fluoride. Mamuse (2003) reports a
the offspring of farm workers and peasant farm- similar observation in the Chimanimani District
ers, much of the food they eat is locally produced. in Eastern Zimbabwe in an area with hot springs

Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58 57

where the incidence of dental fluorosis among activity (Appelo & Postma, 1994), we think that
school children is 61.9% and the fluoride levels in the sources of fluoride in the hot spring water in
the water are up to 5 mg/l. A number of Choma are fluoride-bearing minerals in granitic
researchers (Smith, 1939, Alarcon-Herrera, rocks. Minerals such as micas (biotite, muscovite
Martin-Dominguez, Trejo-Vasqez, & Rodriguez- and phlogopite), amphiboles such as horn-
Dozal, 2001; Louw, Grobler, & van Kotze, 2002; blende, and apatite are reported to be among
Heller, Eklund, & Burt, 1997) have reported that the sources of fluorine in rocks (Wedepohl,
drinking water containing 1.0 mg/l fluoride or 1974; Goldschmidt & Muir, 1970). Biotite,
lower causes dental fluorosis. hornblende and apatite are all present in granite
Recent research on dental fluorosis indicates samples obtained from sites where the hot
that the effects of fluoride on enamel in man are springs are located. The high fluoride levels in
cumulative, and that rather than requiring a water from hot springs are most probably due to
specific threshold dose, it depends on the total the chemical weathering of fluoride-bearing
intake from all sources, and on the duration of the minerals, which happens upon contact with the
intake (Aoba & Fejerskov, 2002). Our estimate of hot water. Dissanayake (2005) has also attrib-
daily fluoride intakes for children in the study area uted the high levels of fluoride in fluorosis-
drinking hot spring water with an average affected regions of Sri Lanka to the presence of
concentration of 6.56 mg F/l, assuming children’s high-grade metamorphic rocks containing fluo-
body weight to range from 15 kg to 30 kg, and rine-bearing minerals such as micas, hornblende
water consumption levels of 500 ml to 1,000 ml and fluorite.
per day, was 0.11–0.21 mg/kg of body weight. Our studies have revealed evidence of chem-
These fluoride intake values are much higher than ical weathering of granitic rock at sites with hot
the 0.03 mg/kg of body weight reported by Aoba springs. Results of petrographic analyses of thin
and Fejerskov (2002) to be certain to result in sections of rocks show that hydrothermal alter-
dental fluorosis, and the range of 0.03 to 0.1 mg F/ ation has occurred in rocks at hot springs, as
kg of body weight reported by Billings, Berkowitz, evidenced by the transformation of K- feldspars
and Watson (2004) to be the fluoride intake levels to sericite and the alteration of plagioclase to
from birth to age 8 in populations where dental epidote and kaolinite. In addition, the fluorine-
fluorosis is a problem. On the other hand, children bearing minerals biotite and hornblende have also
drinking water from other sources with an average been altered to various degrees and have com-
F concentration of 0.15 mg/l, with the same range pletely disappeared in the fault rocks. We think
of body weights and water consumption levels, that the chemical alteration of the rocks has been
would have intakes of 0.003–0.005 mg F/kg of facilitated by fault structures that serve as easy
body weight, which are far below the above channels for water movement over a larger
reported values. surface area of exposed minerals.
In view of the above discussions and of the fact
that fluoride concentrations in water samples from Acknowledgements We are grateful to the VLIR Inter-
University Cooperation for providing the research grant to
hot springs are much higher than the suggested conduct this work. We thank farmers in the study area,
maximum limit for drinking water of 1.5 mg/L particularly Mr. Miller and Mr. Ross for allowing us access
allowed by WHO (1996), while those of water to their farms and teachers at Kachenje Basic School for
samples from other sources are much lower than their help during the course of our field work. We further
acknowledge the assistance of the Choma District Health
this limit, we are compelled to conclude that the Management Board for allowing their member of staff to
high prevalence of discoloured teeth among res- assist with the dental studies and for allowing us to conduct
idents of the study area is a case of endemic dental this work in their district. We are indebted to Mr. Paul
fluorosis caused by drinking water from Zimba for the cartographic work and to Dr. Habatwa
Mweene for greatly helping to improve the clarity of the
hot springs that have high concentrations of presentation of the work in this paper. Lastly, our
fluoride. appreciation goes to the reviewers of this paper whose
Unlike the Rift Valley areas of East Africa suggestions further enhanced the quality of its
where fluoride in water is derived from volcanic presentation.

58 Environ Geochem Health (2007) 29:51–58

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