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0iganizational uevelopment


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CrganlzaLlon uevelopmenL (Cu) ls Lhe process of lmprovlng organlzaLlons 1he process ls carefully planned and lmplemenLed Lo
beneflL Lhe organlzaLlon lLs employees and lLs sLakeholders 1he cllenL organlzaLlon may be an enLlre company

publlc agency

nonproflL organlzaLlon volunLeer group or a smaller parL of a larger organlzaLlon
1he change process supporLs lmprovemenL of Lhe organlzaLlon or group as a whole 1he cllenL and consulLanL work LogeLher Lo
gaLher daLa deflne lssues and deLermlne a sulLable course of acLlon 1he organlzaLlon ls assessed Lo creaLe an undersLandlng of
Lhe currenL slLuaLlon and Lo ldenLlfy opporLunlLles for change LhaL wlll meeL buslness ob[ecLlves
Cu dlffers from LradlLlonal consulLlng because cllenL lnvolvemenL ls encouraged LhroughouL Lhe enLlre process 1he ways ln
whlch people communlcaLe and work LogeLher are addressed concurrenLly wlLh Lechnlcal or procedural lssues LhaL need

producLlvlLy morale and quallLy of work llfe are of concern Lo mosL organlzaLlons because Lhey lmpacL
achlevemenL of organlzaLlon goals 1here ls an lncreaslng Lrend Lo maxlmlze an organlzaLlons lnvesLmenL ln lLs employees !obs
LhaL prevlously requlred physlcal dexLerlLy now requlre more menLal efforL CrganlzaLlons need Lo work smarLer and apply
creaLlve ldeas
1he work force has also changed Lmployees expecL more from a days work Lhan slmply a days pay 1hey wanL challenge

a sense of accompllshmenL worLhwhlle Lasks and meanlngful relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhelr managers and coworkers
When Lhese needs are noL meL performance decllnes
1odays cusLomers demand conLlnually lmprovlng quallLy rapld producL or servlce dellvery fasL Lurnaround Llme on changes
compeLlLlve prlclng and oLher feaLures LhaL are besL achleved ln complex envlronmenLs by lnnovaLlve organlzaLlonal pracLlces
1he effecLlve organlzaLlon musL be able Lo meeL Lodays and Lomorrows challenges AdapLablllLy and responslveness are
essenLlal Lo survlve and Lhrlve
Cu consulLanLs cusLom Lallor esLabllshed soclal sclence Lheory and meLhods Lo organlzaLlons seeklng Lo lmprove proflLablllLy
producLlvlLy morale and/or quallLy of work llfe Lxamples of acLlvlLles whlch are faclllLaLed by Cu consulLanLs are
Coal SeLLlng
Croup laclllLaLlon
CreaLlve roblem solvlng
SLraLeglc lannlng
Leadershlp uevelopmenL
ManagemenL uevelopmenL
Career ManagemenL
ConfllcL 8esoluLlon
uevelopmenLal LducaLlon
lnLerpersonal CommunlcaLlon
Puman 8esources ManagemenL
Managlng Workforce ulverslLy
CrganlzaLlon 8esLrucLurlng
Plgh lnvolvemenL Work 1eams
SocloLechnlcal SysLems ueslgn
1echnlcal 1ralnlng
1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL
CfLen descrlbed as change agenLs Cu consulLanLs come from varled backgrounds wlLh experlence and Lralnlng ln
organlzaLlon developmenL organlzaLlon behavlor psychology educaLlon managemenL and/or human resources Many have
advanced degrees and mosL have experlence ln a varleLy of organlzaLlonal seLLlngs
1here are boLh lnLernal and exLernal Cu consulLanLs An lnLernal Cu consulLanL ls a fullLlme employee wlLh a glven
organlzaLlon LxLernal consulLanLs may be selfemployed or on Lhe sLaff of a consulLlng flrm LxLernals work wlLh one or more
cllenLs conLracLlng for speclflc pro[ecLs
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Cu consulLanLs work wlLh all levels of employees Lxamples lnclude
r 1he 8oard of ulrecLors CLC or vlce resldenLs durlng changes ln corporaLe sLraLegy mlsslon leadershlp developmenL
Lechnology or organlzaLlon sLrucLure
r Mlddle Managers wlLhln speclflc areas or across funcLlons Lo ldenLlfy sources of confllcL and barrlers Lo performance or
help bulld a broader vlslon and more effecLlve leadershlp
r llrsLllne supervlsors lmprove operaLlons and employee lnvolvemenL esLabllsh hlgh lnvolvemenL work Leams

organlzaLlonal communlcaLlon lnsLall sLaLlsLlcal process conLrol (SC) develop supervlsory Lralnlng or new reward sysLems
r Llne workers Lo faclllLaLe [ob redeslgn lmproved performance Leambulldlng or lmprovemenL ln Lhe work envlronmenL
WnA1 1C LkLC1
?ou can expecL an organlzaLlon developmenL consulLanL Lo conducL an Cu pro[ecL ln a Llmely cosLeffecLlve wellcoordlnaLed
and eLhlcal manner
ln reachlng an agreemenL or wrlLLen conLracL wlLh a consulLanL you may wanL Lo dlscuss Lhese klnds of quesLlons
r WhaL approach wlll be Laken?
r SLraLegy for lmplemenLaLlon? AnLlclpaLed schedule? Pow resulLs wlll be measured?
r ro[ecL Leam members?
r 8esources Lo be made avallable Lo Lhe consulLanL?
r rlclng of consulLanLs servlces paymenL schedule?
r ConfldenLlallLy?
CrganlzaLlon uevelopmenL (Cu) consulLanLs provlde servlces Lo lmprove organlzaLlon effecLlveness and/or lndlvldual employee
effecLlveness 1he purposes are Lo lncrease producLlvlLy work saLlsfacLlon and proflL for Lhe cllenL company 1he sLraLegles
appearlng below CrganlzaLlon and Lmployee LffecLlveness are deflned Lo help you become an lnformed user of Cu
consulLanL servlces
Crgan|zat|on Lffect|veness
ConsulLanLs apply organlzaLlon effecLlveness sLraLegles such as Lhose shown below when Lhere are needs for assessmenL
plannlng growLh quallLy lmprovemenL Leamwork and oLher organlzaLlonal changes
4ction keseorch An assessmenL and problem solvlng process almed aL lmproved effecLlveness for Lhe enLlre organlzaLlon or
speclflc work unlLs 1he consulLanL helps Lhe cllenL organlzaLlon ldenLlfy Lhe sLrengLhs and weaknesses of organlzaLlon and
managemenL lssues and works wlLh Lhe cllenL ln addresslng problem opporLunlLles (Some form of acLlon research ls generally
applled as a foundaLlon for oLher consulLlng sLraLegles)
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onf/ict Monoqement 8rlnglng confllcLs Lo Lhe surface Lo dlscover Lhelr rooLs developlng a common ground from whlch Lo
resolve or beLLer manage confllcL ConsulLanLs serve as faclllLaLor ln a confllcL slLuaLlon or Lraln employees Lo beLLer undersLand
and manage confllcL
xecutive ueve/opment Cneonone or group developmenLal consulLaLlon wlLh CLCs or vs Lo lmprove Lhelr effecLlveness
6oo/ 5ettinq ueflnlng and applylng concreLe goals as a road map Lo help an organlzaLlon geL where lL wanLs Lo go (Can also be
applled Lo employee developmenL)
6roup loci/itotion Pelplng people learn Lo lnLeracL more effecLlvely aL meeLlngs and Lo apply group guldellnes LhaL fosLer
open communlcaLlon parLlclpaLlon and accompllshmenL
Monoqinq kesistonce to honqe Pelplng cllenLs ldenLlfy

undersLand and begln Lo manage Lhelr reslsLance Lo planned
organlzaLlonal change
Orqonitotiono/ kestructurinq Changlng deparLmenLal and/or lndlvldual reporLlng sLrucLures ldenLlfylng roles and
responslblllLles redeslgnlng [ob funcLlons Lo assure LhaL Lhe way work geLs done ln Lhe organlzaLlon produces excellence ln
producLlon and servlce
Project Monoqement 1he general managemenL of speclflc work

blendlng dlverse funcLlons and skllls usually for a flxed Llme
and almed aL reachlng deflned ouLcomes
5e/fuirected work 1eoms ueveloplng work groups Lo be fully responslble for creaLlng a well deflned segmenL of flnlshed
5ociotechnico/ 5ystems uesiqn ueslgnlng and managlng organlzaLlons Lo emphaslze Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween peoples
performance Lhe workplace envlronmenL and Lhe Lechnology used Lo produce goods and servlces ln order Lo effecL hlgh level
5troteqic P/onninq A dynamlc process whlch deflnes Lhe organlzaLlons mlsslon and vlslon seLs goals and develops acLlon
sLeps Lo help an organlzaLlon focus lLs presenL and fuLure resources Loward fulfllllng lLs vlslon
1eombui/dinq lmprovlng how well organlzaLlon members help one anoLher ln acLlvlLles where Lhey musL lnLeracL
1oto/ uo/ity Monoqement 1hrough work process analysls Leambulldlng deflnlng quallLy and seLLlng measurable sLandards
Lhe consulLanL asslsLs Lhe organlzaLlon ln becomlng more cosL effecLlve approach zerodefecLs and be more markeLdrlven
Lmp|oyee Lffect|veness
ConsulLanLs use employee effecLlveness sLraLegles such as Lhose below when Lhere are needs for employee lmprovemenL ln

commlLmenL and leadershlp
oreer ounse/inq locused aLLenLlon on goal seLLlng career selecLlon and [ob seeklng help lndlvlduals make career declslons
oordinotion Monoqement of Mu/tiuiscip/inory onsu/tonts Cne or several dlfferenL Lechnlcal speclallsLs Leam up wlLh an
Cu consulLanL Lo deslgn and lnsLall new equlpmenL work processes work meLhods or work procedures
reotive Prob/em 5o/vinq CrganlzaLlon members use pracLlcal problem solvlng models Lo address exlsLlng problems ln a
sysLemaLlc creaLlve manner
ustomer 5ervice 1roininq CreaLlng lnLerpersonal excellence ln publlc conLacL poslLlons where Lhe lndlvldual and Lhe
organlzaLlon are expecLed Lo meeL or exceed cusLomer expecLaLlons
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ueve/opmento/ ducotion 1ralnlng ln baslc maLh readlng wrlLlng and grammar
lnterpersono/ ommunicotion 5ki//s lncreased sklll ln exchanglng needed lnformaLlon wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon and provldlng
feedback ln a nonLhreaLenlng

non[udgmenLal way
numon kesource Monoqement Managlng Lhe funcLlon of hlrlng compensaLlon beneflLs and employee relaLlons Loward
sysLemaLlc goals of Lhe organlzaLlons morale and producLlvlLy
Lobor ke/otions laclllLaLlon of confllcL plannlng and problemsolvlng among managemenL and workforce unlon
Leodership ueve/opment 1ralnlng ln selecL areas whlch change managers Lo leaders lncludes vlslonlng change managemenL
and creaLlve problem solvlng
Monoqement ueve/opment 1ralnlng ln varlous managemenL sklll areas wlLh parLlcular focus on performance managemenL

communlcaLlons and problem solvlng
Outp/ocement rovldlng lndlvldual and group [ob search skllls and servlces Lo employees who have been affecLed by
corporaLe downslzlng 1yplcally pald for by Lhe employer
5o/es 1roininq 1ralnlng ln Lhe arL of selllng a producL or servlce
5tress Monoqement An lndlvldual growLh workshop deslgned Lo arm and acLlvaLe healLhy responses Lo sLress lL enables
parLlclpanLs Lo maxlmlze poslLlve sLressors and mlnlmlze Lhe negaLlve boLh for Lhemselves and oLhers
1echnico/ 1roininq 1ralnlng ln a speclflc Lechnlcal area such as compuLers
1ime Monoqement An opporLunlLy for lndlvlduals and organlzaLlons Lo effecL hlgher levels of producLlvlLy wlLh Lhe Llme Lhey
are alloLLed
1roininq vo/uotion SysLemaLlc conLrolled lnqulry grounded ln sound sLaLlsLlcal pracLlce assesslng onllne Lralnlng
effecLlveness and/or buslness lmpacL AssessmenL focuses on course relevance Lransfer and cosL value
workforce uiversity laclllLaLlng undersLandlng beLween groups Loward Lhe goal where dlfferences among people ln an
organlzaLlon become Lhe sLrengLhs for compeLlLlve advanLage producLlvlLy and work saLlsfacLlon

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