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Dup 11 septembrie, Statele Unite ale Americii a extins obiectivele sale pentru a include minimizarea su stoparea terorismului de ctre

statele regionale. Provocarea a fost gsirea unui mod de a face acest lucru. O opiune a fost s reduc la minimum profilele americane n regiune. Alte au reprezentat condiiile care au dat natere terorismului, prin schimbarea sistemelor politice i economice. Dou dintre aceste metode au condus strategia american mai muli ani, dar fiecare indicaie nu meniona i riscurile i costurile care implic aceste aciuni. Aadar la aproape apte ani de la invazia n Irak, Orientul Mijlociu este o regiune de flux. Indiferent de rezultatul din Irak, conflictul a modelat peisajul nconjurtor strategic n diverse moduri care probabil vor fi resimite n deceniile ce vor urma. Efectele rzboiului din Irak sunt largi i afecteaz relaiile ntre state i societile dinamicii politice din interiorul statelor precum i schimburile de opinii publice n ceea ce privete credibilitatea Statelor Unite ale Americii. Bilanul acestor consecine, nu reprezint o ncurajare pe termen lung pentru obiectivele SUA n Orientul Mijlociu.1 Aceste aseriuni expuse m conduc cu necesitate la elaborarea unor concluzii menite s identifice interesul naional al Statelor Unite ale Americii la nceput de secol XXI. After 9/11, the Unites States of America have extended their objectives in order to prevent or, at least, minimize the terrorist threats regional countries would be posing. The challenge was finding an optimal way to achieve this goal. One of the options taken into account was significantly reducing to a minimum the United States involvement in these regions, while others fought against the conditions that gave birth to terrorism like the shifts in the political and economical systems. Two of these methods governed the strategy employed by the United States for numerous years, but there was no indication of the high risks and unreasonable expenses that enforcing this actions would imply. As a result, nearly seven years after Iraqs invasion, the Middle East becomes an intensely circulated region. Regardless of the conclusion from Iraq, the conflict shaped the surrounding strategic landscape so dire that the ripples will most likely be felt several decades after the clash ended. The consequences of the war in Iraq are still affecting worldwide relations

1 Ahadi, Afsaneh, Iran and the United States: Interaction in Iraq, Tehran: Center for Strategic Research, Research
Bulletin 15, September 2008. As of April 19, 2009: lng=en&abtid=05&depid=74&semid=277

on a large scale as well as political dynamic from within the countries themselves, the sudden shifts the public opinion undergoes regarding whether the United States of America are credible. The status report on these consequences does not represent an even ground for the US to further their objectives concerning the Middle East. These assertions compel me to elaborate a set of conclusions meant to discern the national interest of the United States of America at the dawn of the XXI century.

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