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Chemistry /Chemistsry Honors Chemical Reactions Experiment A: Cupric chloride Reacting with Aluminum Introduction: In this experiment you

will be determining the amount of cupric ch loride is in your sample solution Materials: CuCl2 solution 100 ml beaker 10 ml graduated Cylinder Aluminum sample Forceps Filter Paper Electronic balance Stirring rod Squeeze bottle of water. P r o c e d u r e : Person A A. Obtain a graduate cylinder, 100 ml beaker , glass stirring rod, filter paper and a sample of aluminum rod. B. Using an empty graduate cylinder. Pour 10 milliliters of a cupric chloride solut ion into the 100 ml beaker. C. Add the aluminum to the beaker. Stir with the glass rod. Continue stirring un til the reaction has gone to completion (the solution turns clear.) Person B D. While your partner is preparing the reaction (Steps A through C), weigh the filt er paper. Record mass of thefilter paper. With a ballpoint per write your name(s ) and period on the outer endge of the filter paper.(Note this is the mass before the reaction.). Fold the filter paper as you were shown last week. E. After the reaction has gone to completion remove the pieces of aluminum using the forceps. Put the pieces of aluminum back into its original container (Where you got from.) Decant the liqui d from the beaker.(This is what you practiced last week) Wash the residue at least 5 times. Decant and discard t he liquid each time. F. After you have washed the residue, carefully pour the residue into the filter pa per. Be sure to get all of theresidue out of the beaker. Allow the water to drai n out of the filter paper. After the waterr has drained out of the filter paper, place in location as instructed by your teacher. F. Clean up. Rinse out beaker. Leave at lab station for the next class. G. After 48 hours, reweigh the filter paper with the residue. Record your data. Processing the Data: Be sure to show the work as required) 1. Write t he balanced equation for the reaction. 2. How much cupric chloride solution did you use? (What volume?) __________________ ______________. 3. What are the products of this reaction? ________________________________________ __________. 4. How many grams of copper were produced in this reaction? _______________________ ____________. 5. How much copper was produced? Calculate in moles. 6.

What is the mole ratio of cupric chloride to copper in the balanced equation? __ _____________________. 7. How many grams cupric chloride reacted in the reaction? 8. How many grams of cupric chloride were in the 10 milliliters of solution? 9. How many grams of cupric chloride would be found in one liter of this solution. (The solution used in the experiment.) 10. How many grams of aluminum were reacted the the reaction? Show work! 11. If one liter of this solution was used, how much aluminum would be needed?

Chemistry/Chemistry Honors Period ______ Name _______________________________ Answer Sheet/Data Sheet for Experiment with Cupric chloride and Aluminum Volume of Solution Used: _________________ Mass of Filter Paper with the residue: _____ Mass of Filter Paper without the re sidue: _____ Amount of Copper Produced: _________________ Processing the DATA: A. Balance Equation for the reaction between cupric chloride and aluminum. B. How many mole or moles of copper was or were produced in the reaction? (Show work) C. How many moles of cupric chloride were used in the experiment? (Show work.) D. How many grams of cupric chloride were in 10 milliliters of solution? (Show w ork) E. How many grams of cupric chloride would there be in one liter of this solutio n? (Show work.) F. How many grams of aluminum were used in this reaction? G. If one liter of this solution was used, how many grams of aluminum would be n eeded? (Show work.)

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