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oot SULERSAUR woe SUR seen ree 2 seen ree ms roe M152 he. M287 he. aoc VENUSRLR sex roan er M2208 ts. & There isa plont bulb on ite book When it obsorbs nutrients, the bulb is said The fragrance becalns those engoged in Thora ic @ plant sed on its back right from the dau this POKGION is bern. The seed slowly grows larger. A bewitching arona wafts from itz flower ta blossom into @ large Floner. a battle. veott CHRRNEROER eos CHREMELEON Weots CHRRILZERO azo rowan ne ron ne roe 20 ae sae it ie? me. # tn we ¥ Mao we @ THe teher Oost with fe tail Go faoek [Ter wings an corey this POKGMON Tone fa ‘damn itz foe. Zt then tears up the fallen on alsitude of 4,600 fest. Tt blows aut ‘opnorent with sharp slows. fire at very high temperatures. From the tine it ix born, @ lane burns at the tip of its tail. Its Tife uould end if the Flame were to go out. 0c? SOUBRTLE aoc WAR TORTLE aoc ELASTOISE ‘a rover &, ‘um rrann SHELL ong ee woe ng Mise be. nets * gee te © When it retracts itz Tong neck into itz shell, it squirts out water vith vigorous force, This POCSIDN is very popular az a pet. Its furrcovered tail is a sunbol of its Tangavitus a to cause fainting. Th a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell. sao. BUTTERFREE w SUTTERFLY FoKEnON eg 218 tbe. 705 be. o0s0 CATERPIE oot METAPOD orn Fover 6a be. fi ee ten shell, the body inside is tender. Tt cant withstond a harsh attack. Toc oo ee erection dust. AS al result, this POKBIHEN can fly ‘about even in rains ‘rows, it sheés the skin, covers itself with sil, and besones a cocson. ons8 WEEDLE oo KAKLNA on s§ BEEGRILL are oKéron Qa ‘socuo Poxerion Orson roKeton a 20" oa" mPa he. 220 he. 65.0 he. oe Te hes o sharp, toxio barb of around tuo inches on top of its heed. Thiz POKGHON ix in temporcry stage hile naking its body. TE is alnast completely unable to nove on its oun. ay appear ina xucrm. Flies at vielent speeds, all the while stobbing with the toxic stinger on its reer. re. & [FS ae nto me, ¥ seine ¥ nim ¥ ee a eee ieee intinidate enenies. It races through the shies at Moch-2 speed. tall grass and so on, foroging for food Tt oan carry prey such as an EXESGOUTE sich as eral! bugs. to its nest over €0 niles ano. e089 RATTATA use Fone ae a M22 he. 0 RATICATE reuse rene "2M" M008 be. > oct SPERROM a Ud ws. ¥ Te forge are long and very sharp. They grow continuously, 52 it graus on hard things to whittle them down. Rome feiss fen cath They are webbed, enabling it to suim Te busily Flite around here and thera Even if it is frail, it can be a tough foe that wees MIRROR HONE. nae aoe FERROM aoc EKA seme oxen snr Fon sr a ser Tce ws. ¥ Tez be. a ARBOK, coger Foren ie M1038 he. ‘tx huge and magnificent wings eon keep it aloft in the sky. Tt can renain Fluing © whole day without Tarding. A very connor sight in grarclond, ate: Tr flicks its tongue in and out to sense danger in its surroundings. ie The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weck foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern. es PIKACHU nas RALCAU use Foren use Fone My mg M132 he. Md he. 02? SANOSHEN revere ewer ne M7 ths. ee heals. If threatened, it looses electric 100,000 volts. Careless cortact can cause charges fren the sacs. leven an Indian elephant to faint. ie ence SANOSLESH remem eeweron ne M7 ths. ocd NLOORANE usm roe TM M154 be. oo NLOORINA poxson rowan 0 i tat ne # Though enol, if must be treated with caution because of its poverfully toxic barbs. The fenale has smaller horns. ie The fonale has a gentle tomperonest. Ik enits ultrasonic eries that have the ower to befuddle foes. net NZDOBUEEN nse NLOORANS a. Pay usm roan Sen Maze we. %& t Y 7 wR 18.8 the. % vooc2 NIOORINO rors roan oe a 30 bs. # The body iz covered by stiff, raedlen like scales. IF it becomes excited, the needles bristle outwards. a then it is listening to distant sounds. Te extends toxie barbs when angered. DAF OCANSEL Tt ix easily angered. By swinging ite wall developed horn wildly, it can even punch ‘through dianond. st NEDOKING os CLEFAIRY AL. Pay ra Powaron zo Tt bs © &% it e en" 16.6 the. ots CLEFABLE Ye, ‘rary roar ae a 89,2 bs. & Tt ix recognized by its rockchard hide nd its extended hern. Be corefl with the horn az it contains venon. Ti adorable eppsarence mekes it popular as a pat. However, it is rore and difficult te find. ie Riot o Sie en fecsily hear a pin being dropped nearly 1,100 yards quay, ane? VULPIX nse NINETALES. remem power remem power nae ne MM? the. M772 he. aos GGL YFUFE snu.oon roan en a tat ws. * & ie a eves, then Tulle then to sleep by singing @ socthing nelody- ogo WIGGEYTUFF oat ZUBAT AL Loon Foren st oxen stg 2m M255 he. M166 he. aoe GOL sav oranen ne M213 ts. ? Te fur ix axtromoly fine, dense, and supple, The exquisitely pleasant fur ccomaus on inage of luxury. Tt har #0 eyes. Instead, it relies on its ultrasonic erias for echo location ta flit about in dariness. Tt clamps down of its pray with needle sharp fengs and crains over 10 unces of blood in one gue nae aoa COOH vaca GLO aos VILEBLUNE seen roan ¥ ssn roar ‘owe orang ove, ory og M118 he. M190 be. M010 be. ee ee Rt night, it is soid to walk nearly 1,000 The horrid stench oan cause fainting at a Tt fiendishly scatters cllersurcausing feat on its two roots. distance of 1.25 niles. pollen fron its petals. ie Growing out of the bug's back are: ‘Tt scatters toxie spores from the Tts eyes act as radar, encbling it to be ie oes VENGWOTH so QIGLETT st QUGTRLO orSoM FoKEHON OLE Posen a OLE Fosenon en on” a 2m" M226 he. M18 the. m7 he. ee eer ee er soales. Every tine it flops its wings, it | shallow depth. Tt leaves raised earth in strikes the unsuspecting foe from an Teoses highly toxic dust. its wake, making it easy to spot. unexpected direction. ie oe MEOH 08 PERSIAN vost PSYOUCK sera open cuss roxanan uct Paver ro ea re ‘ei we, © tne ws * i t2.2 we @ Al it door ix xleap during the dautine. Hor a vicious temperment. Bauare if it Tt iz corstently wracked by a hecdache. At night; it potrols its territory with its |raises its tail straight up. Tt is a signal hen the headoche turns intense, it begins eyes aglow. that it is cbout to pource and bite. using mysterious powers. sues aLouck woes rate sos PRUNE Paatecenl fs oxinon we fs axinon oe oe ote oe M629 be. M617 we Y nos te. Fee al ee eta noe aera cnn eal siete eee eee eel it'on adept swinner. Tt con be sten in terperament. Wan ongaredy it fTiex into |oiver chore, it will tenaciously track the inning elegantly in Toker, eto. on uncontrollable frenzi. ferget no matter how far. ie Den Coma on a 1.9 Ibs. 2) a ‘304.7 Ibs. e a 27.3 Ibs. ie ost POLIMHIRL & ook POLIMRETH oes ARR & InorOLE Forénon rmorOLE Fonénon fst roxénon 3" acd a tains. 7 it tis.0 we. ® mm t3.0 ms, ¥ Tis to lege are well doveloped fa adopt suinnar, it knows the front | Tt sleeps for 18 hows a day. Tt usae a Even though it can live on the ground, | eraul, butterfly, and nore. Tt is faster variety of extrasensory posers even it prefers Tiving in water. than the best hunon suinners. hile asleep. nae

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