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Chapter 6

Simple Examples of Second-quantization

In this section, we give three examples of the application of second quantization, mainly to non-interacting systems.


Jordan Wigner Transformation

A non-interacting gas of Fermions is still highly correlated: the exclusion principle introduces a hard-core interaction between fermions in the same quantum state. This feature is exploited in the Jordan -Wigner representation of spins. A classical spin is represented by a vector pointing in a specic direction. Such a representation is ne for quantum spins with extremely large spin S, but once the spin S becomes small, spins behave as very new kinds of object. Now their spin becomes a quantum variable, subject to its own zero-point motions. Furthermore, the spectrum of excitations becomes discrete or grainy. Quantum spins are notoriously dicult objects to deal with in many-body physics, because they do not behave as canonical fermions or bosons. In one dimension however, it turns out that spins with S = 1/2 actually behave like fermions. We shall show this by writing the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain as an interacting one dimensional gas of fermions, and we shall actually solve the limiting case of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 x-y model. Jordan and Wigner noticed that the down and up state of a single spin can be thought of as an empty or singly occupied fermion state, (Fig. 6.1.) enabling them to make the mapping | f |0 , | |0 . (6.1) . An explicit representation of the spin raising and lowering operators is then S+ = f = 79 0 1 0 0

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n f= 1


S=1/2 n =0

Figure 6.1: Showing how the up and down states of a spin-1/2 can be treated as a one particle state which is either full, or empty. S = f 0 1 0 0 (6.2)

The z component of the spin operator can be written Sz = 1 1 | | | | f f 2 2 (6.3)

We can also reconstruct the transverse spin operators, Sx = Sy = 1 1 + (S + S ) = (f + f ), 2 2 1 1 + (S S ) = (f f ), 2i 2i


The explicit matrix representation of these operators makes it clear that they satisfy the same algebra [Sa , Sb ] = i
abc Sc .


Curiously, due to a hidden supersymmetry, they also satisfy an anti-commuting algebra 1 1 {Sa , Sb } = {a , b } = ab , 4 2 (6.6)

and in this way, the Pauli spin operators provided Jordan and Wigner with an elementary model of a fermion. Unfortunately the represeentation needs to be modied if there is more than one spin, for independent spin operators commute, but independent fermions anticommute! Jordan and Wigner discovered a way to x up this diculty in one dimension by attaching a phase 80

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factor called a string to the fermions. For a chain of spins in one dimension, the Jordan Wigner representation of the spin operator at site j is dened as
+ Sj = fj eij


where the phase operator j contains the sum over all fermion occupancies at sites to the left of j, j = nj (6.8)

The complete transformation is then

z Sj = f j f j 1 , 2 i

+ Sj = f j e Sj

l<j l<j


= fj e


Jordan Wigner transformation


(Notice that the overall sign of the phase factors can be reversed without changing the spin operator.) The important point in this representation, is that the operator einj anticommutes with the fermion operators at the same site: {einj , fj } = einj fj
() ()

+ fj einj = einj [fj



fj ] = 0



so that by multiplying a fermion by the string operator, one changes it from a fermion, into a boson. We can verify that the transverse spin operators now satisfy the correct commutation algebra. Suppose j < k, then eij commutes with both fj and fk . eik commutes with fk , but it contains einj , which does not commute with fj or f j . Thus we may write [Sj , Sk ] = [fj eij , fk eik ] = [fj , fk einj ] = {fj , fk }einj fk {fj , einj } = 0.
y y x x [Sj Sj+1 + Sj Sj+1 ] Jz z z Sj Sj+1 j () () () () () () () () () ()


To see how this works, we shall now discuss the one-dimensional Heisenberg model H = J (6.12)

In real magnetic systems, local moments can interact via ferromagnetic, or antiferromagnetic interactions. Ferromagnetic interactions generally arise as a result of direct exchange, whereby the Coulomb repulsion energy is lowered when electrons are in a triplet state, because the wavefunction is then spatially antisymmetric. Antiferromagnetic interactions are generally produced by the mechanism of double exchange, whereby electrons in antiparallel spin states can lower their energy by undergoing virtual uctuations into high energy states where two electrons occupy the same orbital. Here we have written the model as if the interactions are ferromagnetic. 81

Chapter 6. For convenience, the model can be rewritten as H= J 2

+ [Sj+1 Sj + H.c] Jz z z Sj Sj+1 j

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To fermionize the rst term, we note that all terms in the strings cancel, except for a einj which has no eect, J 2
+ Sj+1 Sj = j

J 2

fj+1 einj fj =

J 2

fj+1 fj


so that the transverse component of the interaction induces a hopping term in the fermionized Hamiltonian. Notice that the string terms would enter if the spin interaction involved next-nearest neighbors. The z-component of the Hamiltonian becomes Jz
z z Sj+1 Sj = Jz

1 1 (nj+1 )(nj ) 2 2


Notice how the Ferromagnetic interaction means that spin-fermions attract one-another. The transformed Hamiltonian is then H= J 2 (f j+1 fj + f j fj+1 ) + Jz
j j

nj Jz

nj nj+1 .


Interestingly enough, the pure x-y model has no interaction term in it, so we can solve this case as a non-interacting fermion problem. To write out the fermionized Hamiltonian in its most compact form, let us transform to momentum space, writing 1 sk eikRj (6.17) fj = N k where s k creates a spin excitation in momentum space, with momentum k. In this case, the one-particle terms become Jz

nj = Jz

s k sk .
N kk

J 2

(f j+1 fj + H.c) =

J 2N

(eika + eika )s k sk
k j

ei(kk )Rj (6.18)

= J

cos(ka)s k sk .

The Heisenberg Hamiltonian can thus be written H=


k s k sk Jz 82

nj nj+1


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where k = (Jz J cos ka) (6.20)

denes a magnon excitation energy, and the second interaction term is still written in the position basis. We can easily cast the second-term in momentum space, by noticing that the interaction is a function of ij which is Jz /2 for ij = 1 but zero otherwise.The Fourier transform of this short-range interaction is V (q) = Jz cos qa, so that Fourier transforming the interaction term gives H=

k s k sk

Jz Ns

cos(qa) s kq s k +q sk sk .
k,k ,q


This transformation holds for both the ferromagnet and antiferromagnet. In the former case, the fermionic spin excitations correspond to the magnons of the ferromagnet. In the latter case, the fermionic spin excitations are often called spinons. To see what this Hamiltonian means, let us rst neglect the interactions. This is a reasonable thing to do in the limiting cases of (i) the Heisenberg Ferromagnet, Jz = J and (ii) the x-y model Jz = 0 .

Heisenberg Ferromagnet

2J q
Goldstone mode.



Figure 6.2: Excitation spectrum of the one dimensional Heisenberg Ferromagnet. Heisenberg Ferromagnet. Jz = J In this case, the spectrum k = 2J sin2 (ka/2) 83 (6.22)

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is always positive, so that there are no magnons present in the ground-state. The ground-state thus contains no magnons, and can be written |0 = | . . . corresponding to a state with a spontaneous magnetization M = Ns /2. (6.23)

Curiously, since k=0 = 0, it costs no energy to add a magnon of arbitrarily long wavelength. This is an example of a Goldstone mode, and the reason it arises, is because the spontaneous magnetization could actually point in any direction. Suppose we want to rotate the magnetization through an innitesimal angle about the x axis, then the new state is given by | = eiSx | . . . = | . . . + i 2

+ Sj | . . . + O( 2 )


The change in the wavefunction is proportional to the state

+ ST OT | . . .

j j

fj eij |0 fj |0 = Ns s k=0 |0 (6.25)

In otherwords, the action of adding a single magnon at q = 0, rotates the magnetization innitesimally upwards. Rotating the magnetization should cost no energy, and this is the reason why the k = 0 magnon is a zero energy excitation. x-y Ferromagnet. As Jz is reduced from J, the spectrum develops a negative part, and magnon states with negative energy will become occupied. For the pure x y model, where Jz = 0, the interaction identically vanishes, and the excitation spectrum of the magnons is given by k = J cos ka as sketched in Fig. 6.3. All the negative energy fermion states with |k| < /2a are occupied, so the ground-state is given by |g =

s k |0


The band of magnon states is thus precisely half-lled, so that Sz = n f 1 =0 2 (6.27)

so that remarkably, there is no ground-state magnetization. We may interpret this loss of ground-state magnetization as a consequence of the growth of quantum spin uctuations in going from the Heisenberg, to the x-y ferromagnet. Excitations of the ground-state can be made, either by adding a magnon at wavevectors |k| > /2a, or by annihilating a magnon at wavevectors |k| < /2a, to form a 84

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J q

x-y Ferromagnet






Occupied states


Figure 6.3: Excitation spectrum of the one dimensional x-y Ferromagnet, showing how the negative energy states are lled, the negative energy dispersion curve is folded over to describe the positive hole excitation energy. hole. The energy to form a hole is k . To represent the hole excitations, we make a particle-hole transformation for the occupied states, writing sk = s sk , k , (|k| > /2a), (|k| < /2a) (6.28)

These are the physical excitation operators. Since s k sk = 1 sk s k , the Hamiltonian of the pure x-y ferromagnet can be written Hxy =

1 J| cos ka|( k sk ) s 2


Notice that unlike the pure Ferromagnet, the magnon excitation spectrum is now linear. The ground-state energy is evidently Eg = 1 2 a = 2 J| cos ka|
k /2a


J dk J cos(ka) = . 2


But if there is no magnetization, why are there zero-energy magnon modes at q = /a? Although there is no true long-range order, it turns out that the spincorrelations in the x-y model display power-law correlations with an innite spin correlation length, generated by the gapless magnons in the vicinity of q = /a. 85

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