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活出基督!耶穌關懷,我也關懷。 Live like Christ! Jesus cares, I care too.

第 819 期 ORDER OF SERVICE No. 819
主恩 2007 年 6 月 10 日 June 10th, 2007
10:00 AM • Worship service begins
1. 宣召 Call To Worship
2. 詩歌讚美 Praise Him in Hymn
3. 禱告 Invocation
4. 奉獻 Offering
5. 歡迎新友、消息與代禱 Welcome New Friends / Announcements
6. 證道 朱致民傳道 Message Rev. Brian Gomes
『按部就班』 “ Extending forgiveness ”
羅馬書 10:14-21 2 Corinthians. 2:5-11
7. 回應詩歌與三一頌 Responsive Hymn & Doxology
8. 祝禱 Benediction
Please stay for lunch and have fellowship together
 聽道筆記 Message Notes 
1 新生女 嬰: 感謝讚美主!恭賀顏衛與張閩夫婦於五月三十一日下午十
. 時三十分左右喜得一千金,名顏雙雙,重七磅五盎司,身長十九英吋,
It’s a Girl: Praise the Lord! Congratulations to Wei and Ming
Yen for a new baby girl, named “Sophia”, was born on May
31st, 10:30 PM weighing 7 lb 5 oz and 19” long. Both
mother and baby are doing very well.
2 父親節 特餐: 青少年主日學基要信仰班敬邀父親們享用父親節(6/17)
. 特別中餐。請父親們在主日學後,前往副堂先領取午餐,並入座於預
留給父親的餐桌。請小朋友們在101-104 教室用餐。請主日學班級儘
量在中午12:15 前結束。謝謝你的合作。
Father’s day lunch: The youths from the Basic Christianity
class invite fathers for a special luncheon on Father's Day
(6/17). Fathers please head to the lunchroom right after
Sunday school. Fathers will pick up plates first, and seated
at the reserved tables. Children will have their lunch in
rooms’ #101 – 104. Sunday school classes please end
before 12:15 pm. Thank you for your cooperation.
3 本地關 懷宣道 : 每月第二個主日下午3-4點,教會在港安老人院/護
. 理之家有華人關懷福音事工。歡迎想多了解並參與此事工的弟兄姊妹
踴躍參加,請在今天下午 2:30教會集合,和同工一同搭車前往
3540 SE Francis St. Portland, OR 97202。
Local Evangelism and Care: Every month second Sunday
afternoon, Church care team will visit Chinese residents in
Harbor Care nursing home for an hour from 3pm to 4pm.
Brothers and sisters who want to participate and learn more
about this ministry will meet at church lobby 2:30 pm and
carpool to 3540 SE Francis St. Portland OR 97202.
4 需要代 禱: 樊立明 5/28 清早搭機飛往中國奔父喪,將逗留 3 星期,請
. 為他及他的母親兄姐 蒙神安慰 及有機會接受主的福音代禱。
Need your Intercession: Pray for Li-Ming Fan, whose
father passed away on May 26th. He will be staying China
for 3 weeks with his mother. Pray for him and his family so
they would find comfort in Jesus Christ, through the word of
5 青年事 工 : 青少年人聯合聚會六月二十九日晚上假波特蘭華人教會。
. 需要多位駕駛員幫忙接送。詳情請洽張仁和弟兄。
Youth Activity: Joint youth fellowship on Friday night, June
29th, 2007. Youth group needs volunteer drivers to/from CEC
Hillsboro. We will leave from CECV at 6:15PM and return
church around 10:15PM. Please contact Ricky for further
information & volunteer drivers.
6 購買詩 歌本: 鼓勵弟兄姊妹在家中有家庭唱詩讚美聚會,學習新詩歌
. 〈世紀頌讚〉.。本教會書房準備預購《一本約二十九元》,希望購買
Century Praise: The personal owned new hymn book (roughly $29 per
copy) will be available in church bookstore for family use. You can pre-
purchase with sister Julia Huang.
7 英文牧 者人選 : 請會眾繼續為英文牧者的事宜禱告,求主藉聖靈感
. 動,讓大家清楚知道神的帶領與呼召。
English Minister Candidacy: Please continue to pray for the guidance
from the Holy Spirit and church clearly knows who is the one called by the
Lord to serve in our church as English minister

8 特別短 宣: 吳怡瑾姊妹在德東大學校園查經班帶領工作。在日常禱告
. 中提名記念。
Short Term Mission: Sister Jeanne Wu in the East of Germany to serve and
lead University Campus Bible Study ministry. Remember her in your daily

記念宣 教士: 繼續在禱告中,提名記念他們的工作及家人;這是屬靈

 這週特為李志廉弟兄一家大小禱告:他們曾在我們教會一同事奉。
Remember our Missionaries: Please remember their names one by one,
through your earnest prayers to continue supporting their families in
 This week specially pray for the Luke & Birgit Lee family. They
were with us before, and they decided to join mission in China, so
they quitted stable job in Portland. Their mission is helping the
minority and poverty stricken areas to raise the husbandry and
agricultural ability via the Grace project -LOVE and CARE of Jesus
Christ. Recently the news reported, the area was suffered a major
earthquake, hopefully they are able to comfort the fears through the
gospel of salvation.

上週主日出席統計 成人 青少年 孩童
143 34
Last Sunday Attendance Adults Youth Children
經常基金 General Fund $ 4,131.25
建堂基金 Building Fund $ 0,300.00
上週主日奉獻 宣教基金 Mission Fund $ 0,558.00
Last Sunday Offering 特別奉獻 Special Offering $ 0, 0.00
書房收入 Bookstore Income $ 0 ,0.00
午餐收入 Lunch Income $ 0,217.00
Chinese Evangelical Church of Vancouver
900 SE Ellsworth Road, Vancouver, WA 98664
Tel: (360) 944-1556 Fax: (360) 944-3079

並 我
且 來
得 了
的 ,
更 是
豐 要

翰盛 叫
福。 羊
音 (

十 或
章 作
十 :

I have come that they may have life, and have it to

the full.
John 10:10

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