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database triggers

■ objectives :
–explain what is database trigger
–list the advantages of triggers
–list types of triggers
–state & explain the syntax for creating a trigger
–construct database triggers

■ what is a database trigger?

–database trigger is a pl/sql program unit that is
associated with a specific table
–triggers are similar to subprograms, in that they are
named pl/sql blocks with declarative, executable and
exception-handling sections
■ the difference between a trigger and a subprogram
–a subprogram is executed explicitly from another block
via a procedure call
–a subprogram can also accept arguments
–a trigger is executed implicitly whenever the triggering
event happens
–a trigger doesn’t accept arguments

■ firing of a trigger :
–the act of executing a trigger is known as firing the
–the triggering event is a dml (insert, update or delete)
operation on a database table
■you can define a trigger on a table, which are based
on dml statements (insert, delete and update)
■you can define trigger on ddl events (create, drop

and alter)
■you can also define trigger on database events

(servererror, logon, logoff, startup and shutdown)

advantages of triggers
■triggers behave uniformly with respect to all the users and
■triggers can be used to
–enforcing complex business rules
–audit operations
–maintain replicate tables/signaling other tables
–computing values

use of triggers
■enforcing complex business rules
can be used to implement complex integrity constraints
not possible through declarative constraints in table creation
■audit operations
–auditinginformation in a table by recording the changes made and
who made them
–log events transparently based on dml operations
■ maintain replicate tables/signaling other tables
can be used for automatically signaling other
programs that action need to take place when changes
are made to the table
■ computing values
–atrigger can be used to derive column values
■ security
can be used to implement complex security

types of triggers
■ triggers are categorised on
–time of firing
–triggering event

types of triggers
■ trigger types on the basis of level :
–statement trigger
–row trigger

statement trigger
■the trigger action is performed once for the operation that
fires the trigger
■used when the trigger action is independent of
–the data provided by the operation that fires the trigger
–the number of affected rows
■example : maintaining the log of operation on a particular

row trigger
■the trigger action is performed repeatedly once for each
row that is affected by the operation
■used when the trigger action is dependent on
–the data provided by the operation that fires the trigger
–the number of affected rows

■example : maintaining consolidated balance with each


triggering time
■the triggers can specify the time of trigger action
■possible option for the time of a trigger action are
–before the triggering event
–after the triggering event
before trigger
■the trigger action is performed before the operation, that
fires the trigger, is executed
■used when the execution of operation depends on trigger
■example : in a bank account, before debiting an account,
checking whether the current balance is greater than the
amount to be debited

after trigger
■the trigger action is performed after the operation, that fires
the trigger, is executed
■this trigger is used when triggering action depends on the
execution of operation

■example : in a bank account, updating balance after

debiting or crediting an account

triggering events
■triggering events are the dml operations
■triggering events divide triggers into following types
–delete triggers
–insert triggers
–update triggers

■when these operations are performed on a table, the

associated triggers are fired

trigger fundamentals
■ trigger components :
–a database trigger has got following components
■a triggering event
■a trigger constraint
■a trigger action

creating a trigger
■create trigger command is used
create [or replace] trigger <trigger_name>
[ before | after ]
[ delete | [or] insert | [or] update
[ of < column1>, [<column2> …. ]
on <table_name>
[ for each row [when <condition>]]
-- pl/sql code
■trigger_name :
–trigger_name is the name of the trigger

■triggering event :
–triggering event specifies operation that fires the trigger

■table_name :
–table_name is the table for which the trigger is defined
■trigger_body :
–trigger_body is the main code for the trigger
■trigger_condition :
–the trigger_condition in the when clause, if present, is evaluated
–the body of the trigger is executed only when this condition
evaluates to true

total number of triggers

trigger category values

statement insert, update, delete

timing before or after
level statement or row

■there is no restriction on number of triggers you can have on a table

restrictions on triggers
–a trigger can not issue any transaction control statements
commit, rollback or savepoint

–anyprocedures or functions that are called by the trigger

body cannot issue any transaction control statements

–thetrigger body can not declare any long or long raw


are restrictions on which tables a trigger body may
access, depending on the type of trigger and the
constraints on the tables

managing triggers
■replacing triggers
■dropping triggers

■enabling and disabling triggers

replacing triggers
■you can not explicitly alter a trigger
■you must recreate it with a new trigger definition

■create trigger statement is used with replace option

dropping triggers
■you drop a trigger when you do not want to use it
any more
■syntax :
–drop trigger trigger_name;

■ this removes the trigger from the data dictionary

enabling and disabling triggers

■a trigger is enabled by default when it is created
■when the trigger is disabled, it still exists in the data
dictionary but is never fired
■to disable / re-enable a trigger, use alter trigger command
■syntax :
alter trigger trigger_name disable / enable ;

■ all triggers for a particular table can be enabled or

disabled using alter table command as well
■ syntax :
alter table table_name
[disable / enable] all triggers;

order of trigger firing

■order in firing the triggers
1. execute the before statement-level trigger, if present
2. for each row affected by the statement
■execute the before row-level trigger, if present
■execute the statement/operation itself
■execute the after row-level trigger, if present
3. execute the after statement-level trigger, if present

■the order in which the trigger of same type are fired

is not defined
■if the order is important for you, combine all of the

operations into one trigger

using :old and :new

in row-level triggers
■inside the row trigger, you can access the row that is
currently being processed
■this is accomplished through two pseudo records

■the type of both pseudo records is

–triggering_table% rowtype
statement :old :new
insert undefined - values that will be inserted
all the fields when the
statement is are null
update original values for new values that will be
the row before updated when statement is
the update complete
delete original values undefined – all the fields
before the row are null
is deleted

:old & :new - points to remember

■can not be assigned as entire records
■only the individual fields within them may be assigned
■can not be passed to procedures or functions as arguments
■when the statement is actually executed, whatever values
are in the :new will be used

using :new
■ example:
create trigger generateid
before insert on emp
for each row
select emp_sequence.nextval
into :new.empno from dual;
end generateid;

the when clause

■in a row level trigger, the trigger body will be executed only
for those rows that meet the condition specified
■the syntax for when clause is -
when <condition>
■where <condition> is a boolean expression that will be
evaluated for each row
■ the :new and :old records can be referenced inside
condition as well, but the colon is not used there

■ example : a trigger that will only be executed during

data manipulation if the salary for the employee is
greater than 5000
create trigger checksal
before insert or update
on emp
for each row
when (new.sal>5000)
-- trigger body goes here
end checksal;

using trigger predicates:

inserting, updating and deleting
■a trigger can be defined on any combination of dml

■there has to be a mechanism for the trigger body to

determine the statement by which the current

trigger is fired

■ this can be found out by using trigger predicates


■ they are basically boolean functions

create or replace trigger logchanges

before insert or update or delete
on logtable
for each row
v_changetype char(1);
if inserting then
v_changetype := `i’;
-- some code here
elsif updating then
v_changetype := `u’;
-- some code here
v_changetype := `d’;
-- some code here
end if;

end logchanges;

example 1
■create a trigger for emp table to check the salary range,
during data manipulation. salary range is specified in
salmast table and the salary range check is not applicable
for ‘president’.
■salmast table columns

create or replace trigger check_salary
before insert or update
of sal, job
on emp
for each row
when (new.job !=‘president’)
v_minsal number;
v_maxsal number;
select minsal, maxsal into v_minsal, v_maxsal
from salmast
where job = :new.job;
if ( :new.sal < v_minsal or :new.sal > v_maxsal ) then
raise_application_error ( -20200, ‘salary out of range’);
end if;
end check_salary;

example 2
■ empstats table stores the summary based on
employee information. create a trigger that
maintains empstats table.
■ empstats table :

create or replace trigger updateempstats

after insert or delete or update
on emp
cursor c_stats is
select deptno, count(*) total_emp, sum(sal) total_sal
from emp
group by deptno;
for emprec in c_stats loop
update emp_stats
set total_emp = emprec.total_emp,
total_sal = emprec.total_sal
where deptno = emprec.deptno;
if sql%notfound then
insert into emp_stats
values ( emprec.deptno, emprec.total_emp, emprec.total_sal);
end if;
end loop;
end updateempstats;

example 3
■create a trigger that audits an emp table. the
operations table is used for auditing.
■audit table :

additional examples

create or replace trigger test_trigger1
before insert on test_trigger
if( trim(' ' from to_char(sysdate,'day'))= 'saturday') then
raise_application_error(-20001,'no operations on week-end');
end if;

create or replace trigger test_trigger2
before update on test_trigger
for each row
if (:new.age >100) then
raise_application_error(-20002,'--age not within limits');
end if;

create or replace trigger mutating_trigger
after update on student
for each row
v_age number(3);
select age into v_age from student where name ='amit';

create or replace trigger dd_trigger after alter on database
dbms_output.put_line('ddl trigger');

ddl events
1) create
2) alter
3) drop

create or replace trigger system_triger
after logon on database
insert into test_trigger values (400,null,null);end;

database events
1) after servererror
2) after logon
3) before logoff
4) after startup
5) before shutdown

create or replace trigger upd_trigger

instead of update on emp_dept_view
for each row
if :old.ename <> :new.ename
update emp set ename = :new.ename where ename = :old.ename;
elsif :old.sal<> :new.sal
update emp set sal = :new.sal where sal = :old.sal;
elsif :old.deptno <> :new.deptno
update emp set deptno = :new.deptno where deptno = :old.deptno;
elsif :old.loc <> :new.loc
update dept set loc = :new.loc where loc = :old.loc;
end if;

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