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Stop mentalitatii materialiste si consumiste Spre deosebire de toate celelalte bunuri pe care le cautam pentru a ajunge la altceva prin

mijlocirea lor, cautam fericirea pentru ea insasi; ea este binele suprem. Aristotel A cauta fericirea in aceasta viata, acesta e adevaratul spirit rebel. Henrik Ibsen Nebunii se preocupa de avere; inteleptul, de fericire. Proverb turc Civilizatia este multiplicarea fara limite a necesitatilor ne-necesare. Mark Twain Bogat nu este acela care are cel mai mult ci acela care se multumeste cu cel mai putin. Octavian Paler E mare bogatie sa te multumesti cu putin. Ioan Slavici Daca vrei sa faci pe cineva bogat, nu-i spori averea, ci ia-i din dorinte. Epicur E bogat acela care castiga mai mult decat consuma, este sarac acela ale carui cheltuieli ii depasesc veniturile. Jean de la Bruyere Tot ceea ce va foloseste cu adevarat se cumpara cu putine parale, numai lucrurile de prisos se vnd la preturi mari. Axel Munthe "Omul care tot acumuleaza bani, va deveni din ce in ce mai nefericit, deoarece cu cat are mai multi, cu atat vrea si mai muli, si cu cat are mai multi, cu atat se

teme mai tare ca o sa-i piarda." Osho Nu poti deveni stapanul lucrurilor posedandu-le pe toate; trebuie sa devii stapanul lor dispretuindu-le pe toate." Jacques Bossuet In spatele fiecarei bogatii sta o faradelege. Balzac Criminalii sunt niste indivizi cu instincte de pradatori care nu au suficient capital pentru a pune bazele unei corporatii. Howard Scott Bogatasul este ori un ticalos, ori mostenitorul unui ticalos. Proverb spaniol Maretia sufleteasca dispretuieste bogatiile. Plutarh Bogatiile se dobandesc prin munca, osteneala, inselaciune, camata si prin mii de alte cai asemanatoare, si posesiunea lor e inseparabila de avaritie, teama, neliniste, robie, capcane ale aproapelui si, in fine, de o despartire cruda in ceasul mortii. Axel Oxenstierna The higher people are on the materialist scale, the lower they are on the happiness scale. Dr. Robert Lane "The data show that money has minor and rapidly diminishing effects on happiness." Dr. Daniel Gilbert "Materialism is toxic for happiness." Dr. Ed Diener

"People grossly exaggerate the impact that higher incomes would have on their subjective well-being." Dr. Alan Krueger "The relationship between money and happiness is pretty darned small." Dr. Peter Ubel "When someone reflects on how additional income would change [their sense of] well-being, they are probably tempted to think about spending more time in leisurely pursuits such as watching a large-screen plasma TV or playing golf. But in reality, they should think of spending a lot more time working and commuting and a lot less time engaged in passive leisure. By itself, this shift in time is unlikely to lead to much increase in experienced happiness." Dr. Daniel Kahneman "Individuals who strive most for wealth tend to live with lower well-being, a finding that comes through very strongly in every culture Ive looked at." Dr. Richard Ryan "Certainly research on happiness indicates that once a person has a comfortable standard of living, increased income and consumption does not lead to increased life satisfaction and happiness. People find meaning and happiness through their connections with other people, through their engagement in interesting work and activities, and their participation in communities much more than through lavish consumption." Dr. Erik Olin Wright "Riches leave a man always as much and sometimes more exposed than before to anxiety, to fear and to sorrow." Adam Smith "Too many people spend money they havent earned to buy things they dont want, to impress people they dont like." Will Rogers

"You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need." Vernon Howard "He who buys what he does not need steals from himself." proverb suedez Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. Dale Carnegie It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly. Henry David Thoreau

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