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Oral Communication

Video Self-Evaluation
Review the videotape of your speech. As you watch, answer the following questions. 1. How did you try to get the audiences attention? How effective was it?

I used a fun conversation that many people relate themselves somehow in their daily life. I think it was pretty effective, because I usually start my speech with question, and this one is very different.
2. Did you clearly communicate your purpose (e.g. I am going to inform/convince you about/to)? How did you motivate your audience to listen to you?


Yes, I clearly communicate my purpose of the speech. I dare them to learn the folding clothes skill that I have, and I tell them how it will benefit them in the future if they learned the skills.

How was your speech organized? How clearly/logically did it progress? Could I stop paying attention to you and read your outline instead and still follow along easily?


My speech was organized by the outline, which focuses on different type of clothes that I taught my audience how to fold. You can stop paying attention to my speech and follow the outline easily, because all the procedures are in the outline.
What were some of the transition words you used in your speech? Did you clearly indicate movement from one part of your speech to another? Why/why not?

Some transition words that I used in my speech are the time words(first, second, third, then, lastly). I did not clearly indicate my movement of the speech from one to the other. I think I did not achieve that because I was looking at my friends, and was worried that they did not catch up the steps, and wanted to help them, while the timer is still running.
5. Explain why your main points were/were not clearly presented.

My main points were clearly presented, because they were just simple subsection of the big topic I have for my speech.


Evaluate your conclusion. Did it connect seamlessly with the introduction and body? Did you give a clear sense of ending?

I think my conclusion was bad this time, because I forgot to connect it to my introduction. I gave a clear sense of ending by telling them that the last demonstration is the shorts.
7. Evaluate your delivery. Were you loud enough/clear enough/energetic enough/varying your tone enough/connecting to your whole audience enough?

My delivery is good as usual. My voice was loud enough, energetic, vary tone somehow, and connected to my audience.


How did your use of voice, gestures, and bodily action enhance (or detract) from the message of your speech? What will you do to enhance the message of your speaking opportunities?

I was kind of on my tippy toes, which kind of showed that I was nervous. Also, I kind of lie myself onto the table very often, which also showed that I was nervous. Next time, I should work on my skill to ignore the table in front of me, and just pretend it is not in front of me, because it was quite distracting.
9. Did you appear sincerely interested and enthusiastic in the topic (your classmate) and in your talking with your audience? What did your body language and eye contact say to your audience? Give examples to support your answers.

I sounded like I was very interested and enthusiastic to my topic. I can tell that by how much joy I put into my attention getter. I am not sure about my eye contact, because I mainly focused my eye on my clothes, but my body language clearly showed that I was nervous.


Evaluate the overall success of this speech. What grade (A-F) would you assign this presentation? Why?


I give myself a B for this speech, because I think I needed more practice on how to get my steps and thought straight without the "uhs", and "and thens". These phrases are quite unnatural. Also, I should get myself used to ignoring whatever the audience are doing during my speech, because I was distracted.

Describe what you have learned from this speaking opportunity, and how you will use this information in the future.

I think I needed more practice on talking while doing my demo, because I did not do well on this in this speech. This point will be very useful for my next demonstration speech. Also, it all comes down that I need to practice my stableness on the stage, so that I won't be distracted no matter what.
12. What did you learn from this presentation that will help you prepare your future speech? List at least three things that you plan on working on. (To just practice is not a specific step exactly how will you practice?) a. I need to read my steps again and again until I do

not use the word "and then", instead, using words like first, second, third,etc. I should practice this for my next speech.


I think the problem came back to the nervous part again. I guess this was because it was the first demonstration speech that I have done in English, so I was not very familiar with it just yet. Next time, I should just practice in front of more different groups of people to get the nervous feeling away.


I think I need to practice how to remain stable during my speech, because I messed up this time. Next time I practice my demonstration speech, I should do my speech, while playing comedy videos in front of me, so that I can learn how to not be easily distracted no matter what was in front of me.


Describe, in detail, the areas you will improve your public speaking and exactly how you will improve. Include a variety of specific steps you will take to improve your public speaking skills.

Basically, I need to smooth my steps talking out a little bit more next time, and avoid using the "and thens" between steps, instead, I should add in words like first, second, third, etc. I will practice this with my steps paper in front of me next time, and talk about the steps without actually stating them on the paper, I hope it would naturally comes to me after lots of practice.

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