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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA.

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

paper --2006 ================ 1) Display regular files having more then two links. => 2) Display number of words and lines of files whose filenames begin with x. => wc -lw x* 3) Replace the word unix with UNIX in between 5th to 10th lines including both. => sed '5,10 s/unix/UNIX/p' file1 4) Remove all leading spaces from a file x1. => sed 's/^ *//' x1 5) Display lines from file x1 that contains at least 10 characters. => grep '^.\{10\}' x1 6) Display line number before each line. => nl file1 7) Move files that begin with x from current directory to the /user/bca01 directory. => mv x* /user/bca01 9) Remove directory tree dir1/dir2/dir3 using single command. => rm -r * 10) Assign value of 10th positional parameter to a variable x. =>i=0 for j in $* do i=`expr $i + 1`
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

if [ $i -eq 10 ] then x=5 $j=$x fi done 11) Display lines 10 to 15 from file x1. => sed -n '10,15p' x1 12) Display last word of each line from a file x1. =>awk ' { print $NF } ' x1 13) Equivalent sed command of sed '1,5d' x1. => sed -n '1,5!p' fx1 14) Display lines before a line that contains pattern xyz. =>sed -n '1,/xyz/p' f1 15) Multiply value of variable x with that of y and store the result in variable x. => x='Expr $x \* $y'

==================== 2008 ====================

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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

16) To remove file that begins with hyphen. => rm [_]* 17) Display attributr of process. => ps 18) Kill current shell without using PID. => kill $! 19) List all files whose first character is anything other than an alphabat in the range 'd' to 'm'. => ls [^d-m]* 20) Display the processor of user bca01. => 21) Record your login session in file names logdetails. => script logdetails 22) Move all the files modified within the last 2-days to the dir1 directory under your parent directory. => 23) list uses from /etc/passwd in the alphabatically sorted order. => cut -d: -F1 /etc/passwd | sort 24) display files of current directory without using ls command. => echo * 25) Display file content in three columns with header 'Unix operating system' => 26) Display lines of file f1 that do not contain any digit in it. => grep "[^0-9] f1
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

27) Replace all occurences of "linux OS" with "unix OS" in file f1. => sed -n 's/linux OS/unix OS/p' f1 28) create file2 from file1 such that it contains lines that begin with 'unix' in any case. => grep "^[uU][Nn][Ii][Xx]*" f1 > f2 29) Display all lines of file f1 having 3rd word 'user'. => $ awk ' { if($3=="user") print $0 }' f1 30) Count those line of file that do not begin with alphabets,. => grep "[^A-za-z]" f1 | wc -l 31) Display name of all files of workinf directory having patern 'the'. => grep -l "the"* 32) Display name of files of working directory having owner ,group and other permissions should be same. => $ ls -l |grep '^.\(...\)\1\1*' 33) Display lines of file f1 and that begin with any capital letter. =>grep "^[A-Z]*" f1

========================= 2010 ========================= 35) To display contents of top 3 largest files in a working directory.
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

=>$ ls -l |tr -s ' '|cut -d' ' -f5,9| sort -r | head -3 | cut -d' ' -f2 | cat 36) To count number of words in lines 40 through 60 of file f1.txt. => sed -n "40,60p" f1.txt | wc -w 37) Match all filenames not begining with a dot(.). => $ ls '.'* 38) Transfer recursively the ownership of all files in current directory to 'bca5'. => chown -R bca5 /. 39) Copies all 6-characters files in working directory to dir1 exist in working directory. => cp ?????? ./dir1 40) To move all files of working directory modified within the last 24-hours to mydir directory under your parent directory. => 41) To display all proceses run by user1 on terminal pts/1. assume that user1 logged in from more than one terminal. => 42) To display all files of current directory whose 1st character is not digit. => ls [^0-9]* 43) To delete all special characters from the file x1. => $ tr -dc [0-9A-Za-z] < x1 44) To dfisplay inode number of all files of current directory. => ls -i 45) To display line number,no of characters and word in each line of file f1. => $ awk ' BEGIN { i=1 }
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

{ c=length($0) w=NF printf("line no = %d\tchar = %d\tword =%d",i,c,w) printf("\n") i++ } ' f1 46) To display those lines of files f1 that contains exactly 50 character in it. => grep "^[.]\{50\}$" f1 47) To replace 'hello' with 'HELLO' in input file and write those lines to output file => sed "s/hello/HELLO/g" > 48) To extract all username and their home directory from /etc/passwd file. => cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd 49) Locate lines where the second and second last character of the f1.fh are the same. => $ grep '^.\(.\).*\1.$' f1 50) Display all files of working directory that contains 'hello' pattern in it. => $ ls -l|tr -s ' '| cut -d' ' -f9 | grep -l 'hello' 51) To display all lines that containsn pattern g* in a line. => grep "g\*" file1

====================== 2006 ====================== 52) Count number of characters in first five lines of file x1. => head -5 x1 | wc -c
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

53) Display files of current directory whose 1st character is not digit. => ls [^0-9]* 54) Display last 20 files of working directory. => ls | tail -30 55) Remove a file forcfuly which do not have write permission. => rm -f 56) Display only those files of current directory,which is own by the current user. => ls 57) To run utility x1 at 5:00pm. => at 5:00pm >x1 58) To replace the word Computer with Computing of file x1. => sed 's/Computer/Computing/p' x1 60) Display lines whose last word is unix of file x1. => grep "UNIX$" x1 61) Display no of lines having odd number of words in file x1. =>$ awk 'BEGIN { i=1 } { if (NF % 2 == 1) i++ print i } END { print i } ' f1 | tail -1 62) To return back user to his/her home directory without using home directory name as an argument to that command. => cd
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

63) Display lines of file x1 that do not begins with caret(^). => grep "[^^]" x1 64) Display only hidden files of worj=king directory. => grep "^[.]" worj=king 65) Display lines starting from 10th line to end of file of file x1. => sed -n '10,$p' x1

========================= 2008 ========================= 66) Display all files of current directory whose 1st character is not special character. =>ls [a-zA-Z0-9]* 67) Remove directory tree-structure dir/dir2/dir3/ using single command. => rm -r dir/dir2/dir3 68) Count frequency of users who are logged-in from more than one terminal. => 69) frame a contrab entry to execute the command1 every minute in first 10 minutes after 5:00 p.m. every friday of the month march june sepember and december of every year. => 70) Opens most recently savad file in vi editor. => ls -l > file1 | head -l | vi 71) Delete all leading and trailing spaces in all line of afile f1.
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

=> 72) Select those lines that contain only digits. => grep "^[0-9]*$" f1 73) Display all line that start with 'let', from a file x1. l,e or t may be in any case. => grep "^[lL][Ee][tT]?*" x1 74) count the frequency of each word in text file. =>awk ' { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) word[$i]++ } END { for(w in word) printf("%s\t%d\n",w,word[w]) }' f1 75) Display string in uppercase. => cat f1 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' 76) Write a grep command to display all lines that begin and end with same character. =>$ grep '^\(.\).*\1$' f1 77) using commnd substitution,write a command sequence that always prins the calendar of the current month. =>$ date | tr -s ' '| cut -d' ' -f2 | cal -----------------------------------------------------------------oct -nov 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------


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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

78) Frame a command to locate all the .doc and .txt files in the system. => ls *.doc;*.txt 79) change the modification time of a file to dec 25,10:30 am. => touch 12251030 file1 80) list all files of working directory having at least 4-character in filename. => ls ????* 81) frame a command to run the script => at 14:00 82) Display all files recursively (including the hidden ones) in multiple columns with distinguishing makes on executable and directories. => ls -Fx 83) Replace multiple space with a space in file f1. => tr -s' ' f1 84) write a unix command to evalutw the expression: => expr 4*3.14+6 85) write a command to display all unique words of file file1. => tr '[ <tab> ]' '012' <file1 | uniq -u 86) write a command to locate lines that begin and end with a dot(.) and containing anything between them. => ls .a.* 87) write a command to display all lines that contains 2 or more ^ symbols at begining of lines. => grep "^[^*]*" f1


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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

88) write a command to replace all occurences of 'he' 'she' and 'hello' with 'hi' in file f1. => sed -n 's/[she][he][hello]/hi/p' f1 89) write a command to sellect lines having exactly 10 alphabet. => grep ".\{10\}" file1 90) write an equivalent IRE for the following regular expression: 1) A* =>A+ 2) A?=>A. --------------------------------------------------2007 --------------------------------------------------91) To replace all occurences of words Zenix with Unix but only on those lines where the word "operating" found in file INFILE' =>$ grep 'operating' f1 | sed 's/Zenix/Unix/g' 92) To display those lines between 20 and 50 having pattern 'unix' in it. =>$ sed -n '20,50p' f1 | grep 'unix' 93) To replace multiple spaces with a space. => tr -s ' '<f1 94) To select files having read and write permission for all categories of users. =>$ ls -l |grep '^*' 95) To display those lines that contain two or more consecutive instences of any word. => 96) To count number of characters in last line of file x1. => tail -1 x1 | wc -c
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

97) To display those lines of file emp.dat in which third field contains 'director' or 'chairman'. => 98) Display from /etx/passwd a list of users and their shells for those using the korn shell or bash. => 99) To locate lines that contain hardware,software or firmware. => $ egrep '(hard|soft|firm)ware' f1 100) To count all lines that end with digit. =>$ grep -c '.*[0-9]$' f1 101) Write a command to display file names of working directory having first and last character must be an alphabet. =>$ ls -l | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f9 | grep '^[0-9].*[0-9]$' 102) write a command to list the users logged in more then once. => 103) write a command to display all files having length greater than equal to 25 characters. => find . -size +25c -print 104) write a command to display System process. => ps -W 105) how will you remove duplicate lines from a file? Assume that file is unsorted. => unique file1


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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

========================================= march-april -2007 -----------------------------------------

106) What is command to display all filenames containing only digits in a filename. => ls [0-9]* 107) write a command to count number of special characters in a file. => grep -c '[^a-zA-Z0-9]*' f2

109) how will you schedule a process, which should wish you happy birthday throught out your life. => 110) how do you find out the users who are idling? => ls -ul 111) Give at least two way to delete a current line in vi editor. => 112) Write an unix command which is similar to msDos command del *.*/p => rm -i *.* 113) Write a command to move all files begins with digit ,from the parent directory to the current directory. => $ mv ../[0-9]* /.


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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

114) Write a vi editor command to move two lines from the beginning of a file to the end. => 115) Write a command to link non-existing file with =>$ ln -s 116) Write sed command which add two spaces to the begining of each line and two dashes to the end of each line. => $ awk '{ print " " $0 "--" }' f1 117) write an awk command that display all lines having 2nd and 3rd characters same. =>$ grep '^.\(.\)\1.*$' f1 118) Write a command to append blank line after each line in a file except last line. =>$ sed '$!a > ' f1 119) write a grep command which print all lines except the comment line of shell script. => grep "^[^#]*" f1 120) write a grep command that display all files which have read and write permission for the group. =>$ ls -l |grep '^*' 121) write a sed command to replace 'unix os' on lines 5th to 10th.

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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

122) To remove a file named as x?(x followed by ? character). => rm x? 123) To send on line message to all login user. => wall x1 124) To run script x1 in background so that its execution continue even user logour from the system. => nohup 125) To display last line of a file x1. => sed -n '$p' x1 126) To sort a file with country as the primary key and state as secondary key when a file consist of name of city,state and country in the order. => sort -t" " -k3,3 -k2,2 file1 127) To deny execute permission to a group of a file x1. => chmod g-x x1 128) To kill the most recent background process,whom neither PID nor job number is known. => kill 128) To display number of processes related to login user. => ps -a 129) To create a link between file x1 and => ln x1 130) To create null(i.e 0 byte) file named as x1 in working directory. => cp /dev/null file1 | ls -l
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

131) To combine content of file x1 and x2 into x12. => cat x1 x2 >x12 132) To run a command with a priority of 25. => nice -n 25 133) To display content of a file named x1.Don't use cat command. => grep "^$*" x1 134) To remove duplicate lines from file x1. => unique x1 135) To display characters from 5th position to 10th position,including both,from file x1 $ cut -c5-10 f1 using "awk" =============== 136) only line having odd number of fileds from file x1. =>awk ' { if ( NF % 2 == 1 ) > print $0 } > ' f1 137) The length of the last field of every line of file x1. => awk '{ l=length($NF) >print l } >' x1 138) Lines having at least three fields from file x1. =>$ awk '{ if (NF >=3) >print $0 >} ' f1 139) Fields of each line in reverse order of file x1. $ awk ' { for (i=NF;i>=1;i--)
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure

>printf("%s\t",$i) >printf("\n") >}' f1 using "grep" =============== => 140) Display lines having exactly 50 characters of file x1. => sed -n 's/{/50/}/p' x1 141) Count number of blank lines in file x1. => grep -vc '.' x1 142) Display lines having at least one* character in file x1. => grep -c '\*' x1 143) Display lines from file x1 that containing string "UNIX" or "unix""Unix". => grep '[uU][Nn][Ii][Xx]' f1 using "sed" =============== 144)Three lines starting from 5th line of file x1. => sed -n '5,7p' x1 145) All lines before string unix from file x1. => sed -n '1,/unix/p' X1 146) All blank lines of file x1. => 147) Lines begining either with alphabet or digit from file x1. => sed -n '/^[a-zA-z0-9]/p' x1
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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure


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Vidyabharti Trust College of BBA & BCA. Umrakh

Course: BCA SEM - V Sub: File Structure


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