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Name: 3ybell ernandez

Publio 3peaking, R. Long

November 1, 2011
1itle & 1opio:
1eohnioal lnvasion: the types of information we share and the implioations of widespread
teohnology in our personal lives.
3peoifio Purpose:
1o eduoate the audienoe on the different types of teohnology that traoks our usage, how the
data is used and the implioations of usage on our daily personal lives.
Considering the every growing presenoe of teohnology and data sharing in our daily lives it is
important that we, as users and oonsumers, reoognize the implioations of how new devioes,
applioations and sooial networking sites share our information, who has aooess to the
information and ultimately what is the oost of modern day teohnology.
l. 3he thought she was being olever when she told her husband, 3orry honey, l
oan't meet you for dinner. l have plans with the girls out on the west side of
town". But he heard through the teohnologioal grapevine that she wasn't
anywhere near where she was supposed to be. er sweet and oonsiderate
(albeit oontrolling) husband added a 0P3 traoking program to the new smart
phone he reoently gifted her. 1he rest of this story will play out in divoroe
oourt. 1his was reported by Barbara walters on ABC News 0otober 17, 2011.

ll. 1he ever growing teohnology market and advent of smart phones, 0P3
traoking software, thousands of applioations and other teohnology makes it
evident that we are obsessed with sharing and we don't even realize it. lt's
time to go offline and tune into to reality.

lll. aving been a laoebook user and even a My3paoe user for many years, l
have seen and heard many ups and downs of data sharing, sooial networking
and privaoy.

lv. with software programs and sooial networks sites oontinuously being upgraded,
revamped or newly devised, the question beoomes when does the use of mainstream
teohnology outlive its sooial" benefits and beoome an invasion of oonsumer privaoy?
l will disouss these benefits and downfalls of data sharing on sooial networking
mediums suoh as laoebook and 1witter oombined with the use of smart phones,
lPAU's or 1hinkPad's and other mobile devioes and their applioations. l will touoh on
the advent of Photo Reoognition and its' ourrent and future uses. lurther, l will talk
about the oonoept of invasion of privaoy and how these tools and applioations oould
be used against us. linally, l will bring to the forefront the governments' new plans of
a pre-orime deteotion authorized by the omeland 3eourity and how it oould
potentially use our online presenoe to virtually" nail us to the wall. what is all this
teohnology oosting us? ls it truly free? And what are, if any, the implioations of the
modern teohnology we so openly embraoe?

v. Body:
l. By the show of hands, how many of you in the audienoe use on a
regular basis some sort of sooial networking program? l'm guilty. l use
laoebook at least on a daily basis, sometimes, more often, but
laoebook isn't the only data sharing monster out there,

a. ln 3eptember 2011, CNN reported that laoebook's new revamped
style is a lot like 1witter. lf you are familiar with lB and other sooial
networking sites you know that you oan ohat online, email, post
pios, add friends, delete friends, play games, follow friend feeds,
tag news olips videos and artioles. ou oan pretty muoh oyber stalk
anyone you used to know, or want to know. 3ome of the newest
upgrades will allow users to soroll through previous posts going
several years baok without having to oliok older posts", allowing
someone to easily oyber snoop" on you. lf it's not soary enough
that your potential love interest oan oheok up on your past, how
about potential employers or even for us aspiring grad students,
potential oolleges?

b. 3imilarly, we have ou1ube. 1his is another form of data sharing,
although not as intrusiveit oan just as fun, or damaging. ere,
anyone oan make a video of themselves and post it for the world to
see. Many of the things you find are informative, but you oan also
find nonsense in abundanoe. 1he benefit of ou1ube is learning to
do things you otherwise have no aooess to. 1o its' disoredit, you oan
also post something you thought was fun today but will soon regret.
And guess what, it's out in oyberspaoe so even after you delete it,
it's still there.

1ransition: ln addition to voluntarily sharing your personal information, there are
teohnologies that link your online presenoe to who you are just by soanning
your photo.
ll. laoial Reoognition teohnology software is quiokly gaining popularity in
today's world and not just on sooial networking sites.

a. Aooording to an artiole dated 1une 8
in PCworld, laoebook's
newest upgrades inolude faoial reoognition teohnology. what this
means is that user's now oan upload photos to the site whioh will
automatioally matoh up your faoe to your profile. 1hat's oreepy.
3ome may think it is nifty they no longer have to take the time to
tag a photo of you, but think about it, somewhere, your identifying
faoial features are stored away along with your personal
information, a there is system out there oan put 2 and 2 together.

b. Likewise, looal, state and higher level government is jumping on the
bandwagon. 0n 0otober 10th, Uisoovery News reports that the lBl
rolled out the Next 0eneration ldentifioation 3ystem" whioh will
allow agents to take a photo of a suspeot and run it against the
federal mug-shot database. ln Massaohusetts, law enforoement is
working on their own version of faoial reoognition that may even
inolude soanning of the iris to make a olear identifioation of
suspeoted oriminals aooording to a report from PCworld dated
3eptember 21

1ransition: Naturally, there are pros and oons of teohnology. owever, onoe you begin to
unoover all the ways information is gathered, you must oonsider then who has
oontrol and aooess to that information and for what purpose?

lll. 0nline sooial networks and other applioations that are teohnioally free
aren't truly free. 1hey gather information and sell it to other
oompanies. 1his oonstitutes an invasion of your privaoy. lf you don't
think so, wait til you hear this.

a. 1he online news souroe, 1he Uaily Beast, states that laoebook's
newest upgrades and redesign are essentially a grab for more
data" from its' users to sell to third party affiliates. 3inoe the site
itself is free to it's' users, they have to make money somehow. 1hey
do that by selling our information obtained through gaming and
other applioations. 3o, essentially we are the produot being sold.

b. Not be left out, stand-alone programs suoh as 0n3tar and smart
phones apps using 0P3 teohnology oolleot data from you too.
Programs like 0n3tar are useful in their own right by giving you
direotions as well as looating you in the oase of emergenoy.
owever, you should be aware these programs own the data they
oolleot and aooording to another Uisoovery News artiole dated
3eptember 23
they have the right to sell it. ow do you like that
for fine print?

o. ln the ultimate form on invasion of privaoy l want to speak
briefly on how the government is joining in. 1he division of
omeland 3eourity has rolled out a new program, ourrently in
the trial phase, oalled lA31 or luture Attribute 3oreening
1eohnology. Lssentially, the government has devised a system
to monitor everyday people like you and l, not just oriminals,
and deteot whether we lN1LNU to oommit a orime. Muoh like in
the movie Minority Report" they utilize data streams made
available via video, audio, eleotro dermal aotivity and more to
deteot 570.720. ear me well, big brother 8 watohing us.

3ummary of Main Points: At this point, you should have a better understanding of the
types of data sharing used by many popular sites, how faoial
reoognition teohnology is ohanging the way the world sees you
and finally, the implioations of all this on your privaoy.
Conolusion: Regardless of your age or personality, if you utilize the internet and many of
today's applioations and programs, you should be oonoerned with your online
presenoe and how your data is used in general. l'd like to olose out today by
touohing again on the married oouple, the one with the oheating wife. what if
her hubby didn't want to settle in divoroe oourt? what if he had plans of his
own to settle with the little wife? lt is very easy to imagine how these devioes
and teohnologioal advanoes oan beoome a tool for someone with malevolent
intentions. lmagine.e finds her.and her lover. ln a rage of passion he aots
out violently. 1hree lives oould easily be destroyed with the aid of suoh
teohnology. 1hat is a sobering thought.

w0RK3 Cl1LU
1. lind my lriends finds oheating wife reported by ABC, 0otober 12, online video
Barbara walters, http://abonews.go.oom/1eohnology/video/oheating-wife-oaught-

2. laoebook users Not appy with New [laoebook] updates, Reported by: Uoug 0ross,
CNN 1eoh News, 3eptember 21, 2011

3. laoebook laoial Reoognition: New 1eohnology, lamiliar Problem, 1. R. Raphael, PC
world, 1une 9, 2011

4. lBl to Launoh Nationwide laoial Reoognition 3ervioe, Aliya 3ternstein, Nextgov,
0otober 07, 2011

5. laoebook's New 0rab for Uata, 1ustin Brookman, 1he Uaily Beast, 3eptember 22,

6. ls 0n3tar spying on you?, Nio alverson, Uisoovery News, 3eptember 23, 2011

7. lBl Rolling 0ut laoe Reoognition 3ystem, 1esse Lmspak, Uisoovery News, 0otober
10, 2011

8. omeland 3eourity Moves lorward with Pre-Crime Ueteotion, Ueolan MoCullagh, CNet
News, 0otober 7, 2011

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