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Ghassan Kawas Kaleh Ecole Nationale SupCrieure des TClCcommunications,46, rue Barrault, 75 634 Paris 13, France In Block Transmission System the information symbols are arranged in the form of blocks altemating with blocks of L known symbols, L being the length of channel memory*. The latters help to identify the channel and to process each information block independently from the others; their interferences on the sampled output of the matched filter are calculated and then subtracted . We thus obtain the observation vector Y = R D + U, where R is an MxM Toeplitz Hermitian symmetric matrix which represents channel distorsion, D = ( d ,~ &-I, ..., d1)t is the information symbol vector and U is a Gaussian zero-me,m noise vector whose covariance matrix is 2NoR. The known receiver for this system is the Nonlinear Data-Directed Estimator (NDDE)*. Its complexity is O ( M 3 ) ; it has to solve, using the Levinson Algorithm, M/2 Toeplitz systems of decreasing order. In this paper we erttend the equalization techniques to Block Transmission Systems and deduce decisionfeedback equalizers that have better performance and less complexity than the NDDE. The fact that the observation and its noise are snapshots from stationary time-series suggests the use of a nonstationary innovations representation based on Cholesky factorization of the matrix R as R = H*t U H, where H is an upper triangular matrix with 1s along the main diagonal and C is diagonal q with positive real entries Cii = c ; i=O, 1, ...M - I . The factors H and C are obtained from the Schur algorithm. We use this representation to deduce the following processors. conventional DFE. We have SNRj = DM-i? EJ(Nooo2). We show that this performance is better than that of NDDE, ZF-BLE, and the conventional ZF-DFE. The complexity is O(LM).

5. Minimum-Mean-Squared-Error Block Linear Equalizer (MMSE-BLE). The performance degradation of the ZF-BLE can be reduced by inserting between R-1 and the threshold detector a Wiener estimator Y to obtain X = Y X = D + W, where the power of every components wi of W is minimized. The cascade of R-1 and Y is a transformation R-1 =Y R-1 whose input is Y and output is X, where R= [ R + (Uvo/Eldklz) I]. The covariance of the error W is 2 N o R-1. The SNRi i s [EldJ2/ Elwilz ] - 1.
6. M i n i m u m - M e a n - S q u a r e d - E r r o r Block Decision-Feedback Equalizer (MMSE-BDFE). The observation can be written as Y = RID+ U , where the error U has a covariance matrix 2NoR. The matrix R can be Cholesky-factored as R = H * t E2 H . As above, a noise whitener (C-IH*t-I) be used and its output is can processed using decision feedback strategy as in ZFBDFE. The decision vector is S = D + A, where the error A is a mixture of noise and residual intersymbol interference. Its covariance is U v o CI-2. The SNRi is [Eldi12/ E16J2] -1, where S is component of A . This i performance is better than the that of NDDE, ZF-BDFE, and the conventional MMSE-DFE. The complexity is O(LM).

Conclusions: Whereas conventional equalizers use transversal filters, the derived ones involve the use of matrix transformations, as expected. These transformations can be implemented exactly, while what is deduced from the theory of conventional equalization is 2. hfaximum Likelihood Block Detector. It may use approximated by simple implementable filters. Moreover, the Viterbi algorittlm. The main difference with the assuming the channel impulse response (or its estimate) is conventional maximlum likelihood sequence detector is available, the equalizer coefficients (the matrix entries) that the channel seen by the detector is time-varying. are easily calculated using the Levinson or Schur algorithms. We use the latter because it implies 3. z ~ ~B][o& ~i~~~~ Equalizer~(ZF-BLE) ~ complexity~ ~ F ~ ~ reduction and allows us to use a decision~ It gives x = (Z H)-iZ = ~ - y= D + w, also without 1 feedback strategy. We have evaluated the performances of inverting H, Suboptimum symbol-by-symbol decisions are the deduced equalizers and compared them with that of obtained from x via a threshold detector. The signal-toknown ones. The ZF and MMSE block decision feedback equalizers are particularly attractive because of their noise ratio in the decision variable on symbol di,is SNRi = E, /(Noo02 [R-l]M.i ), where E, is the symbol energy. M-i better Performance and lower complexity as compared with the known NDDE. 4. Zero-Forcing Block Decision-Feedback Equalizer (ZF-BDFE). We obtain from the noise * F. Hsu, Data Directed Estimation Techniques for whitener Z-1 Z = H D + Z-1 V. The transformation H is causal and triangular. Thus, starting with a decision on d l , Single-Tone HF Modems, IEEE Military Commun. Conf., Boston, MA., Oct. 1985. the decision on symbloldi can be obtained with the help of decisions on previous symbols, as made in the
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1. Noise Whitener (E- lH * t - l ) . It transforms the O b S ~ ~ a t i o ninto z= H D + v. The covariance matrix y ofthe noise V is 2No I. The vector Z is obtained from Y without inverting H*t, thanks to its triangular structure.

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