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活出基督!耶穌關懷,我也關懷。 Live like Christ! Jesus cares, I care too.

第 837 期 ORDER OF SERVICE No. 837
主恩 2007 年 10 月 7 日 October 7th, 2007
10:00 AM • Worship service begins
1. 宣召 Call To Worship
2. 詩歌讚美 Praise Him in Hymn
3. 禱告 Invocation
4. 奉獻 Offering
5. 歡迎新友、消息與代禱 Welcome New Friends / Announcements
6. 證道 高賴恩牧師 Message Rev. Brian Gomes
『 神認識 我! 』 “ God knows ME! ”
詩篇 139:1-24 Psalm 139:1-24
7. 聖餐 Holy Communion
8. 回應詩歌與三一頌 Responsive Hymn & Doxology
9. 祝禱 Benediction
Please stay for lunch and have fellowship together
 聽道筆記 Message Notes 
大綱 Outline:
 The LORD knows everything about me! 主知道全部的我
 The LORD is always on the job! 主總是在做工
 Human reason only validates our knowledge of a loving, caring, ever
present God! 理性只能確認知識
 The LORD took great care to make me (us) unique for his purposes. 主

應用 Application:
 Take time to know the thoughts of God – Read the word and pray to our
adoring heavenly Father. 花時間知道神的心意
 Let us separate ourselves from those that despise the Lord to live holy
lives and pray for them in earnest to be saved. 過分別為聖的生活
1 感謝讚美神!上週會員大會確認了長老團所提名高賴恩牧師為英文部
. 牧者。高賴恩牧師也回應呼召來帶領、牧養英文部會眾。請繼續為領
Praise God for the congregation’s confirmation of Rev. Brian Gomes as the
pastor for the English Ministry. Rev. Gomes has also responded to the
calling to lead and shepherd the English congregation. Please continue to
pray for the mutual adjustment and team work among church leaders.

2 為了我們孩童的安全,教會盼望所有父母能在以下事項一起同工:請
. 要求你的孩子
For our children' safety, the church hopes all parents can work together on
the following areas:
Please ask your kids NOT:
• To play outside (especially Friday nights);
• To go to playground without parents' permission and without adult
• To throw hard objects (e.g. rock) inside church property;
• To run or chase inside church
Thanks for everybody's cooperation. Let us share the family fun and joy
with appropriate child safety practice and care for our church’s property.

3 讚美歸給我們主基督。謝謝你–我們主內家庭–的慷慨,教會已經收
. 到愛心奉獻 880 美元,作為國內一位劉姊妹急需的手術費(她的目標是
800 美元)。請繼續為她成功手術和迅速康復禱告。
Give praise to our Lord Christ. Thanks to your generosity, as Christ's family
we received a love offering of $880 for sister Liu Yalian's much needed
surgery (her target was $800). Please continue to pray for her successful
surgery and speedy recovery.

4 教會同工將於下主日前往港安老人院/護理之家進行華人關懷福音事工。
. Next Sunday our church coworkers will minister by caring for the Chinese
residents at Harbor Care nursing home.
5 為促進彼此相識、協助新朋友認識教會眾多家庭,教會將開闢一公佈
. 欄供弟兄姊妹家人照片之張貼(不超過 4”X6”,附家人姓名)。教會鼓勵
To facilitate familiarity with each other and help newcomers to recognize
our church family, our church will dedicate a bulletin board to post family
pictures (no larger than 4”x6”, with names attached). The church
encourages every family to participate. Please give the picture to your
fellowship group leader or a Deacon/Elder board member. Please contact
them if you have questions.

6 週五晚兒童班需要助手。週五兒童團契現分成兩個班: 1.5–3 歲班, 3-5

. 歲班。兩個班每次上課各需一個助手來幫忙。上課時間 8-9:30 PM. 請
Helpers are needed for the children’s classes on Friday nights. The
children’s fellowship is divided into two different classes: 1.5-3 year olds
and 3-5 year olds. One helper will be needed for each class from 8-9:30
pm. Please contact Fa Yonghong at 360-210-7658 if you have any
questions or are interested in helping.

7 請為多位候選人禱告來承當執事和同工多位缺額。祈求聖靈引導他們
. 回應呼召,來分享在神國度和在基督家裡的喜樂與成長機會。
Pray for candidates considering serving in the various vacancies on the
Deacon Board and co-worker positions. May the Holy Spirit guide them in
their responses to the calling and to share in the joys and the growth
opportunities in His Kingdom and our family in Christ.

8 本週代禱宣教士:在中國雲南參與人道事工(恩典專案)的李志廉、
. Birgit 夫婦 (海外基督使團)
This week’s missionary: Luke and Birgit Lee who are involved in a
humanitarian ministry (Project Grace) in YunNan, China (OMF

上週主日出席統計 成人 98 青少年 孩童
Last Sunday Attendance Adults Youth Children
經常基金 General Fund $ 2,359.26
建堂基金 Building Fund $ 0,300.00
上週主日奉獻 宣教基金 Mission Fund $ 0,483.00
Last Sunday Offering 特別奉獻 Special Offering $ 0 ,0.00
書房收入 Bookstore Income $ 0, 0 0.00
午餐收入 Lunch Income $ , 237.25
Chinese Evangelical Church of Vancouver
900 SE Ellsworth Road, Vancouver, WA 98664
Tel: (360) 944-1556 Fax: (360) 944-3079

這 多 所 我
一 , 擘 們
個 仍 開 所
餅 是 的 祝
。 一 餅 福
哥 個 , 的
林 餅 豈 杯
多 , 不 ,

書 一 是 豈
第 個 同 不
10 身 領 是
章 體 基 同
16 , 督 領
、 因 的 基
17 為 身 督
節 我 體 的
們 嗎 血
都 ? 嗎
是 我 ?
分 們 我
受 雖 們

Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a

participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread
that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because
there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all
partake of the one loaf.
~ 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 ~

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