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Week of November 6-12

Welcome Welcome everyone to your HG with glad & sincere hearts! Look back to Acts 2:42-47 & remind yourself & your HG of the qualities of the 1st church that your HG (your little house church) still carries on in 2011. Opening Prayer Look around at the families & individuals that God has entrusted to your care & offer a prayer of thankfulness for your HG. You might have everyone in the group circle up, hold the hand next to them & enter Gods presence with thanksgiving.

Family Time When was the last time your jaw dropped at the sight of something magnificent? (Examples: birth of a baby, pictures from the Hubble telescope, amazing fireworks show, etc.) Can you imagine what it must have been like for the shepherds in the field when the multitude of angels appeared to them to announce Jesus birth? Read Luke 2:8-20. What do you think it looked like? The shepherds were so excited that they ran to Bethlehem to see Jesus! They left there rejoicing & glorifying God! How can we get that same kind of joy about Jesus even when its not Christmas? How can our joy overflow & bless others? Kids Time The wise men brought gifts to Jesus to honor Him. What can you give to Jesus to honor Him? ($, time, serving others, pray, share the Gospel with others, etc.) Use markers & paper to draw the gifts that you would bring to Jesus. After the drawings are done, have each child talk about their gifts. Choose 3-4 Biblical scenes that depict the coming of Jesus. Get the children to re-enact each scene with one child being the narrator. Let them use their own words, rather than read the Bible verses. (Examples: Angels appear to the shepherds to announce Jesus birth; wise men bring gifts to Jesus & worship Him; Mary & Joseph trying to find a place to stay in Bethlehem & finally finding the stable, etc.). Get towels, brooms or other simple props to make it more fun! Adult Time John 1:14 describes Jesus as full of grace & truth. How can truth without grace be harmful? How can grace without truth be unhealthy? WARNING: Convicting question alert! Would you describe your life as full of grace & truth? How can we as a community of Christ-followers help one another to be full of grace & truth? What do these phrases have in common? Long lines, crowded parking lots, sale shopping, over-eating, family visits. (DID ANYONE SAY CHRISTMAS?) Its already November & I can imagine that the pressures of Christmas are starting to creep in on many in your group. How can Christians enjoy all the festivities & fun of Christmas without missing the point of the season? What can we do as individuals, as families & as a Home Group to join in the Conspiracy of Love that Jesus brought into the world at His birth? What decisions can you make in November that help make Christmas a joyous celebration of Christ? Prayer Time Ask the Lord to give each member of your HG a renewed enthusiasm for the celebration of our Saviors birth. Pray for your HG to have courage & conviction to be the hands & feet of Christ in this dark world. We are the presence of the living Word of God on earth today. Pray that we would be filled to overflowing by the Spirit of Christ in us.

Community Calendar When was the last time your whole Community Group got together for fellowship, service or anything? Talk to your Shepherds & other HG leaders to make plans for a meaningful time to come together! Church Calendar Stop by the Lobby booth to pick up information about your Operation Christmas Child Shoebox. Collection Sunday is November 20th. Organize your HG to participate in this wonderful ministry.


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