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S|tuat|on 1he pub||c hea|th nurse shou|d be aware of some changes |n the hea|th care de||very system
as a resu|t of the |oca| government code

1 PealLh servlces were devoLed Lo Lhe Local CovernmenL unlLs (LCu's) for
Lhe followlng reasons excepL
A Lo Lransform LCu's lnLo selfrellance communlLles
8 1o lnvolve people ln Lhe developmenL and rogress of Lhelr communlLles
C Lmpower local healLh offlclals
u 1o provlde people beLLer access Lo declslon maklng

2 Whlch of Lhe followlng agencles wlll be responslble for Lhe proLecLlon and promoLlon of Lhe people
A Local CovernmenL unlLs C ueparLmenL of PealLh
8 ueparLmenL of lnLerlor and Local CovernmneL u 8arangay and Munlclpal Counclls

3 Whlch of Lhe followlng publlc healLh programs are devolved and are made more accesslble Lo Lhe
A LnvlronmenLal healLh communlcable and noncommunlcable dlsease conLrol
8 Cnly maLernal and chlld healLh program
C Areas recommended by governmenL/local offlclals
u All Lhese programs

4 1he ueparLmenL of PealLh (uCP) adopLs measuremenL Lo augmenL baslc servlces and faclllLles asslgned Lo
LCu's Whlch of Lhe followlng are prlorlLy areas for Lhe provlson of asslsLanL by uCP
A Areas where sLudles/researches on healLh are conducLed
8 SelecLed areas ln Lhe clLy
C Areas recommended by governmenL/local offlclals
u less developed and deservlng local governmenL unlLs

3 Whlch of Lhe followlng asslsLance ls /are glven by Lhe uCP Lo Lhe LCu's
A rovlde healLh lnformaLlon sLaLlsLlc and oLher necessary daLa
8 All of Lhese form of asslsLance
C Lnsure LhaL publlc has access Lo hlgher and more advanced faclllLles
u MonlLor and evaluaLe local healLh pro[ecLs programs and servlces

S|tuat|on In the mun|c|pa||ty where you are ass|gned the peop|e have poor hyg|ene pract|ces poor
Lnv|ronmenta| san|tat|on and poor nutr|t|on 1he|r educat|ona| |eve|s are |ow Infant Morta||ty rate
(IMk) |s |ow compared to the nat|ona| IMk
6 ln Lhls munlclpallLy Lhe nurslng healLh care plan should be focused on
A 8ehablllLaLlve servlces C PealLh promoLlon and dlsease prevenLlon
8 All Lhese servlces u CuraLlve servlces

7 ln order Lo deLermlne whaL speclflc healLh Leachlngs would be approprlaLe for Lhe people of Lhls munlclpallLy
whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe besL meLhod Lo use
A lnLervlew of Lhe mldwlves
8 8evlew of records and reporLs
C SLudy knowledge aLLlLudes and pracLlces of Lhe people
u 8evlew of Lhe PealLh sLaLlsLlcs

8 8arangay C ln Lhls munlclpallLy have poor hyglenlc pracLlces poor envlromenL condlLlon 1hese are
ConLrlbuLlng facLors Lo whlch of Lhe followlng dlsease condlLlons
A lnflueza C araslLlsm
8 PepaLlLls 8 u Measles

9 lor 8arangay C you Lherefore lnLend Lo conducL healLh educaLlon sesslons for a group of moLhers Whlch of
Lhe followlng Loplcs for dlscusslon wlll be glven lesL prlorlLy
A roper selecLlon and preparaLlon food C CuLLlng chlldren's flngernalls shorL
8 Pandwashlng before preparlng food u Cvercrowdlng and lLs effecLs

10 ?ou asslsLed Lhe mldwlfe ln lormulaLlng Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe plan of Lhe care for 8arangay C Whlch of Lhe
followlng ls a well saLed ob[ecLlve
A 1o reduce Lhe number of Lhe chlldren wlLh ascarlasls by Lhe end of 2 years
8 Lo proLecL Lhe waLer sources from polluLlon
C 1o conducL heaLh Leachlngs on proper nuLrlLlon
u 1o reduce Lhe number of underwelghL chlldren by 10
S|tuat|on 8ased on the safe mothermood survey materna| morta||ty rate |s 209]100 000 ||ve b|rths and
prenata| morta||ty rate |s a|so h|gh

11 8ased on uCP flndlngs maLernal Lragedles occur due Lo delayed referrals Whlch one below conLrlbuLes
prlmarlly Lo delay?
A LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlon C LaLe deLecLlon of compllcaLlon
8 unLralned manpower u Lack of blood supplles

12 1argeL populaLlon for LoLal care durlng pregnancy dellvery and posLparLum belongs Lo Lhls group
A 1340 C 1643
8 1349 u 1833

13 MaLernal morLallLy raLe ls Lhe number of maLernal deaLhs per 1 000 llve blrLhs ln a speclflc year
Whlch one below ls correcL formula?
A Llve blrLhs + numbers of feLal deaLhs 1 000
number of deaLhs of maLernal causes
8 Llve blrLhs + number of feLal deaLhs 1 000
number of maLernal deaLhs
C number of deaLhs due Lo maLernal deaLhs 1000
Llve blrLhs + number of feLal deaLhs
u number of deaLhs dueL o maLernal cause 1 000
Llve blrLhs + number of feLal deaLhs of Lhe same year

14 lnfanL morLallLy raLe ls deaLhs under one year of age per 1 000 llve blrLhs ln a speclflc year Whlch formula
ls correcL?
A ueaLhs under one year 1 000
Llve blrLhs of Lhe same year
8 ueaLhs below one year 1 000
Llve blrLhs of Lhe same year
C ueaLhs below one year 1 000
Llve blrLhs below one year
u Llve blrLhs below one year 1 000
ueaLhs below one year
13 lncldence raLe means new cases as percenL populaLlon and prevalence raLe means cases ln a glven perlod
of Llme as percenL populaLlon Whlch formula below ls Lhe prevalence raLe
A number of case of speclflc dlsease 1 000
LsLlmaLe populaLlon
8 1oLal number of a dlsease (old + new) 1 000
LsLlmaLed populaLlon aL Lhe Llme
C number of cases of a speclflc dlsease durlng a speclflc Llme 1 000
LsLlmaLed populaLlon exposed Lo LhaL dlsease durlng Lhe Llme
u 1oLal number of a dlsease (old + new) as a glven Llme 1 000
LsLlmaLed populaLlon aL Lhe Llme

SlLuaLlon lrom !anuary Lo SepLember Lhere were Lwo (2) ouLbreaks of Lyphold fever ln 8arangay uamba
and 8arangay uambana Lpldemlologlcal lnvesLlgaLlon was done by Lhe 8ural PealLh unlL Leam

16 As a ubllc healLh nurse you know LhaL Lyphold fever ls caused by
A lmproper personal hyglene C lnLake of unsafe waLer or food
8 lnhalaLlon of conLamlnaLed alr u lomlLes

17 1he prlmary purpose of conducLlng Lhls lnvesLlgaLlon ls Lo
A ldenLlfy groups who are rlsks of conLracLlng Lhe dlsease
8 uellneaLe Lhe eLlology of Lhe dlsease
C Lncourage cooperaLlon and supporL of Lhe communlLy
u ldenLlfy geographlcal locaLlon where Lhe dlseases would mosL llkely occur

18 lf a slmllar ouLbreak wlll occur ln your communlLy and you wlll conducL an epldemlologlcal lnvesLlgaLlon
whlch of Lhe followlng Lypes of daLa wlll be requlred
A opulaLlon sLaLlsLlc morLallLy and morbldlLy daLa
8 Pousehold survey daLa
C MorbldlLy daLa and demographlc characLerlsLlcs of lndlvlduals
u MorLallLy and morbldlLy daLa

19 Whlch of Lhe followlng sources of daLa wlll noL necessary
A 8ecords malnLalned by hosplLals C opulaLlon
8 PealLh care reporLs u none of Lhese

20 As a ubllc PealLh nurse ln a 8ural PealLh unlL you have a vlLal role ln Lhe conducL of epldemlologlcal
lnvesLlgaLlon and Lhls ls among oLhers Lhe
A lnsLlLuLe approprlaLe conLrol measures ln a conflrmed ouLbreak
8 Checklng Lhe presence of slgns and sysLoms accordlng Lo Lhe sLandard case
C MonlLor selecLed number of dlsease by weekly charLlng or graphlng Lhese as Lhey occur ln Lhe
u lannlng and securlng necessary resources needed for dlsease conLrol measures

21 Whlch of Lhe followlng Lells us how many bables born allve would dle before reachlng one year of age ln a
glven Llme and place
A Speclflc chlld deaLh raLe C neonaLal deaLh raLe
8 lnfanL morLallLy raLe u Crude deaLh raLe

22 CbservaLlon of evenLs ln Lhe communlLy are presenLed ln Lhe form of Lables/graphs Whlch of Lhe
followlng graphs ls besL Lo use ln presenLlng Lrend of blrLhs and deaLh raLes over perlods of Llme
A le charL C Llne graph
8 8ar graph u Arc dlagram

S|tuat|on nea|th stat|st|cs w||| prov|de the nurse v|ta| |nformat|on wh|ch she can use for good dec|s|onmak|ng
|n re|at|on to wh|ch spec|f|c hea|th promot|on]prevent|on act|v|t|es w||| be needed by wh|ch group of
peop|e |n the commun|ty

23 ln 2000 Lhere was 13 cases of AcuLe 8esplraLory lnfecLlon (8Al) ln 8arangay 8 whlle 8arangay C had 20
cases 1he LoLal numbers of chlldren ln 8arangay 8 us 300 and 200 ln 8arangay C 1he percenLage
chlldren who had A8l ls
A Plgher ln 8arangay C Lhan ln 8arangay 8 C 1he same ln 8arangay 8 and C
8 noL compare ln 8arangy 8 and C u Plgher ln 8arangay 8 Lhan ln 8arangay C

24 lrom !anuary 1 Lo 13 2000 Lhere were 8 cases of LeLanus neonaLorum admlLLed ln San Lazaro PosplLal
1here were Lwo deaLhs WhaL ls Lhe case faLallLy raLlo of Lhls dlsease
A 20 C 28
8 30 u 23

23 1he lnfanL morLallLy raLe us Lhe number of chlldren
A uylng for every Lhousand of Lhe populaLlon
8 uylng 0 3 year old ln every Lhousand populaLlon
C uylng ln Lhe flrsL 4 weeks ln every Lhousand chlldren born allve LhaL year
u uylng before 1 year old ln every Lhousand chlldren born allve LhaL year

26 Whlch of Lhe followlng measures Lhe proporLlon of Lhe populaLlon whlch exhlblLs a parLlcular dlsease aL a
parLlcular Llme and deals wlLh new and old cases
A roporLlon morbldlLy raLe C lncldence raLlo
8 Case faLallLy rare u revalence raLlo

27 Whlch of Lhe followlng measures LhaL rlsk of dylng from causes relaLed Lo pregnancy chlldblrLh and
A MaLernal morLallLy C leLal deaLh raLe
8 neonaLal deaLh raLe u lnfanL morLallLy raLe

S|tuat|on 10 CC to hea|th work through the use of pr|mary hea|th care approach

28 1he followlng sLaLemenLs perLaln Lo rlmary PealLh Care (PC) are correcL LxCL1
A LssenLlal care wlLh ulLlmaLe goal of self rellance ln healLh
8 1ransfer of healLh Lechnology Lo Lhe hands of Lhe people
C loundaLlons of alLernaLlves on healLh and healLh care
u uLlllzaLlon of hlgh and approprlaLe Lechnology

29 ApproprlaLe 1echnology or Appro 1ech refers Lo meLhods and Lechnology whlch are
1 avallable and accesslble3 _ soclal AccepLable
2 SclenLlflcally sounc4 repllcable and lnexpenslve

A all of Lhe above C 1 and 2 only
8 1 2 and 3 u 2 and 3 only

30 rlmary PealLh Car ls effecLlve when nurses
A rovlde supporL program for organlzlng work
8 uevelop MuLual LrusL wlLh Lhe people
C Launch communlLy moblllzaLlons
u Lxerclse correcL leadershlp ln Lhe communlLy

31 MulLl secLors of Lhe communlLy
1 Members of Lhe healLh secLor ln Lhe communlLy
2 Member of Lhe secLors
3 8aslc secLors of Lhe communlLy
4 lronLllne

A 1 and 2 C 1 and 4
8 1 2 and 3 u 1 and 3

9r|mary nea|th Care |s essent|a| hea|th care made un|versa||y access|b|e to |nd|v|dua|s and fam|||es |n the commun|ty
by means acceptab|e to them

32 WhaL ls Lhe legal basls of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of PC ln con[uncLlon Lo Lhe llrsL lnLernaLlonal Conference
on rlmary PealLh Car sponsored by Lhe World PealLh CrganlzaLlon?
A LeLLer of lnsLrucLlon 949 C 8A 7303
8 resldenLlal uecree 996 u 8A 7164

33 PC alms Lo sLrengLhen Lhe healLh care sysLem by lncreaslng opporLunlLles and supporLlng Lhe condlLlons
whereln people wlll manage Lhelr own healLh care As a sLraLegy whaL ls lLs maln focus?
A CreaLlng mulLlsecLoral llnkages
8 8esponslblllLy for healLh on Lhe lndlvldual hls famlly and Lhe communlLy
C SupporL for fronLllne healLh workers
u Assurances of lncreaslng lnvesLmenL for healLh care servlces

34 ln Lhe concepLual framework of rlmary PealLh Care ln Lhe hlllpplne PealLh Care uellvery SysLem lLs
goal ls embodled ln whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenL of ob[ecLlve?
A PealLh for all llllplnos
8 CommunlLybased accesslble accepLable and cosLeffecLlve healLh care servlces
C PealLh for all llllplnos and PealLh ln Lhe hand of Lhe eople by Lhe year 2020
u A Longer ulsablllLylree llfe

33 Whlch of Lhe ff ls a conLrlbuLlon of communlLy healLh nurses Lo Lhe communlLy's healLh?
A rovldlng healLh educaLlon Lo vulnerable populaLlons
8 CoordlnaLlng access Lo lnLegraLed care for a populaLlon
C ueveloplng comprehenslve sysLems of healLh care ln a varleLy of seLLlngs
u All of Lhe above

36 Whlch of Lhe ff seLLlngs would a communlLy healLh nurse be less llkely Lo be lnvolved?
A nelghborhood/ communlLy cllnlc or senlor cenLer
8 hyslclan's offlce wlLh focus on lndlvldual cllenL care
C Pomebased care
u nelghborhood plannlng board

37 CommunlLy healLh nurses help lnfluence Lhe healLh of communlLles Lhrough whlch of Lhe followlng
A LeglslaLlng healLh behavlor
8 8ecordlng healLh sLaLus of lndlvlduals ln a slmllar geographlc area
C lnfluenclng healLh behavlor engaglng ln healLh promoLlon
u none of Lhe above

38 PealLh promoLlon acLlvlLles are deslgned Lo
A revenL people from exposure Lo germs
8 lgnore splrlLual facLors because Lhey confuse medlcal lssues
C lncrease communlLy's conLrol over Lhelr healLh wellbelng
u Make sure Lhe communlLy healLh nurse ls ln charge of healLh programs

39 lnLegraLlve models of human healLh see healLh facLors as
A uerlved solely from physlcal phenomena
8 lnLerLwlned and lnLeracLlve wlLh mulLlple componenLs such as physlcal sychologlcal and soclal
C Cenerally belng aLLrlbuLable Lo psychologlcal problems ln lndlvlduals
u LffecLlve only when comblned lnLegraLed wlLh alLernaLlve Lheraples

40 1he communlLy healLh nurse acLlng ln Lhe role of advocaLe would be mosL llkely Lo promoLe
A Selfcare selfdeLermlnaLlon
8 1elllng Lhe people ln Lhe communlLy LhaL Lhe medlcal experLs know whaL ls besL for Lhem
C Smoklng cessaLlon
u 1haL healLh care opLlons should be pursued wlLhouL Lhe lnfluence of frlends or famlly

41 Whlch of Lhe ff Lasks would be approprlaLe for a CPn as a counselor?
A MoLlvaLlng people Lo be pollLlcally acLlve
8 Lncouraglng people Lo be passlve so as noL Lo upseL Lhe declslonmakers
C LlsLenlng and provldlng feedback and lnformaLlon
u Showlng people how explorlng feellngs and aLLlLudes ls noL lmporLanL for meeLlng healLh needs

42 nurse acLlng as researchers can help communlLles by
A LducaLlng Lhe communlLy abouL how care can be coordlnaLed
8 lgnorlng daLa generaLed by research because Lhese daLa have no connecLlon wlLh Lhe provlslon of
quallLy care
C Showlng how research can be culLurally blased
u uslng rellable daLa Lo anLlclpaLe healLh problems promoLe lnLervenLlons based on Lhese daLa

S|tuat|on 1he app||cat|on of the nurs|ng process |s a rat|ona| method of p|ann|ng and prov|d|ng nurs|ng care As a
bas|c too| |n profess|ona| nurs|ng pract|ce |ts ut|||zat|on ensures competent and safe pract|ce

43 When promoLlng healLh of Lhe lndlvlduals famlly and communlLy Lhe flrsL sLep you should Lake ls
A uo healLh sLaLus assessmenL C LsLabllsh famlly reglsLry
8 ConducL a populaLlon census u Crganlze Lhe communlLy for healLh acLlon

44 When assesslng famlly healLh sLaLus one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL daLa Lo collecL ls Lhe
A 8oles of Lhe famlly members C PosplLallzaLlon experlence of Lhe famlly
8 Level of lmmunlzaLlon of Lhe chlldren u PealLh resources of Lhe famlly

43 1hls ls sLaLemenL of nurslng dlagnosls relaLed Lo healLh promoLlon
A PealLh seeklng behavlor relaLed Lo lgnorance
8 oLenLlal coplng deflclL because of poverLy
C MlsconcepLlon abouL healLh promoLlon aLLrlbuLed Lo communlcaLlon barrler
u MalnuLrlLlon due Lo poor eaLlng hablLs

46 ln healLh promoLlon whlch of Lhe followlng nurslng lnLervenLlons should you glve prlorlLy?
A adulL educaLlon C prlmary healLh care
8 PealLh educaLlon u rogram plannlng

47 When lmplemenLlng a healLh promoLlon plan lL ls mosL lmporLanL Lo develop Lhe lndlvlduals
A selfrespecL C lndlvldual's worLh
8 unlqueness u self lmage

S|tuat|on 1he rura| hea|th nurse was schedu|ed to d|scuss common ch||dhood and ado|escent hea|th concerns w|th
then parents and teachers |n the commun|ty

48 A quesLlon was ralsed by a moLher whose daughLer age 14 complalns of cramps backache and nausea
wlLh her mensLrual perlod 1he nurse explaln LhaL hls ls common posslbly due Lo lncrease prosLaglandlns
hence Lhese sympLoms are mosL llkely
A hyslologlcal C aLhologlcal
8 Pypochondrlacal u sychosomaLlc

49 A number of parenLs complaln of Lhelr Leenager's refusal Lo eaL wlLh food served aL famlly meals Lhus
lncreaslng Lhe budgeL on allowance Lo go Lo school 1he nurse can help Lhese parenLs make a plan Lo
A SuggesL Lo parenLs Lo do grocery shopplng
8 lnform adolescenLs of adverse effecLs of fasL foods
C Check on adolescenL's food lnLake
u lncorporaLe adolescenL's preferences lnLo meal plannlng

30 A nurse explalns Lo Lhe moLher whose chlldren experlence unhapplness when flrsL enLer school 1hls ls
because of Lhelr
A lnablllLy Lo relaLe Lo oLhers
8 ulfflculLy Lo sLarL a conversaLlon
C leellng of lnsecurlLy
u leellng of belng unable Lo pay aLLenLlon

31 1he school nurse lnforms parenLs how Lhey can prepare Lhelr chlldren for enLerlng school 1he measure
LhaL can besL help parenLs ls Lo
A Pave parenLs sLay wlLh Lhe chlld or Lhe flrsL few monLhs
8 CrlenL Lhelr chlldren abouL school's physlcal envlronmenL
C ulscuss school wlLh Lhelr chlldren lf Lhey asked
u Pave older slsLer/broLhers Lell Lhem abouL school

32 CLher parenLs are frusLraLed ln geLLlng Lhelr adolescenLs Lo observe puncLuallLy ln aLLendlng Lo dally
acLlvlLles 1hey spend so much Llme geLLlng dressed up and looklng aL Lhe mlrror 1he explaln LhaL Lhls
behavlor ls
A An lndlcaLlon of proLesL Lo nagglng parenLs
8 A maLLer of hablL delaylng
C A resulL of rapld bodlly changes and developlng selfconcepL
u An unusual concern wlLh self

S|tuat|on Goa|s of materna| and |nfant care

33 !esslca 23 years old works as a senlor corporaLe secreLary of blg flrm vlslLs Lhe cllnlc She ls 2 monLhs
pregnanL wlLh her flrsL chlld !esslca feels LhaL Lhere ls a confllcL beLween selfacLuallzaLlon Lhrough her
work and Lhrough parenLlng prlor seLLlng healLh care plans Lhe nurse needs Lo conslder
A llnanclal and soclal sLaLus C !esslca's educaLlonal background
8 8oss's aLLlLude Lowards her u CulLure and famlly sLrucLure

34 uurlng Lhls lnlLlal lnLeracLlon Lhe nurse assesses for whaL mlghL be Lhe needed supporL such facLor LhaL
can lnfluence Lhe couple's ways of reacLlng Lo sLress as
A lamlly neLwork C SupporL sysLem
8 naLure of Ceclle's [ob u LnvlronmenL and psychosoclal facLors

33 reparaLlon for chlld blrLh Lakes several forms dependlng on culLure famlly seLLlng and supporL sysLem lL
ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe nurse undersLands
A Perself and her knowledge of chlld blrLh
8 SupporL and Leachlng role ln chlld blrLh educaLlon
C CllenL's educaLlonal background
u Couple's socloeconomlc undersLandlng

36 1he phllosophy of lamllyCenLered MaLurlLy Care changed lLs framework where moLher and chlld are now
A CenLer where slmllar concerns are grouped
8 Cne secLlon on hosplLal/healLh cenLer
C Lxcluslve Lo one famlly care
u A unlL wlLh a nurse asslgnmenL Lo prlmary care

37 All Lhese are consldered recenL Lrends ln maLernallnfanL care excepL
1 Larly dlscharged and cosL conLalnmenL 3 CommunlLy sLandard of care
2 lamllycenLered care 4 8eglonallzaLlon

A 234 C 134
8 123 u 12

38 ln order Lo provlde lndlvlduallzed care Lo your paLlenLs you musL develop for each paLlenL a
A LlsL of facLors affecLlng paLlenL's condlLlon C uocLor's order
8 aLlenL's need u lamlly 's lnsLrucLlons

39 1he provlslon of lmmedlaLe care needed by Lhe paLlenL ls your concern Pence you esLabllsh prlorlLles
accordlng Lo
A LlsL of facLors affecLlng paLlenL's condlLlon C uocLor's order
8 aLlenL's need u lamlly lnsLrucLlons

60 lor Lhe nurslng care plan Lo be effecLlve Lhls musL be prepared wlLh and accepLed by Lhe
A rural healLh physlclan
8 CLher members of Lhe healLh Leam
C aLlenL
u Mldwlfe asslgned Lo Lhe area where paLlenL resldes


SI1UA1ICN 1he 9ub||c nea|th Nurse must be profess|ona||y qua||f|ed and ||censed to pract|ce |n the arena of pub||c
hea|th nurs|ng [ust ||ke any other profess|ona| hea|th worker

1 1he baslc compeLencles skllls and knowledge on Lhe followlng concepLs are expecLed of a publlc healLh
A CommunlLy healLh nurslng process home vlslLs communlLy organlzlng healLh educaLlon
8 CommunlLy healLh nurslng process nurslng procedures communlLy organlzlng healLh
educaLlon survelllance recordlng and reporLlng
C nurslng procedures cllnlc vlslLs communlLy organlzlng healLh educaLlon survelllance
recordlng and reporLlng
u CommunlLy healLh nurslng process home vlslLs bag Lechnlque healLh educaLlon cllnlc vlslLs
survelllance recordlng reporLlng

2 1he provlslon of care Lo lndlvlduals famllles and communlLles Lowards healLh promoLlon and dlsease
prevenLlon ls under whaL ma[or funcLlon of Lhe publlc healLh nurse?
A ManagemenL funcLlon
8 Supervlsory funcLlon
C nurslng care funcLlon
u CollaboraLlng and coordlnaLlng funcLlon

3 1he followlng are lncluded on Lhe assessmenL phase of Lhe communlLy nurslng process
l daLa collecLlon
ll ldenLlflcaLlon of healLh problems
lll assesslng coplng ablllLy
lv analysls and lnLerpreLaLlon of daLa
v prlorlLlzlng needs

A l ll lll lv v C l ll lll lv
8 l ll lvv u l lll lv lv

4 1he healLh problem occurs when Lhere ls a gap beLween acLual and achlevable healLh sLaLus llke hlsLory of
hablLual aborLlon
A PealLh LhreaL
8 PealLh problem
C loreseeable crlsls
u PealLh ueflclL

3 vlola a 16yearsold moLher wlLh Lwo chlldren ages 3 years and 8 monLhs ls heslLanL Lo have her chlldren
lmmunlzed agalnsL u1 and measles Per eldesL chlld recelved 8CC Cv2 vacclnes whlle Lhe lasL chlld
was only glven 8CC vacclne 1hls slLuaLlon consLlLuLes a
A PealLh LhreaL
8 PealLh problem
C loreseeable crlsls
u PealLh ueflclL

SI1UA1ICN Commun|ty hea|th purposes and goa|s are rea||zed through the app||cat|on of a ser|es of steps that
|ead to des|red resu|ts

6 1hls sLaLemenL refers Lo Lhe declaraLlon of purpose or lnLenL LhaL glves essenLlal dlrecLlon Lo acLlon
A Cb[ecLlve C Mlsslon
8 Coal u vlslon

7 ln prlorlLlzlng healLh problems ln communlLy healLh nurslng a seL of crlLerla ls followed whlch lncludes
A naLure of Lhe problem modlflablllLy prevenLlve poLenLlal
8 naLure of Lhe problem modlflablllLy prevenLlve poLenLlal and sallence
C naLure of Lhe problem prevenLlve poLenLlal and urgency of Lhe problem
u naLure of Lhe problem modlflablllLy and urgency of Lhe problem

8 ln CuallLy assurance evaluaLlon Lhls lnclude cosLbeneflL raLlo quallflcaLlons and number of members of
Lhe healLh Leam and maLerlal resources ln Lerms of quanLlLy and quallLy
A LvaluaLlon based on professlonal pracLlce
8 LvaluaLlon of sLrucLure
C LvaluaLlon based on lnformaLlon
u CuLcome evaluaLlon

9 nurse Clna evaluaLes Lhe healLh sLaLus of Mang 8lno 46 years old 18 paLlenL afLer 7 monLhs of mulLldrug
Lherapy Pls Lhree consecuLlve spuLum exams are negaLlve he has good compllance Lo Lhe LreaLmenL
reglmen and shares hls lnLeresL ln golng back Lo work as a securlLy guard 1 he daLa presenLed are under
whaL classlc framework of evaluaLlon?
A SLrucLural elemenLs
8 rocess elemenLs
C CuLcome elemenLs
u LvaluaLlon based on lnformaLlon

10 nurse Clna revlews Lhe nurslng care plan for Mang 8lno and revlsed Lhe sLaLemenL of needs goals and
lnLervenLlons Lo meeL hls healLh malnLenance needs 1hls ls based on
A SLrucLural elemenLs
8 rocess elemenLs
C CuLcome elemenLs
u LvaluaLlon based on lnformaLlon


8TUATON: n performing home visit, it is essential to prepare a plan of visit to meet
the needs of the client and achieve the best results of desired outcomes.

1 urposes of home vlslL lnclude
l 1o glve nurslng care Lo Lhe slck Lo a posLparLum moLher and her newborn
ll 1o assess Lhe lovlng condlLlon of Lhe paLlenL and hls famlly
lll 1o glve healLh Leachlngs regardlng Lhe prevenLlon and conLrol of dlsease
lv 1o make use of Lhe lnLerreferral sysLem

A l ll lll C l ll lll lv
8 ll lll lv u l ll lv

2 When we plan Lo go on a home vlslL lL ls necessary Lo assemble Lhe records of Lhe paLlenLs and llsL Lhe
names Lo be vlslLed sLudy Lhe case and have a wrlLLen nurslng care plan Whlch one ls noL prlnclple l
preparlng for home vlslL?
A A home vlslL musL have a purpose or ob[ecLlve
8 lannlng for a home vlslL should make use of all avallable lnformaLlon abouL Lhe cllenL and hls famlly
C lL saves Llme and efforL of Lhe nurse ln performlng procedures
u lannlng and dellvery lf care should lnvolve Lhe lndlvldual and famlly

3 Whlch represenLs Lhe correcL sequence of conducLlng home vlslL?
A CreeL Lhe cllenL observe Lhe cllenL and deLermlne Lhe needs record lmporLanL daLa perform
nurslng care make appolnLmenL for a reLurn vlslL
8 CreeL Lhe cllenL sLaLe Lhe purpose of vlslL observe and deLermlne needs perform nurslng care
documenLaLlon followup checkup
C CreeL Lhe cllenL observe Lhe cllenL and famlly sLare your purpose perform nurslng car puL bag on
convenlenL place record daLa
u CreeL Lhe cllenL sLaLe your purpose of vlslL puL Lhe bag ln convenlenL place deLermlne Lhe needs
perform nurslng care make appolnLmenL for nexL vlslL

4 1hls conLalns baslc medlcaLlons and arLlcles necessary for glvlng care durlng home vlslLs
A 8ag Lechnlque
8 ubllc PealLh 8ag
C Pn Lechnlque
u C8 bag

3 Whlch one ls prlnclple of bag Lechnlque?
A erformlng Lhe bag Lechnlque wlll maxlmlze lf noL prevenL Lhe spread of lnfecLlon
8 lL saves Llme noL Lhe efforL of efforL of nurslng ln performlng nurslng care
C 1he bag Lechnlque should show Lhe effecLlveness of LoLal care glven Lo an lndlvldual or famlly
u 1he bag Lechnlque ls performed ln a slngle sLandard way

8TUATON: The bag technique is the tool through which the nurse, during her visit
will enable her to perform nursing procedures.

6 1he followlng are lnclude ln Lhe conLenLs of Lhe publlc healLh bag whlch one ls lncorrecL?
A aper llnlng apron hand Lowel soap ln a soap dlsh oral and recLa LhermomeLers exLra paper for
maklng wasLe bag
8 lasLlc or llnlng apron surglcal and bandage sclssors 2 palrs of forceps dlsposable syrlnges wlLh
C SLerlle dresslng coLLon balls cord clamp mlcropore plasLer Lape measure a palr of sLerlle gloves
u 1wo LesL Lubes alcohol lamp LesL Lube holders 4 vlals band alds mlcropore sLerlle gloves
coLLon balls

7 Whlch soluLlons ln Lhe bag can be uLlllzed ln managlng eye lnfecLlons ln provldlng home care nurslng?
A Zephlran soluLlon
8 CphLhalmlc olnLmenL
C 1 sllver nlLraLe
u AceLlc acld
8 nurse Mlnda ls preparlng Lhe conLenLs of her publlc healLh bag She ls followlng Lhe sLandard seL of
arLlcles of Pn bag lf she lncludes Lhe followlng soluLlons
A 8eLadlne borlc acld splrlL of ammonla alcohol aceLlc acld hydrogen peroxlde benedlcL's
soluLlon sllver nlLraLe
8 8enedlcL's soluLlon ophLhalmlc olnLmenL hydrogen peroxlde alcohol aceLlc acld splrlL of
ammonla zephlran soluLlon beLadlne

C 8eLadlne Lysol splrlL of ammonla 70 alcohol hydrogen peroxlde aceLlc acld benedlcL's
soluLlon ophLhalmlc olnLmenL
u Pydrogen peroxlde chlorhexldlne soluLlon splrlL of ammonla alcohol benedlcL's soluLlon aceLlc
acld ophLhalmlc olnLmenL

9 1he followlng are acLlvlLles ln performlng Lhe bag Lechnlque Arrange Lhese ln sequence
l 1ake Lhe record and have a Lalk wlLh Lhe moLher
ll 8emove Lhe apron foldlng lL away from Lhe person Arrange ln Lhe bag
lll Cpen Lhe and reLurn all Lhlngs LhaL were used
lv Clean all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL were used and do handwashlng
v Close Lhe and puL lL one corner of hL worklng area
vl lace Lhe bag on Lhe Lable llned wlLh a clean paper

A l vl v lv ll lll C l vl v lll lv ll
8 vl v lv lll ll l u l ll lll lv vl v

10 lf Lap waLer ls noL avallable for hand washlng ask Lhe moLher or Lhe cllenL for
A A basln of waLer and alcohol
8 A basln of waLer of a glass of drlnklng waLer
C A boLLled waLer
u A cup of waLer wlLh salL

11 1he reason for cleanlng all Lhlngs LhaL were used and performlng handwashlng a afLer glvlng LreaLmenL ls
A 1o proLecL Lhe careglver and prevenL lnfecLlon
8 1o prevenL lnfecLlon from Lhe careglver Lo Lhe cllenL
C 1o prepare Lhe gab or Lhe nexL vlslL
u 1o malnLaln Lhe sLandard procedure of bag Lechnlque and home vlslL

12 nurse Mlnda ls performlng sLeps of bag Lechnlque accuraLely ls she
A laces Lhe bag on Lhe Lable llned wlLh a clean paper 1he clean slde musL be ln and Lhe folded par
1ouchlng Lhe bag
8 1akes ouL Lhe apron from Lhe bag and puL lL on wlLh Lhe rlghL slde ouL
C 8emoves Lhe apron foldlng lL Loward Lhe person Lhe solled slde ouL and Lhe clean slde ln
u laces Lhe sLeLhoscope over Lhe apron and closes Lhe bag

Arrange Lhe followlng acLlons ln performlng Lhe bag Lechnlque by numberlng Lhe lLems from 1 Lo 9

______ 1ake Lhe record and counsel Lhe moLher

______ Ask for a basln of waLer or a glass of drlnklng waLer for hanwashlng lf Lap waLer ls noL avallable

______ Schedule Lhe nexL vlslL

______ AfLer glvlng LreaLmenL clean all arLlcles used and reLurn ln Lhe bag

______ Cpen Lhe bag and Lake ouL Lhe Lowel and soap erform handwashlng

______ 1ake ouL Lhe apron from Lhe bag and puL lL on

______ lace Lhe bag on Lhe Lable llned wlLh a clean paper

______ uL ouL all necessary arLlcles needed and close Lhe bag

______ 8emove apron 8emove llnlng and puL llnlng ln Lhe bag on Lop of Lhe apron


Sl1uA1lCn nurse 1rlshla ls plannlng Lhe care of Marla a 20 years old prlml moLher on her 18
week ACC She was
referred by a barangay healLh worker and has no record of prenaLal vlslLs ln Lhe cenLer

1 ln comlng wlLh Marla's anLenaLal reglsLaLlon nurse 1rlshla undersLands LhaL ln Lhe maLernal healLh program
guldellnes every pregnanL woman should have aL leasL how many prenaLal vlslLs?
A AL leasL Lhree for Lhe duraLlon of pregnancy
8 AL leasL four for Lhe duraLlon of pregnancy
C AL leasL once per monLh
u Cne vlslL per LrlmesLer

2 nurse 1rlshla vlslLed Marla ln her parenLs' resldence Marla wxpressed her concern abouL vlLamln A causlng
bllndness ln bables 1o avold posslble congenlLal problems ln Lhe baby

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