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Vandana Shiva (C1)

A Before you start Answer the questions with a partner. 1. Have you ever heard of Vandana Shiva? 2. If so, what do you know about her? 3. What are GMOs? 4. Do you usually buy organically-grown fruit and vegetables? Why (not)? B Listen and answer Read these incomplete statements. Then listen (without reading) and fill in the blanks. 1. Vandana Shiva is an active supporter of the movement for ___________ farming. 2. She was recently interviewed at the _______________ meeting. 3. She thinks the movements in favour of biodiversity and ecological agriculture have become ___________ in the last years. 4. She says she feels ___________ with President Obama. 5. She thinks that the situation in Europe is _____________ the situation in the USA. 6. According to Vandana Shiva, there are a lot of people in Europe that would like the European Union to _________ GMOs. C Read and answer Read the article and answer the questions. 1. Which large corporation is Vandana Shiva campaigning against? Why? 2. Why is she pleased that more and more books are being written against organic farming and the small farmer? 3. What, in her opinion, are the advantages of small farmers using ecological agricultural methods? 4. In what way was Michelle Obama's organic garden considered to be a challenge to big business? 5. What is Vandana Shiva's reaction to the accusation made against the garden? 6. What indication is there of the power of the biotechnology industry in the USA? 7. What is the present policy of the European Union regarding GMOs? 8. What is the purpose of this policy, according to Vandana Shiva? D Learn it! Use it! Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the expression in some way; e.g. change the verb tenses, or change from singular to plural.) 1. I don't agree with Tom's _________ of the risks. I think he's being too cautious. 2. Tourism has declined in some countries because of the _________ of terrorist attacks. 3. Sandra has accepted the job although she knows it will be a big _________ . 4. Cactus plants grow well in light sandy _________ . 5. Many pubs are finding they have fewer customers as a result of the smoking _________ . 6. When we were children, we sometimes _________ into the cinema through the emergency doors without paying. 7. It isn't _________ switching the TV on now. The film's almost finished.

E Ready for CAE? (Paper 3: Use of English, Part 4) Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. 1. These machines are cheap to buy but expensive to __________ . The suspect continues to __________ that he wasn't in the area at the time of the crime. The pilot was unable to __________ radio contact with the control tower. 2. After the argument, Sarah began to wonder whether she was in the__________. Taxpayers should have the __________ to see how their money is being spent. Who's that man to the __________ of you in the photo? 3. We were __________ to keep everyone informed about the situation. Her latest book is __________ with the effects of air pollution on children's health. Michael was very __________ when he started receiving anonymous phone calls. 4. These exercises are designed to __________ the abdominal muscles. Something's gone wrong with the cooker. I can't get it to __________ . I went on a long walk before lunch in order to __________ up an appetite. 5. A new football __________ is being built behind the church. Government funds were needed to help the project get off the__________. The __________ here is very fertile, so it has become a wealthy agricultural area. F Talk about it In pairs or groups. 1. Many people think genetically modified crops are a danger to human health and ecosystems? Do you agree? Why? 2. What are the arguments in favour of GMOs? 3. What is the present policy regarding GMOs in Italy? 4. Do you think it will change in the future?

B Listen and answer 1. organic 2. Slow Food 3. stronger 4. disappointed 5. different from/unlike 6. ban C Read and answer 1. She's campaigning against Monsanto because it's one of the biotechnology corporations that are promoting GMOs. 2. Because she sees this as proof that those in favour of biotechnology regard small farmers and organic farming as a threat. 3. She says they are able to produce more food and better food while conserving biodiversity and the environment. 4. It was seen as being opposed to industrial farming. 5. She says that was in fact the precise purpose of the garden. 6. The fact that Barack Obama has not changed the biotechnology "mafia" in the White House. They are the same officials as in the Bush administration. 7. It is in favour of GMOs but allows each European country to decide for itself. 8. To enable GMOs to be introduced without people realising that it's happening. D Learn it! Use it! 1. assessment 2. threat 3. challenge 4. soil 5. ban 6. sneaked 7. worth E Ready for CAE? 1. maintain 2. right 3. concerned 4. work 5. ground

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