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2008 - 2009 Kenneth R. Olson Middle School OMS - MT's Student Book Reviews
Note Our Star Rating - One Indicating "Poor" to Five Indicating "Spectacular"

Andrew Reads

Septimus Heap; Magyk Angie Sage

Silas Heap was walking in the forest. Earlier that morning, a Physic Woman had given him a baby boy named Septimus Heap. While he was walking in the forest he found a baby girl. When Silas was waking home Marcia the Extra-Ordinary Wizard, told Silas that the baby girl was born to him. He took her home, when he got home he found his wife Sarah screaming, she told Silas that Septimus was dead. Sarah told Silas that someone took him. The next day they named the baby girl Jenna. Sarah went to Sally Mullins caf. When she got there Sally pulled Sarah in to a room. Sally told Sarah that the Queen is dead, so is Alther. Sally told her that there were thugs. Sally told Sarah that the Custodian Guards killed the Queen. Sarah thinks that Jenna is a baby princess. There is an Assassin; he has to bring back Jenna to his Lord.


The day after that the Extra-Ordinary Wizard Marcia went down to the Heaps place. Everyone hates Marcia because she is mean. When she got there, she told the Heaps that she needs to take Jenna. She needs to take her to a protecting area because there is an Assassin trying to kill her. She told them that if they get in the way, they would get killed, or they would do something bad to the Heaps. So she asked them if they had anyplace to stay. The Heaps told Marcia that they could stay in the forest. While Jenna and Marcia were on there way to Marcia place, they found a boy on the ground. They brought the boy into her place. Then when they got in they put the boy by the fire, and then Marcia put a spell on him to make him fell better. One moment later Silas and Nicko Heap came in, and they brought a wolf with them. The wolfs name is Maxie. They also gave Jenna a pet rock, the boy then woke up. He didnt know what happened for a moment. When he woke up Jenna told him where he was, and told him what his name was, he told her it was Boy 412. After that Alther came, but he was a ghost. Alther told them that a person told the Assassin were they are. So Marcia put a Charm Lock on the main doors, but the Assassin was in because Silas kept it open. The Assassin was coming closer and took Jenna, but then Marcia put a spell on the Assassin. Jenna, Marcia, Nicko, Silas, Maxie, and Boy 412 went in the chute. When they got into the chute, Marcia filled it up with rubbish. Then they went to Sally Mullins caf. Everyone told Sally what happened. Then the Hunter was coming. Sally told them that they could take her boat. They all got on the boat and then Sally saw the Hunter getting through the chute. When he got out he listened to see if he can hear anything. Then he saw Sally looking out the window of her caf. The Hunter tried to get Sally to say something about the Queenlling. Sally told him nothing, but then one of his men told him where they went. Meanwhile, Silas was thinking about the kids and Sarah, so was Jenna. Marcia put a spell over the boat because they were getting chased. Jenna almost got shot, but Marcia put a spell on the


boat to make it go faster. They were almost at Deppen Ditch and they lost the Hunter. Boy 412 was thinking about his past time in the Young Army. When they got to the beach they saw Alther. That night they made a camp fire, Alther told them what happened with him and Dom Daniel. Alther told them that Dom Daniel has taken over the castle. Everyone thinks that Alther killed Dom Daniel but he didnt. Alther told them that Dom Daniel and he was on the tall silver tower. With a crowd of people on the bottom of it watching them. While they were on top of the tower Dom Daniel jumped off. Then quickly Alther grabbing at his gold Amulet, he felt the Amulet loosening and then Dom Daniel fell. So Alther gave Marcia the Amulet. Everyone was starting to leave; they transmuted Muriel into two canoes. When they were on the way to Aunt Zeldas house, they saw a Boggart. The Boggart lead them to Aunt Zeldas house. Later that night Silas thinks he saw Aunt Zelda. Silas quickly jumped out of the canoe and he head toward her. Something pulled him underneath the surface. The Boggart quickly pulled him out and told him that there was nothing there. Meanwhile Alther went into the Tower and saw Dom Daniel sleeping. Then Alther hid and Dom Daniel got up. A boy told Dom Daniel about Jenna, Alther blew on the fire that made smock go everywhere. Then Alther grabbed the boy and toke him outside. The next morning Jenna got up and walked around Aunt Zeldas house. When Jenna, Nicko, and Boy 412 woke up, Aunt Zelda told them to go explore. While they were walking Boy 412 fell in a hole that lead him to a dark gave. Boy 412 was walking then he felt a bush so he laid on it. While he was laying there he fell through the bush into another cave. When he got up he felt a ring. When he put it on it tightened up on his finger. Boy 412 wanted light so then the ring gave him light. The ring had a dragon on it that has green eyes. The ring lead him out, Boy 412 feel down some steps and he lost the ring. Boy 412 heard sinning in his head the sinning lead him to the ring. Then he went back to sleep.


The next day, Aunt Zelda told everyone that the message rat was coming. Marcia ran down the stairs and got Jenna and ran back upstairs. They went upstairs because they dont know if its a spy or something. Boy 412 and Nicko heard something knocking on the window it was the rat. They let him in and Nicko said Speeke Rattus Rattus so then he can speak. The rats name was Stanley, he told Silas the message that Sarah sent him. It said that Simon disappeared, and there going to try to find him. At supper Marcia told Silas to go with the Stanley. So then he can tell them the note and so then he can find Simon. The next morning Marcia brought out Magyk books. Marcia was telling Jenna, Nicko, and Boy 412 about Magyk. Marcia gave Jenna an oval piece of polished ebony. Jenna had to remember the words and say it in her head then, she disappeared but it toke her a bit. Then boy 412 did it and he got it right away. Nicko and Jenna went on the canoe. Marcia toke Boy 412 and they walked were the Boggart lives. Marcia then gave Boy 412 a pair of wings. On one side it had the words Fly Free with Me. Boy 412 said it in his head and then he was floating. Marcia was very happy, then she told him that if he wanted to be her Apprentice. Boy 412 told her no because he didnt have the Magyk. The ring gave him the Magyk. The next few hours passed, Jenna and Nicko had to separate bugs. There was one that changed into a Shield Bug. They use these Shield Bugs to attack people that are after them. Meanwhile, Silas was in the woods, he saved a woman named Morwenna form the Wolverine. Morwenna told Silas that if he needed any help to go to her tree. One day he went there and she was there, he told her to search for Simon and give him back to Silas. Morwenna told him that she would do it. After that Silas went to the place that Sarah was at. That night Silas sneaks into the castle. Gringe the Gatekeeper saw him and he thinks he knows him. Gringe follows him in the Tower into a room, he tells him to put all of the Magyk books in the cart for the firemen. Then he left, Alther came in and tells Silas that the firemen are going to put


them up in flames. Alther told him that theres a good place for them in the roof. When they put them away, Alther told Silas if he wanted to join him in The Hole in the Wall. Then he told Silas that the Sister Bernadette will tell him what happened to Simon. When they got in the hole, Sister Bernadette told him that Simon and Lucy got married. Then Gringe found out and then he told the Custodian Guards to stop them getting married. The Custodian Guards toke Simon to the court house. Meanwhile, Stanley was on his way home after he went to see Sarah with Silas. Then he went to the rat office and saw a Big Black Rat, he was mean to Stanley. The Black Rat told him to send a message to Marcia from Silas. So Stanley was on his way until this other rat named Black Jack invited him in to his place. As a message rat they are not to stop or take a brake. Stanley went in anyway and Mad Jack raped Stanly in a donkey blanket. Black Jack threw him in a cellar. Stanley knows not to go into a strangers house. Dom Daniel kept Simon in a room chained, Dom Daniel went in there and he told him where Jenna was. Simon told him that she was at her Aunts house but he forgot where. Dom Daniel told the Hunter to go and find Jenna on the map and he did. Meanwhile, Stanley finally got out of the cellar and went to tell Marcia the message. Stanley read the message to Marcia. That night she was ready to leave, until Boy 412 came in Marcia told him what she was doing. Marcia told him that she would like it if he would change his mind. She told him to think about it. Then she left and she fell right into Dom Daniels trap. Dom Daniel put Marcia into a dungeon, now hes the Extra-Ordinary Wizard because he has the Akhu Amulet. Stanley went to the rat office, Black Rat yelled at him for being two months late. Black Rat told the Custodian Guards to bring him to the Supreme Custodian. Stanley got put in a cellar. Meanwhile, Aunt Zelda heard someone coming. She knew it wasnt someone she knew. Aunt Zelda told the Boggart to go and see who it was. When Boggart left, Aunt Zelda told Jenna to tap on


each jar of the Shield Bugs. Just in case if it was an intruder. When she finished Jenna, Nicko, Boy 412, and Aunt Zelda waited. Then they heard scratching on the door, Aunt Zelda told Bert the duck to see who it was. Bert went to the door and found Boggart on the ground. Everyone picked him up and put him on the kitchen table. Aunt Zelda told Nicko to get a bowl of hot water, told Jenna to hold Boggarts hand, and told Boy 412 to help her bring the Physiks chest. When everyone put all of the stuff on the table, she told them to wait in the next room. Boy 412 was wandering in the room, he was about to go in the kitchen. He thinks that the ring would save Boggarts life. When he got close to the door, Aunt Zelda opened the door and her face was white and drawn. Aunt Zelda had blood all over her apron and told them that he was shot. Jenna, Nicko, and Boy 412 went into the wheel house. They were watching and waiting until Boy 412 thought he saw someone. Boy 412 told them where the black figure is. Jenna saw it, and she realized who it was the Hunter and Dom Daniel. Jenna told the shield bugs were the intruders are, the shield bugs charged at Dom Daniel. Dom Daniel ran as fast as he can and then he fell in the water. All of the shield bugs died except for the one that Jenna has. The Hunter told them to get out of the wheel house, Nicko told them to run. Jenna and Boy 412 ran through the chicken field. The Hunter was about to grab her, Boy 412 yelled out her name. Then they jumped then they went to the bottom. Jenna remembered that Boy 412 can talk. Boy 412 put on the ring, when they got to the stairs. Jenna remembered that she use to be here in her dream. She told him to put the ring by the wall. There were paintings of dragons and the Tower. They forgot about Nicko so they went the upstairs. When they went up the stairs they saw the Hunter. Aunt Zelda came into the room, and Boy 412 yelled out the Hunter to her. Aunt Zelda told them that he was frozen. Nicko came in with the Apprentice. The Apprentice got a hold of Jenna and pulled out a pocket knife. The Apprentice ran out and then Nicko jumped on him. Jenna yelled out blood, Nicko grabbed Jenna. The Apprentice was


bleeding he got cut on his arm. They got into the cottage; Nicko put a spell on him. The Apprentice told them that he was Semptimus Heap. Aunt Zelda wants to know if he really is Semptimus Heap. Everyone went to the duck pond, Aunt Zelda told the moon to tell them what happened to Semptimus Heap. Everyone looked into the middle of the pond, they saw Semptimus there mom and the Midwife. The Midwife toke Semptimus and brought him to Young Army, and into her room. There was a person with a belt that has three stars on it. She came for the baby; the Apprentice didnt like what he was seeing. Angrily, the Apprentice kicked the Bert into the pond. Then he ran toward the door, Bert jumped on him. The Apprentice felt the peak of her beak on the back of his neck. Bert tugged on his robes and it choked him. The duck toke a hold of his hood, and pulled him toward Nicko. Aunt Zelda went to the Hunter, and toke the gun out of his hand, and gave the gold bullet to Jenna. Aunt Zelda told Boy 412 to get the Magyk book, and told him to get the Rogue Recollections charm, and read it to her. The charm makes him lose his memory. Jenna and Nicko told her that if he could be a circus person, so then he unfroze and he walked out of the cottage. The next night, the Apprentice escaped and he angrily swatted Bert away sending Bert crashing to the ground, and badly bruising a wing. The Apprentice got on the boat and started to paddle away. Until he saw a small wisp of white mist, it was the Marsh Moaner, it started to sing. Until the Apprentice started to get really mad, in a voice loud enough to shut out the ghastly tune. The Moaner swirled around the canoe, pleased with its nights. The next morning, Jenna Nicko, and Boy 412 couldnt believe that the Apprentice squeezed through the cat tunnel. They looked at the spot were the boat was but it was gone. They got on the Muriel Two and took off. Later that day, the tides were very low and the canoe sat well below the steep banks. That rose up on either side of them, until they rounded the very last bend of Deppen Ditch. Jenna, Nicko,


and Boy 412 saw what was waiting for them The Vengeance. When they hid from the Vengeance Alther saw them, he told them that he put a scream screen. So they cant hear them, he told them about Simon. Alther also told them that Marcia got captured, and they put her in the dungeon. Then they told him if they can go into the ship, and see if Marcia was there. Alther told them that they cant, he told them to go to Aunt Zeldas house, go to the port first thing tomorrow morning, and he told them that a person will find them a ship, to the far countries. Alther told them that he would straighten things here, and that he will meet them at the Blue Anchor Traven On the Harbor, and told them that there mother and father are coming along with Simon the rest refused. When they were on there way to Aunt Zeldas, Alther left then they turned around. They went toward the ship, and Jenna and Boy 412 got on the ship. They went into a room where they saw Dom Daniel, he was sleeping. On the bottom there was a circle of dark Magyk. They hid because Dom Daniel woke up. A sailor told him that the Apprentice was there. Dom Daniel went to the dock of the ship, he saw him with Marcia tied up. The Apprentice told him what happened, Dom Daniel got all angry. Boy 412 went toward Marcia, she saw him and he gave her the ring. She put in her pocket, and then he ran back toward Jenna. Dom Daniel saw the shadows, and told his men to catch them. Jenna and Boy 412 went down the rope. They got on the canoes and went to the cottage. When they got back to the cottage, Dom Daniel used his Magyk to burn the candles out. Nicko looked out the window, and saw Dom Daniel come toward them. They went into the trapdoor, they brought Maxie with them. They saw all the paintings, and then the walls started to move. They saw the ship of Hotep-Ra, they went on the ship. Jenna put her head on the dragons head, and they brought back memories. Nicko was teaching Boy 412 how to ride the ship then it moved itself. The ship set sail for awhile, and then they saw the Vengeance heading right for them. Then the dragon bout flow over


the Vengeance. Marcia tried to get out of the chains; Dom Daniel told the Magogs to go do what they want to Marcia. When she got out she used the ring to kill the Magogs. She went on the deck, and saw the ship. Jenna pulled out the shield bug; it went over to Dom Daniel and kept on stinging him. He put his hand over it, and it curled into a ball and rolled off. Dom Daniel collapsed; Marcia strangled him with Althers shoelace. Then it broke, and the amulet fell on the floor. Marcia swept it up and went on the ship. They went back to the cottage, and saw a swarm of Brownies. The Boggart came into the kitchen, and all of the Brownies went to the Vengeance. The Brownies destroyed the Vengeance. The next morning, Jenna went out by the dragon bout. Right by the ship she saw the Apprentice lying on a plank. Nicko came out and they brought him in the cottage. Marcia went down stairs, the apprentice jumped to his feet. He was about to choke her, but then she took him outside. Everyone followed her; she told them that he was Dom Daniel. She said Be gone to where you where, and when you where, and what you where. Then he disappeared with the Vengeance, in the bottom of the lake. Marcia told everyone to follow her, where the real Apprentice was. She told them that Dom Daniel killed the Apprentice. Later that day Boy 412 went into Aunt Zeldas office, where Marcia was. She made him a hat and gave him the ring. She told that he was the Dragon king, because the ring chose him. She also asked him if he wanted to be her Apprentice and he said yes. That night all of the Heap family came back, and they had a party. Marcia asked Boy 412 if he wanted anything. He told her he wanted to know who he really was. Will he know who he really is, and will they know what happened to Semptimus? This is a really good book; you will enjoy reading this book.

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