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Environ Geochem Health

DOI 10.1007/s10653-007-9096-y


Enhancement of As(V) adsorption onto activated sludge by

methylation treatment
So-Young Kang Æ Dong-Wook Kim Æ
Kyoung-Woong Kim

 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract Biosorption properties of arsenate simultaneous removal and separation of As(V) from
[As(V)] onto activated sludge were investigated in aqueous effluents.
batch systems. The adsorption of As(V) onto sludge
increased from 23 to 266 mg/g dry weight through the Keywords Biosorption  Arsenic  Activated sludge
methylation of the activated sludge. This increase  Methylation  Esterification  FTIR analysis
resulted from neutralization of carboxylic groups via
the methylation process. The pH effect of As(V)
uptake was also investigated and As(V) adsorption by Introduction
methylated sludge decreased significantly at high pH
(pH > 11) due to competition between As(V) and Arsenic (As) is a widespread contaminant that occurs
OH ions for binding sites distributed on sludge in soil and aqueous environments as a result of
surfaces. In contrast, low pH favored As(V) adsorp- geochemical processes and anthropogenic activities
tion by methylated sludge because of the elevated (Nordstrom 2002). The properties of As compounds
quantities of positively charged functional groups. have been known since antiquity, and the toxicity of
The results suggest that methylated activated sludge As has been well documented and reviewed (Orem-
may provide promising applications for the land and Stolz 2003). Recent human exposure to As-
contaminated groundwater in Bangladesh and West
Bengal, India, has led the United States Environ-
mental Protection Agency to revise the As maximum
S.-Y. Kang contaminant level (MCL) to 10 mg/l for drinking
Center for Resource Management, Korea Institute for
water (USEPA 2002).
Defense Analyses (KIDA), Seoul 130-650, South Korea
e-mail: Physicochemical technologies such as solidifica-
tion/stabilization (Vandecasteele et al. 2002; Kim
D.-W. Kim et al. 2003), ion exchange (Korngold et al. 2001),
Department of Environmental Engineering, Kongju
membrane filtration (Brandhuber and Amy 1998;
National University, Cheonan 330-717, South Korea
e-mail: Gecol et al. 2004), and soil washing processes (Alam
et al. 2001; Ko et al. 2005) have been developed for
K.-W. Kim (&) the removal or stabilization of As at contaminated
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
sites. However, the application of such processes is
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST),
Gwangju 500-712, South Korea sometimes restricted due to technical or economical
e-mail: constraints, especially when concentrations of As in

Environ Geochem Health

the effluents occur in low levels, such as occurs in Materials and methods
groundwater (Volesky 1990).
Using adsorption processes, the appropriate MCL Preparation of the biomass
level can beachieved and limitations of conventional
methods can be overcome (Lin and Wu 2001; Ko Activated sludge was obtained from a sewage
et al. 2004). Furthermore, the use of microorganisms treatment plant in Cheonan, Korea. The sludge was
as sorbents for adsorption of metal ions offers a used as a biosorbent in all the biosorption of As(V)
potential alternative for the separation and recovery experiments. Activated sludge was washed thor-
of toxic substances from wastewaters (Kang et al. oughly with 0.01 M NaOH and then washed repeat-
2005a, b). The biosorption process includes a fast edly with distilled water. After washing, the sludge
and reversible reaction through the passive and was suspended in 1 l methyl alcohol and stirred at
physicochemical binding of metal ions to bacteria, room temperature for 24 h. The sludge was separated
such as an ion exchange reaction with no require- in a centrifuge at 3,300 rpm for 30 min, freeze-dried,
ments for bacterial activity (Kim and Kang 2006). and ground to a fine powder. The resulting dried
Biosorption of As has been investigated recently, sludge was designated as the pristine activated sludge
and the results demonstrate that biomass represents for use in this study and subjected to methylation
an efficient and economic sorbent for the removal of treatment. The dried sludge was stored in desiccators.
As from aqueous solutions (Loukidou et al. 2003;
Maity et al. 2005). Methylation of activated sludge
Perhaps the most abundant source of microbial
biomass is activated sludge. Activated sludge can To achieve maximal esterification of the biomass,
play an important role in the research and methylation was performed according to the method
development of new biosorption materials for of Fraenkel-Conrat and Olcott (1945). A 10-g sample
metal remediation due to its high capacity and of dried sludge was suspended in 1 l methyl alcohol
selectivity (Aksu et al. 1991; Utgikar et al. containing 0.1 N of HCl. The sludge suspension was
2000). Sağ et al. (2003) showed that activated shaken in a shaker (180 rpm) at room temperature for
sludge is an efficient material for the removal of periods ranging from 6 to 24, after which it was
copper and lead from wastewater. Furthermore, centrifuged at 6,000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatant
waste-activated sludge obtained from sewage was decanted, and the remaining solid washed two
treatment plants is of particular economical times with distilled water and freeze-dried for 24 h. It
interest due to its relative abundance and low was ground to a fine powder, and particles less than
cost. Although metal adsorption by activated 125 mm in size were collected. Three types of
sludge has been studied, there has been no activated sludge were prepared for the Fourier
research concerning the bio-removal of As by Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis and sorption
activated sludge biomass to date, despite its high studies: activated sludge (a) without methylation,
potential as a good sorbent. and with methylation for (b) 6 h and (c) 24 h.
The objective of this study was to investigate the
biosorption characteristics of As in wastewater onto Surface characterization
activated sludge. Arsenate, As(V), which can be
reduced into more toxic arsenite, As(III), was used To identify the nature of surface functional groups
in this study because the predominant form of As in on the activated sludge, IR spectra of the three types
aerobic aqueous environments of South Korea is of activated sludge were obtained using a FTIR
As(V) (Saxena et al. 2004). The effect of the spectrophotometer (Jasco; Japan) under ambient
methylation on the As(V) adsorption capacity of conditions. For IR studies, 1.6 mg biomass was
activated sludge was also studied. The main aim of encapsulated in 315 mg KBr. The pellet was
this paper was to examine aspects of a possible obtained by pressing the ground material with the
strategy for the removal of As using activated aid of a bench press (55 MPa for 5 min). Lyoph-
sludge. ilized sludge was examined in the wave number
range 400–4000 cm1.

Environ Geochem Health

Adsorption experiments

The As adsorption experiments were performed in a

Relative Transmittance
batch system at a temperature of 258C and a mixing
rate of 180 rpm. As solutions (Na2HAsO4; reagent
grade; Aldrich) were prepared in the range of 0– 1456
2 mg/l in a background 0.01 M NaNO3 electrolyte 1238

solution. The initial solution pH value was adjusted to 2929 1540 1083

pH 5.0 using 0.1 N HNO3 or 0.1 N NaOH to 3400 1660

minimize anion competition. To each As solution,
pristine or methylated activated sludge was sus-
pended and shaken in a shaker for 6 h. The solutions 4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400

were then filtrated through a 0.2-mm syringe filter. Wavenumber (cm-1)

The filtrate was analyzed for metal concentration by
Fig. 1 Infrared spectrum of activated sludge without methyl-
inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP- ation
MS; Agilent; USA).
Adsorption experiments were also conducted to
study the effect of pH on As biosorption by activated hydroxyl and amine groups on the surface of
sludge after 24 h methylation under the same activated sludge. Interestingly, the peak position of
conditions as described above. The pH of the studies the observed IR spectrum was similar to that of
ranged from 3 to 9 and was adjusted using NaOH and bacteria (Kang et al. 2005b), algae (Tüzün et al.
HNO3. Methylated sludge was added to the solutions 2005), and fungi (Kapoor and Viraraghavan 1997).
with 5 mg/l of As(V) in a background 0.01 M NaNO3 This result suggests that microorganisms are orga-
electrolyte solution. The final concentration of As nized as activated sludge, which is composed of
was determined after 6 h, and the adsorbed amounts varying components of protein, lipid, and polymeric
of As were calculated from the difference between As compounds. The functional groups of components are
in solution and the concentration of As added initially able to react with metal cations or anions in aqueous
in each case. solution.
Theoretically, biomass can adsorb anions through
positively charged groups such as amine groups and
Results and discussion can also remove metal cations by negatively charged
groups such as the carboxyl, phosphoryl, and sulfate
Identification of functional groups groups of the biomass. However, Lee and Park (2005)
showed that As was not effectively adsorbed by
FTIR analysis of activated sludge was performed to Pseudomonas aeruginosa because of the electrostatic
identify the surface nature of activated sludge. As repulsion between anionic compounds of aqueous
shown in Fig. 1, the IR spectrum of activated sludge As(V) and the cell surfaces of bacteria. Therefore, a
displays a number of peaks indicating the complex pretreatment process is needed before the biosorption
nature of the biomass. The broad bands around of anions such as As to remove the negative charge of
3,400 cm1 are dominated by –OH and –NH the cell surface. The methylation treatment was
stretching. The spectrum of activated sludge performed to investigate the potential of activated
exhibited distinct bands around 2,929 cm1 (C–H sludge in the removal of As from aqueous solution in
stretch), 1,660 cm1 (amide I, mainly C=O stretch), this study.
1,540 cm 1 (amide II, mainly N–H bend),
1,456 cm1 (partly C–H deformation), 1,410 cm1 Methylation of activated sludge
(partly C=O stretch of COOH), 1,238 cm1 (P=O, C–
O–C stretch and amide III), and in the 1,100– Figure 2 shows the IR spectra obtained from
1,000 cm1 region (P–O and C–OH stretch). The IR activated sludge treated with methanol and hydro-
spectrum indicates the presence of carboxylic, chloric acid for 6 h (Fig. 2b) and 24 h (Fig. 2c). The

Environ Geochem Health

(a) c

Adsorbed As(V) (µg/g dry w eight)

Relative Transmittance

1410 200


2929 b

3400 a
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400
Equilibrium concentration (mg/l)
Wavenumber (cm-1)

Fig. 3 Sorption isotherms of As(V) by activated sludge (a)

Fig. 2 Infrared spectra of activated sludge after methylation
without methylation, (b) with methylation for 6 h, and (c) with
for (a) 0 h, (b) 6 h and (c) 24 h
methylation for 24 h at pH 5 and ionic strength 0.01 M

IR spectrum of the pristine activated sludge

Adsorption of As(V) onto activated sludge
(Fig. 2a) was used for comparison to verify a
change of spectrum in response to methylation. The
The results of As(V) adsorption experiments are
decrease in intensity of the IR band at 2,929 cm1
displayed in Fig. 3. An increase of the amount of
and 1,410 cm1 was attributed to the carboxylic
As(V) adsorbed onto activated sludge was observed
groups of activated sludge. This suggests that the
after increasing the methylation time of the sludge,
neutralization of negatively charged groups may
whereas As(V) was scarcely adsorbed onto the
have occurred in activated sludge as a result of the
pristine sludge. These results show that biosorption
esterification reaction during methylation. The new
of As(V) was severely inhibited when carboxyl
peaks at 1,388 cm1 were assigned to the asym-
groups existed on the biomass surface, indicating
metric bending of the CH3 groups of the acetyl
their importance in the biosorption of anions. The
moiety (Yee et al. 2004). The broad overlapping
amount of adsorbed As(V) increased significantly
region in the range 3,200–3,600 cm1 also presents
when negatively charged functional groups of acti-
some changes, but it is difficult to determine the
vated sludge were esterified. This suggests that
group causing the shift.
positively charged adsorption sites take part in the
The present methylation reaction is specific to
biosorption of As(V) after methylation of the bio-
only the carboxylic group; other functional groups
mass. As ions can easily approach the surface of
are unaffected (Kapoor and Viraraghavan 1997).
activated sludge after methylation and, as a conse-
It causes esterification of carboxylic groups of the
quence, the capacity of As(V) is enhanced.
biomass as follows (Gardea-Torresdey et al.
1990): Effect of pH on As(V) biosorption

RCOOH + CH3 OH ! RCOOCH3 + H2 O ð1Þ The pH value of a solution substantially affects the
capacity of the surface of biosorbents to interact with
where R is the carbon chain of organic matter. The metal ions. Figure 4 shows speciation of As(V)
carboxyl group is the main functional group of calculated as a function of pH from thermodynamic
bacteria representing negative charge (Drake et al. data using MINEQL+ (Shecher and McAvoy 1998).
1996). From this reaction, it can be assumed that In the pH range 3–9, which was of interest in this
neutralization of the negatively charged groups by study, MINEQL + results show that the main species
methylation allows the approach of As anions onto are H2AsO4 and HAsO42 in the form of oxyanions
the positively charged functional groups of activated in solution. These anions were expected to interact
sludge. with adsorption sites carrying positive charges.

Environ Geochem Health

7e-5 made more positive surface charges, and hence the

2- adsorption capacity of As(V) was improved. When
Concentration of As(V) species (M)

6e-5 HAsO4
the pH level was above 4, hydroxyl ions started to
5e-5 compete strongly with As ions for the positively
charged sites, and the As(V) uptake was therefore

1e-5 H3AsO4

The FTIR results of this study revealed that dried

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 activated sludge has various functional groups that
pH react with As ions in aqueous solution. Additionally,
esterification of carboxylic groups was demonstrated
Fig. 4 Speciation of As(V) as a function of pH using
MINEQL + program. The initial concentration of by comparing the IR spectra of pristine and methy-
As(V) = 6.7 · 105 M (=5 mg/l); IS = 0.01 M; tempera- lated sludge. The adsorbed amount of As(V)
ture = 258C increased markedly with increasing methylation time,
while little As(V) was adsorbed by unmethylated
The results of sorption experiments obtained after sludge. This result can be explained by the surface of
contacting the methylated sludge with As(V) solution activated sludge being modified to produce positively
under various levels of pH are shown in Fig. 5. The charged functional groups, thus resulting in increased
maximum uptake of As(V) reached 180 mg/g at pH 4. adsorption of negatively charged As ions with an
However, As(V) uptake decreased when the pH level increasing degree of methylation. Furthermore,
was greater than pH 4. The difference in As(V) methylated activated sludge adsorbed anionic As(V)
binding capacity at different pH can be attributed to under acidic conditions. We demonstrated the con-
the nature of the chemical interactions of As with the siderable potential of methylated activated sludge in
activated sludge in relation to the surface charge of the removal of As. This might be used as an effective
the biomass. As the pH value decreased, the overall biosorbent for the treatment of wastewater containing
surface charge on the biomass became less negative As ions, such as that associated with acid mine
or even positive, which one would expect to increase drainage.
the interaction of As with the biomass. Moreover,
Acknowledgements This study was supported by the
pretreatment of activated sludge with methylation Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
Research Fund and National Research Laboratory Project
(Arsenic Geoenvironment Laboratory) to K.-W. Kim.
Adsorbed As(V) (µg/g dry w eight)


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