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Good to Great

Thats what makes death so hard unsatisfied curiosity Good is settling for bare minimum results and hence is always enemy to become great Good Results Great Mind (Whats inside the Black Box) Great Results You can accomplish anything in life, provided that you do not mind who gets the credit

1. 2. 3. 4.

Build-up Stage Level 5 Leader First Who & Then Where Being Bold enough to face the Brutal Facts Being Courageous enough to remain with highest hope to succeed despite the facts


2. 3.

Break-Through Stage Identifying the intersecting area between the circle of passion, talents, what we can give & get from the society and what the society can give and get from us Being disciplined enough to stay in that area Synergising with the environment


There are going to be times when we cant wait for somebody. Now you are either on the bus or off the bus If you want the journey to be enjoying ask whom you want to accompany rather than where you want to go Right People require no motivation, control or review The so called act of motivating people, controls & Reviews guard ineffectiveness and drives competent people out

There is no mistake in leadership than to hold out false hopes soon to be swept away Facts are better than dreams Leadership is about vision; but it is equally about creating a climate where truth is listened with empathetic heart not just heard. Lead with questions not answers Engage in dialogue & debate not coercion Conduct Reviews & Audits without Blame never review a person with the preposition how worst the person have performed.

Many war prisoners have escaped and lived a long life after all you are only in your own trap There is another way to see the things You can profit even in an adverse situation look for opportunity not threat Seek to feel abundance it is YOU Insider World comes out begin in YOU I found no stray street dog dead on road due to hunger and disease you wont. Believe in me and then yourself.


Be strong in what you believe Be simple deskill and reduce your individualistic importance. Be straight face the truth, tell it and live it Be sincere change the world as you want by living the aforesaid principles

Certain Facts

Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add but when there is no longer anything to take away All you have is your personal capital Being Good is like saving sex for old age Being in the zone The flow experience: when you are deeply immersed in the process of doing whatever you are doing and completely lose track of time and place Death comes when we simply show things in power point to others and not live the contents

Do you want to risk a part of your life or the entire life by being Good you risk entire life; but by trying to become great you risk a part of it No one can tell you what risks you should take. I am insisting you that you must choose a path you love for better or for worse Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the persons as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing

Create a life that matters Find a meaning for your life; live for it with all your thought and action by synergising with the right people and building up enough without bothering about result and achieve an ever standing break-through which is recorded as a great history.

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