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See the right only - follow it - become the true example, and enrich your lives with the fragrance
of the Divine Presence. Do not make God the statue of stone. Know, My child, that even the
stone will speak, once one is able to impart the true purpose of life in every part of his worship to
the loving, Universal Mother. And what is the true purpose of one's life? Why does one come?
Where does one go? What is God? Which are the highest ideals that a perfect man must imbibe?
What is truth? How does truth link with life - how does life link with God? What is real love?
What are the limitations of love? Which love is the most supreme? These are a few of the
questions that one must continuously reflect upon, just to even begin the walk upon the path of

Shake yourselves, and churn within the white ocean of purity and let the answers that hold the
wisdom of the Supreme Divine presence within you, bring the promise of the vision that sees
God as the Master of time! A true interest will develop a keen observation - a keen observation
will give birth to true learning - true learning will give one the self confidence - self confidence
builds the grounds of faith - faith leads to unconditional love - unconditional love leads to
ultimate surrender and surrender is the freedom from thoughts - freedom from all desires -
freedom from all selfishness and freedom from all actions that bind one to the body, mind and
time! Hence, one must find true interest in leading the life of the Atma - the Holy Spirit. An
inquiry that has no purpose, other than jest, will never give one the vision of the truth. The
inquiry must be sincere, the yearning to know and understand the basis of all divinity must be
true and only then, and will the self arise with loving inspiration to direct one's life into the lap of
the Lord!

Do not let time control the moment of prayer. Time must not permit God into life - but life is the
permit that God grants so that one is able to carry its weight with His Divine glory, alone. Hence,
do not ever say that I must make time for prayer. Know, My child, that the true prayer makes
time, leads time and fulfills time! Let prayer be the first - the only priority and time will appear
significant before its boundless limitations. The key, to the door of time, lies only in the devoted
heart. The one that loves God and lives God will make time changeless, for he makes the hands
of his service to the Master much bigger than the hands of time!

Remember, always, that the worry of suffering is bigger than the real pain of the suffering, itself.
Fear no more, My child, and the strength to face the pain will come. The roots of every fear are
selfish. Hence, to overcome fears one must be able to give up and discard the mind's personal
interest in nurturing the fear. Know that the dirt can be removed, when one is determined to live
and lead the virtuous life, alone. Purity will arise, only when one lives to kill desires, rather than
to fulfill them. Fulfillment of desires is the path of pleasure and pain. Hence, for one never to
experience pain, one must also renounce the attachments to pleasures. God is greater than all you
can hold in your hands. Hence, open them - empty them from the worldly dirt - clean the stains
with the joy of undertaking selfless work - graze them, until one is numb to the pain of the body -
harden them - strengthen them with the work of love. Let the hands grow - let them undertake all
the work, wherever the Lord is present. Let the work of the entire world become their duty, for
the largest hands - the cleanest hands will only receive the largest heart that carries the greatest
love. The love of God! Do not give up in finding it, for you have come for it - you have to live
for it - you have to die several deaths for it. Realize that in life - love - truth, there is only one
reality that is common - God! For God is love - God is truth - God is life! To make life worthy,
one must only reflect it with the truth - one must experience it only with love, for only then, will
one experience the power of God!

Man prays, weeps and promises the Lord of his love for Him - pleads the Almighty to fulfill his
wish, and when the Lord, with His Divine compassion, grants him his gift, he heartlessly forgets
his vow and becomes intensely involved only in the pleasure of the gift. He, My child, is unable
to realize that in the gift lies the reflection of the true Mother of all. Yes! The miracle is not in
what you receive - but it is in the 'how it was given'. The contentment must not lie in what the
hands receive, but it must be in what one experienced in the process of receiving. One must find
joy in the glorious ways of the Giver. Even the tears, He makes you cry, become the blessing -
the true inspiration of the ultimate transformation!

Focus, My child, not on what you undergo in life but why you undergo. Remember, O child of
truth that one cannot walk to the Lord with his back toward Him. Yes! Life is divine, only when
one is face to face with the divine vision, at all times of his chosen path. Only that one can look
into the Lotus eyes that have made purity his only priority. Believe in the absolute - choose the
complete truth, for even the slightest speck of dirt makes the experience unpalatable and impure.

There is no confusion, when one does not rely on the mind but leans only on the voice of the
heart. Thoughts are subjected to continuous change; hence, to discriminate with its guidance is
utter foolishness. What you thought of one yesterday, may be different today. Remember, the
person did not change overnight - it is only the impression that the mind had made that changed.
Hence, if you are able to look at only that which is permanent, then you will experience the bliss
of constantness. Remember that the true lover of God is related to none. His love cannot feel any
difference; hence, he cannot nurture the closeness to any physical form. He worships the oneness
- he serves with equality and the divine knowledge that arises from his state of purity becomes
the only reality of his every step that he takes in life.

The path from looking for God to loving God depends upon your insight, your perseverance,
your dedication and your devotion. Experiencing God will not come by following the rigid rules
of religion - it comes to the one that has kept his heart open - mind focused - intellect awake and
his conscience in tune with his every way of expression. One can experience the Divine Mother,
only when he experiences his very own being to be completely divine. Just like goodness can
only be appreciated when one realizes the strength needed to abide by its purity, in the same way,
to appreciate God, to understand His supremacy, one must be able to experience his own inner
strength that does not deviate, even by the slightest, from the Divine Source.

It is difficult to practice, only when one has not understood the importance of the practice. The
struggle will come only to the one that simply wants to believe! True belief is immediate
practice. Remember, when one only desires to believe, the truth becomes conditional and
relative. Such an attitude is deceptive - it is only one attacking his own self - Yes! The folly of
arguing with your own self has made you live a life of fears, coupled with compulsive obsessive
behavior. Let the truth enter your heart, My dear. The truth will only impart the feeling of purity.
Purity expresses as love. The expression of love will rest the mind, will guide the intellect, and in
this blissful harmony, the self will arise from its sleep to awaken you with its glory. When the
self is completely risen, such a man sees, hears, speaks, and feels only God! God! God!


The knowledge of the Holy truth is bound to face the tests of time. It is only when the knowledge
is tested, that it becomes the faith, the reality and the absolute! The test is not to demean nor
attack the spiritual aspirer, but it is, in reality, the inspiration that leads the noble one to recognize
and realize his own inner strength. True confidence comes, when one is able to conquer his own
inner enemies. The good, My child, will be there, always, if one is determined only to see it.
There is good, even in the bad, for, the evil teaches the lover of God to appreciate and hold on,
dearly, to his vision of the Holy truth!

The good - the lovers of truth can stand on whatever ground they land on. The power of their
faith in God, the strength of their will makes the evil tremor with all its weaknesses. The victory
of the good is inevitable, for not only does it face the evil, fight it and conquer it, but it also
transforms it and gives it the chance to return to the kingdom of the eternal light. Hence, do not
condemn anybody - let not the sins become the identity. Separate the mistakes from the doer and
give him his lost dignity - give him the encouragement that he, too, can stand and learn to walk
all over again! Do not be enraged if one is arrogant and refuses to see his errors. You have come
to lead the virtuous life - those that are yet not ready to walk with you must be left behind. Why
waste time in trying to convince the one to walk with you, when he, in his ignorance, has
purposefully chosen to sit in the pretense of being handicapped in a chair that is attached to the
wheels of time and destiny. Worry no more - God knows best - once you have realized that, you
will experience no bondage to any fear - Yes! With truth as the path, faith as the strength and the
Divine will as the direction, one will surely reach the ultimate stage of Godhood, himself!
Remember, the worldly man will never comprehend your dedication and devotion to learn, know
and realize the Holy truth. Hence, learn the truth, alone - live it alone - attain it alone - become it
alone. No one, however close, will ever understand your quest - no one, but you, will experience
the thirst - no one, but you, will feel the joy of your contact and communion with God. Yes! My
child - No one! The closer you get to the truth, the more you will realize that you are isolated
from the world's role play. Do not be devastated nor despair the seclusion. Make the exit with
grace alone - the one that has come as the love of God cannot be separated from anyone or
anything. He is one with the Creator and the creation. He, who is the servant of the Master, is
truly the Master of all!

If the work is of one's free will and choice, then that work becomes simple and perfect. Difficulty
arises, when one, himself, puts the limitation on his perseverance. Remember, the limitations on
your perseverance make the search for truth conditional. Hence, do not be afraid - let time pass
by - let life pass by - you must hold on to the values that truth holds, for the truth will reveal.
Yes! It will shine! Only at the right moment - right place! Have the patience - do not
predetermine your failure. Truth is ageless; hence, it is not intimidated by time. The wealth of
truth awaits, My child! Wait in the silence of pure love - Wait, and it will surround you with its
miraculous nature!


Life is what you make of it. Life, alone, does not have the strength to offer you the bliss of peace.
Peace comes, when one, with the powerful guidance of his own self, directs every step of life
towards the reality of God, alone. Hence, to blame life for your present suffering and pains is
simple ignorance and utter foolishness. Life is simply the media, just like the screen. For it
portrays whatever is projected upon it. The film is a series of thoughts that come to constitute the
mind. The one that feeds the projector the film, in the right sequence, is the intellect, for the right
sequence of thoughts give rise to the right scene of action. The light that emits from the projector
is the life energy - the Atma that allows the film to be projected. Hence, the Atma is only the
witness of life - it is neither good nor bad, for it simply portrays you - your life in only the way
you have made it to be.

To live the life of the Atma alone, one must strive to have complete purity in his thoughts. An
impure thought can be detected by the fear it brings. Such a thought can be broken by facing the
fear, immediately. Remember, by keeping the fear within, one is only delaying the future conflict
between the good and the evil. Know, that one day, the good - the God within each one is bound
to arise and challenge the illusionary threat of evil. Then why spend time in fear of that, which is
sure to happen? With the faith in your love for goodness, rise and be ready now for the battle.
The fear is much weaker, earlier, and can be uprooted easily at the tender stage. Later, when its
roots become deeper, one becomes convinced that the fear is his security, and actually, begins to
find ways to hide from the truth and bask in the darkness of its evil suggestions!

The mind that is unsupervised can bring unimaginable destruction. Hence, the intellect, like the
filter, must scrutinize and eliminate every impure thought that attempts to make its home in you.
Remember, a bad thought cannot enter, until it has slowly conditioned you to its weak state.
There is no way a bad thought can be spontaneous, for your true nature is only good - only pure.
Hence, it first taints you with the seed of bad feelings. It distorts your inner vision, breaking the
bliss of the meditative silence and forces you to look outward. Once the focus is removed, the
mind loses its direction - its contentment. Then, with the deceitful disguise of a loving mother, it
reaches to enwrap the confusion of the mind with its evil intent. In such a weak state, the impure
thought makes its way with the pretense of innocence, and lodges itself, letting the owner believe
that its presence is truly his only weapon and security, now!

Evil, My child, is discrete - it is subtle - it is evasive. It is never obvious, and it makes itself
unknown to the one it becomes a part of. Hence, be aware! Be conscious to the feeling of
discomfort that one experiences, when evil circles, silently, around. Do not dismiss that feeling
of discomfort as imaginary. Keep the defense system always alert! Keep the focus inward. Let
not the mind divert, even for a split second. Let the intellect always be on guard. The
perseverance of keeping the inner purity must continue, without a moment rest. Life is not what
you wish. The outcome of life depends upon one's self control. Hence, control the thoughts by
using the will power of the life energy, and make the mind the bank, where one deposits his
entire life savings - Peace! Peace! Peace!


Today, each one looks for their own comfort and happiness. One remains deaf to the pain of even
the one he thinks he loves most. The disease of selfishness has swarmed the heart of man. With
every moment that passes, his heart grows smaller. "Living one's life for all" has become an ideal
that was practiced only in the earlier age - the present age is that, in which man has adopted all
ways, where the doom and destruction of the human race is inevitable. No one knows where
suffering comes from. Each one is blinded to the strength that stops suffering, instantaneously.
Ignorance and loss of morals have taken away the patience from man, and hence, no one finds
the courage to wait for the suffering to come to an end. In the haste and loss of faith in their own
self, one can bear the pain of the thorn for barely a minute and in the anger, bitterness and
frustration that follow the pain, man commits yet another error, leaving the reigns to time that
destroy him little by little!

Outward love that only depends and knows no sacrifice is not love, My child. Love is not to
control, intimidate, threaten and manipulate. "Love" is a word used so loosely, today, that one
does not realize the commitment involved in its true expression. Love does not come by
spending wasteful time with another. Closeness does not come when one shares the same
resentment or bad habit. True friendship is when one is together in thinking the same ideals - it is
when two stay away from obstructing each other's spiritual paths - it is when one's inspiration
gives the other the divine energy to lead life in the right manner. A true friend will fight every
impurity and will never taint nor blemish the one he cherishes to love.

Living to nurture one's own wishes demeans the purpose of life. To encounter with the purest
form of love, one must rise to forget his every comfort, his every need and must make another's
request of help his honor, his respect and his worth to strengthen his devotion to God. That
service is worthy, when the server becomes the true servant. Selflessness comes, My child, when
one burns every bit of his pride and makes the work his joy and only source of attaining God-like

The Lord has come to this world in different forms over and over again. He has left the riches of
the Divine truth, but unfortunately, man has yet not found the faith to receive the message that
will liberate him, now, and forever. Believe, and you, My child, have half the wealth of the
Lord's kingdom. The other half is the joy of its experience! Believe that within you lies the
strength that can give without any measure. Believe that you are led in life by truth alone; believe
that you will be awakened by the lingering kiss of the Supreme Consciousness. Believe, My
child, and the Good Lord will place the faith of the divine in your pleading palms!

"Life is leaving and believing" - Yes! Leaving the world and believing in the world beyond! The
world's riches you will leave, one day. God's wealth will live, even after the leaving! Until the
doors of the heart are closed - until then, the wave of love from within will not arise. The
happiness of the dream are short-lived and untrue. Hence, each one must make the promise that
you will live only the reality. Only in the reality lies the true joy, My child, and you and all else
deserve nothing other than the whole - the complete - the eternal truth!

Life is true
When you believe
That life is
The love of God!
Life is true
When you believe
That God is
The truth of life
Life is true
When you believe
That love is
The life of God!
Yes! His love is You!
His life is You!
His truth is You!


Correct the pain, by focusing not upon the wound, but on the way that you will find, with His
guidance, the strength to heal it and seal it, forever. In the fear of pain, one runs from the reality
of life. Little does he know that in the run against God, follows the shadow of the biggest pain -
Ignorance! Today, man lives in ignorance of not only the way he must lead his life, but he
remains completely unaware of his own inner strength that can make life and him the
inspirational reflection of the compassionate Universal Mother.

Awareness of God comes within one self, when one begins to live life devoid of desires. The
lesser you are attached to the treasures of the world, the more you will be drawn towards one's
own yearning of the inner purity. Yes! The simpler in worldly living, the richer you become with
the Divine Gifts. How does one live in this world, yet keep it completely untouched? How does
one serve, yet leave his imprints nowhere? How does one encounter the most intimate love,
without the physical touch? How does one become the owner, without the feeling of being the
Yes! These are the questions the worldly man asks the spiritual aspirant! The answer to all is but
one - live not by the mind, nor the body - live only by the strength of the spirit of life. Its strength
is such that it gives one the constant vision of what one has come with - divine love! Such love is
instantaneous, hence, thoughtless. It makes contact with its purity - it touches another with its
simplicity - it wins another by its ever content and self fulfilling nature - it is silent, yet, speaks
every language of goodness. The one that lives by this strength encompasses the world with its
aura of love and remains drunken on the nectar of the Lord's presence.

One doubts the presence of God within him, for he thinks he is unable to see it. If seeing is
believing, then tell Me, how do you know that there is love? Love is not seen but felt. One thinks
- yet, can one see the thought? No! Thoughts are only experienced! One can experience pain -
but can one truly see it? One can feel the joy, but can joy be seen by the eye? Each of these can
be felt and experienced but cannot be seen by the naked eye. Hence, do not be foolishly
dependent upon the outer vision. The feeling that comes from the depth of the heart that awakens
purity in every cell of the being is nothing but the holy truth, and that feeling that links and
becomes the truth is the inner wisdom. The constant awareness of this wisdom is nothing but the
presence of God!

Remember, always, that the body is fragile - you are unbreakable! The mind can be weak with
unfocused thoughts - you are the power of that strength that has the control over all! Life can
turn with time - you can make time turn to make your chosen life with God come true! Death can
take away from you the body but not the spirit of life. Know that

The might of time

Can change your life
But never you!
Let fear go, let faith come
And let it bring with it
The power of the inner will
That shakes the hands of time!
Only you can make the life perfect
You, My child, have the key to the Master
For you are the knowledge of God
That has come to live its brilliance.


The feeling of elation and depression comes as one is affected, continuously, by external
influences. A weak mind becomes the victim to every circumstance it faces. Such instability
makes one experience the ups and downs of moods. Moods arise, when one is not able to keep
the synchrony between one's thoughts, one's true feelings and one's actions. The broken link
between them causes the lost one to react with an exaggerated expression that is unnatural to the
nature of the true self, within.

Negativity comes, only when one has lost the strength to keep his vision focused upon the truth
of the self. Those that keep themselves closely associated with the desires of the mind will act
and react only to fulfill its fickle wishes, leaving the true guide within to despair and pity yet,
another of your coming fall. Being moody, My child, is simply not being able to be one-self. Tell
Me, My dear, what in this world is that worthy - that intimidates you to forcefully be another,
giving you the gift of misery, hurt and several moments of burning repentance. No, My child!
Nothing is worth wearing the mask! Be yourself, always!
Time can never remain constant, hence, for one to even desire that is simple ignorance. Living in
fear is simply living devoid of the knowledge of the absolute truth. Those that live in the
falsehood of illusion will experience the result of every change. Hence, for one to experience the
constantness, one must discover his own might that lies within his own divine nature. One, My
dear, has to awaken the complete purity, rise with its divine powers, utilize the power to sustain
the self, at all times, and only then, will he prove to his mind and intellect that he is bigger than
any time - he is the balance of life's wheels - he is the tide that carries the truth to the shore,
where eternity and bliss stand in divine union!!

Remember, the proportion of the worldly happiness that you experience is directly equated to the
fear that you will feel to protect it, and the fear is directly equated to the pain that awaits in the
future. Hence, every worldly joy begins with the obsession of a transient gain and ends with the
real loss of one's contact with the will power of the spirit or self. Such a wave of pleasure and
pain makes man the slave of time, circumstances and destiny.

Desire no more, and the pain to face time will instantly vanish. Desire is really subtle - even
those that wish to live in peace face the anguish of time. Hence, do not ever "wish" nor "want".
Wishing is the weakness of the mind - "Being" is the power of the self. Nothing is worth keeping
that lets you change or divert from your true nature.

Every failure comes with a golden message. Learn from it, instead of being bitter or angry with
life. No one can take from you what the Lord has bestowed upon you, except your own
foolishness of self-pity. Negative emotions and passions will bury you in the dirt of impurity
deeper and deeper. Stay strong, O child of God; - hide the tears with the smiles of faith.
Remember that your sense of direction is much stronger than the gusty winds of the storm.
Playtime is over - work time has now come! Work hard with time - Work sincerely with life, and
you will surely see the "Play of God"!


Only when one perseveres to drown himself in the purity of goodness, will he encounter with the
nature of God in his own self and in every part of his being. Past sins do not vanish, My child,
upon remembrance, nor do they leave by your living in the worry and fear of its gruesome
outcome. Feeling self-pity, and justifying the wrong by pointing the blame to the circumstance,
does not make the wrong any smaller to the Divine eye, for the Lord sees you as the perfect
controller and time as only the feeble manipulator! Hence, know and believe O child of God, that
no wrong can ever be done by the one that is born to be only the light of the absolute right!

The mind, My child, that is born from the womb of fear will, surely, dismiss the wrong done and
will even pretend ignorance to the fact, so that you can lie calmly in your own grave, without the
suspicion that the breath of your own divinity slowly ebbs away, leaving you unconscious and
unaware to the wisdom of the Universal Master - God! There is no dirt, My child, that cannot be
washed by the tears of true repentance. The tears, My child, have both the power of the cooling
water that reassures and soothes the self, and also, with the fires of determination, they burn the
evil into a heap of ashes. True tears of repentance are like the blessed rain in the land where
drought has doomed every hope of life. When such blessed rain falls on the arid land and makes
it moist with its purity, the land, itself, enriches, giving life the promise of true sustenance.
Hiding or attempting to conceal one's own purity, is like living the entire life by being a prisoner
in one's own home.

The wrong can adhere to you, only when it is able to stay unnoticed. The nature of the wrong is
very subtle, and hence, it is easily confusing to the one that remains unalert. Hence, for the
smallest wrong to be big and conspicuous, one has to dedicate and devote all his time in actions
that bind him to the goodness of simple purity. When one eats only sweets, then remember, even
the slightest taste of bitterness will be detected. In the same way, one must remain dedicated,
completely, only in divine acts, and then, even the shadow of the demon, will be recognized by
the clear eye of truth!

Know that you can never be helpless - never be hopeless! If your love for the Lord is the highest,
then no easy path of temptation can ever entice you. It is never too late to start one's search for
God. Let not the weight of your past sins hold you down. The moment one is able to see the dirt
upon himself and yearns with sincerity for the drop of the Holy water, the fires of the sins will
dissolve in the tears of powerful devotion. Love God, My child, and not only will it wipe the
stains of sin, but it will give one the clear vision of the Blessed truth.

Man continues to live his life the same immoral way, for he is afraid to change. With his eyes
purposefully closed, he ignorantly thinks that the Lord, too, will close His eyes to rest!
Remember, the mother can never sleep, until every child is completely safe. Do not ever be
afraid to turn to God, for He, My child, sees only you - not your mistakes. He believes in you
much more than you can ever believe in your own self, for He knows that your life is His

Bring the love for goodness within you, and you have unknowingly chosen God. The fight for
the right may sometimes be challenging, but know that "fear is fatal" - "fighting is survival". Do
not be intimidated by the length of time involved. To be a part of eternity, one must find within
the patience to wait, endlessly. It is only then, that you will conquer time and every expectation.
Remember, God loves you, no matter what you are, today. With that strength, find the will to be,
once again, His true child!


Dearest child,

The thirst for spiritual knowledge comes and grows in the one that is beginning to awaken in the
dawn of life with the will and the powers of the self, alone. The Grace of God and the Might of
His love bring to you the splendor of life's one and only one truth. Become transparent, My child
- wipe off the imprints of all impressions and imbibe the strength from every word! Know and
realize that in this very lifetime, at this very moment, you can detangle your state that is attached
to the world's every misery. Remember, inspiration is the hopeful image of the truth within it.
Thus, elevate your life with the power of devotion. Lift! Rise! Sway! Believe! Persist! and
Prove! Experience! Realize! And Release! Derive, My child, purity from the every step to your
self awakening! Be pure - churn - turn, until the softness of the buttery truth has cushioned your
every step in this life!

May the will of love nourish you - may the light of Truth guide you - and may your birth be the
very reason and purpose of the Divine descent! - Baba


The biggest weakness of man is to retaliate to aggression, impulsively, the result of the
unthought response will only be suffering, suffering, suffering! Do not be agitated, easily, My
child, for the one that allows the mind to become easily unstable will not find the patience to
react with the strength of the Lord's truth. Do not worry of the evil dirt that is fling upon you. No
dirt can touch nor adhere to the one that bathes in the nectarine waters of the Lord's love. A mad
man's attack must be treated with compassion - Yes! With the dignity of wisdom - with the
fortitude of patience. To respond, in the same insane manner, makes you no different, if not any
worse from the insane attacker!

The Lord, My child, does not say to bear the oppression of the unjust enemy, forever. No! But, at
the same time, one must not respond while he is being swayed in the heat of his passions. Such a
response, brings no message, has no direction and leaves no worthy impression. Emotion, My
child, will never give you the strength to stand up for the good nor to fight. Its tears of anger will
only invoke the horns of pride that will attack, to inflict equal pain upon the attacker. The vision
of the divine is blocked by the tears of fury, and hence, both the attacker and the defender, fight,
with no vision, other than the darkness of hatred and pride.

To fight the oppression, one must first learn to be able to see it with calmness. If one is unable to
bear another's weakness - he must realize, instantly, that the same weakness surely exists in him.
In such a circumstance, one must, at first, stay silent. Silent, for he, too, is developing the
strength to remove the poison of the evil snake within him. Until you can find the strength to
bear with compassion, conviction and confidence another's weakness - until then, do not confront
him! For then, it will not be a confrontation between the bad and the good - it will be a
confrontation between the bad and the foolish! Immerse yourself in activities that awaken the
feeling of pure love within you. Let it awaken, and then draw strength from it, My child! Let so
much strength awaken that one feels pure love and not hatred towards his opponent. Only then,
will one be able to defend with the Divine Truth, and only then, will he develop the divine
Vision, in which he sees the evil separate from the doer. With such Divine weapons, one will be
able to target the arrow upon the evil, with no pain inflicted upon the doer!

When one knows and fully practices the knowledge, one will surely become the Divine teacher.
Do not ever blame another's weakness. Your home is dark, because you are devoid of the divine
current. Fight the oppression - face the opponent not to belittle him, but, in fact, to lift him to the
strength of the divine values from which you have benefited. Remember, at the end of the battle,
the sign of true victory is when the good is able to draw the enemy with his strength of true

Life is short, My child. Silently observe the ways of nature and learn, My dear. Tirelessly,
provide the world with your divine strength. Day or night God's work must continue. Fight, only
if the cause is worthy - fight, only if the opponent is ready to learn his final lesson - fight, to be
the giver - not the grabber. Fight, if the truth is in complete jeopardy - fight, to make the present
enemy the life-long friend. Make every mission, you undertake, worthy. Let its message be that
of God - Yes! God, alone!


Love, that roams, will not, ever, stay to become divine. Love, that serves one's own selfish
interests, will never find the joy of purity. Love, My child, must not come nor arise to ever
question - it must come to soothe every doubt. Devotion is not love that arises only to suit a
particular occasion - it is the commitment to love and serve, no matter what the tide of life brings
with it. Devotion comes, when one illuminates the heart with the purity of complete faith. The
glow of faith, My dear, is so divine that it will allow the devoted one to find the direction to its
only lover - his Master, even in the dark, in the fog, in the storm, by merely reflecting its glow in
his every call! From the power of sincere faith, arises the highest form of love - a love that binds
even the Lord of Creation!

One becomes a true devotee, when he, not only learns to live life with love, but when he learns to
love life with his inner strength that gives him the constant link to God. Such love comes, when
one becomes completely immersed in the joys of the self. The inner vision, to find one's own
inner contentment, must become so clear that the windows of the outer vision will close and stop
giving the false deluded direction. The one that is able to see himself as a part of all creation will
never attempt to destroy any part of it, for any of its loss is nothing but his own shame!

True love will come, My child, but first, one must be able to appreciate the beauty of its truth.
True love will not arise, until one has found every strength that allows it to emerge from its
womb. These divine strengths will only arise, when man makes the error only a dream and
makes life the truth of perfection. Yes! Perfection, in whatever he does, so he does not fail God,
even by the slightest. The ideals must be the highest - the dedication must be the fullest, and only
then, will the action find the direction to its divine completion!

Loving God, is when one is able to express it with its divine glory! Frustration must never arise
in true devotion, for such a one only wants to love and the one that wants takes from his own self
the strength to be able to love, perfectly. Such a one gives his heart to the Lord with the
expectation of being paid for his sacrifice. Such a heart will not be accepted by the Master,
hence, he will become heartless and will lose his heart to the world, and the worldly lover will
find it more difficult to appreciate the world of the Holy Spirit.

Use time wisely; yet, do not make haste to become the perfect devotee of God. The lack of
patience will rob you from developing complete faith and selfless love. Concentrate, always, to
improve the present state of purity and one will then, automatically, develop the inner reservoir
of faith and divine love. Without purity, My child, one cannot comprehend God, clearly, neither
His love nor your love for Him. Hence, remember, devotion does not arise in one day. It comes,
when one removes from within him all the bad - it comes, when one finds within him all the
good - it comes, when one experiences his own love for God much higher than any form or part
of life! Within the journey of devotion, itself lies the divine gifts. Hence, enjoy the journey -
receive its richness, experience its joy of being ever content, and once you have reached its end,
know, My child, that you stand at the first step of experiencing Godhood! Yes! A perfect devotee
will not only see God and know God, but will surely become Him, for the purest form of the
devoted love merges with the strength of its devotion to become only love! Love! Love!
Devotion is not only the path to love God, but it is the love that paves its way to find the love of
God! Do not despair, ever, for being hopeless is being Godless. If you are not ready to give up,
then you will, one day, be the winner! The prize of devotion is not given to just anybody - it is
given only to the one that is ready and able to carry the weight of this serious commitment.


God, alone, can churn man's heart, turn his mind, and burn the passions for his desires. God,
alone, can make man walk in life, endlessly, giving him the inspirational strength to feel no
fatigue - to see no wrong - to be touched by no pain - to create no worry - and to experience love,
not as mere dependence, but as the divine energy that allows him to complete his divine mission,
without any hindrance. God is not only the source that will simplify the journey of life, He is the
Source of life - He is the true Maker - the Director - the Leader - the Savior - the Unifier - the
Holder - the Inspirer - the Awakener - the Learner - the Liver and the Lover!

God's presence, within the strength of life, is the biggest boon each being receives. Not only does
man have every feature of the divine strength, but he has even a bigger boon that the Lord graced
him with. The capability of His realization! Realization is the awareness with which one lives in
the constant presence of God. Such realization frees man from all attachments and makes him
willingly renounce his every share in this transient world, for he has fully and completely chosen
the life of loving the Creator; the creation, he preserves, with his dedicated service!
Man, today, worries that if he were to choose the life of prayer, purity and patience, how would
he then find the time and ways to enjoy the material offerings of life. Little does he realize, that
what he runs after is the only cause that makes him desensitized to the powerful will of God that
lies within him. It is like one aspires to be a beggar all his life, even though he is born as the
King, himself! Imagine his dilemma, when he realizes that all the wealth he ran after was already
a part of the royal treasury. Remember, always, in a kingdom, My child, all belongs to the king -
yet the king himself belongs to all! In the same way, My sweet, all in this world is a part of the
Holy Mother - but you are the full - the whole, for in you, lies the will of the Mother, and it is the
will of God, alone that makes Him, immeasurably, divine. Hence, not only are you a part of the
divine - you are the source - you are in all that surrounds you. Do not ever think that you are
confined to the body, alone. Those that live by the will power of their purity can travel to any
place - at any time - in any form. Their body is like a garment that they can wear or shed -
depending upon what the divine work that they undertake requires.

One's disbelief, today, has made him blind to the vision of his own will power. Make every desire
unknown, My child, and the will of God will be seen, clearly. When you give up what you want,
it is only then, that you will receive what you need. Being content in simply the need will give
birth to the new life, where only purity reigns the control to your every step. The pure one will
only be left with one desire - that is to perform only the selfless act. To burn this last desire, the
Lord, Himself, will rise from within to fulfill the yearning in the restful coolness of His Divine
Shadow. The joy of working with the Lord will give one the insight of his own awareness of
being with the Lord, constantly. Once such awareness arises, one will lose all his ties with the
present identity and will merge his awareness into the Supreme consciousness. When the
awareness of God becomes one with its Supreme strength, then he not only becomes the
instrument of the Divine will, but he becomes a part of the Divine Will, itself. And the divine
will, My child, is no different from God, Himself!


Make the prayer such, My dear, in which He speaks and you learn the significance of inner
silence. Leave the stream of worldly hopes behind and let your conviction of the divine bring
from within the guidance that gives one the clear vision of his path, his journey and the final
destination! Have faith, My child, know and truly believe that the right will surely happen. There
is nothing, ever, that can happen, untimely. Hence, learn to wait - the joy of waiting will give you
the unimaginable strength to receive the Mighty Grace. Remember, the one that waits with the
fear of time will make God only more and more distant. True faith, My child, sees no limitations
of time - ignores every outer change - keeps the seed of desire unnourished and makes his pure
love for God, his will power to sustain the lines of destiny! The Holy Mission will be
accomplished, if one sees before him the strength of his own self and completely adheres to its

Life becomes difficult, only when man begins to believe that he is helpless to the control that
time and fate hold. Realize, that attitude plays a significant role in allowing you to overcome and
conquer the outer illusion. If one is positive, the result, too, will shine with its strength.
Remember, My dear, that any negativity will only deprive the self to arise completely from
within, to protect your next step in life. Hence, as long as purity prevails, the love for God will
surely arise, the strength of which, can make the impossible happen, simply and easily. Be
determined that your dedication to God can never fail. Such devotion will steady every up and
down that comes in life. The constantness of such love gives birth to faith, and it is the wheels of
faith that can turn the vehicle of life towards the road of will rather than that of destiny! Yes! The
will of devoted faith that is in complete harmony and acceptance with the will that governs all
the divine laws of the existing universe!
Do not despair change, My child. Life brings change only so that you are able to slowly become
aware of the inner strength that lets one focus upon the will that leaves one unperturbed by its
threat of fear. For how long, My child, will you live the life consumed by fear? Think - who is it
that you are hiding from? Could it really, truly be from your very own self? And if that is the
truth, then tell Me, who can save you from the self destruction? Only You! Only You! Only You!

Remember, all that comes to you in life is only due to the way you have spent your past. The
next scene of the play depends upon how you play the role now! If the role is perfect now, its
next scene will surely reflect its fulfillment. Do not lament, and cry the tears of self-pity. Let
every bad time be filled with the strength of a good prayer and it, too, will pass! Like the oar that
moves the boat ahead, you, too, must push life in the right direction and resist the tide of
temptations that suffocate within you the breath of God! The birth of a human does not come by
chance; it comes with the hard work of several lives. Hence, wasting even a moment in seeking
superfluous pleasures will take away the gains you earned in several life times. Make time
worthy by making this life, My child, the final step - the step in which one reaches the peak of
perfection - watches the kingdom of God and remains spellbound by the bliss he receives by
making the everlasting contact with his Teacher - his Master!


However soft the steps of evil may be, know that the one that is in continuous contact with the
divine force will, immediately, sense its deceptive presence and will chase it with the power of
its truth, until the evil is breathless and lifeless! But man, today, indulges in his disbeliefs and
doubts of the Divine Presence, and in this state of ignorance, he, himself, opens the door to the
mischievous knock of evil. Little does he realize, that in the confusion of his undirected thoughts,
he allows the evil to enter, build its home, and lodge itself upon the throne (his heart), and
slowly, slyly, it builds the kingdom in which only selfishness becomes the way of control and the
way of easy manipulation!

Be prepared, My child, to live the worst life, if you are unable to see and recognize the inner evil,
for the outer evil is only an illusion. The inner evil is nourished by your susceptibility to the
outer influences. If you judge the outer circumstances as the cause of your downfall, know, My
child, that you have harbored and anchored the home of evil, even closer and more firmly!
Remember, My dear, that one is only able to see bad, when he, himself, is a part of its weakness.
Realize, that you can feel the heat, only when you are close to the fire! Similarly, you can see the
dirt of another's wrong, only when you have been buried in its filth for a long time. Thus, it is
time to correct one's own vision. The clarity of the spiritual eye comes, only when the sincere
yearning to purity awakens.

Bitterness comes, only when one's own selfish interests have not been sustained. Each one fights
the cause on the grounds of the self-interest. Few realize, My child, the truth - that the interest of
the inner self is to give away all, only to keep and preserve the beauty, the purity and the
sweetness of its true nature! If that becomes each one's priority and goal, then every fight, every
disagreement, every small argument will dissolve instantaneously.

To gain spiritual strengths, one must be ready to give up the worldly aspirations. One cannot
yearn to be spiritually inclined and yet desire to be worldly powerful. By that, I do not mean that
one must foolishly renounce his duties and responsibilities and run to the forest. No! Work hard,
My child, to fulfill the given work - yet, do not grab from another to make your work easy and
short. What you give in performing your duty was simply needed, and the desire to receive the
glory of the pain that you endured must not be present. One must aspire to rise higher, not to
simply receive its comforts and honor, but one must yearn to be the leader, only because he has
found within him the strength to uplift another's sorrow and misery.

Being miserable, is depriving one's own self from expressing its inner joy. It is like the miser that
saves all to eat tomorrow and completely starves, today. If one is completely devoid of energy,
today, how will he even have the strength to open the hidden treasure, tomorrow? Divine treasure
is miraculous, for, the more one uses its riches, the more the treasure fills. Leave all limitations
that prevent you from being perfect, and you will experience a surge of inner strength that will
surely carry out, the Divine Will instantly. Those that carry the Divine Will, will never stop, nor
break in life, ever! Be pure! Be plain! Be peaceful! It is only in a simple life that one will
experience the purity of true love. Be happy and thankful for whatever you have, and then realize
that it, too, must be given to serve the need of another's hollow and empty heart! Give life, and
love God - that is My message for all!


The Lord bestows the gift of love upon all his children - but only a handful, with their
determination of spiritual practices, gain the Almighty's Grace - the Grace, in which, one
becomes aware of the Divine treasure that lies within him. The constant awareness of being in
the Divine Presence must be the goal of every eager spiritual aspirant. It is only in the
"Awareness", that one is able to derive the strength, in which, he reflects the purity and the truth -
giving the world the proof of his contact and communication with the Ultimate power! Hence,
focus, concentrate and meditate, constantly, upon the goodness of God, and this discipline will
reward you by revealing from within the existing knowledge that will bind you to the greatest
love known until eternity!

"Awareness" is the knowing and realizing of the Divine Power within you, no matter what the
circumstances - no matter what the time - no matter what the state or stage. It is the highest level
of consciousness of God that stays, even in the deepest of sleep. The awareness of the Divine
Will Power is the fullest state of consciousness that is unattached to the body and the mind. The
one that reaches this blissful state caters to the needs of the body, while he is still in deep
contemplation with the source of the Divine Energy within him.

To find such awareness towards the Master, one must find within him the strength to develop a
keen interest to know Him and His Divine Ways. This can be done by submerging oneself in
constant spiritual disciplines. The worldly man, when he surrounds himself with Divine acts of
love, will find himself basking in moments of peace. The bliss of peace will give him more
enthusiasm to develop even a higher interest to seek the Holy Mother. Once he has developed an
interest, one will surely find within him the power to focus upon the work of God. Focus will
develop concentration, and concentration will give rise to the full learning. The one that begins to
comprehend the Divine ways will slowly climb the ladder to begin his journey of love. Yes!
Loving God is one of the most blissful stages of a spiritual aspirant. From love, comes the inner
will to have the faith, and faith in God, leads one to experience his own divinity - Yes! It is what
one calls the Divine Miracles! Divine experiences are almost addictive in nature, for the one that
experiences even the smallest and the slightest, begins to yearn for God's presence even more
and more. Yearning for God is the first step, where man walks his steps to find complete purity.
He forgets to battle with the world - instead, he fights the evil within him to clean the impure
vision, once and forever. Remember, the lover of goodness will seek only the pure, the good. For
such a pure heart, only the Lord, My child, will qualify as his perfect life-long companion. He
will live in the world - will perform his duties - will spread his joy of love, but his heart he will
give only to God. Such a sense of duty and devotion will give rise to a higher state of
consciousness, where he can do all the Divine tasks, yet, at the same time, communicate with the
divine, with no obstruction of concentration or energy. Such a state, My child, is the "awareness"
in which one's life is the act of God and one's love is only "God".

All will come, My child, if you are patient and are able to complete every stage with the
confidence in your ultimate goal. Remember, if you truly want to see God, you do not have a
moment to rest. Be alert, at all times - do not let the mind wander, even for a split second. Make
the will power bigger than any thought, and the mind will find constant direction. All is possible,
if one is without a single doubt. Remember, if you make doubt the truth, then fear becomes the
reality - even in the littlest fear, man loses God! .....and the loss of God is another life wasted!


Man, in his pursuit for the golden worldly riches, has adapted to living the heartless life. Driven
by selfish desires, motivated by greed and competitiveness, he does not hesitate to slander each
one of his brothers. With little or no compassion, he walks the path of life, himself frightened by
his own beastly behavior. In trying to justify his every wrong, he envelops himself in a cloud of
denial, making every mistake purposely blurry to the God given perfect sense of discrimination.
Carrying the weapon of self destruction, he, himself, pitifully ends another life, once again, in the
lap of evil!

As long as man is determined to destroy his own self, no one can show him the light of inner
wisdom. Even God waits and watches the fall of man, for man must realize that his every fall
was only the result of him pushing his own self. Remember, every pain that you experience is
simply the result of the self attack that you inflicted in this life or some life before. Hence, never
indulge in self-pity, instead bear the pain with courage and derive the strength from the
determination to remain disciplined. Do not weaken yourself, My child, by blaming another or
cursing life. Whatever you take away from life, you must pay for. Work hard, My sweet, to repay
the debt you owe to Mother nature. You never know, the purity and sincerity in your heart may
win hers, and she may forgive the debt you owe. Yes! The silence of your forbearance may gift
you with the wealth of Her unending Grace!

Many spiritual aspirants gain the pride of their knowledge, and in this ignorance, they feel
themselves to be better than those that struggle to know the ways of God. Little do they realize,
that one must be very cautious, as one climbs the ladder of spirituality, for the one that is higher
has the bigger chances of the fatal fall! Spiritual knowledge must not be treated as an
accomplishment - its words of wisdom must become the experience - the practice. If one only
parrots the words and makes no use of its sweetness, then these same words of love will become
the weapon of the biggest form of ignorance! Hence, be alert that you are never aware of your
own spiritual progress. Never look at what you have become from what you were - look at what
you must be. Remember, there is always more work ahead - do not stop to appreciate what you
have done, for you may begin to relax and the journey of change may stop at the mid-point.

Make peace the only priority and every worldly gain will take the second place. Nothing, My
child, can pay the price of peace. To give it up for a small worldly gain, will, inevitably, cause
you to spend time in misery. Be content with whatever the Lord has given you and make the best
use of it. The one that has filled himself with pure love will never find himself to lack anything.
To buy one a gift is an easy way to please, but remember, the pleasure of the receiver will die the
moment the gift rusts or breaks. Give another the purity in your self. Such a gift is permanent,
indestructible and will touch the receiver forever, with its innocence and divine beauty!

The Lord, Himself, has come
To lift you in so many ways
At times, He will give to take away the fears,
At other times, He will take to give you
the experience of the inner strength.
Thus, do not anticipate His Ways, ever
You, My child, are in the fold of Divine Love.
With the eyes of purity and selflessness
You will see that in whatever He does
There is only love - only truth.
Yes! The Lord has come to protect your life
From your own faulty choosing!
Hence, see the fall as not the pain
But simply as the ground that will hold you down
Until you remember
The way to rise!
And once the will comes to arise and awaken
His Divine strength will envelop you,
embrace you and will elevate you
For you to seek the glory
Of the truth of your own divine existence!


In the fear of the rejection of failure, man has lost the strength to make the sincere attempt. If the
intention is pure - the cause selfless - the mission divine, then know that no one can stand in the
way of its ultimate success. Remember, My child, the biggest rejection of all is Self-Rejection.
Believe in the power of the self-confidence, and it will carry you with its will and determination
to the highest step. If you begin the first step saying to the self "No"! "No", then the next step is
sure to be imbalanced with its fear. Say "Yes! Yes!" My child - Yes to the inner will - Yes to the
patience - Yes to faith. Have the conviction that if the love for the work is true, then that truth
will complete the work in due time!

Do not be in a hurry, for the efforts of such work will be wasted. The joy of good work is
received, when one is not threatened by the moving time. The desire to finish work early comes,
when one is anxious to see the results and outcome. Such an impure desire will take one away
from sincere effort, and hence, the work, too, will eventually, suffers. Remember, the divine
work will be resisted by the lazy mind, for the work of truth always chooses the right, and not
necessarily, the easy path. Hence, realize, My child, that to accomplish good work, one has to
fight his own mind much more than anyone or anything else. Have the conviction that you are
led by the self and every doubt of the mind will automatically clear. No one - no circumstances
can convince you to give up your struggle for the truth, until and unless you have allowed your
self to be conditioned by weak thoughts. Never let the temporary pain in the struggle become the
focus. Bear it - rise higher - and let the truth survive!

Be enthusiastic, not only at the time the work is undertaken, but one must find the motivation
and inspiration to stand erect throughout the struggle in his spiritual journey. Know, My child,
that inspiration to love the holy work is self created. Do not, ever, depend upon an outer source
to elevate your spirits, or else, you will face the ups and downs of elation and depressions - Have
complete faith in the purity of the self and it will be the Master Inspirer. Peace will come, only
when one realizes that the self within is self-sufficient. It is only dependence that makes one a
victim of fears, attachments, and makes one less confident. Rely only upon the inner strength -
the inner wisdom - the inner will, and you will complete the journey with much more ease.

Nervousness is nothing but the cruel play of the mind upon you. Make the attempt, and thereby,
crush the fears. It is much better to face rejection than to live with its fear. Sometimes, success
comes easily into your lap - at other times, it teaches you the lesson of true life and makes you
stronger. Failure, itself, is a part of the success, for its fall gives one the will power to be perfect
the next time. Pure efforts are never wasted - at one point it will merge with the Will of the
Divine Force. Learn by your experiences, and live by its perfect wisdom!


Worry, today, and you will be unprepared for tomorrow. Most live their lives in the "fear of
doing" and hence, lose the conception of the value that time holds. One loses time in
imaginations and suppositions, and in this state of complete hysteria, the reality of life, itself,
passes them by. Little do they realize that the golden opportunity is simply what one makes time
to be. Do not wait endlessly for life to make the turning point. Realize, My child, that you are the
traveler - it is you that chooses the road and direction - it is you that must make the effort and the
necessary arrangements for a smooth journey - it is you that must remember your chosen, final
destination. Life is simply the road that allows you to tread your feet upon itself and accepts the
burden of the worldly luggage that you choose to carry. Hence, you, My sweet, are the artist that
makes his inspiration express as the true masterpiece! Remember, life becomes the masterpiece,
when your self becomes the eternal guide and its loving Master. Be disciplined, and express only
the nature of the true self within you, and life will project the image of the inner beauty!

Confidence comes, when one sees his own self as the wheel that steers the direction of his life.
Foresee the threats, only so that you develop the courage to clear the thorns in your path. For
how long, My child, will you stand rooted to the ground in your fear for the challenge ahead!
Live the life of self discipline and you will be able to conquer every fear. Practice developing the
restraint that will prevent you from acting against the nature of the true self. Such continuous
control will, eventually, stop one from reacting, impulsively, and in fact, will develop the inner
maturity that will allow one to review his response, several times, before he approves to react in
the appropriate manner! Such control comes, easily, once one has begun to love and respect the
nature of the self, for in the wish, lies the laziest of all efforts. Realize, My child, that one can be,
only when one knows that he already is!

Remember, when one has pure intentions - complete dedication - full devotion - unshakable faith
- undying patience, such a one, will, one day, receive the Might of the Lord, knowingly, in the
midst of his struggle in his efforts. The miracle of the Lord's presence makes the hard work his
gift. The devotee, My child, realizes that his struggle was only the divine inspiration, in which,
he captured the vision of the inner eye, and with its blissful knowledge, was able to see the world
and his life in the radiant light of God!

Repetitive thoughts that merely invoke fear must be cast out! Deal with the thought by matching
its weakness with your inner strength. Challenge every weak thought by immersing yourself in
acts that emanate with the inner will power. Do not nourish a weak thought, even for a second.
Not only must you face it and fight it, but you must prove to it that its thinking is unnatural and
foreign to your language. Remind it that you speak only the truth - remind it that you see only the
real - remind it that you can feel only love. Such constant reminders will shame it from its
hopeless instigation!

Happiness or joy is the inner strength that one derives from his own self to remain untouched by
the illusion of the outer pain. But man continuously seeks joy from the external sources and
deprives his own self from emitting and radiating its true nature. Self deprivation gives one the
false notion of one's own limitations, and in this ignorance, he gives up on his own will power
and attempts to buy the pleasures of the mind, in order to replace the deficiency that he, himself,
created within his own self. The pleasures that the mind seeks are limitless and unstable in
nature. In one's foolish attempt to please the mind, one pitifully becomes it. Yes! One loses his
own contact with the powers of the self, and instead, seeks the fame and glory of the worldly
power. In this mishap, he loses the sense of all truth, becomes a part of the transient world, in
which, time and fate play the game of pain and pleasure. The power of God that he came with is
lost, temporarily, in his seeking the fulfillment in the biggest of all illusions - Desire! Desire is
the blindfold upon man's inner eye that forces the night upon him even in the midst of a
promising enlightening day!

Begin the day in the silence of a sincere prayer. Shut the eyes from the world and focus inward to
find the loot of the divine treasures within. With its constant vision, fill the day with its strength,
and leave, My child, the thoughts that weigh the losses and gains behind, forever. Melt every
disturbing thought in the fire of your spiritual yearning. One is attacked by innumerable
thoughts, only when one fails to see the pre-existing goal of life. The goal of life is for it to meet
with the divine glory of the self, and its union is only the expression of the Might of the
Universal Master. Those that believe in this will direct the path of life within themselves, always.
Those that separate God from themselves and attempt to find Him in the outer world will face
innumerable disappointments. In falling and failing, they, too, will ultimately, see the glow of the
guiding light that emanates from within them, and they will realize that they, themselves, carry
the torch that is lit by the radiance of the divine flame. Yes! One sees, only when one truly

Curb every expectation and simply develop pure love in whatever you do. Do not judge the work
by its final gain. Put all your effort to direct the task towards pure perfection - in doing that, man
will attain the stage in which he experiences spontaneous joy and overwhelming satisfaction of
his own inner peace. Be content with whatever you do. The eyes of the Lord witness only the
perfection in the task - hence, do not judge any work to be too small or too low. The value of
work is in its purity and not in the worldly gain that one derives from it.

Simplicity comes, when one lives with the divine truth of the inner God, for worldly simpleness
is the biggest wealth of God's treasure. Entanglement in your desires will only imprison you, one
day, in the web of greed. Until man remains greedy, he, My child, will never find fulfillment in
God's divine gifts. The greed in him will steal from his own self the will power to stay content.
Hence, give up "wanting", for it takes much more than it can ever give! Live to know and realize
only the self, for self realization is the freedom from life and death!


No one knows what time holds

Time reveals its secrets
And opens its palms
Only when man opens
His heart to God!
An open heart is only
The true Lover of time,
For he accepts it's every moment
And makes it a heartful prayer!
Hence time can hold this world
But not the one
That has learnt to tread
Upon the path
That is beyond its hands
The realized one
Makes time his self
And thus turns time's limitations
Into the endless glory of the Divine!

Whatever happens, My child, is the will of the Divine. Know this as a fact - as a practice in life
and not merely as a reading in some ancient scripture or religious bible. The Will of the Lord is
never a curse, nor a punishment - it is a lesson from which one derives the inspiration to clear the
obstacles of the present path that one has chosen to reach the Divine Mother. Yes! Even if the
obstacle is one's own doing, the Lord, with His goodness and love for you, will create the
circumstances in life so that one is able to see the thorn of evil in his own actions and thoughts.
The pain that one faces to realize that he has degenerated from his own divine nature is also a
part of the scheme that the Lord plans, in order for one to undergo the spiritual transformation.
Hence, have the complete faith that it is only His Will that can lead the empty life that is unaware
of the true nature of God - it is only His Will that can exhaust one's own fickle desires and can
turn one towards a new life, in which one expresses that which he already has, rather than living
a life in the false hopes of truly receiving from his own pitiful, unending, unsatisfying, hopeless

Imagine the calamity man would face, if God would fulfill his every whim and desire!! He, My
child, would lose his complete direction of life and like a beast would stay in hiding, with the
fear that each one that passes him is in search of him so that he can attack him and take away the
treasure that he, himself, is fearful to use. What use is that jewel that looks the best in the
treasure box? If one is not able to adorn it and share it, then, however rare the stone, whatever its
value, in reality, it has given you the fear of having it - hiding it - maintaining it and guarding it.
Desire is the wish of possessing, and once one possesses it, it, automatically, creates the evil fear
that makes it difficult for one's own use. Hence, desire is nothing but the state of the biggest
poverty, for it takes from you the inner strength - it steals your stability - it takes away from you
every moment of rest - it leaves you energiless, fatigued and mentally disabled - the only thing it
can ever give you is anxiety, fear, worry, hatred, anger, bitterness, greed, jealously and envy!

Hence, My child, unload - Yes! Give away the worldly treasures you hide, and take in return, the
peace one has in just being the self. Remember, the wise say that if you have the self, you have it
all! Shine the interior - keep it clean - the exterior is bound to weather and rust. The time you
face is only the reflection of your past doing. Don't try to change time - change from what you
have chosen to become. Be yourself. Have the courage to do this, and time, too, will change for
the better, only to reflect your effort, your dedication and your devotion. Perfection, My child,
does not come by prayer - not by wishing - not by hoping - not by wanting - it comes by hard
work - by the simple doing and being. Be what you are - do what you must do and receive what
you rightly deserve! That is the guiding light of life - the law of Mother nature and the true will
power of the Lord in each one!


The power of God can be found by the one that seeks, at every moment, his own inner strength.
Man fears to make the endless effort, for he continuously doubts the reality of the results.
Remember, with the smallest effort one makes, there is the subtlest change in his own way of
living and comprehending life. The subtle change that creeps into the spiritual aspirer, gives him
the strength to make a little more effort to reach and understand the ways of the Divine. The
process of transformation - Yes! The biggest miracle of the divine Mother has begun, yet, the one
undergoing the change is unaware of it. Little does he realize, that the feelings of elevation and
sudden depression - the desperate thought that he may be at the dead end - the disappointment
that the Lord has yet not made the glorious entrance in his path of devotion is all a part that
constitutes one's own inner transformation! The spiritual aspirer, in the early stages, continues to
look for his Master from the outer eye. Little does he realize that his desire to experience God is,
in itself, the obstruction to the self-fulfillment!

The first thing, My child, is that one must stop worrying as to how much of himself he is giving
the Lord! Remember, it is utter foolishness to think that one can even give the Lord anything. To
be a full part of the Lord, one has to give the self, fully and completely. There is no proportion of
devotion. The love for God must be a hundred percent. Anything less, and the identification with
the body, and the role one plays, will continue to harass and hinder his spiritual path.

Secondly, one must never doubt that his spiritual efforts are unnoticed by the Divine Eye. In the
length of the effort, one must not anticipate the weight of the results. The Lord knows and will
guide you, when the turning point comes. Do not be impatient and make the wrong turn!

Thirdly, one must have the conviction and faith that his own strength reflects the reality and
purity of his spiritual path. Pure, dedicated effort does not come easily. Realize, My child, that
the surge of strength that experience within, is nothing but the miraculous entrance of the Divine
Power. The one that fights to see the vision of the truth is surely in the presence of God!

Finally, do not withdraw from the effort, simply by judging a short term result. Once you have
chosen the path of God, know that the only failure is one's own withdrawal. Remember that the
fight is much easier than living in captivity. The trouble comes only to make you mightier. True
spiritual success is not in making life easier with worldly comforts, but is in you becoming
stronger than the known difficulty!

Realize that the one that sails the boat in the ocean is fully aware of the ups and downs of the
waves. Yet, using his skills and direction of the wind, he glides upon the water and enjoys the
peace that emanates from his own self. In the same way, one must realize that life, too, comes
with the mighty waves, but by using one's inner strength and the guidance of his own divinity, he
can sail across the challenges of time and fate and can experience the bliss that emanates from
the self, for it has been allowed to express itself, fully. Keep the boat balanced well by keeping
the senses - its emotions and passions, well under control.

Transformation is the process in which one changes the attitude toward his own self.
Transformation is complete, when one remains constant to every outer change. It is the
miraculous lens that makes the Lord come the closest. Yes! Closer than even your own thought.
Know, My child, that when God stands before the thought, one's struggle and fight is simply
witnessing the ultimate victory!


Knowing is a part of the full experience

Learning is a part of the full knowing
Believing is a part of the full learning
Loving is a part of the full believing
Living is a part of the full love
And full love is the expression of the Living God!
God is the source of the pure love that gives one the faith to learn and experience his own nature,
and such an experience bestows upon one the gift of the spontaneous expression of the inner
truth. This expression of the truth is the proof of the self-awareness that allows one to make the
immediate contact with the Divine source. Self-Awareness is living the reality of one's own
nature, and when one can be the self, always, the power of the Lord will be experienced by one's
own inner will! Hence, remember that one can come closer to God by being alert and aware that,
at every moment, his expression in life must be in complete synchrony with the nature of his true

God is the beauty of perfection, hence, every soul that emanates from this power or strength must
also reflect its very nature. The supremacy of God is inseparable from man. Hence, the will
power in man is in no way, lesser than that of the Lord's. Such will power will be found in those
that have found the discipline to maintain within the highest level of purity. Without the
discipline of such purity, one can never find the true devotion, nor will one be able to discharge
his duty to the best of his ability. Remember, there is no strength in this world that can stop you
from experiencing God - the only obstruction in the path is your own lack of faith, love and
respect for your own self. If one suffers from the complexes of inferiority, then one will never
attempt to aspire the perfect role - on the other hand, if one is blinded by the complexes of
superiority, then he will never be able to express the divinity in his role! It is as simple as this,
My child, "Deny the truth, and you will be the victim of the falsehood. Yes! Deny your own
perfection, and you will express it with the stains of impurity!

I have come to receive the wise one - to inspire the spiritual aspirer - to awaken the lazy - to
guide the lost - to lift the distressed and to embrace those that are rejected! Remember, the Lord's
mission will be fulfilled, no matter what the circumstances! At no time, do I rest - My work
continues, for, if I were to stop, even for a fraction of a moment, man would shatter and break
and the entire creation would face chaos! Man, too, must sustain his life upon serving others -
only in that continuous dedication, will he receive a glimpse of the true image!

Do not ask in ignorance and in vain as to what you will receive by loving God! Loving God is
itself the gift, for, only a true devotee will realize that in giving God his true love, he found
himself - he inherited the truth from the Holy Father and he captured time. Remember, God
receives the moment you give, freely. Do not let doubts and fears inhibit you from opening your
self, completely, to the Master. Walk ahead, My child, for the path is straight; if the eyes are
focused upon the road, then the feet, too, will reach the destination! Make the self the Master and
make life its divine experience!


Strive, always, to be independent, for dependence is the first sign of fear. Man remains unaware
of the fact that the body is nourished rightly - the mind is at rest, only when one's own self is able
to provide it with the continuous supply of its stable unhindered strength. Out of sheer laziness
and the lack of persistence, one gives up on his own self, first! How unfortunate, My child, for
the one that carries the power of the Creator, Himself, looks outward to find and seek the false
inspiration from the forms of creation! Yes! How pitiful, for the being that carries within his own
self the highest form of intelligence, is too busy in loading upon his back the list of desires, and
waits for God to arrive to push every step of his burdened life!

God appears before the one that is prepared to work, however hard. God comes easily to the one
that relies upon his own inner gifts and makes them worthy by its full and complete use. Strength
arises within man, when he realizes that every failure is his own deficiency. No one, however
close, can release man from the pains of his own inner fears. Remember, being strong does not
come by inspiration, nor an example, it comes by pure experience - an experience, in which, one
is accompanied by the army of the divine truth to encounter the attack of the tempting weakness.
One can feel himself awakening, when he hears the stories of the Spiritual heroes, but that, My
child, is not true awakening. It is merely the stirring and stretching from the deep sleep of
ignorance. It is the spark and not the constant flame! Catch the light of the spark - be quick and
alert to ignite your own inner lamp, and with the fuel of undying and unquestionable effort, keep
it alight and let its glow truly awaken you to the divine work that awaits to serve the existence of
this life!

Doubt, always, the guidance of the mind - never the capabilities of the Self. The strength comes
upon the complete faith that one is with his own self in this entire journey of life. There is, My
child, truly, no time to indulge in self-pity! Do not wait for another to rescue you - each one is
bound to their own eccentric thoughts, notions and perceptions of life. Even if one were to come
and free you from one kind of bondage, know that he will bind you to another one. That, My
child, is not release but is the transference from one prison to the other. Remember, you are
feeble and weak, today, only because you were convinced from an early age that weakness is a
part of your nature. By the simple observance of other imperfect beings, you judged your own
inner strength. By the delusion of attachments, you made the lives of those you think you loved,
the mirror, for you have been hypnotized to live your life in their image - with their ideals!

Perfection comes, My child, when the reigns are firmly held and the direction is known, always!
Direct your life towards one hundred percent purity. Strength comes, when one leads the life of
the absolute truth. Remember, if you divert from the truth, even by a fraction, one loses an
immense amount of his own inner strength. When one yearns and works hard to preserve every
part of the truth, the self will arise in its defense and protection. Remember that self defense is
not the promise of one being free from physical or mental pain - that, one will have to endure and
overcome with the clarity of his vision for his priorities. Self defense is the strength that surges
from within to maintain the nature of the existing truth - Yes! The nature of the truth must be
preserved for the self to express its fullest guidance. Realize, and be prepared that in the defense
itself is the unknown attack. Most fear the attack and give up on the defense. Face the fear - the
attack will be mild - the self defense will only become stronger.

Without your use of the inner strength, you will be nothing. What fear can be that mighty that
can keep you as "the nothing" all your life? Be something by simply making the fear "the
nothing"! Be something by making the pain "the nothing"! Be something by making "the
nothing" the strength to "everything".

Be something in this life and let nothing come in the way of "being"! Let everything come by
being nothing lesser than your real self!


The communication between the devotee and His God must always be direct. The bliss will be
full, only when the devotee reaches God without having any hindrance or obstruction in between
them. By simply thinking that one's communication ground is clearer than your own, you will,
instantly, disconnect the current that flows from your heart towards God. Such ignorant feelings
of competitiveness must be wiped out and only then, will one leave his own path open to receive
the brilliance of the Divine Rays of Light.

Communication with the Divine can be made, if one has faith and discipline in his own efforts to
reach Him. If one attempts to practice meditation but inwardly is convinced that he will be
unsuccessful in his attempt, then he, My child, will surely fail to receive its due merit. Instead of
such discouraging attitudes, one must develop the confidence that the past attempts of failure
will lead him to the attempt, where he will taste the nectar of the spiritual success. Have the
courage, and believe that if yesterday was the day you encountered with pain, then today will be
the day of healing! Let not the veil of misery blinds you to the strength within you. The ups and
downs of life must not create fear within you - it must inspire you to draw more of your inner
strength from within and utilize it to erase the memories of the shock, tears and fears! Do not be
fooled and taken in by the reaction of the mind. Silence it by playing the role of the perfect
Master and guide it so that not even a ripple of an anxious thought remains. Console its doubts
by acting, instantly, with the power of the inner self. To become a part of the mind and to
envelop the self in its meaningless thoughts will make you experience a state of confusion, in
which you will drown - the illusionary power of delusion will suffocate you and the spiritual
energy will ebb away, leaving life, simply lifeless!

How does one draw this power from within? It is easy, My child, if you were only to believe!
First of all, one, by continuous, conscious effort, must be able to rise above and ignore the instant
response of the mind. The eyes of fear will only react with selfishness, and remember, selfishness
will create only another moment of destructive fear! You are already suffering the attack of fear -
by utilizing its cloudy vision, today, you will only create several other moments, in which you
will, shamelessly, indulge even more in its weakness. Hence, curb the very first attack of fear,
and realize that even though you may feel its discomfort, today, you have made the tomorrow
free of its persisting shadow! Once the fear is diminished, one will be able to reason his way out
from the threat of life's changes.

The one that remains fearless will, automatically, develop a strong sense of reasoning and
discrimination. When the mind is put to rest, the intelligence is able to work with its fullest
potential. Constant discrimination allows one to develop a sense of inner purity. As one climbs to
the higher stages of purity, one begins to experience the bliss of its contentment. A pure heart
will nourish itself by its simple sweetness. The wealth of purity directs one, automatically,
toward the life of the higher truth - God! Slowly, a pure heart will begin to see glimpses of the
divine power. Even the smallest glimpse of the divine truth can increase the hunger for the
spiritual awakening in man. Such hunger gives one the strength to adhere only to the pure ways
so that his vision of truth remains unobstructed. Slowly, his steps come closer and closer to the
divine truth - so much so, that the vision of the truth slowly merges to become the reality of his
own existence.

Truth, My child, is all powerful. It is bold with its courage - it is unshakable - unstainable - it is
limitless - indestructible - its loyalty to its principles is incomprehensible - its character is
marked by its permanence. Devotion, My child, is the link to God - Truth - the love for truth is
the mergence. Hence, the lover of truth will rise with its powers - and nothing or no one can
come between its union with its lover - His master! Such a one will overpower life, its
circumstances, time and fate with his inner strength. Realize, My child, that the steps may be
many, but the feet that are quick, the eyes that are alert, and the heart that is yearning to learn the
power to love will climb in no time and will reach to be in the bliss of his own reality and

Schematic Representation of Chapter 23

Misery --> fear --> mind's response --> control the fear and ignore the mind's prompting -->
how? By realizing that when one absorbs one fear, it gives rise to several --> by spiritual
disciplines, divert from the thought process --> Spiritual disciplines, like prayer and meditation,
duty and service, rests the mind --> When the mind is directed and silenced, intellect awakes -->
one reasons with its power - discriminates with its strength and moves towards the direction of
the right --> Following and choosing the right path gives one the sense of purity - With purity,
comes contentment and inner --> fulfillment. Such contentment gives one the will to open the
inner --> eye one experiences the bliss of divine powers --> Such an experience leads to
developing a love for the truth --> The closer to truth --> The closer to God --> No distance
between the absolute truth and your existence gives rise to the power of the inner self --> The
self expresses itself, fully, in this state and becomes the guide to every step --> Constant
communication with the self gives one the will power to reach its source --> God! Reaching God
is the only reason of man's birth!


Man, in his impatience, sells himself to the quick gains of time, and hence, he deprives the self
from the joy of emitting to life the gift of its boundless and limitless faith. Yes! Faith in its own
doing, the faith in its own well being! In this lack of self confidence, the man of today is fearful
in being alone with his own self. He has lost complete self-contentment and like a beast that is
restless in a cage, he paces back and forth and is unable to see that the doors of the prison can be
opened by taming the nature of his mind, by training the fierce senses and by silencing the roar
of his anger. Yes! From the beast, he must become the human being and with the gifts of his
intelligence and purity, he must capture the vision and the experience of the divine in this
lifetime, in this very form of existence!

Realize, My child, that in patience, lies the wealth of forbearance - forbearance that gives one the
ultimate strength to be his own self. Remember that if you receive everything easily in the palm
of your hand, you will be addicted to rest and comfort and will dread the slightest drip of sweat.
Yes! It is only the lazy one that is impatient, for he does not know that it is work - simple hard
work that makes time constant. For him, time equates to the worldly gain. Little does he know,
that it is this false equation that has made time for him unpredictable with its horrifying fears.

Good work that is enveloped in its purity will, itself, leave the golden trail of its sincerity. The
rewards of such work will follow the trail but will reveal itself only when the work is complete.
Hence, concentrate and immerse yourselves in the given work of God, fully. Do not look behind
from time to time to see if the jewels of fame, recognition and payment follow or not. That,
itself, will take away the complete perfection from the work. Work is direction - work is the
vision of the goal. The harder and lengthier the work, the more grateful you must be to the
Master, for it is only His compassion and love for you that is allowing you to fill the time with
His own doing! Do not be eager to finish, for the idle one will, eventually, face the fury of time!

However much the world may turn against you, never give up the principles you stand for. Only
that one can be easily manipulated or pressured that has no will power to wait in silence. Be
enthusiastic in your work but remain within the borders of its inspirational elevations.
Enthusiasm that is uncontrolled and undirected will lead to anxiety, and anxiety will lead to the
downfall and failure of the chosen work. Do not be perturbed by any judgment. Let the effort
flow, endlessly, and the work will deliver to the cause with its simpleness, sincerity and pure

Believe in the equality of all and forbearance will come, naturally. The vision that is able to see
all in the light of the same Mother will bear no grudges, nor any attachments: Realize that each
one utilizes the power of the self at different levels - but in reality, the self in all is identical.
Hence, one's way of expression of the self must not become your scale that measures his
closeness to God! Remember, there is no distance between you and God - even in the bosom of
the most wicked, lies the same heartbeat. Both the good and the bad walk the same journey - the
only difference being, the good utilize the eye of God and find their way home - the bad utilize
the vision of the world and stay in its misery. You are simply the by-passer that must stay
innocent and nonjudgmental and must concentrate to find your own way. Forbearance is the
highest form of self discipline that simply prepares one to receive the Wisdom of the Self-


You, My child, have come with the divine faith and divine love, for you are the one that the play
of life attempts to search and succeeds to find! One can find this treasure, when one stops seeing
that which is around him and sees only the depth within him. Even though God exists in
everything around man, the power of delusion distracts man and allows him to see only the form
and not the energy within it. One stops only at appreciating the superficial beauty. Little does he
realize that the outside beauty is only the reflection of the inner strength. Such limitations have
blinded man to see the miraculous nature of the Divine Mother!

The biggest miracle of God is your very own existence. You are the being that expresses the
power of God at every moment of life. For each thing that the Mother provided, she gave you the
means to attain it. She created the food - and gave you the hunger. She cried with joy for the love
of Her child - it came upon earth as the blissful rain, and man quenched his thirst with the sweet
waters of the Divine Love. She created the beauty of nature and gave her beloved the eyes that
can see the might of the Divine in every step of the spectacular task. She gave him this world,
and then, Herself, and gave man the will power and the strength of reasoning to make his own
choice - Yes! God made man with the golden wings of freedom - gave him the life to express and
realize this freedom - gave him the will and power to utilize this freedom - gave him the reigns to
control and direct the freedom - gave him the choice of every freedom and made the freedom, his
wisdom, so that its experience can give him his ultimate goal - Self realization! For, the man that
has yet not known his own self is not free!

The one that adapts himself to the worldly ways will see lesser and lesser of the truth. One must
learn to endure the heat in the journey of life. The one that travels in the brightness of day light
must learn to absorb the heat of the sun; if he were to sit under a tree until the sun sets, he would
break his own progress, waste his own time and would have to spend another night in the
unknown environment. Realize that misery can be erased by rising above the fears of
discomforts. Remember that the endurance of a discomfort only perturbs the lazy mind - the
body, My child, is built as the Divine instrument - to serve its every purpose. Hence, does not
waste time in arguing with the mind, instead, convince it by taking on all its fears and making it
your challenge to move ahead in your spiritual journeys.

Realize, My dears, that you are free beings and life can only control you, when you lack
communication with your own selves. The vicious circle of life and death will continue to haunt
you, until you rise with your inner powers and kill the fear of death, forever. Utilize the power of
the mind by making every thought the strength and direction to your eternal freedom. Utilize the
energy of the body by making its every movement the discipline of the self service. Utilize the
will of reasoning and let its analysis direct you to the path where truth leads, patience follows
and love envelopes. Such perfect utilization will eliminate the identification of the self to the
body, mind and intellect. Yes! The self that is free from the form will express its true nature by
whispering to you every secret of the Lord's glory!


When there is love in the heart,

There is faith in the self,
When there is faith in the self,
There is beauty in character.
When there is beauty in character,
One is free from all imperfections,
When one is perfect,
His expression is only Divine
When divinity expresses,
The truth reveals
The light of truth is
The radiance of God
This illumination of God
Is nothing but the power and life of the self
Hence, the self is the Will of the Lord
And the Will of the Lord is in expressing the purity of the self.
Make purity the eye of discipline
Let its vision be enhanced by
the power of the love it awakens
And carry the innocence of this love
At every moment in your life
Only to diminish the distance
Between the Real Self and the reality
of the Universal Truth!
Yes! God is the only truth
And you are the truth of the Only God!

In the journey of reform, one finds the voice of the Master within his own self. Due to the lack of
confidence in the inner guidance, one doubt, deceives fears and ignores this light of truth and
foolishly looks for the outer guidance. Remember, self deception will only cause the pain of
another fall. Hence, be truthful and open, at least with your own selves. Do not attempt to bury
the grime and dirt. Dirt, My child, only spreads, such is its nature. Stop it from spreading and
smearing - stop it from blackening your heart - stop it from molding the mind with its disgusting
form. Realize that the one that is determined to clean, at every moment, will not let even a grain
of the dust to rest in his watchful presence!

Do not be easily discouraged, My child. Let not the shame of a wrong haunt you and threaten
you. There is no wrong, My sweet, that cannot be undone. Do not let the false bindings of pride
and fear attaches you to its awful memory, forever. Bad memories can be made fragrant by
putting all the effort towards the right, now! Yes! Now! The pain of repentance is in reality, only
the nectar of the Gods - its sweetness gives one the inspiration to change and overcome his
weakness, instantly. Use that strength! Let not a single thought interfere with your chosen task.
Be prepared to do all you can do to undo the errors of the past!

Let all the demons within you leave with the "yesterday" - with the light of the new morning,
you must awaken to fulfill the awaiting promise! Let not the error become the obstruction -
instead, let it be the will that will not turn in its direction, ever again! Remember, one pitiful error
must not become the excuse for another. Do not be afraid to say that you were wrong or else the
right will hide behind the veil of your ignorance! A true fighter will serve the punishment, until
he pays for the wrong and then, he will find within him the courage never to follow the imprints
of the past weakness.

Realize that God remembers only that which you truly love! If your love and yearning for the
truth is real - is sincere - then He will give you the encouraging push to overcome the failings of
the little mistakes, then He, too, will live in the scorching heat of its unmerciful memories.
Remember the moral you learn from every lesson - do not live through every story again and
again. Imagination is the biggest form of delusion. Hence, do not simply imagine the results -
find the reality of results with the pure effort. Effort must be endless - no matter what the
temporary result! True failure, is when one gives up, not when one loses. Do not ever give up,
My child. Your reform is inevitable! Your transformation is the assurance of life! The divine
nature of the self is the living proof of God! Your reaching God can never be impossible - for
God and love are inseparable. You are His love and He is the will behind your every love! Love
God, and let the purity of this devoted love merge with His Will and let its miraculous expression
leave its divine imprints in every part of life and its glorious manifestations!


Purity that is planned

Is only an impure scheme
Of the evil trail of thoughts
Stop the planning!
Simply implement its Will in your effort
And its spontaneous nature
Will awaken, I promise
The Divine self
In this very manifestation!

A calm and peaceful mind is the mirror of a pure heart. Bad thoughts do not arise, spontaneously
- they come, when one constantly indulges in the uncontrolled flow of his passions and desires.
Hence, never, ever, blame the time nor the circumstances for your harsh behavior. Such a
response comes, only when one has already dwelt, nurtured and been nourished by the poisons of
one's own weak character.

Hatred has made man behave like a savage beast that has been left loose to devour the fearful,
the feeble and the meek! Such horrifying freedom has made one bound to the misery of his own
unrestrained and undirected acts. Blinded by this ignorance, he is unable to see that the faults and
the weaknesses are only in him! In his very thoughts! In his every expression! And in his every
way of possessive love! Hatred comes, My child, when one lives in the resentment of his own
fears - of his worldly gains and losses. Hatred is nothing but the terrible insecurity of paying for
one's own hidden wrongs. The insecurity grows, so much so, that one is determined to even
destroy his own self - the very nature of his life, only to protect the gnawing fear within him. The
one that sleeps upon the bed of fears will only dream the nightmare of the fictitious, unknown
attack. Such an unstable one will wake up - will gather the arms to defend himself in the reality
from the attack of the unreal dream. He will blame, wound and attack the innocent and will
justify his behavior by swearing upon the reality of his dream! How foolish indeed! Thoughts
that have only fear are unreal like the experience of a nightmare while deep asleep. The only
difference between the two scenes is that fear is the vision of the one whose heart is asleep - the
frightening dream is only the vision of the one whose body is at rest!

To overcome hatred for another, one has to learn to love and respect his own self! The dislike is
an expression of one's own lack of inner fulfillment. Hence, realize, My child, that contentment
comes, when one is eternally grateful for whatever he has and for whatever comes his way. Do
not expect ideal behavior from another. Such expectation comes from the most imperfect being!
A person that truly lives by the pure and high ideals of the self will only look at his own effort to
bring unity in any task or duty! Resist, at all times, the need to argue - to fight - to criticize - and
bring within the inner home the bliss of silence! Do not worry if the love in the relationship is
mutual. That, itself, brings the basket of worries and undue fears!
Time, My child, is quicker than the blink of the eye! Do not waste its precious gift by spending it
in the bitterness of howling resentments. Peace comes, when one forges all and remembers only
the love! Pain is a part of every attachment - Peace is the fullness of pure love! Hence, undo the
attachment by shedding all its fears and envelope yourselves in the purity of the divine bond
between each soul. Learn that you can give much more, when you don't receive. The moment
you receive a price for your love, remember, you have lost the true value of its purity!


Life is a passage through the worldly troubles. The simpler one leads his life, the lesser will he
face its uncertainties. Uncertainty is the outcome of one's own input of useless information. Man,
today, wastes time, energy and resources in seeking knowledge of that which gives him no
purpose, no real strength and no goal. He eagerly explores for other life forms on other planets
and has little time and no interest in seeking the richness that life gave to his own self. He seeks
the glory of the Lord outside his own existence, and that has given him only the pain and
confusion of frustration, desperation and innumerable failures!

It is only when one looks into his own home, that he will find the self contentment to be able to
utilize all his inner resources with complete efficiency. Hence, self-contentment is the key in
finding one's own inner strength. Without its peace, one will be blinded by the dark shadows of
fears and other insecurities. If one does not eat the food from the plate that lies in front of him
due to the petty desire of eating another's food, such a one, will remain hungry, and any form of
hunger leads to the revolt that destroys the strength of the inner peace. Hence, nourish yourselves
with whatever you have - however deceitful may be its taste or appearance.

Remember, there is none that the Gracious Lord ever sent poor to live this life. Poverty comes,
when one forgets what he brings with him and remains pitifully eager to earn and take the
worldly gains with him. Little does man realize that he will even leave his own body behind,
once he faces the call of death. His own instrument of expression is left as a pot, full of ash that
mixes back with the dirt of the earth. But the proud man that is deluded by his passions,
attachments and uncontrolled senses consoles himself that he is not the next one to reach the
border of this life and death. Yes! He imagines himself to be well hidden from the powers of
death, fate and time! Realize, O child, that with each moment that ticks away, you have taken
another step towards your own "pyre"!

Spend more time with your own self, and you will realize that a whole new world within remains
to be discovered. Most do not like to do that, for they get quickly disturbed by the fearful mind,
when it encounters with one's own inner silence. Hence, realize that the first experience will be
the least pleasant. However much the mind may threaten you with its undirected thoughts, find
the determination to remain focused upon the bliss of the inner silence. Thoughts die, My child,
only when one finds the discipline to survive and live beyond its every fear!

The lesser you live with - the lesser you will die without! Yes! The lesser you want - the lesser
you will want to keep! Yes! It is only the "wanting to keep" that makes the unfortunate man keep
up with his wanting! Leave the desires, My child, before the ultimate calamity of it leaving with
you! Being content is the truest fulfillment. Fulfillment is not expressed by what one has to show
- but from what one has to give!

Experience is the reality of one's own inner expressions. It is the power and the will of one's own
self that leads one to experience the good or the bad! Hence, realize, My child, no one is truly a
victim of time and destiny. Time brings to you your own earnings and losses of the past. Hence,
do not complain - nothing is unfair, My dear - you are only that, what you, in the past, simply
wished to be. One, My child, does not wake up in the morning as a thief. No! The wrong action
is only the final expression - but before the act, itself, one has been tortured by several thought
processes that convinced and weakened one to believe in the act. It is only when one is
convinced, that one finds the false reasoning to justify his poor beliefs. The justification gives
one the heart of stone - Yes! Such a one loses all compassion and becomes selfish! The one that
becomes selfish and greedy in his every intent suffers the pain of his own inner chaos. Hence, his
acts become even more brutal, for they simply reflect his own state and stage of self destruction.
Such a one will wake up to perform the most brutal act, without any feeling of remorse or

Remember, My sweet, nothing in life is the punishment of God! All is the reflection of your own
past and the state of your weak will of the present. Do not, My child, delude yourselves by
remembering the goodness of yesterday and expect its immediate rewards, today. Realize, O
child of truth that the past goes far beyond the yesterday, and even beyond the days of this life!
Do not rely upon your memory, for it chooses to forget your faults, even in this current short
span of the present life. The thorn, My dear, comes in your path, only because you had carried it
with you, and the self within you allows you to release the thorn upon your own foot so that you
can experience the pain - endure it - overcome it and find the courage to remove it, once and
forever! The wound will heal, slowly, but at least one has unburdened his own self from carrying
the fear of the thorn for the rest of his journey. Hence, be grateful to time for allowing you to
experience the pain, today. The payment is your own freedom from being in its debt!

Purity becomes the reality, when one finds the determination within him to encounter his own
impure ways. Yearning for purity does not make you clean and free. Most think that when they
come to this stage that the battle must be over. No! My dear - the battle, in fact, has just begun!
The yearning gives one the will power to pay for his wrongs in the right manner, fully and
completely, so that even the outline of the wrong is erased, forever! The past dues will continue
to come, even though one completely walks on the path of God, today. Realize, My sweet, that
these dues will not threaten the one that has truly envisioned and found the path to the ultimate

Do not be distracted by anything or anyone. Do not be disturbed nor discouraged easily. The face
of God reflects in your own divine nature. Hence, to see His beauty, one has to be the innocence
of his own true self. Time is short - life is feeble - but you, My dears, are the strength of eternity -
know that, realize it and make the time of your life the strength of God!


In every man's life will come a time, when he will feel the pain of the scrape on his knees from
his begging this world for its empty treasures! The pain, itself, My child, will give him the
courage to stand upon his own two feet, and it will give him the divine inspiration to rise above
the limitations of his every expectation. The biggest downfall of man is that he expects the least
from his own self and gives the outer source the sole responsibility for his inner happiness. Little
does he realize, that the glitter of the outer joy can, in no way, touch the reality of the self! The
self, My child, can receive every strength from the perfection of its own nature. Anything outside
the boundaries of its reality, brings the grief of delusion and binds the soul to the misery of the
unknown cycle of life and death!
The world is nothing, but the manifestation of the Divine Lord - You, My dear, is, the power
behind the manifestation! Hence, it becomes your duty to sustain and protect the creation, but do
not waste your time and demean yourselves in trying to possess it, for you are in the all! One,
My sweet, cannot try to possess his own self! You are it and you can express it by simply being
it! You are a part of every life - each life is your full expression - you are in the stone - in the
waters - in the dirt of the earth! There is nowhere, where you do not reside. Realize that and give
up, now and forever, the futility of every attachment and every possession. Imagine, if the king
would only hold on dearly to the throne and the crown, and would refuse to believe of his control
over his entire kingdom! Such an unfortunate ruler would never realize nor be able to utilize the
powers that have been entrusted within him!

Do not separate God from your existence. Your life is the coming of God! There is nothing
wrong, My dears, in enjoying the gifts of the Lord, but the gifts must not become the desperate
needs to survive! With the change of time and circumstances, one must be able to give them up,
easily, or else, the present will become the haunting memories of the pleasureful past! Realize
that you are the lover of God and loving His creation is only a part of your love for Him. Let not
the Creator of all be lost in your obsession for His Creation. Always remember that the One that
could create such beauty must be the most handsome and glorious of all!

Even if you lose all in this world - fame - power - position - name - attachments and possessions,
realize one thing that your will to survive will always be with you! The will to survive and
protect life, even after suffering all your losses proves the unreality of the worldly gifts. Yes! Life
is completely separate from what you want it to be! Hence, it will fight to breathe, even after you
have failed in acquiring your every worldly desire. For it knows the reality of its purpose and
will remind you of it, from time to time! Remember, you can gain nothing - you can lose
nothing, for you are the fullness of everything. Loss and gain is only a perception that becomes
the reality of expression, when one is unable to experience the reality of his own self! Live by
the self, and you will find that your every need will be fulfilled, instantly, by utilizing the fullest
expression of the divine purity that lies in the truest nature of the energy of life, itself! Know
yourself through life - Be yourself with its Will - and find God within your very own existence!


How unfortunate is that man

That has all the money,
But knows not its right use!
How unfortunate is that man
That has before him a feast
But experiences the disease of no appetite
How unfortunate is that man
That spends his life in fear of its love
And loses his self in loving the world!
How unfortunate! How pitiful! How horribly ignorant!
For man comes as God!
Lives as a beast!
Dies as the victim!
And takes with him
The clouds of misery,
Only to make another life
It's painful shadow!
The most blessed of all beings, man, has brought upon himself the misfortune, by making this
transitory world his eye for the truth and his only home. The chains of his worldly attachments
bind him to his form and prevent him from experiencing the limitless nature of his own inner
powers that will allow him to rise from the grave of the dead, only to become one with that
moment that lies beyond the breath of time! For one to experience the infinite nature of one's
own self, one must first encounter with his own disgust for the limitations of pleasures that this
world brings. Such limitation can be experienced, when one feels incomplete, even upon the
fulfillment of his burning desires. A man that reaches this stage of disgust for his own selfish
expectations will begin to yearn for that strength that overpowers and overwhelms him with self
contentment and stops every urge within him to receive from any outer source. For such a one,
God will slowly awaken in the pure silence of his undying spiritual efforts.

Remember, My child, that life can only be understood and experienced, when one makes God its
only medium - only vision! Without God vision, man will be deluded by the unreal illusions of
the worldly temptations and will begin to follow the complexities of his unfocused mind, rather
than being fixed and affirmed to the purity within. Such a one, will temporarily lose the power of
the divine spirit within him and will accept the constant errors of the human mind as a part of his
expression. Such constant expression of errors will convince him that the perfection of the
Divine Mother is anywhere else but within him! With such an attitude, his search for God will be
fruitless, and in the desperation of the untrue search, he will envelope his life in more of the
worldly miseries. Constant suffering of the misery will give birth to a fear that will lean more
and more upon the outer sources for relief. Such false dependence will give one the biggest of all
diseases - i.e., the lack of self-confidence - and it is this deficiency that makes man live the
lowest life, with no inspiration to reach the supremacy of the Divine ideals.

Realize, O love, that without the pure love for your own self, you will never be able to
experience God and His will power. Catering to your own desires, will, in no way, nourish the
needs of the higher self. To reach the self, one has to pave his way through the thorns of the
worldly comforts - one has to rise above the poverty of every dependence - one, My child, has to
peel the mask and accept and adhere, always, to the true image. Do not let the grace of God be
the condition for one to exert his all in his every spiritual effort. Let the effort come first - let the
faith come first - for faith is the blessing that awakens the will to connect with the current of the
highest and purest love. Remember, time is only a beggar in the palms of a true devotee. Hence,
do not fear it - overcome it by steering it to focus upon the reality of life. Start, today, for there is
little time for you to experience, realize and become the power that brought the beauty of all


The inspiration behind every divine strength that arises in the good heart is "inner happiness".
Yes! Happiness is not the effect but simply the cause of every divine act. Man, today, almost
finds it impossible to find the silent joy of happiness with his self, alone. He has forgotten that a
smile is only simple - it is only the outer expression of the inner contentment. A smile is only
priceless - do not demean it by giving it a worldly value, or else, it will be short-lived! Those that
expect to smile, only by receiving, will exhaust their strength to remain happy much earlier than
the last breath of the present body. Yes! Their dependence, rather than the "self-reliance", will
make them experience the misery of their own shortcomings!

Let not the play between you and life result in the permanent injury of the self! Play by the rules,
and life, My child, can be won! The true winner is one who can remain untouched throughout the
game. The true player, My sweet, touches life with his love. Realize that at the end of the game,
the two teams of the life and the liver of life, join together, and each celebrate the other's victory!
The victory of life is in accepting the will power of the liver of life - the victory of the liver is in
accepting the ways of life! All is a play, My dears - if the play becomes too serious, then the
game looses its lightheartedness. Hence, be alert, play the game with vigor, and realize that there
is no competition - the teams are truly one, and your success, at the end, is inevitable!

True happiness has no reason, for a reason will only limit it to a length of time. Inner happiness
is the feet that gives life its strength to stand with complete stability. Hence, do not look for ways
to be happy - be happy, first, and only then, will the right ways open before you. Do not be
ignorant and worry to be happy! Such a one will stay only with the worry and will walk away
from the joy with every fearful thought. Remember, always, that the happiness that is found will
be lost, one day. Happiness that lies in the mine will ensure one with the misery of his
impermanent identity. True happiness, is when one lets the purity of his heart direct his mind, the
guidance of which, inspires the intelligence to awaken the strength and discipline of the inner
self. Once such a discipline is enforced, one lives in the bliss of expressing, always, the divinity
of the true self. Such expression gives one the fullness of contentment with the nature of his own
being. In such a state, one experiences within him a world of love that holds within it a power
that is immeasurable - Yes! A power that paves its way to every heart by the simpleness of its
complete selflessness! Thus, happiness is nothing but the strength of the inner self that lets one
exists in its selflessness!

Live for others, My child, and you have, instantly, found the love for true happiness. Forget
completely, what you want, and you will see that your need lies in wanting even lesser. The
lesser the luggage the lighter the travel! The lighter the travel, the more you will explore and
discover! Discover life by touching it, at every moment, with the love you hold for your own


Only the one that is able to give nothing less than the purest love, will deserve to receive the
highest peace. Realize, My child, that it is only your own illusion of limitation that makes you
unable to love, completely and fully. Whenever you draw the border of love, there is where your
peace ends. Beyond that, you will simply pay the dear price of your pride and resentment. Man
chooses to suffer, for he, in his blinding ignorance, is unable to give the immeasurable worth to
his own self. He is unable to see that the only distance between love and him is his simple
expression. He attempts to weigh love, and in his foolish attempt, he loses the complete
spontaneity to express it. Man spends his whole life in searching for love in the outside world.
Little does he realize, that love that is outward can never be pure nor eternal. Wounded by the
fakeness of showy love, he lives his life in hiding, attempting to protect his maimed heart in the
ugly, dark ditches of pride. Slowly, he realizes that the love he found outside is only an illusion
of joy - only the reality of pain. He retreats to find the lost security in his own self, and slowly, he
realizes that he can never know true love, if he seeks its value - he will know true love, only
when he yearns for its purity and adapts his life - his every expression - his values - his character
- his strength and his will only to its purest and clearest image!

Do not let a single thought come between you and your act of love, for thoughts will only delay
your immediate expression of purity. Act, My child, upon the strength of love, alone, and erase it
from the memory, forever. Realize that even the fondest of memories will, eventually, link you to
attachments, and attachments will only give you the promise of hopeless returns. Love must be
given not with a selfish intention. Know that the only intent of love is in its free and open
release! Believe, My child, in the power of your giving love - believe that it will be released, if
not now, then at the right moment! Love is the breath of the survivor - it is the wealth of the truly
devoted soul!
Love is understood only by the heart, never by the mind, hence, do not waste time in analyzing
the right proportions. Love, My child, is the shadow of Divinity! Follow it, and you will be in
touch with God, instantly! Do not complain in being the lone giver of love - the blessings in
giving its holy strength is in receiving the Grace of Almighty! Peace lies in that one that gives his
own wishes the least priority. To be able to do that, one must love to serve, rather than be served!

Love, My child, is the dignity of the God-fearing man. No worship is complete, without its full
offering. No prayer is heard, without its call - its echo! So make the effort to clear everything in
the path so that love alone can stand and lead. Make the resolution that you will live only with
love and will recognize it in its every mask. Do not let it ever fool you and pass you by. Make
peace with your self by letting your self just be!!


Keep the mind constantly aware of the open and sincere heart - in such awareness, where purity
is the sole direction, love the only path, and truth the only dependence, such a one will awaken,
forever, his self to the powerful nature of the Perfect God! Perfection does not come if one
constantly thinks himself to be weak. Remember, one is weak not by what one does, but by what
he believes his own self to be. For one to shed a weakness, one has to break the barriers that
allow him to be tempted to its lazy, cowardly ways. Man, today, blames all for his own
misdoings. He loses all insight in self-pity! Little does he realize that in concealing his wrong, he
buries the courage to be able to see the right in the absolute truth. When the wrong leads, fear
follows, and the man in between the wrong and the fear will act under the pressures of confusion.
In such confusion, he makes his self smaller than any fear and bigger than the greed of any
desire. Such a man makes himself frail before the temptful powers of creation. Unaware of his
willful bondage, he continues to destroy his self, only to protect his desires and serve his every
pitiful fear!

Most continue to do the wrong only because they lose the inner faith to ever be able to see the
light of the right. It is common for a traveler to lose, at times, his direction - but if one, single,
wrong turn would easily convince him to find another destination, instead of making the attempt
to find his way back, then, such a traveler, would never reach the end of his journey. He, My
child, would find himself in places where he loses all his inner peace, contentment and respect
for his own self. In the same way, one wrong must not convince one to undo his commitment in
reaching his goal of complete purity and perfection. Find your way back, fight your way back
and remember that even the most serious wrong can connect itself to the path of truth. The
wrong, My child, becomes the sin, when one firmly believes in the abruptness of the dead end
and himself refuses to return. Hence, a sin is not in the act that wrongs, but it is in the doer that
sees the wrong as the life sentence imprisonment!

The self, My child, is the best teacher of all. There is nothing that the self can learn, for it is the
container of all knowledge. Learning is the process, where one finds the way only to express his
pre-existing knowledge. The confusion is not in the knowing but in applying it in our daily lives.
Even the inspirational words of the wise allow you to awaken from the deep pretense of sleep;
the vision, My child, is already in you. He only convinces you with his experience and gives
your pre-existing divine powers the real reason to awaken and activate!

Do not dwell, constantly, upon the wrongs of the past. The present is the best opportunity for one
to erase the stains of the past. Weakness is only the acceptance of one's current state of misery.
Misery is that condition, in which, one is convinced that the self's endurance of pain is much
smaller than the pain, itself! Realize, My child, that it was the Mighty Will of the Divine that
brought every life into existence. Pain is only a small part of the Universal Will that allows the
strength of the will to express its glorious nature! Hence, do not simply stop at experiencing the
smallness of pain. Rise! Awaken, My dears! For the pain is only the pitch that awakens the
miracle of God in the sleeping man!


Life becomes simple and uncomplicated, when one sees it with the eyes of innocence and purity.
Simplicity is the purest expression of the true self that is completely unhindered by the influence
of one's own perceptions. Perception is nothing but the experience of a thought that estimates the
value of the vision that lies ahead! An estimation is never absolute, hence, realize that a
perception, too, is never the whole truth. Anything that is shy of the truth will only reflect its
unknown fear. When such fear begins to grow, man becomes more and more distant from his
own self. Yes! He becomes closer to what he thinks he is, than to what he really is! Thinking, My
child, is the unreality of being - the reality of being is in no thinking. Hence, believe only in the
being - not in the becoming, for becoming is a wishful dream that never lets one be, and in
simply being, one lives the every present moment in the absoluteness of the truth and in its
constant awareness, expresses its rich ideals - fulfilling his own self with the simplicity of the
only reality - God!


Man doubts his own ability and develops the fear of complete perfection. Little does he realize,
that perfection is his nature, form and expression. Perfection, My child, is one's ability to be able
to be focused completely and fully upon any given task. When the attitude is sincere and calm,
the effort comes, spontaneously. But one, today, sees perfection as the external pressure or outer
stress that has been burdened upon his shoulders. Due to one's lack of self knowledge, one
remains in the ignorance of his own divine powers. Hence, he is convinced to be what he is not,
and, what he really is, he justifies that he can nor will ever be! When, from the very beginning of
the task one only adheres to the reason he has found to work less, then the end of such a task will
see even lesser reason to succeed!

All that you encounter in life is only the result of what you have been able to utilize from the
strength of your own inner will. If you encounter with your anger, it is only because you were
unable to tap and express the power of your own inner resources. Nothing in life can be
experienced without one's own consent. Hence, realize that all which appeared to fall suddenly in
your lap, in reality, has been prepared by you alone. The experience of the surprise, or the shock
comes, because of one's unawareness of his own past doings and also due to one's inability to
predict the precise moment of the coming result. Hence, life is never unfair, My child, it brings to
you only what you have given it!

Believe, My dear, that you are the reality of the self, alone, all else will fade and crush with time.
It is a pity, for one is not only afraid to be the self, but one is fearful even to be with the self!
Such fear arises, when one is unable to face the purity of his own self that reminds him, cautions
him, from time to time, of his past misdoings and his present errors. The first sign of wisdom is
when one is able to pay heed to the warnings that come from within, and when one finds the
stability to experience even a moment of the inner silence. Realize that to meet with the truth,
one has to find the courage to face it. Face it, My child, now! Even if it nullifies every experience
you've had with life until now! It is better to begin living now than to have never lived at all!

Realization of the self comes, when one gives more weight to his own strength than to any
circumstances he faces in life. Stay in the direction of the self, always, then life, itself, will turn
and move towards you. Do not desire anything from life - when you are the force of life, when
you are the will of life - when you are the life of life - what can life give you?!! Expect nothing!
Accept nothing! You are here, to give it, its expression. Express it, by making it the path upon
which the self leaves its clear imprints. Realize that the life that is touched by the self will be
molded in its perfect image. Yes! Perfection, My child, is the very reason, the only expression
and the power behind the will of the Self! See your self in every part of life - dissolve every
difference - and let the will unite with the expression to make the experience the truth. Such truth
will radiate its perfection wherever and whenever it exists!


None can accompany you to the doors of liberation, for in that path, each soul must walk only
with the strength of his own self. Man has separated his life from his own inner strength. He has
chosen the life of dependency and has made the self silent. Every little failure that he encounters
with, has made him determined to estimate his own limitations. Little does he realize, that when
he draws the boundary of its inner will power, he, My child, is only limiting his own experiences,
that in turn, will deter the self from expressing its entire might. Do not fear, My sweet, anything
or anyone in life, for fear is the death of your independence and self-reliance. Defend your self
from the illusions of evil by surviving the fog of illusion with the clear vision of your own
reality. Evil ends upon inner awakening, hence, be alert - stay away from the temptful sleep. To
experience the truth, one must be inspired and determined to live in the aura of its fulfilling

There is no bad, My child - one perceives the bad, only when he has lost the adherence to his
own goodness. Realize, My child, that the attack of evil instantly dissolves, when one continues
to remain undisturbed and basks alone in the bliss of his inner peace. How can any evil continue
to argue, when one has refused to even respond to its untrue accusations? Be the right that
remains ever prepared from the attack of the sudden wrong. Reflect and revise the entire
experience, before you take the first step of your own response. Do not respond instinctively
with uncontrolled passions and emotions. The truth will not change from now until tomorrow,
hence, it can wait to be thoughtfully delivered!

Remember, there are several ways to a wrong - there is only one way to the right! Hence, it
becomes easy to recognize and choose the one path that one must follow. Confusion only arises,
My child, for one's "wants" interferes and attempt to influence the "musts"! Do not let such petty
diversions attempt to stray you from your ultimate goal. Temptations give you only the moment,
but in return, they take away an entire life-term. Realize, there can never be any gain in a wrong,
in fact, it is only a total loss, for one loses his entire peace in not only trying to hide it from
another, but in trying to conceal and justify it to his own self!

Do not believe, immediately, to what the eyes see and the ears hear. Use the power of the
intellect and continuously discriminate and analyze, completely, and only give the appropriate
response with calmness. Never give way to anger - if one feels his loss of inner control, one must
stay away from the scene of the battle, until he regains his own stability. How can one defend
himself, when he is shaking with the inner attack of his own pride? Do not fear the evil, My child
- fear, when you are not able to rise above the evil with the strength of your knowledge of the
absolute right. Evil is only untrue - hence, never give it the attention nor the importance that
allows it to survive. Realize that evil only instigates - only threatens. Call its bluff and stand
before it with courage. Let it not manipulate you, anymore, and allow you to inflict its illusionary
power to destroy the reality of the self.

Do not dwell upon the wrong - open the keen eye and seek the way out of the wrong. Have faith,
My child, that the Sweet Lord that has given you the love to stay by the right will give you the
grace to recognize it, always. Never attempt to protect a wrong, even if it means that one,
himself, has to face complete humiliation. Learn, My child, that in admitting one's own faults,
one only rises - never fails - never falls! Do not be discouraged, if the world laughs at your
spiritual madness. The one that has chosen God must leave all ties that bind him to be conscious
of his worldly identity!


Why worry? When it is only His love that follows you!

Why worry? When it is only His doing that surrounds you!
Why worry? When it is only His touch that awakens you!
Why worry? When it is only His promise that revives you!
Do not worry to make yourself you
For He has already made you His!
Yes! Know that in the all, there is only Him
It is only for you to see - to feel - to experience
And when one realizes the experience to be Holy truth
He makes his coming the Lord's presence!
Why worry, My child, in traveling the distance
When you are the beginning!
When you are the middle!
When you are its end!
When you are the wheels!
When you are the reins!
When you are the path!
When you are the goal the purpose - the cause - The effect!
Why spend time in worry?
Why spend life in trying - in becoming
When you, My sweet, already are!!
What you are is what you will always be
No matter what you want to be
What you want to be, you can never become
For when one becomes - he still wants to be
Hence, find yourself by being it self!
And live this life with the real you!

The barrier, today, between you and the self is simply the fear of being the self. "What I am, I
can never be - what I can never be, is only what I wish to become" - such thoughts of despair
come, continuously, in the man that sees the self as the smallest and weakest and he makes time
the whirlwind that carries him in the continuous circle of its uncertainty! Realize, My child, that
it is only the strength of the self that gives life its guidance and protection. One is unable to
experience this strength, for he is unable to see the real interests of the self. The self does not
emerge, My child, by protecting or sheltering the interests of one's desires. In fact, the more you
nourish your inexhaustible wishes, the more you will fear the purity of the true self and the lesser
you will be able to recognize the power of the living truth within you!

For one to know the nature of the self, one must give up all fears, inhibitions and insecurities in
being with it, at all times. True loneliness, My child, is being surrounded by one's own desires.
Peace will come, when one lives every moment with the stability of his wisdom and accepts the
present, with no expectations. Love for God arises, when one keeps alive his inner purity,
always. Remember, the true nature in each one can never change. Hence, there is not only hope
but the assurance that not a single one, however lost, will stay in this cycle of suffering, forever!

Strength can be given only by the one that is able to see the same self in the other. The moment
you mock the one that has fallen, you, My child, have hopelessly failed in your own self-
awakening. The one that develops arrogance for his spiritual powers is bound to lose it in the
worst way. Hence, be alert, for the spiritual gains will remain and stay, only if it is utilized in the
purest and most perfect manner. Equality must be the sight of every spiritual aspirer, for he who
feels the oneness, sees the all in the every self!

The one that begins to leave the world to find the kingdom of God will continuously face the
disappointment of his own abilities to be able to rise to the level of Divine Protection. But do not
take these falls too seriously, or else you will dwell in the pit, where self-pity will swallow the
emerging spiritual strength. The fall, My child, is truly the slap that awakens the seeker from his
impure sleep of wishful expectations. Hence, remember, O child of God, that your prayers to be
closer to the Divine Mother are surely being answered, if you are facing the sudden losses of
your worldly gains. How else will you know that your strength alone stands to be victorious,
before all that the world can ever offer!

Until you taste the sweetness of the worldly gains and attachments, until then, you will never
experience your own self as the limb of the Universal Master. One can be used as the divine
instrument, only when he is able to recognize the importance of his own role and work in the
entire Divine Plan. The divine work must be executed with the commitment of complete purity.
Such work will allow the doer to receive the joys of the miraculous powers of the Divine Source.
In every work that you do, you must believe that your effort, right now, is inseparable from the
strength of God. When one makes his existence the channel for the divine current to flow, he, My
child, will see the coming together of a Divine Masterpiece that depicts and proves the Might of
the Divine Power which he receives, instantaneously, upon his making the pure efforts.

Do not be stuck up on the ways and modes of worship. Do not, My child, be small minded and
believe that only your chosen religion is the way to each one's salvation. It is not wrong, My
dear, to choose your own path back home to the Glorious Mother, but do not, in your inspiration,
become arrogant and begin to pressure another to follow your direction. Stay by your ideals, and
walk ahead in the silence and grace of humility. Those that have voluntarily given up their
unrestful sleep will follow and recognize a perfect example, always!

Each one comes alone - each one paves his own way to the Divine - and each one is destined to
reach home. Your worrying for another is only needless - in fact, worry, My child, comes, only
when one, in the clouds of pride, thinks himself to be ahead of another. Help the one that suffers
the miseries of his own doings by giving him your strength of faith - do not make him weaker by
sharing with him your needless and hopeless fears. Let him be able to believe that no
entanglement can bind him to this desperate state, forever. Make him realize that by living with
the simpleness of purity and by restraining the mind from its complexities, one can easily find
his way out. No worldly find is worth losing the self - no loss is worth finding misery!
Remember that, always, and be calm in the suddenness of life's changes.

Be God's messenger and live to be the inspiration of His Divine Love. Never be threatened by
time and give yourself the empty moment to rest from its Divine Mission. Never lift the restraint
- never let the spiritual discipline relax! Purity is the flow of divine life that allows the self to
express its miraculous nature. Hence, dive deep into the ocean of purity, and only then, will you
be able to find and receive the pearls of wisdom. Yes! The wisdom that will sustain you from the
changing seasons of life. In simply seeing what you have become, one can find the strength to be
what he truly is. And in the process of finding the strength, man recognizes and realizes the
illusion and experiences his own reality!


Those efforts will be rewarded that do not equate its strength to the present outcome. Only the
one that finds within him the courage to wait until the Lord determines the real end, only that
one, My child, will be able to experience the true and final parting with his own desires. In
walking the path of Godhood, man sheds, little by little, his known identity and comes to know
his own true self. Sometimes, he rapidly walks a few paces ahead; at other times, he stops,
completely, entangled in the web of doubts, and yet, at certain points in this journey, he even
chooses to turn back in the chaos of his own fears. Do not despair, My dear, for whatever may be
the choice, now, know and realize that every life, even with its innumerable errors, will find the
scene of the battlefield - will find the reasoning will power to overcome the present shortcomings
and will overpower the battle with his sense of awakening purity to free the self, once an for all,
from the bondage of the finite hold of his own consuming desires!

True freedom lies in having nothing less than the self, alone! By making the right choice, always,
man clears his own path and walks ahead. Now comes the question as to how one knows and
recognizes the right choice always? It becomes easy for the one that has found the determination
and devotion to find the truth within his own self. The one that feeds upon the purity within him
and lives only by its power, will not be disturbed nor distracted by anything outside his own self.
Such a one that lives only by the one power - one influence - and one wisdom will never find the
need to think his way to the right. For he, My child, is the nature of the absolute right. Realize,
My child, that the need to even make a choice comes, only when one lives the life of duality. It is
only the one that experiences partial truth of the self that finds his life in the dilemma of having
to make a choice between the absolute good and the relative good. Remember this always that
there is no good that is relative - that, My child, is only the bad - the wrong - the evil that is
hiding in the costume of a stepmother that bears no instinctive love for your endearing life!

The choice becomes natural and easy, when one makes the wisdom of the absolute truth, the only
reality of his every expression. Capture the strength that arises, when one abides by the right,
alone - do not weaken yourself by losing the strength the very next moment by indulging in
another wrong. Realize that if you experience even the slightest fear in making a choice, the
magnetic attraction of temptation dwells in the thought process. Discard the selfish interest,
immediately, and you will find your self relieved from its pressures. Then, the right choice not
only becomes easy, but becomes the only way!! Be alert, and never let the love for goodness fail
or fall. Live life by loving the truth, and the truth will become the eyes that will envision the
every expression of love. If all is the one, then the choice is truly none. Begin to know the one,
and make your life simple with it being the only reality!


There is no bigger enemy than one's own evil thoughts! For each failure one faces in life, if one
would be able to retrace his own steps to the beginning, one would be able to see that the root of
the fatal fall was only a rotten seed that contained within it the life of a wicked thought which he,
himself, nurtured to grow by his blind belief! Yes! My child, the fall only comes, when one
pushes his own self with the force of his own unbalanced mind! Realize that a mind can be
balanced only by a strong and pure heart - a heart that sees the truth of only the highest love and
with its strength is able to face the fear, endure the threat and overcome every challenge of an
impure, selfish thought!
For one to be able to see the reflection of his own self, one must wipe the mist of the blurring
thoughts that fog the reality of one's own perfection. Thinking is only the process, in which one
wanders from the reality of the true image. Hence, each time a thought arises, one has only
voluntarily allowed the truth to lose its spontaneity! Realize that the thoughts that are directed
towards the truth will, eventually, diminish in the power of its awakening reality. Hence, each
one must develop a love for the truth, for such a love forces the mind to walk in its direction.

Negative thoughts arise in man, when one begins to doubt his own capability of being able to
adhere to the complete truth. When self-confidence dwindles, one loses his contact with his own
inner purity. In such a state, where one lacks the strength of truth, one begins to fear his very own
existence. But man's instinctive nature is to defend his life, no matter what state he is in. Hence,
he, My child, covers his deficiency with the impurity of his fears and allows those fears to
express themselves as thoughts that reassure him of his safety and give all else in life the undue
blame. Giving himself the false hope of his stability, he continues to walk this journey of life
with lesser vision, each day. And then comes the time, where the vision of the reality is
completely lost and immersed in the fear of his own thoughts!

When one loses his self-control little by little, one is bound to face the uncertainty of his own
uncontrolled thoughts. Such thoughts can be easily ignored by making one consciously aware
that the thought is only a barrier between the self and its existing knowledge. Once one finds
within him the strength and determination to reject the menacing thought, one, automatically,
will receive the direction of purity from his own self. Do not worry and give the thought undue
importance. As long as you have been able to override it, you, My child, have stayed untouched
and unstained!

The truth can be found not by thinking, My child, but by facing what lies ahead of you with the
complete faith in your pure efforts. No truth is ever bitter - if one does find it distasteful, it is
only because he has, himself, made the inner longing for that truth absent. All the strength is
within life, itself! The Giver of Life holds nothing back from loving his only love!


The Lord speaks only the few chosen words, it is only the one that has kept his heart devoted to
the Holy Presence that is able to capture the infinite flow of wisdom in His every sign of
communication with him! The truth needs no language other than simplicity. Yes! Simpleness,
My sweet, is the spontaneous expression of the truth that gives life its real beauty. Worldly
wealth can give one the pleasures of possessions, but never the sweet joy of simple contentment.
Realize that a simple one will only embrace peace, and will keep the hand empty and open, so
that no desire can touch nor fill it with its hollow promise. Remember, all that you are attached
to, you will never be able to place those in the pure heart, for the life of such a relationship is
short and frail. Yes! Its union stays only for the length of time in which one is able to satisfy his
own selfish interest. Once the interest is exhausted, time will change, bonds break, and one goes
out, once again, to seek another source of hopeless dependency. In such chaos, one forgets what
he must give and in his growing fears, lives only in the anticipation of what he must receive from
his new love!

The one that expects, always, will only live in the fear of his own desires. Hence, if you must
expect, expect only the strength from the self that allows you never to take, ever, from anything
or anyone else so that one does not spend his entire life in paying the debts of obligations. Be
free, by living life with all that you already have within you. Do not entangle yourselves,
continuously, in false friendships that only give and take to establish a known value of love!
Love will only be known to the one that allows his self to simply be content in sacrifice.
Remember that the one that waits eagerly for his love's return, will wait endlessly in life's several
disappointments. Give love, My child, and then bid it farewell. Give love and let its sacrifice
blossom and spread its fragrance so that you are able to receive more and more of your own
inner strength. Do not constantly worry, if your love is reaching the receiver - concentrate only
upon the love leaving you with its complete purity! Once that is accomplished, love will find its
way home!

The fear of being left alone makes man live his life in the dark shadows of pretense! When one
gets attached to the role and forgets the purpose of the part he plays - when such a one gets even
a tiny glimpse of the reality, he, My child, shudders - turn his head away, for he is unable to
believe that the reality has come to end the role so that he can realize the true self! The fear of
being who you really are - makes you pretend to be what you are not! Do not be afraid, My child,
of knowing your own self. Realize that each time a role ends, you are coming closer to the truth
of the real life. The changes in life come, not to give you pain, My dear, but to give you the
realization of your immeasurable strength that stands untouched by the temporary threat. Such
realizations come, when one wills to experience his own self. Play all the roles of life with
perfection, My child, but always keep in mind that every part you play can be fulfilled only by
the strength that determines always before you - your true reality!


Prayer is the communication with the self, in which, one speaks the language of sincerity and
with its innocence, draws the restless mind in its complete fold. Hence, prayers must not be
showy, but simple - they must not be uttered, but must be done with one's entire consciousness,
completely alert of one's yearning to be in the blissful presence of the compassionate Mother!
The strength of the prayer is not in the receiving of one's desires but is in one being able to touch
the awareness of his existence with the silent contentment of the Universal Divine consciousness.
Prayers will never show their miraculous power to those who constantly beg and live in their
dreams of selfish interests. It will only respond to the one that makes its purity his only focus.

There is neither chosen time nor place for a prayer. Whenever one is attacked by the restlessness
of his own thoughts, one must arise from within the inspiration of a silent prayer in order to calm
the waves of passion, emotion and temptation. The inspiration, My child, can be drawn by
reflecting upon the bliss of the past experiences, when your prayer received a fleeting glimpse of
the reality of the true state of your self and complete existence. Such a vision, will surely calm
the chaos of the present state and will give you the strength to correct the vision of the blinding
eye. Ask for guidance from the Master, silently, from within. Even if it is your own fault that
caused the confusion, do not be afraid nor embarrassed to call the Divine Mother. In fact, when
you are the cause of the pain, you, My child, must pray the hardest! Let not the pride come
between you and God, ever! Remember, the Gracious Lord immediately forgives, the moment
His child feels the rebounding pain of his errors. Hence, rise above your own judgments and
make God your only best friend!

In every prayer, one must feel the intense longing to be able to speak with the Holy Mother. It is
this longing and intensity that allows one to break the present inhibitions and lets one experience
his closeness to God. Prayers need not be lengthy. As long as they are focused upon the purity of
the act, they will reveal their miraculous powers. However much one may be engaged in duty or
worldly tasks, there is no excuse for one to live devoid of prayers. Pray silently, while
performing the chosen act, and then work will reflect its silent beauty. Utilize, My child, the
biggest gift that the Lord gave you. Yes! The strength to be able to speak to Him, no matter what
life brings or takes!
Have the faith that whether you are able to see the response or not, your every bit of
communication reaches the Divine Mother. Do not be disappointed, easily - for sometimes, the
response is delayed, only so that it can arrive to you at the precise, right moment! Believe that
with every prayer, you have taken a step closer to God. Every child has the right to speak to his
Mother, hence, do not take your own privilege away from yourselves. What you see small from a
distance appears big as you come closer. In the same way, do not judge the might of God -
realize, My child, that it is only the distance that you have placed between you and Him that
allows it to appear small. Pray, My child, until the throat is dry - Pray until the kneeling knees
scream with the bruising pain - Pray until the mind is tired and is left with no thoughts - Pray,
My child, until the eyes close and one truly begins to see with the pure vision of the heart. Never
give up! Pray, for it is your right to speak with truth - it is your right that you must be listened to
- it is your right to call - it is your right to be with God, always!


Fear harms one, much more, than what it comes to take. Realize, My child, that when one doubts
his own inner strength, one begins to lose the battle, much before the actual confrontation. There
is no bigger enemy than one's own lurking fears. Why does fear arise in man? Fear comes, when
the self revolts from the suppression and oppression that one inflicts upon its purity. When one
makes the choice that is against his own true nature, one faces and experiences the pains of
hiding the impure choice, silently, from his own self. The self, My child, is all knowing - all
pervasive. There is no space that one can hide, without its complete awareness. Hence, every
attempt that is made to hide the impurity is only futile, and the continual defeat of concealing the
wrong from one's own knowing, gives one the expression of an illusionary loss also known to
one as "fear". Thus, fear, My child, is no outer loss - it is only the outcome of the unsuccessful
attempt of one's own thoughts that are unable to conquer and subdue the radiance of the purity of
the true self! The outer loss that appears is only another cheap trick of the mind, for it,
temporarily, diverts one from seeking the inner strength to experience and realize the real enemy!

In reality, one is not the victim of the circumstances that life brings; rather, one is the victim of
the insecurities of his own fears. Man depends upon the outer resources for his every rescue.
Hence, his dependency has increased, his self reliance is limited as per his knowledge of the self.
The lesser he knows and realizes his own origin, the more he runs into the arms of the evil world.
The more he leans upon his worldly attachments, the more he suffers the pains of illusion and the
farther he drifts from the strength of the reality! It is a vicious cycle, My child, and one can only
find his way out by being conscious and alert to his every insecurity, by controlling the
immediate urge to respond in a frightful panic, and by seeking and utilizing one's own inner
strength to overcome the power of the illusionary loss!

Fears will begin to dwindle, as one begins to make more and more contact with his own true self.
Such contact and communication is developed, as one begins to live life with more purity and
lesser desires. The lesser one wants - the lesser one will fear to lose - the more will power he will
gain to remain untouched and pure. As will power increases, one is not easily affected by every
outer change. Such steadfastness and discipline gives one the wealth of faith in his own self. The
faith in one's own self will, eventually, give him the experiences of its reality. The more he
experiences the hidden powers of the self, the lesser he will want from the transient world; and
the lesser he wants, the more he will truly receive from the powers within! Such a man that
remains content in the self will see only with its eyes and will recognize the oneness of all the
Divine creation. For him, there is no friend - no foe - no giver - no taker - no attacker - no
caretaker. When all the outer differences are dissolved by the powers of self-realization, there
remains no more reason to live in the seclusion of identity and form. It is only the falsehood of
identity that blinds one enough to steal from the same self in another form! But when one
becomes only the core and leaves alone the outer shell, then one finds the joy of being the same
life in the different manifestations. The wisdom of such oneness, and the constant awareness of
the one God, one power, and one love in all, will allow the enlightened one to always see that the
only truth in every fear is its emptiness!


Be in love at every single moment of this precious life, for, when one spends time in love, he will
save the strength of his life entirely for the Divine task and mission. Realize, My child, that the
path to love is always open. Hence, it is only man, himself, that becomes the barrier between his
Divine strength and love. In the continuous evil greed of expecting to be recognized for his
doing, man loses the joy of the purity that love touches him with. The act of love that is
performed only in the complete realization of the presence of the one eternal witness, will bestow
the doer with the experience that emanates with the spontaneity of the Divine Response!

Love is the source of contentment that allows every living being to be and to express themselves,
fully. Hence, in loving, My child, lies the glory of finding and realizing the role and purpose of
the true self. Until you are not able to see the reality in your own self, until then, you will not be
able to perform its wonders! Thus, search for every channel that opens to the core of the heart
and blend together the thought, the word and the action with its uplifting, innocent offering of
splendid purity! Do not burn, anymore, in the fires of selfishness. Soothe every craving, My dear,
by reaching deep within and gathering the wealth of the absolute knowledge, for the one that
finds the courage to lean upon the pillar of truth will never, ever, find the fulfillment in reaping
and hoarding any worldly gains! Devote yourself to the task for which the self has come to
realize, and let every little truth that you come to know and experience in the midst of the
journey, become your language that communicates with the still awareness! Hence, in every part
of life, let the strength of the self lead - let the soft innocence of pure love follow - let the will
power of discipline embrace - and let the contentment of this self-realization detach yourself and
life from the poverty of unending desires!

Remember, the self is never separate from anything or anyone. Its identity lies in expressing the
complete purity of its true nature. Hence, even if the biggest sinner is able to recognize the errors
in his choices and is ready to bend before the will of the self, even he, My child, would instantly
become the receiver and the transmitter through which the purity of the self can readily express.
Even the debts of karma nullify, before the one that lives in the solitude of the self, alone! Hence,
do not be discouraged and follow the trails of horrifying memories of the past wrongs. Past is
past! It is the present that gives you the strength to swallow every little weakness of the past.
Thus, never lose hope - keep in mind always that whatever may have your wrong choices, the
self been within remained untouched and unchanged and it can, even now, rescue you from the
voluntary blindness!

Develop the attitude in which you see only the right - only the good. Whatever you truly yearn to
see, is what you will really experience. Do not waste time in wasteful analyzing - arguing -
competing and criticizing. Lead time, with your determination in completing your every
responsibility, and let its silent success fill you with greater spiritual inspiration. Think always
the highest - speak always the softest - and work always the hardest. That is My message to you,


The closer one begins to reach the highest peak of a mountain, the more treacherous and steeper
becomes the climb. In the same way, the earlier phase of one's spiritual journey is a little easier -
the higher one rises and comes closer to the truth, the bigger seems the challenge in keeping
one's inner faith. Faith that is linked to one's own desires is bound to shake and make you
stumble. True faith is the eye of the purest love. Such faith can be developed and attained by
intensifying the discipline within one's way of life that awakens the strength of inspiration. It is
only inspiration that gives the will to dedication. True and continuous dedication to simpleness
and purity will find its way to an innocent and childlike love that will depend upon the complete
inner guidance. When one begins to take every small step in life only by the promptings that
awaken by the sense of his inner purity, he, My child, begins to ignore, easily, the fears of his
mind and develops an intuitive power that allows his love for the truth to become the true
experience. When one, over and over again uses his intuitive power, he begins to develop higher
powers of concentration that allows his awareness to the truth to become instantaneous. When
awareness begins to grow, one only finds confidence in the self's language, and such confidence
gives one the steadfastness of faith in the self's every choice. The powers of selfless love, purity
and faith in the self will let one rise to climb to the peak of concentration, and the power of this
inner focus leads one's self to merge with the eye of the Divine consciousness so that it
experiences its power as a part of the entire existence. Hence, faith, My child, will come, only
when one is ready to love only the reality of truth.

Forego all your worries, My child, and keep the path clear for the self to emerge and guide every
aspect of your life with its fearless strength. Realize that it is one's own selfishness that steals
from one the purity of faith. The fear of knowing the true self within makes one's vision foggy
and weak, and thus, the reality appears unclear to the one that lacks love for his own true nature.
Man is unable to experience the will power of God within him, only because he has entangled its
divine strength with the impurities of his own desires and hopeless attachments. Remember that
a poor will power will make one dependent and enslaved only upon the demands of the mind,
and such a one will not be able to see nor believe the perfection and the purity of his own inner

There is no reality to fear, ever. Fear becomes the reality, only when one loses contact with his
own self. Realize, My child, that the reality of the self keeps all fears at bay. Know that the
uncertainty of the next moment can be captured, when one makes the present moment the very
best. Even the slightest laziness will give you several moments of undue worry. Hence, finish
every given task, and let the joy and confidence of its peace lead and steer you towards the
ultimate goal. Worry, My child, is the state of denial - faith is the humility of acceptance. The
time has come for one to see that the glory of God is not hidden in the mystical clouds. Yes!
Heaven is not a place for one to imagine or dream of. Heaven is the bliss of one's awareness of
the strength of his own purity that awakens one to express its simpleness. Hell, My child, is when
one indulges and obsesses with his own fears and becomes possessed with them, so much so, that
the simpleness of the truth becomes the source of his every anxiety. Hence, choose, My dear, the
heaven of truth and reject, once and forever, the hell of fear!


Compassion is the master key that opens the doors to the heart that contains within it the gift of
Divine Love. Kindness, My child, is the strength of a noble heart that is able to recognize the
pain within another heart. Such a noble one, willingly, takes upon his own self the task of healing
the wound and lessening the pain with the one and only one miraculous cure, his patience! Yes!
The virtue of patience will overcome the rebellion of the pain and will forgive the every error of
the self-attack!

Realize, My child, that even the heart that has turned to stone will begin to melt upon the
experience of the first gentle touch. In whatever state of inner chaos, there is no one that will
reject and ignore the offering of pure love. If you face the disappointment of a poor response, it
is only because the offering lacked complete purity!

Kindness is not an act that favors one's own selfish interests. Such an act, is not kindness, but
only a pretense, whose fakeness will be revealed to the receiver, sooner or later. True kindness is
giving an unfortunate one the stability and security of one's own selfless love that he has
gathered while experiencing the ups and downs of the wavering life and its circumstances. Such
maturity comes, when one envelopes the ways of life within the wings of wisdom that reveals
before him the eternal truth. Yes! It is only the awareness to the truth that will give one the
persistence to be gentle, even before the howling and growling of the roughest waves of life!

One begins to lose the warmth of kindness, when one experiences continuous fears of unreal
losses. In the midst of such fears, man begins to protect and hoard that which will not stay
forever, and in the bargain, looses the real strength that he brings from the Divine Mother. When
inner strength becomes weak and frail, one begins to depend more and more on the outer impure
favors and such dependence brings the division of differences, and when such walls are erected
in the midst of fearful desires, they prevent one from seeing that it is the very same light that
brightens the dark corners of every inner home!

Be kind and gentle in every little thing you do. A kind smile - a gentle word - a warm touch will
inspire the true self to rise and awaken with its fullest glory. Wherever you look, it is only a
mirror, My child, for, in every form of life there is only the one reflection - that of the self alone!
Hence, helping another is only awakening your vision to the true reality. Embracing another is
only learning to love who you really are. Lifting another with your confidence is only finding the
strength of the self. Believing and trusting another is only finding the strength of unshakable
faith. Guiding another is finding one's own way. Hence, realize, My dear child, that in all the
good you do - it is only you that ultimately receives the wealth of all the pure efforts. Remember
only God, My child; forgive and forget the rest!


Be happy! Be happy! For

Whatever life brings
Whatever it takes Is only an illusion
That enwraps you in its deceit
And blindfolds the spiritual eye
From seeing the rainbows of divinity
That emerge from the pure will
Of the true self!
Be content! Be content!
Realize, O child
That whatever time gives
It will eventually take back
Hence, lean upon the gifts
That the self brings its birth
And utilize its pure powers
To wipe all memories
Of losses and gains
Be free! Be free!
Fly, My child, with the wings of truth
And let not the sorrows of desires
Ever touch the courage
To remain perched at the highest peak
Let life come - let time go
But you, My child, must remain
The same, always
For you, there is no coming - no going - for
You are that part - that comes to be
The true love of life
And you are the whole that leaves a part
Of its pure love within the journey of life
Thus your link with life
Is not, My child, by birth or death
But it is with the love you bring
It is with the love you live
It is with the love you leave behind!
Live the life of love
And let love live, forever!

The obstruction to the purity of simple, innocent love is what one secretly and subtly desires
from the love. Realize, My child, that the response of love is not even a little lesser than what
you have been able to humbly offer to that particular form of love. One experiences an
unbalanced response in a relationship, only because he is ignorantly weighing his love and
desires together and is expecting the return to be only the weight of pure love. No, My child!
That is only the dream of a foolish man that attempts to justify to the real self that his desires are
only pure and will only enhance the beauty of the love that he offers. But the reality remains that
any desire, however small, whatever its intent, will, eventually, corrode and rust the brilliance of
purity that the true love beholds! A mother works very hard for her child to be and to see the very
best in life, but the moment she expects her efforts to reflect in her child's life, she, My child,
loses the present strength of effort and creates the empty vacuum in the pure relationship which
causes the child to begin the hopeless and painful descent into the world of payment that
bargains the value of love and demeans it to become an equal exchange. Remember, My child,
that love that begins to be measured loses its height and becomes as small and impure as one's
expectations from it.

Love is the wings that allow one to see the reality of the self much mightier than one's own
selfish interests. Today, even the love between the parent and the child is impure and selfish,
hence, they suffer the grief of their own misinterests. Suffering, My child, is itself the reflection
of one's own selfish interest from the love he has given. A true lover is only content in giving the
joy of love and does not count the ways of return. Love that is given and remembered will only
wait, impatiently, for its due return. Hence, to experience true love, one has to be content with his
love for the inner self - only then, will he be able to give its strength and not worry, if his gift has
been rightly appreciated. Looking for appreciation, is only seeking the troubles of the future

Be grateful for every little experience that allows you to taste the sweetness of love. Every love
that is given to you can be pure if you accept it with no judgments. Love becomes priceless,
when one is able to receive its fullest joy, even in the smallest act. Until the lesson of love is
learned, your life, My child, will stay incomplete, once again, in this birth, and the true self will
initiate another journey of life for it to complete the unfinished lesson. Let the lesson become the
practice and let this practice give you the wondrous experience, in which you are able to see the
love become the self and are able to realize the self to be the strength that gives love the sparkle
of its purity.

Leave all, My child, in the hands of faith, and let the inner self awaken and arise to lead and
surround you in its world of truth and pure love. Let not the fear of any work follow you - fear
reflects in the slightest untruth, hence, adhere to the complete truth and with its strength, dive
deep down, with the pure love for hard work and dissolve, once and forever, the links that hold
you captive in the kingdom of insecurity, doubts and forceful fears! Do not, My child, be
enslaved, anymore, to your imaginations. To be able to see the naked reality, one has to grow, not
in height, weight or age, but one has to expand his vision and broaden the mind so that it is able
to encompass all the aspects of life and merge all its illusionary differences into the reality of
atmic equality and oneness. The preparation to know and realize God, is life, itself, hence, take
every moment of life with utmost seriousness and resolve to make time the expression of your
divine perfection! Make peace your first and only priority in every action and before your every
reaction. Do not let the disturbances of the mind interfere with the dedication to your spiritual
disciplines. It is ironical and simply pitiful, when one fills himself with the worries of his desires
and attempts to find God. Sometimes, it is the impurity in the desire to find God, itself, that
causes the inevitable blindness for his search. God, My child, cannot be found by the chaos of
severe anxiety, but He, My child, is seen by the one that is confident of his contact with his own
inner purity. God will not appear with the threat of tears or with one's outbursts of his passions,
but He, My sweet, will grace the awareness of His presence to the one that builds the home of
peace for Him! And how does one bring the beauty of peace in his life? Peace comes, the instant
one sacrifices, willingly, with no resentments, no memories and no expectations, his every desire,
before another's well being. Peace that comes by a compromise will, once again, at another
moment, light the fire of resentment and expectation - but by complete sacrifice, one,
immediately, gives another the permanent gift of joy.

Grow spiritually, My child, with life's every experience. Do not be bitter with life, ever, for one
makes his own bed of thorns to lie upon. Every downfall in life simply measures your distance
from God. The bigger the downfall, the farther you are, My child, from the reality. Realize that
one can rise from the biggest fall - the strength to rise comes, only when one refuses to bury his
self, any more, in the burdens of his undue worries. The one that thinks, sporadically, awakens
fear in his every act. Hence, be alert, and begin to channel every thought towards an inspiration
that awakens you from the pit of worries. Realize that the Giver of life did not send you with no
weapons to fight the powers of illusion. Remember, you give illusion its power by acting and
believing in it. The moment you reject it and instead, lean upon the power of the Lord, the
illusion, My child, fades, as simply as it appeared. Fight! For now is the time - lose the fears,
now, before the fears use you to lose the powers of reality!


A disagreement is the clashing and confrontation of two minds that bicker only to protect and
survive its own selfish desires. In such a situation, each one becomes a stubborn, unruly child
and simply argues to want his own way. Realize, My dear, that it is the small, petty
disagreements that sow the seeds of hatred, which, in the future, blossoms to be the evil tree that
shelters the mind from the pure pleas of the innocent heart. Hence, a wise one will end the
beginning of the smallest disagreement by instantly responding with natural love and complete
understanding, thus, allowing the one that has temporarily lost his stability to gather his lost
strength, and with it, retrace his steps back to the first step. Once again, the noble soul will rise
above the past experience and will completely erase the memories and like a good and dedicated
teacher will allow the one that is immersed in remorse and repentance to rise to the surface and
see the present moment. With the strength of love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding
that one receives from his so-called opponent, one will rectify his past and will come to embrace
the one that he had once wished to assault!

It is very easy to be an enemy, My dear, and very difficult to remain, ever, as a true friend. Learn
not to criticize, My child, for criticism is like the lime that sours every friendship. Do not praise
with insincere comments, for insincerity is the axe that cruelly cuts the link of pure love in the
existing friendship. Friendship must never be built on the foundation of fear; neither must it ever
be encompassed by the insecure walls of evil competitiveness. The biggest comfort of a true
friendship is in one being his very true self. There must be no hypocrisies - no masks - for the
friend must be able to see and accept the true face you wear. These two that are linked together in
this bond of loyal love must believe that it is their strength, together, that makes their love pure.
In true friendship, one willingly takes the other's burdens and gives him the strength of his own
inner joy. Realize, My child, that life itself is your very best friend, for it walks with you until the
very end and even beyond!

Plan life, not the way you desire it to be, but instead, spend every moment in building the inner
strength to face its sudden changes. A change is experienced, only when one is floating in the
dreams of his desires and is rudely awakened by the call of bright daylight. The one that has no
expectations from life will not notice nor be aware of any change, for he is too immersed in
seeking the way out, instead of being submerged in the bitterness of complaints. In any
relationship, My child, give, as much as you can - do not waste your time in finding ways of
receiving it back. Remember, always, love has only one way - one direction and one purpose.
Yes! It is Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

Free yourselves, from this moment on, by picking up the barriers that limit your love. It is the
limitation of your giving that makes the joy of endless love a battle of equal exchange. The root
of every pain is in one fostering one's own hidden desires. Give up your secret wish and what
will appear before you will be the basis of your every need.......

Peace - Love - Joy!


Devotion, My child, is not love, but it is the simplicity of one's dedication to maintain, under all
circumstances, the purity enclosed in that love. Without the purity, love has no meaning, no value
and no rewards. Purity, My child, is neither pretense nor act, but it is the spontaneous nature of
the truth that becomes the expression of the one that lives every moment and leans the entire
weight of his life upon its courage. Without the love for seeking the truth, one will never be able
to experience the confidence and joy that the highest love can graciously bestow. Hence, the
beginning mark of a spiritual journey is when one abhors the life of deceit and reaches, eagerly,
towards living a life that is disciplined with the rules and power of the absolute truth!

Love becomes easy, when one lives life for its beauty, alone. A spiritual aspirer is confused in his
journey, for he wonders if it is faith that leads him to divine love or is it the powers of love that
reward him with instantaneous faith. My answer to that is faith is the eye of the blind love! Love
and faith are both simply the reflections of one's own inner state of purity. Hence, which comes
first can never be known nor determined, for without love, faith cannot stay - and without faith,
love cannot move and touch! Just like fire is recognized, together, by its brilliance and intense
warmth, devotion, too, is recognized by both the brilliant light of faith that brightens its path and
by the warmth of pure love that nurtures and protects one from the coldness of the world's
illusions. Wherever there is fire, one will see the light and experience the heat - if the light is
separated from the warmth, it is no more a fire. In the same way, wherever there is devotion,
there must be both love and faith - if one is separated from the other, the purity of the devotion

True devotion for God arises, when the clasp of desires weakens. When in love, you must
experience only the joy of the self - anything that hinders your intimacy with the self will subdue
the uplifting waves of devotion. The joy of devotion can be shared by implementing sweet,
simple, selfless acts. The purity in the love remains, when one is neither boastful nor showy of
his experience with the inner world. Hence, realize, My child, that in being alone in this
wondrous experience, truly gives one the fullest joy. One feels lonely and desperate, when one
identifies the divine experience of devotion to the existing form, identity and body. But the one
that relates the experience to the self will realize that the joy of his finding is known to the every

Make every relationship pure by giving the other your real self. Devote yourselves not only to
the altars in your homes or places of worship but bathe the atmosphere with love, wherever your
self touches. Let your ways to love be quiet. The response of selfless love comes, when one
expects it the least. Devote your lives in finding only the right way. Living right is the might of
love. Purity awakens, My child, upon the implementation of one's own will power. Once the will
arises, it emits the surge of supreme love that fills the void of the past errors. Such a one will
establish his reign over the present and will, himself, pave the way to the known - the final
destination! God!


The mother is the first love of every being. The foundation of her child's journey of love is laid
down by the sincerity and purity of her dedication towards the perfection of her role. The bond
between the mother and the child is instantaneous, right upon her delivery and its birth. It is her
hand that gently wipes the first tears of the newborn - Yes! It is her radiant smile that reassures
the new life that his birth is not futile. The joy that the mother receives in simply being in her
child's presence gives the child its continual direction towards its mission of pure love. Hence, in
the very first step of life, man begins his journey of love and faith in the arms of his mother, and
the memories of these secure moments, he carries with him at every stage of his life. Thus, every
child is the reflection of his mother's heart and sacrifice!

It, thus, becomes very important for every mother to realize the seriousness of her given task.
She, My child, must forgo the painful temptation of her every desire and lay her life and love
upon the feet of her little joy! Never must she lose courage nor give up hopelessly on her child,
for it is her strength of faith that gives her every child the life of hope and prayer. The mother is
known to be "the living God" in the child's life. Such a title is not simply bestowed upon her -
but it is given because the child opens to his own self to seek the pure strengths within him, only
when he is inspired by the ideals set and followed by his own mother. An ideal mother will never
make any demands of her child. A good mother will see that the safety of her child lies in the
hands of the Lord and will make every moment of her motherhood a prayer that begs from the
Generous Lord for the well being of her sweet love! The smallest expression of love that she
receives from her child, she cherishes and carries its memories so that she is able to derive from
the inner strength more purity to play her life long role!

Whatever may be the circumstances - whatever change life may bring - the mother, My child,
must keep the child completely secure with her loving, confident smile. Realize that when any
child sees his mother weep, he loses the right of hope. Hence, she must be alert that none of her
tears and anxieties ever reveal to touch and scar her child's life. The strength, the vision and the
direction in a mother's life is her love, and that flame of love must never flicker, nor become
weak to dwindle and extinguish. Selflessness is the fuel that keeps the flame of love ever alight -
even the slightest selfishness can make her child dejected and reach out to experience the
weaknesses of his own evil desires. Thus, one must always remember that the child will slip,
only when the mother has already fallen!

The mother that remains inspired and accepts with courage the every challenge that comes to
defy her dedication towards the perfection of her role - such a mother, My sweet, will raise her
child to be the righteous leader that will make life follow the command of his inner will!


There is no difference between the devotee and His Lord for in you is the Him - and the Him, My
child, is the real you that comes to live this life as the wave of love, emerging and submerging in
its glorious bounties, revealing the brilliance of its divinity in this short interval between life and
death! Yes! Life, My child, is the game of hide-n-seek, for one comes as love to see the truth, to
hide from the illusion and to find within his own self the perfect reality! God is there, where one
is able to see the true self. Where the vision of the self is lost, there is where the desire will sow
its poisonous seed, only to entangle and entwine you in the tree that bears the thorns of suffering.
Hence, do not worry for the way that lies ahead - focus only upon the one that walks this entire
journey. Let not the twists and turns threaten you to be any less than the one - the only true self
that you have come to be. Know and realize, My child, that you are complete, even if life is not.
Assert the purity of the self upon your every doing, and experience the bliss and beauty of this
love that will reveal to you the every truth!


True love will never entangle his loved one in the web of his own fearful desires and impure
thoughts. The biggest and the best selfless service you can perform for your dearest one is to
keep him far away from the hopelessness of your inner impure state. In today's world, where the
bonds of love are weak and perishable, the two that call themselves to be "in love" do not spare
each other from sharing their wrongs and miseries. In fact, the purpose of such relationships has
become to support each other's wrongs and conceal them. No wonder, in the present age, the
closest relationships are no more holding their worth of respect and love, and the strength of their
bonds are diminishing under the pressures of evil differences.

A relationship, My child, reflects the truth and reality, when it is linked by the vows of sacrifice
and sincerity. The pain in any relationship can never be blamed upon one, for the distress is due
to a lack of proper understanding between the two. In a bond of true love, the words of
communication become unnecessary, for the two have conquered the distance that separates
them to be two and have truly become one. In such a state, one will feel uplifted in the other's joy
and will, instantly, feel the pain, when the other silently suffers. The strength of a relationship
does not come by constantly spending fruitless time together, but it comes, My child, when two
minds come together to give each other the strength of peace so that each walks ahead in their
own chosen spiritual journeys and come closer to their known goals.

Be together in your search for life's truth but let it not become a desperate dependence, where
one loses the sight of the truth, without the other. Such dependencies give one the lack of self
confidence, self worth and self-direction. Do not get attached to a certain stage of any
relationship - the health of any good relationship depends upon the stability of change. Each one
will draw the pure love from the relationship and will grow alone, at the right time. Give the
encouragement and the room for the other to grow and spiritually prosper - be inspired, My
child, wait patiently. If the bonds between the two hearts and minds are balanced and pure, then,
you, too, will rise to touch and meet the other at the same height of the spiritual ecstasy.
Do not worry and make the relationship small and petty. Do not continuously waste time in
examining the relationship to measure its give and take. A pure bond of love is free, My child - it
never suffers the pangs of physical separation. Separation is felt, when love still exists at the
physical plane. Such kind of love is not truly existing in the oneness but is attached to the false
illusions of differences. Realize, My child, that the relationships that are bound by illusions
become a memory, too!

All that ever remains alive and eternal is pure love. Yes! Pure love can never destroyed by time,
circumstance and fate. If you have truly loved, you, My child, will never fear. The one that fears
his love has truly never loved at all!


Thoughts obstruct the flow of faith in one's own self. The mind that is raided by constant
thoughts will find it impossible to experience a moment's silence. Such a one, will live his life in
constant fatigue and will fear every moment of rest for he dreads to sleep upon the bed of his
inner confusions. Man, today, finds it difficult to accomplish his daily tasks. In fact, he is tired,
even before the day has begun. Little does he realize that the work is small, but his fear to do the
work is hovering and intimidating his time and efforts. Instead of utilizing the sources of his own
inner powers to perform his duty and chosen work, he argues and defies with the confidence of
his own self and prefers spending his time in trying to avoid his work and demean his every
rising effort!

Man requires 5-6 hours of sleep daily. The body craves for more sleep, for one, in the waking
hours, has abused it with the attack of his mind. The body, My child, is the instrument of the
spirit - Yes! The soul is its only master! If one will control its movements by the chaos of one's
own mind, that body is going to age rapidly and will break under the spell and curse of man's
wishes! The health of the body is dependent upon the focal strength of the mind. If the mind is
able to focus and concentrate upon the goals that emanate from the purity of the inner self, then,
such a one, will receive the optimal use of his body and will protect it from the dark shadows of
disease and aging.

Thought processes can be decreased by increasing spiritual activities. Spiritual activities allow
one to be controlled and directed by discipline, rather than comfort. Realize, My child, that
discipline is not the rigidity of rules but it is the freedom to peace. Discipline is nothing but the
vision of the one way - the true way - for it is the illusionary options of the mind that bring the
hopeless diversions. Thoughts arise, only when one debates the truth and tries to find a way that
is easier on the mind. Realize, My dear one, that if one thing is easier on the mind, then it is
surely going to be tougher to release the truth from the self. When you are constantly receptive to
the mind, you, My child, have closed every channel to the true self!

Think less of what may happen and simply do what you are supposed to. Whatever you may fear,
even if it does happen, realize, there is always a way out. It is much better to spend time in
finding the way out, rather than indulging in the pity of being lost! The right way can never be
found by constant probing and thinking. Only where there is inner silence, the self will arise to
direct its divine mission. Worry, My child, is the nature of a lazy mind! Be organized, do all that
you must, and do not give the mind an opportunity to ever speak the language of fear and wear
down your will power and inner strength. Believe, My child, that a good life depends upon the
dedication in your spiritual efforts - the contentment in your mental state and the faith and love
you have for the nature of the inner spirit. Know your self by experience, My child - not by

Be yourself, always
No matter what fear may bring
The wheel of life will only turn
You, My child, must see the center
Of that circle that never travels
To the whims of time and fate
Embrace all that comes as love
And release the fears that bind you to wish
Let all the pretenses fall
And rise to play life's every role
With the wisdom of the one reality - the one truth
And in this wondrous experience of love and truth
Find the peace of your own self.
Be yourself, always
Then only will you realize, O Love
That God lives In you
As the simple sweet truth!
Yes! God expresses His Divine Will
Only when you find the courage
To be only you! Only you! Only you!
For only in the real you
Is the Divine presence!

Man sees God, only when he believes, finds and experiences within his own self the every
strength of God! Yes! When the reality of one's identity reveals - the source, My child, becomes
clearly evident! Hence, the search for God is nothing but unfolding the nature of your own true
self. Finding God, is being able to express the glorious powers of one's own inner strengths. And
realizing God is knowing and experiencing the self itself to be the Divine Presence! Such
realization, My child, comes not by preaching, but by practicing - it comes not by doubting or
fearing, but by facing the every demon with one's faith in his own inner strengths!

Believe, My child, in the wisdom of the self, always, and life will never attempt to tease you
again. Never accept the glittering gifts of life and remain indebted to it - instead, offer it the
radiance, the brilliance and the majesty of your simple, sweet nature. Remain ahead of time -
remain in control of your own destiny, and let life follow you on your miraculous journey. Do
not worry, anymore, about receiving, leaving, gaining and losing! Do not imprison the self with
the impulsiveness of greed!

Strive for the highest purity, for purity is the link that ties one's love for the Divine Master with
His will! When the love is pure and selfless, one receives the direct commands from the Lord
that resides in his heart. Confusion and misunderstandings in love comes, only when the desires
interfere. Where there is no desire, there, My child, love will have no limitation. Hence, to attain
the stage of the highest purity, one has to give up all expectations - from life - from every
relationship - from time - from fate - even from God, and he, My child, has to give his very best,
keeping, always, the truth as the goal - love as the effort - peace as the link and perfection as the

The temporary belief in the pains of one's own weaknesses brings the illusions of suffering. No
suffering is ever real, My child! Know that and end the darkness of its pains by lighting the lamp
of wisdom within. Be content with what is given - be thankful for what is taken - be joyful in
your every experience - be courageous at all times - be confident to be yourself!

The health of a mind depends upon its ability to maintain its silence. Such silence can be
obtained, when one performs his daily duties with utmost love and his fullest effort. The one that
keeps his entire focus upon his chosen work will never be perturbed nor interrupted by any
unsettling thought processes. Even if a ripple of thoughts would emerge, one would be able to
easily ignore it by the strength he derives from the contentment and confidence with his own
self. Man, today, is filled with thoughts of fear. He has actually made fear his guiding light to
walk his life and has become dependent upon its illusionary threats to function. Little does he
realize, that fear blinds, binds and buries him little by little!

Just like a little child that has found the wonderment of language, the mind, too, speaks
voraciously. In the case of the child, it is the mother that determines how much attention she
must pay to the child's attempt of communication. In the same way, thoughts may be many but
the truth in the right act is only one! Hence, it is you that speaks and determines by your will
power as to which thoughts you must discard and which thoughts you must keep and channel.
Thoughts that make you weak, fearful, and worrisome must be discarded immediately, and not
simply set aside, for they will then, slowly, emerge again, to consume you in a later, weaker stage
of life! Thoughts that give you the gift of divine inspiration must be harbored and its energies
must be channeled towards the chosen task.

Unable to face the ups and downs of life's changes, one becomes moody in nature. Moodiness is
nothing but the state of mental laziness. When one begins to lose the strength of his heart, he
breaks the link that allows the mind to focus upon the heart's strength. When the mind loses its
focus, it, suddenly, has no direction. It begins to lose its own strength in the chaos of unsettling
thoughts. When the thoughts consume life and try to give the self its direction, one finds himself
walking in all directions, with no goal and no inspiration. In such a state, one experiences a
vacuum - Yes! An emptiness, in which one lives without the love for his own self! In such
moments, one expresses himself by short outbursts of anger - then sometimes by bitterness, and
other times, by remorse, repentance and self-pity!

Do not let the small ups and downs of life make you love your journey any lesser. Realize, My
child, that every defeat in life has a purpose - Yes! It is that of a bigger success, at some stage
ahead. Success is not the final win, My child, but it is the balance with which one is able to meet
with any end result. Depressions come in life, only when one makes his desire of being happy an
obsession. Happiness is not in what one becomes or receives in life, but it is the strength, where
one stays to be the self, alone. Hence, do not make life the restless run - but rise above it with
purity and perch yourself at the highest point, where one sees the beauty of life with the clearest
vision. The perfection of life can never be attained by desires - hence, do not put the undue
pressure on the self by wanting from it, continuously. Life is the best, when one finds the
strength to accept it the way it comes to you!


Even a speck of conceit and arrogance can make the world of the Lord appear small,
inconspicuous and fearful. Arrogance is the deceitful dagger that appears to point out to his so
called enemy, but little does one know, that at the end, it is the attacker that becomes the victim
of his own so called form of defense. Man, in his ignorance today, has made his arrogance an
expression of his honor, his dignity and recognizes humbleness and humility as a sign of mental
weakness and meek behavior. He credits all his worldly successes to its evil promptings, and
fails to see in his voluntary blindness, the will power of the divine that guides him through all of
life's changes.
Man, hopelessly, attempts to be recognized and praised for all that he thinks he does alone. In
this phobia and fear of receiving his so called "due recognition", he fails to put the true love and
the sincere effort in the chosen work. Such insecurity gives rise to the inequality of his vision. He
forgets in the poison of pride that in every work, there can never be only one instrument, for even
the smallest work is carried out by the hard work of several hands - by the love, inspiration,
guidance and sacrifice of several hearts! But, unfortunately, the poison of arrogance carries him
to the illusionary peak of success from which he watches and observes all other creation to be
much smaller, weaker and meeker than his so found might! Such a one, will, one day, suddenly
be confronted by the challenges of time and destiny and he, My child, being dizzy and
disoriented by the illusionary visions of his success will fall from the biggest height into the pit
of the reality!

Pride swells within the one that has associated all his doings in life with the most inferior
thoughts. The moment one looks for credit, realize that he, My child, is foolishly gambling his
entire strength only to taste a moment's joy of insincere praise! Hence, My child, in whatever
you do, do not perform - for only a performance looks for an applause - an act, that beholds truth,
works in the silence of bliss of purity! Work hard, today - complete the chosen task with love.
Rest in the bliss of no worry, and rise, tomorrow, to a bigger task - a bigger promise!

A man of truth sees not the glory of his efforts but focuses, constantly, upon the goal and purpose
of his work. Do not live, My child, in trying to be another's dream. Most are worried in what
another may say - or what another may think of him. Few, My sweet, can be themselves, and
actually, experience the brilliant light of wisdom. A work of perfection will immediately grant
you with the joy of inner contentment. Realize that, and do not look for an external source of

Parents, today, brag and praise their children for the littlest they do. They, themselves, foolishly
foster false pride within their tender hearts and later weep, when the child is too consumed by his
own victories to even look after their smallest needs in their old age! Remember, "raise with little
praise." Too many pats on the shoulder may bring about the careless fall! Realize that the best
confidence is in what one receives from his own self. Hence, recognize your own limitations and
find the way to break through its boundaries!


Self control is the power of purity that allows one to reach and contact the highest self for its
simple and true guidance. The will power of such purity eliminates the obstacles of the
continuous emerging thoughts that constantly arise from the mind, in order to subdue and defy
the divine inspiration from leading one's life to focus upon the true self. Hence, self control is no
imprisonment, My child, but, it is, in reality, the highest freedom in which one chooses to
express only by the knowledge of his true self. Remember, O child, that the control that the self
exerts upon all the external influences does not, in any way, limit the strength of your actions; it,
My child, only directs your strength and awareness towards the one truth - so that the cause and
effect of your every action and reaction is in complete harmony with the nature of the divine self.
Hence, realize, My dear, that living one's life of self-discipline is not living the life of fears, but it
is making every fear truly confront the perfection of one's own self - it is educating one's mind to
think like what he has come to be!

Self control awakens in the one that is slowly becoming conscious to the every wrong and is
using the strength of his sincere repentance to keep the wrong only as a reminder that directs the
present into the path that remains free and clear from every impurity. Failure in maintaining the
self-discipline comes, only when one is already weak and is completely influenced to the
suggestive nature of the mind and the senses. In such a state, one can control the weakness by
limiting and keeping his desires to the bare minimum. Yes! The lesser one wants or expects from
life the lesser the mind is able to manipulate. Be bold, and learn to accept all life has come to
give - realize, My child, that a true master learns from his every experience and only then, uses
its wisdom to restrain the reigns of fears and illusionary temptations. Isolate yourselves from
every outer disturbing influence - gain, My child, little by little your own self, with every pure
act - and only then, will you see clearly that you are the only way that reaches and touches the
power of God!

The true strength and the will power of the self within will not reveal itself, if you are determined
to remain weak. The weakness for worldly temptations comes, when one is unable to give his
own self the due respect, confidence and love. Realize, My child, that what makes you unhappy
in life is not in what you lose, but it is in the discontentment one experiences in the limitations of
the worldly gains. The world will make you the king, today, and the beggar of tomorrow - but the
one that treads upon life with his inner power will stay to be the Master, always! The success of
any discipline depends upon one's comprehension of the hidden, subtle love that lies entwined
with its rules. If one is unable to see the love, then discipline becomes forced and the results of
such control are only rebellious and resentful. The one that sees the ways of discipline as love
will find the reflection of God in his every act!


Devotion is the highest and utmost dedication that allows one to experience the continuous
uninterrupted flow of pure love. Such a love is the result of one's undaunted spiritual efforts. The
love that one experiences for God is Supreme, and, in no way, can it be compared to any worldly
attachments. But, most today, are unable to feel the intensity of pure love, for they have diverted
the strength of their energy towards those temptations that have offered them less than a
moment's pleasure and a lifetime's worth of repentful suffering. Man desires to love and in this
desire he, My child, has lost the spontaneity and simplicity of its pure expression.

The love for God is natural in every being. It is only, that one is unconscious to its state of
awareness and hence, is unable to derive its power upon the simple will. The biggest hindrance
that obstructs the pure love for God is the expectation of an immediate response from an external
source. The response to a pure prayer lies in one's continual state of spiritual transformation and
in one's clearer comprehension of his own self! Realize, My child, a sincere yearning to contact
God will surely result in one, slowly, finding the miraculous divine powers of the Master in his
own self. The initial stage of devotion is when one serves God with the purity enclosed in his
every act. The more self control one begins to exert, the more love one finds for the perfection of
God. As pure love grows and progresses, one begins to realize by his experiences that he is much
closer to God than he thinks. He begins to slowly lose the body consciousness, he willingly
begins to give up his worldly identity, and he begins to channel his entire consciousness to focus
upon the awareness of the inner spirit. In this stage, the pure love becomes aware of its own
strength. As the awareness begins to grow, one clearly sees and experiences the divine powers in
his own self, and thus, in the final stages of devotion, one experiences and completely
comprehends the totality of the Supreme powers in the self. He, then, goes beyond the stage, in
which he sees God in the self and he now sees God as the self and the self as God itself!

Devotion is the process, in which one slowly begins to lose his attachments to the way of life,
and draws life to the will power of his own self. Such a divine love lacks reason and contains
within it only the pure strength that emanates from its true nature. Remember, My child, that the
fire of desires can be calmed and extinguished, only when one finds his self walking the blissful
journey of loving the one in the all, simply for the sake of love, alone. Yes! The love for love,
itself, allows one to reach the highest level of self contentment.

Realize, My child, that only in the acts of purity, lies spiritual upliftment. It is only such waves of
spiritual upliftment that gives one the strength of self-confidence, and it is self-confidence that
allows one to unveil the impurity of his false pride and makes him seek the life that offers to him
the gifts of the truth. Once you have encountered with the taste of the smallest truth, you, My
sweet, will experience the waves of pure love that is completely unattached and unresponsive to
any form of fear. This is the love in which divinity dwells. Yes! This is the love that comes to
liberate man from his every bondage!


The time one faces, itself, speaks of the present state of one's inner purity. Time, My child, can
touch and swirl only the one that has lost all value of his own inner strengths. Man, today,
obsesses over his desires for his entire life and is able to possess what he wishes, for only a
moment! Yes! For a moment's pleasure, he chooses a lifetime's fear! How unfortunate he is, for
he lives like the miser that passionately saves his wealth in his treasury and spends his days
utilizing nothing from it - Yes! The reality of his poverty is unknown to him, for he lives in the
false security and the mere promise of the hidden wealth that he is now even unable to access!
Realize, My child, that it is your own self destruction that makes time your foe! Time is like the
bank, for it gives you only what you have deposited in it. Time is rewarding, only when one
spends it to gain his own self. If you spend it for any lesser, you, My child, will face the anxiety
of its uncertain return!

Open your eyes and see that time is the only filler between birth and death. Time develops - time
matures - time heals - time seals! Time endures - time forebears - time sacrifices - time believes!
Time loves - time gives - time grabs - time succeeds - time fails! Yes! Time is the universal
teacher, for it changes at every moment, only so that you can learn to be the one and only one
gift that it holds - that remains unchanged, untouched and indestructible! Let time, My child,
come to you like a gentle breeze - Yes! Let it come - let it touch and let it pass! The wind picks
and dislodges only that, which lays, hopelessly, scattered before it. Hence, never let the inner
strengths scatter, and you will find that even the biggest of life's whirlwind will not accumulate
the power to lift and make you fall! Realize that the best of life comes, when you stop resisting
it, and when you accept your inner will power to over-come it. Most believe that in their lives
they have been the victims of time - little do they know that time does not attack - time does not
defend - time merely reflects what one has given life, itself!

Life is a continuous battle between its inner will power and the outer temptations. Time is only
the referee that blows the whistle and declares the current winner - Yes! Time is the true witness
of your actions. Time is the mirror of your past, hence, realizes that your present anger and
frustration with it will not affect it in any way, for it, My child, will only carry the reflection of
the present wrath into your future. You, My sweet, are the Master of Time, for time came only to
follow life and be guided by its every impression.

Be simple at all times - choose nothing but the truth. Without effort, no battle can be won -
without your own inner contentment and peace, nothing will appear sweet. Work with purity -
with love - with harmony, and let every moment be precious. Remember, always, that life
depends upon its own strength - it needs no crutches - it walks on its own feet - it builds on its
own dreams - it fulfills its mission with its own foresight for the truth!

Detachment is that form of action in which one performs the act inspired by the inner purity,
drawn by selfless love and motivated not by the results but by the divine truth that will be
revealed by the act itself. In such an act, the self does not identify nor associate itself with the
nature of the act, in fact, it acts only as an instrument that lies in the hands of the Supreme
intelligence! The self, My child, is the awareness of the Supreme intelligence that allows its
brilliance to be channeled and manifested through its every expression. Thus, one is merely the
witness in every act that he performs. The state of "doership" arises, for one remains unconscious
to the state of the higher awareness that prevails in his true state of existence.

How does one release and relieve his self from identifying himself with his every action? One,
My child, must first learn to remain calm and equal minded in whatever life may bring or offer.
Acceptance of all ways of life is one of the biggest strengths one can develop. Detach yourselves
from painful judgments and break your self from the chains of pride. Once you have lesser
expectations from life, you will find the bigger strengths within you to face its every threatening
change. Never be attached nor yearn to receive the result of your action. Remember that in every
result, there is both, the good and the bad, it is only that the proportion varies. Realize, that in
desiring a specific result or end, one attaches his own self to the good and the evil, and such an
attachment, imprisons the self in the karmic cell and makes it the victim of every cause and
effect! Thus, one must simply act with the utmost purity and allow the purity, itself, to reveal the

As long as you associate yourself with the act, you, My child, become the nature of the act, and
thus, you lose your awareness to the one state of your only existence. Thus, if you perform an
angry action, you become the anger, itself, and once one believes the mistakes to be his real
identity, then the truth, My child, becomes only farther away, and the ignorance of the mistake
brings a defect in one's divine vision, letting the misled to believe that the truth is only a wishful
dream that can never appear as real! The more one thinks that he does - the lesser guidance he
will receive from the Supreme intelligence and the more he will be surrounded by the falsehood
of the world's unreal offerings! The more one begins to look outward, the lesser will be the purity
in his action, and such an action, will result in the disaster of the worldly suffering!

Each one looks for peace today, and peace, My child, will only come, if one is able to release his
self from the burdens of "doership". One rises above the waves of the ocean by using the oars,
and with the sail in the direction of the wind, one finds and reaches his destination. In the same
way, one must steer above the waves of life by using all his effort and intelligence, and by
keeping his consciousness in the direction of the will of the Supreme Mother, one must find and
reach the land of truth. Life is the playground of action, in which the self stands alone to witness
the game between the action and result!


All that exists in this universal is surrounded by the truth; yet, man spends his entire lifetime in
its search. Realize, My child, that every small truth that is known to you - that you are able to
practice - will lead you to the way of a higher truth. Yes! The faith and experience of one truth
becomes the open gate for the other. But the ignorant man, today, desires the highest truth to
reveal to him, instantly, without the knowledge nor the practice of the smaller truths that ascend
to bestow upon one, the Supreme wisdom. With the least effort he puts in his spiritual practice,
he demands from it, the highest results. Remember, My sweet, just by having two small pieces of
a large puzzle, one cannot guess the final picture that will be formed.

Every small piece of the puzzle inspires the puzzle solver to pick up, yet another piece, that adds
to complete the final picture. At a certain point of building the puzzle, one may even be able to
guess the final picture, but realize that the picture still remains incomplete, until one places the
last piece in its proper place. In the same way, as one progresses in his spiritual quest, one may
begin to develop an intuitive power to the truth, but remember that until the intuition does not
become the real experience, one will still remain in a state of doubt, and it is only when one's
intuition becomes the experience, that one realizes that all his efforts to make contact with the
Supreme truth has become the reality! Hence, realize, My child, that it is the simple, sweet and
pure efforts that make the way to find the might and supremacy of the Divine Will! Every small
truth that one encounters in this life's journey can be mastered with one's dedication, devotion
and awareness of it, at all times. Hold on to the smallest experience of the truth and inspire
yourselves to reach higher. Wisdom, My child, is not the knowledge of the truth - but it is the
strength that guides one to be able to practice the known truth. Do not be impatiently eager to
learn more than you can ever practice. Such an attitude awakens competitiveness and eventually,
brings the downfall of your present spiritual gains. Remember, each one's step is a different
length. Thus, learn to walk your own pace!

The more one grows to love the truth, the more one will begin to recognize the impurity within
him. The purer one becomes, the more he looks inward and the more he detangles himself from
the outer influences. Thus, as one progresses in his quest for truth, one becomes more and more
shocked and even disgusted at his past weaknesses and at his ways of ignorance. Do not let such
realizations bring despair to your present - past is past - hence, leave in the past the memories of
your experience, and carry with you only the wisdom that you attained from them into the

Every spiritual seeker is equal in the eyes of the Divine Mother. Her merciful Grace is abundant.
Hence, never let your present, imbalanced state, judge her level of equality. Each one may
choose to live a different life, today - but realize that the final destiny of all is but the same - to
God - in God - as God!


It is only the love for God that will release man from his every desire. The one that experiences
pure love for the Divine, receives the bliss of contentment, finds the path of stability, and feels
within him an assurance of the ultimate security that neither material object nor attachment can
ever offer. Thus, every being, at one stage of one lifetime, will experience the exhaustion of his
own desires and will turn inward to find rest within his own self. Realize, thus, that it is only then
when one, voluntarily, with his own free will, turns towards God - it is only then, that the divine
presence reveals to him his own nature. As long as one prays and acts towards God with
compulsion, fear and competitiveness - until then God will remain to be silent. God speaks and
responds, only when one earnestly finds within him the joyful silence and is able to focus and
concentrate, completely, on nothing else, but in delivering his heart filled message to the Divine
ear! Yes! It is the purity and sincerity in your spiritual search that captures God within you for

Desires comes, when one constantly fears his own self to be much smaller and lesser than that
which surrounds him. As the fear grows, one becomes less and less aware of his own existence,
and he runs to embrace the material world, in order to fill the void within him. But, soon, he
realizes that the worldly pleasures can never give him back his self, that he lost somewhere, in
his desperate and hopeless run. Yes! My child, the self will itself return, when one leaves all else,
even his own thoughts and is able to stand, withstand and be guided by its strength, alone! One
will receive the self, only when one realizes that within the self, alone, is the every need of life.
Within the self, alone, is the every strength of life - and the self, itself, is the lover of love that
leads life into the miraculous path that beholds the perfect journey.
Desire is the evil seed that can only sprout, if one nurtures it by his undue attention. Hence, be
alert, at all times, and do not be persuaded or convinced by its charming mannerisms. Desire is
like the corrupt politician that begs for your vote and entices you with its hollow promises - but
remember, once you choose for it to seat upon the chair of your reasoning, it, My child,
ruthlessly, enjoys its new powers and destroys the same one that elected it to rule. Realize that
the one that truly has, will give, without the lure of enticements, for enticements, My sweet, are
merely the dreams of a weak mind! Walk your lives only with the self - do not trade your respect
- your true identity - your confidence - your contentment and your only love for a small, worldly

One attracts the power of the Universal Spirit to him by living with the highest love that sees in
all the equality of the self. Desire, on the other hand, gives one nothing, but the illusion of one's
own superiority over another. And when one's desire remains unfulfilled, one drowns in the
waves of envy, hatred and greed and thus, he spends his life in the false complexes of his own
inferiority. Thus, the one that lives with his desires will equate the size of the self with what he
receives or loses from this world. Little does he know, that the size of the self is immeasurable
and that the self, itself, can measure all of life with its one step of the Mighty truth! In fact, the
entire universe draws its strength from the pure power of the self, alone!


Man attains purity only be developing sincere love for his every action, work and duty. Where
one puts his whole heart, fully, only there will one find his own supreme strength of performing
with nothing less than Divine perfection! If one finds complete focus for the chosen action, if not
even a single thought, nor a wave of emotion nor passion interferes to tempt him from breaking
his concentration, then, such an act, will express the beauty of the inner truth that resides in the
doer as his nature, itself. Such an act, will not bind the doer to the effort, its progress and its
result, but in fact, will bestow upon him the freedom in which he will experience all the ways of
life, with no attachments - no expectations - no temptations and no fears!

Realize, My child, that without love, one loses the purpose of the work, itself. The work that
begins with a sour complaint will end in its due failure. In the constant worry and fear of finding
the physical and mental strength to perform the chosen work, one finds himself in a state of
fatigue, right at the onset of the chosen work. Man spends his entire divine energy in doubting
his own strength, and thus, hopelessly, leaves all work unfinished. Work, My child, is best
performed, when one finds the bliss of rest in his every effort. Realize that in measuring your
effort constantly, you, My child, drain the spontaneous flow of your inner energy and obstruct
the vision of your inspiration with the expectations of fulfilling results! Remember that work can
only threaten, when one, in his laziness, limits the input of his own energy. No work, thus, is
truly ever hard nor out of reach for the one that works with the will power of the self - yes! The
self will tread upon the lengthiest work and will compress the mighty pressures of time with its
strengths of sacrifice and forbearance!

Success comes, when one is able to see the present time as his only true resource to earn his
spiritual wealth. Every work, My child, has its right time, thus, do not stumble and be hasty nor
be lazy and lethargic. Realize that the lesser you will depend upon the outer sources; the faster
the work will be complete. Do not be afraid to work alone - concentration, My sweet, comes
best, when there are the least distractions. Do not ever compare the work with another's effort or
result. Such comparisons affect one's inner state of purity, and where the purity begins to
dwindle, there is where the mental equilibrium gets shaken and distorted. Once one loses his
inner calm, know that the work he chooses, immediately, loses potential. Thus, realize that it is
one's own efforts that fulfill every requirement of any new task. Take God, alone, to be the
witness - God, alone, to be its strength - God, alone, to be the inspiration, forbearance and
perseverance, and let this divine energy lead you in every step of your work!

The knowledge to choose the right work comes, when one has given up every selfish attitude in
life. When the incentive becomes the work, itself, then every work, My child, only becomes
right. Do good for the good, itself, and not to be the representative that depicts its quality.
Realize that the level of purity is the highest, when it is spontaneous, and when one is not even
aware of its expression within him. Love yourself - only then, will you respect its strength and
will be able to channel it in all that you do. Work stays to be "work", until one grudgingly gives
his self to it. Work, My child, becomes the Divine play, when one is able to give it all of his
living strength - only to gain the wisdom of the truth - the truth that is the unspoken shadow of
every pure and peaceful work! Work hard, My child - Yes! Work hard, until hard work softens
you to awaken the pure Will of God within you!


Pain comes in life as the test to challenge and inquire the strength of one's inner response. One,
slowly, gains the knowledge of truth from his own self as one progresses in his spiritual
practices, and this knowledge becomes the experience, only when time arrives to you with its
packet of troubles! Yes! The strength of truth will be known to you, when it tackles, confronts
and conquers every misery that comes your way in the course of this life. Hence, realize, My
child, that in pain itself, is the freedom to your slavery and bondage to this world.

The one that desires will be subjected to the wheel of time - his expectations from life will
change, continuously, depending upon the outer circumstances. What he wants from life, today,
will surely appear to him inadequate, tomorrow, and thus, all he takes from life is his
discontentment with his own self!! Yes! The one that is unhappy in being what he has
unfortunately become carries his misery in every place and swallows the joy of any restful mind
with his appetite for greed. Such a one, will, one day, face every fear of loneliness and will begin
to detest the worth of his worldly riches and will be repelled by his every desire. It is then that he
will awaken from the sleep of wishful dreams and will rebel against time. No more will he fear
the pain of confrontation. No more will he live in the fear of receiving. It is then that he will be
able to see the brilliance of truth and will carry its torch alone to give life its direction, goal and

True happiness comes, only when one lives in the contented world of God. One can be touched
by the world's sorrows; only when one has, willfully, kept his inner home in the darkness of
purposeful and stubborn ignorance. The sorrows one thinks that he experiences merely reflect his
state of inner weakness. Thus, sorrows, My child, automatically, fade and disappear the moment
man is inspired to stand upon the strength of the absolute truth. Sorrows, My child, are the
illusionary manifestations of the mind - they appear real, only because you have chosen to give
them the strength of your expressions. A mind that lies in a weak state will only perceive the
outer world, and thus, the world within that contains all the powers of the will remain latent and
dormant to him. The more he unconsciously gets attached to his state of weakness, the more he is
attacked by every pain. Thus, do not pray to the Lord that the sorrow must leave you - that which
is unreal cannot truly exist - it cannot come - it does not go - for it is simply not even present!

Pray, My child, that the Lord awakens your true vision for you to be able to see its unreality. Pray
to the Merciful God that you receive His Glorious strength to wipe the mist of sorrows that blur
one's reflection in the mirror of life. Pray to God that you are unburdened from the weight of
your ignorance. Remember, always, that forbearance comes only by acceptance never by
resistance. The more you will resist from facing the pain - the more it will follow you - the more
it will haunt you - the more it will trouble you. Once you find the will power to accept the
challenge of the pain, the pain, then, turns its back to vanish, once again, in the fog of illusion,
leaving you to stand victorious in the reality of your own divine strength!


Silence the mind with the complete authority of the inner purity, for, only then, will you be able
to listen to the sweet melody of the Divine song. The song of freedom that blissfully plays in the
heart of every man! Man can be free from the clutches of this world, only when he learns to live
in the love of the self, alone. Remember, you are born with the powers of the self - you live only
to express its will, and when the time comes to bid farewell, you take with you only the truth of
its every experience! All else, My child, dies in this world of time and leaves not even a mark of
its existence. Thus, waste not, anymore, even a single moment, in attaching - in learning - in
possessing - in wishing and wanting! Yes! Not even a single moment, I say, for every tick of time
takes away your right to be yourself. Yourself, My sweet, is all you deserve to be!

The identity and the truth of the self will reveal itself to the one that nourishes his heart with the
spontaneity of pure love and makes his mind the bank that reserves its wealth of bliss! The lesser
one lives for his own selfish needs, the greater the love one will experience. Thus, in giving up
one's own physical comforts, one, actually, attains mental stability, and a strong mind, My child,
awakens the intellect to lead one into the state of self-enlightenment. Any form of dependence is
only another form or the twin sister of misery! Yes! My child, for every time you attach yourself
to receive - you lose the chance to be the Master of time, and instead, foolishly accept the painful
blows of several deaths. Those that live without the Divine inspiration - those that have come to
merely be born - and die - they, My child, will live innumerable lives in the slavery of their own
desires and will punish and deprive their own self from its riches. They dream to be Masters but
live only to beggars!

One, in his unfortunate ignorance, lives to protect his desires and destruct the self. The fight of
differences continues to conceal the oneness in all creation. In fact, man, today, thinks that he has
achieved his goal by meeting with every difference. He is happy to be called the richer - the
stronger - the more intelligent - the more successful. Little does he realize, that in living in the
perception of this "more", he, My child, loses that which is the "most" within him! The failure in
man's spiritual effort comes, not from his faulty vision of others, but it comes mainly from the
insufficient knowledge he has of his own self! The lesser he knows of his own self, the lesser
will he be able to understand another. Thus, realize, My child, that in a conflict, the instigation is
truly never there - one responds to evil with evil and that, itself, makes the difference express
itself as the real experience!

Awaken the knowledge within yourselves by submerging all time in the love for God. Keep the
mind silent and the heart open. Receive the riches, My child, and carry the silence in your every
action. Work hard to keep the unity - that is the role of a true leader. Treat all equally, by simply
seeing another as your own self in disguise. The fire of differences, My child, can be
extinguished by your constant love. Do not wait, anxiously, to see if your love is being
graciously received. Such love, that desires results, lacks purity. Do not worry of another's clarity
of vision. Correct yours, My child, and realize that when another lost soul is expressing its
weakness, that is the time for you to taste your every divine strength!

Remember, always, the strength of the self survive from your confidence. It is your faith that
allows you to reach it - it is your doubt that allows you to fail! Realize that you are not born to
scrutinize and watch the life of another. Focus, My child, upon your doings, and discrimination
will awaken to guide you. Know that if you are a part of a failure - you are a part of a wrong - if
you are a part of a conflict - you are a part of that difference. Before blaming another, look, My
child, at your own state very closely. If you have sincerity in your heart, the self will open the
ways for you to walk away from the unconsciously chosen wrong! Depend only on the self, for
only it knows the plan of your rescue!


The one that slips to speak the state of his restless mind will bear upon himself the whole burden
of repairing the tear and the injury that he caused upon the strength of his own true self. Speech,
without restraint, causes one to drown in fatigue, misery and constant repentance, yet, the
ignorant man learns little from his past errors and in the ignorance of his pride, he continues to
build the walls of weakness between his way of life and his own self. He speaks more than he
can ever do, and he does as little as he knows! He wishes for more than he can ever keep, and
what he keeps, is truly what he doesn't need! Oh, My child, it is nothing less than a tragedy, for
man sees everything in the nothing and is able to see nothing in that power within him that wills
to bring to him the everything!

Even if thoughts are many, one must be careful in choosing words of expression. One must only
speak to benefit the receiver and not to unburden the chaos of fears he experiences within his
own mind. Love must be the very essence of language - if the message you deliver lacks the
warmth of love, then remember, those words are like the arrows that will reverse their direction,
once they are shot at another to pierce your own heart and leave you maimed and handicapped
from your disease of hatefulness! Realize that if you release pain, you, My child, are bound to
receive it in multi-folds! Thus, watch your every present word and you will, automatically,
secure the self in the blanket of peace.

Words, themselves, are the living proof of your true inner feelings, thus, do not foolishly justify
them and delude yourself any further. Remember, whatever you speak, reflects only the state of
your heart and mind. The fault, My child, is not in the language - it is in what you choose to
speak from it. One can be instigated to speak badly and harshly, only when one has the evil pre-
existing in him. Thus, do not blame another, when your own latent evil tendencies awaken at the
smallest teasing to take expression. Remember, My child, within you is the wrong - within you is
its weakness - you choose to express and deliver, and it is only you that pays its every moment
by suffering in several life times!

Remember, My sweet, haste in communication often brings disastrous results. A wise man
speaks his mind, only when he is in a state of complete calmness. Even if there is the slightest
restlessness in the mind, know that its wavering within will express itself, unexpectedly, during
your attempt to communicate. Thus, do not spend your lifetime in regret and repentance - learn
to know your own mind - and only then, will you be able to control it. It must be pure love itself
that must urge you to speak. Never let your own desire instigate a conversation or compel you to
a harsh response. Time, My child, is the biggest healer; thus, do not be impulsive in your speech
- wait and see, if the truth in your message can face the tests of time. If it passes in its test, then
you, My child, hold in your hands the power of the truth. The message that holds the power of
truth will be delivered rightly and instantly to its receiver. My message to all, today, is to find the
silence in your language. Yes! The silence of every language is peace! Take peace everywhere
you go by utilizing its choice of words, and let the power of these words become your only
means to communicate!


One becomes weak in life, only when one gives up on the wait that allows one to emerge with
the ultimate divine strength. Realize, My child, that one builds his inner strength with life's every
change - thus, do not be in a hurry nor worry, constantly, to be immediately the Master. A Master
is born, only when one is prepared to die several deaths of humiliation! The reins of self control
comes only in the hands of the one that lives his life in the resistance to turn with the color of
life's every change. At every step you take in life, there will be the seductress of illusion standing
before you, to tempt you away from the vision of truth. Be aware, My child, for her footsteps
may appear light and silent, but the imprints of her feet are deeply set upon the slightest
wavering mind. Once such imprints are formed upon the mind, it takes the effort of several life-
times to fade and wash them away!

Be bold and stand to stare into the eyes of life. Know, My child, that you come, you live and you
leave alone and that the purity of the self is sufficient to comprehend and handle life's every turn.
The one that is driven by the powers of the self will never be exhausted from the limitless flow
of energy - for him, there will be no fatigue from fears and desires! The lesser one depends upon
life's wasteful giving, the more the self reveals its character and strength to him. The more one
sees the self in the light of the inner purity, the lesser become the fears of the worldly losses.
Realize, My child, that every worldly loss simply measures the length of your inner awareness,
that strengthens, to awaken one's true self. Thus, always remember that from the pain of every
worldly loss, comes the devotion and dedication to extract from within the riches of the spirit -
Yes! It is indeed humorous, for what one already comes with, is what he lives to find!

All, My child, comes at the proper time - the one that finds the will to wait will surely be
deserving to receive his turn. And, remember that just before the glorious moment you receive
the Divine Mother - you will be faced with the challenge of giving up all that life ever gave to
you. How pitiful, for most lose the precious moment of receiving God, for they are too busy
lamenting the previous moment's loss. Yes! When their turn arrives to embrace the Mother, they
are blinded by their tears - they are fatigued by their worries and they are bound by the evil spell
of their foolish desires. Once again, they give up the golden moment and stand in the long lines
of hopeless fears!

Life comes only in waves and to conquer its ups and downs, one has to find the confidence to
ride over them. As long as the head is above the level of the water, you will not suffocate and
drown. Thus, do not let weak thoughts submerge you in the threats of life. The shocks of life can
be overcome by your forbearance and your will power. Remember, it is only to prove your
permanence that life brings its changes. Yes! Tomorrow will be different from today - but if you
carry with you, always, the strength of the highest knowledge, you will dissolve the differences
of time. It is the application of every learning that gives one the experience. Apply the
knowledge of the self and experience Godhood!


True love can be expressed only by that one that finds complete contentment with his own self.
The sweetness of love, My child, will only bring to you the simplicity of being divine. Those,
that attempt to possess love, bind themselves in the ropes of misery. Love is meant only to be
released without any condition of return. Most, My child, find themselves hopelessly attached to
the benefits they receive from their so called "love". Remember that love is freedom - Yes! If
love is dependent upon its giving, then such love will limit one's selfish dependencies of his own
desires from it!

Most suffer in their every experience of love, for they have imprisoned themselves and have
attached their inner strengths to the results of their effort to give love. Love is painless, thus,
realize, My child, that the tears of pain that flow are only one's own ignorance and reservations
that restricts one from experiencing the will, contained in the powers of the self! Until one
believes that love is given to benefit its receiver, until then, one will not know nor be able to
comprehend the value of the divine gift that is contained within the each self. Remember, My
sweet, that love is the only expression that fulfills the nature of the spirit within us!

Love, slowly begins to reveal, when one persists in erasing every shadow of the untruth that
manipulates his vision away from the sacredness of the one truth. As one begins to follow the
ideals of reality, love, My child, begins to precede him in his path as the glowing brilliant light
that shows the right way. Thus, realize that "to love" becomes easy and spontaneous, when one
broadens his vision and makes his identity and existence the self, alone.

Love will never choose one to be closer than another, for love, My child, chooses only to be free!
Remember, there are none that are dearest nor nearest, for one is related to another only by the
nature of the spirit - the relation that holds within it the role will, ultimately, change and wither
away with time! Thus, do not spend your life in the fear of losing. Love that fears loses its will
much before it ever attempted to be expressed.

Love, My child, is no emotion or passion - it is simply the expression that reveals the beauty -
the purity of the restfulness of the soul. Love becomes difficult, only when one chooses the
wrong way of life. Develop righteousness in the heart - strength in character - purity in thoughts -
impartiality in your every attitude, and let the true purpose of life stand before your every fear
and worry. Know that life will sway you away from your self, only when you willingly and
consciously choose to lose direction. There is only one direction to God! Love! There is only one
purpose of the soul! Equality! There is only one language that speaks the words of the Divine!
Truth! The entire universe reflects only one image - God! Yes! God! For God comes, My child,
before us in every form - and it is in the every form that the self takes birth to reach its own self
in the glory of its every dimension!

Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan
With Sai love,

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