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background hlsLory and fuLure of Lhe Web 1he arLlcle should be composed ln Word and lnclude

lmages and dlagrams as approprlaLe (make sure you reference Lhe source)
1ry and be aware of how Lhe lnLerneL and Lhe Web came Lo be
Who are Lhe maln lndlvldual credlLed wlLh Lhe Web

1he concepL for Lhe lnLerneL was orlglnally deslgned ln 1969 ln Amerlca when Lhe flrsL hosL Lo hosL connecLlon
was made 1he lnLerneL as we know lL dldn'L come along unLll 1993 when an Lngllsh genLleman by Lhe name of
1lm 8ernersLee worklng aL CL8n Lhe lnsLlLuLe for arLlcle hyslcs ln SwlLzerland
Internet Timeline

- 1he uSS8 launches Lhe flrsL saLelllLe SpuLnlk 1o compeLe agalnsL Lhe uSS8s success aL launchlng Lhe flrsL
saLelllLe Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of uefence creaLes Lhe Advanced 8esearch ro[ecLs Agency (A8A) A8A
ls responslble for Lhe developmenL of new Lechnology for use by Lhe mlllLary

- 1he paper A ConcepLual lramework for Lhe AugmenLaLlon of Man's lnLellecL ls publlshed by uouglas LngelbarL
1he work ouLllnes mulLlmedla paradlgms Lo be lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe lnLerneL

- 8and CorporaLlon proposes a new lnformaLlon neLwork so LhaL Lhe unlLed SLaLes could successfully
communlcaLe afLer a nuclear war

- 1he flrsL hosLLohosL Advanced 8esearch ro[ecLs Agency neLwork (A8AnL1) connecLlon ls made on CcLober
23 1969 beLween Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla aL Los Angeles and Lhe SLanford 8esearch lnsLlLuLe lnc (S8l) ln
Menlo ark Callfornla A8AnL1 ls Lhe worlds flrsL operaLlonal packeL swlLchlng neLwork and Lhe core neLwork
of a seL LhaL came Lo compose Lhe global lnLerneL

- A8AnL1 beglns Lo be used for communlcaLlng emall

- 1he Lerm lnLerneL" beglns Lo be used

- ComeL Lhe flrsL commerclal emall sofLware ls offered by Lhe CompuLer CorporaLlon of Amerlca for $40000

- near Menlo ark Callfornla S8l sclenLlsLs demonsLraLe LhaL a 1C (Lransmlsslon conLrol proLocol) wlll
successfully supporL seamless end Lo end Lransmlsslon over moblle radlo

- A8CnL1 (ALLached 8esource CompuLer neLwork) Lhe flrsL commerclal neLwork ls developed by uaLapolnL

- Al Core colns Lhe Lerm for Lhe lnLerneL 1he lnformaLlon Superhlghway"

- 1he phrase World Wlde Web" ls colned by 1lm 8ernersLee

- SLanford Llnear AcceleraLor (SLAC) becomes Lhe flrsL web server on Lhe lnLerneL

- lnLerneL reglsLraLlon beglns for com neL org edu and gov

- 1he lnLerneL Lakes off as parL of Lhe world's fasLesL growlng lnformaLlon neLwork
- 1he MCSAlC Web 8rowser ls born on Lhe unlverslLy of llllnols aL urbanaChampalgn campus
- !lm Clark and Marc Andreeson found neLscape CommunlcaLlons ln MounLaln vlew Callfornla neLscape ls Lhe
flrsL successful commerclal Web browser

- 1he World Wlde Web ls developed ln CL8n Lhe lnsLlLuLe for arLlcle hyslcs ln SwlLzerland noLe Lhe dlfference
beLween Lhe lnLerneL and Lhe World Wlde Web 1he lnLerneL ls a compuLer neLwork conslsLlng of a worldwlde
neLwork of compuLer neLworks and cables LhaL use Lhe 1C/l neLwork proLocols Lo faclllLaLe daLa Lransmlsslon
and exchange 1he World Wlde Web ls a compuLer neLwork conslsLlng of a collecLlon of lnLerneL slLes LhaL offer
LexL graphlcs sound and anlmaLlon resources Lhrough Lhe hyperLexL Lransfer proLocol

- 1he lndependenL programmlng language !AvA ls creaLed by !lm Cosllng aL Sun MlcrosysLems
- ?ahoo! ls founded ln SanLa Clara Callfornla and provldes a web search englne emall servlce mapplng and
- 1he uoLCom 8oom roughly beglns around Lhls Llme

- LucenL 1echnology (a splnoff of A11) develops Lhe flrsL Lelephony sysLem 1he Lelephony sysLem allows users
Lo make phone calls over Lhe lnLerneL lronlcally Lhls led Lo Lhe evenLual demlse of Lhe A11 phone neLwork
- ln 1997 Lhere are 1 mllllon domaln reglsLranLs on Lhe lnLerneL
- 1he Lerm weblog" ls colned (and laLer shorLed Lo blog")

- 1here are now 3 mllllon domaln reglsLranLs on Lhe lnLerneL 1he number of Web pages on Lhe lnLerneL ls 300
mllllon and growlng by over 13 mllllon per day
- Coogle ls founded ln Menlo ark Callfornla

- 1he lnLerneL celebraLes lLs 30Lh annlversary
- 1here are over 3 mllllon domaln names reglsLered on Lhe lnLerneL
- 1here are approxlmaLely 100 mllllon compuLers connecLed onllne
- 1rafflc over Lhe lnLerneL ls doubllng every 100 days
- 1he lnLerneL economy ls responslble for over 23 mllllon [obs and over $307 bllllon ln revenue

- 1he uoLCom 8ubble bursLs

- Wlklpedla ls launched

- lnLerneL World SLaLs counLed over 344 mllllon users on Lhe lnLerneL

- lacebook ls founded ln Cambrldge MassachuseLLs

- ?ou1ube launches

- 1here are over 92 mllllon webslLes onllne
- 1wlLLer ls founded ln San lranclsco Callfornla

- lnLerneL World SLaLs counLs over 13 bllllon web surfers worldwlde as of uecember 2007

- lnLerneL World SLaLs counLs over 14 bllllon web surfers worldwlde as of !une 2008

- lnLerneL World SLaLs counLs over 16 bllllon web surfers worldwlde as of !une 2009
- 1he lnLerneL celebraLes lLs 40Lh annlversary

- lnLerneL World SLaLs counLs over 19 bllllon web surfers worldwlde as of !une 2010

- 1wlLLer and lacebook are Lhe prlmary means of communlcaLlon for Lhe Mlddle LasL revolLs


Pow Lo use Lhe lnLerneL MonsLerguldeneL 2011 Pow Lo use Lhe lnLerneL MonsLerguldeneL CnLlnL
Avallable aL hLLp//monsLerguldeneL/howLouseLhelnLerneL Accessed 07 november 2011

lllelnLerneL Lxplorer 7 Logopng Wlklpedla Lhe free encyclopedla 2011 lllelnLerneL Lxplorer 7 Logopng
Wlklpedla Lhe free encyclopedla CnLlnL Avallable aL
hLLp//enwlklpedlaorg/wlkl/lllelnLerneL_Lxplorer_7_Logopng Accessed 07 november 2011

CCMMunlCA1lCnS ClllCL Au1CMA1lCn ln1L8nL1 1 lmage vlsual ulcLlonary Cnllne 2011
CCMMunlCA1lCnS ClllCL Au1CMA1lCn ln1L8nL1 1 lmage vlsual ulcLlonary Cnllne CnLlnL Avallable
aL hLLp//vlsualmerrlamwebsLercom/communlcaLlons/offlceauLomaLlon/lnLerneL_1php Accessed 07
november 2011

1PL ln1L8nL1 2011 1PL ln1L8nL1 CnLlnL Avallable aL hLLp//LhelnLerneL11blogspoLcom/ Accessed 07
november 2011

1he lnLerneL Makes us SmarLer!? | Skuggencom 2011 1he lnLerneL Makes us SmarLer!? | Skuggencom
CnLlnL Avallable aL hLLp//wwwskuggencom/2010/02/LhelnLerneLmakesussmarLer/#1rfnwu[8va?
Accessed 07 november 2011

CommenL on Lhe phllosophy of whaL Lhe w3org alm Lo achleve

WhaL are Lhe maln uses of Lhe web

1 Coogle
Cooglecom Lnables users Lo search Lhe worlds lnformaLlon lncludlng webpages lmages and vldeos Cffers
unlque feaLures and search Lechnology

2 lacebook
lacebookcom A soclal uLlllLy LhaL connecLs people Lo keep up wlLh frlends upload phoLos share llnks and

3 ?ou1ube
?ouLubecom ?ou1ube ls a way Lo geL your vldeos Lo Lhe people who maLLer Lo you upload Lag and share your
vldeos worldwlde!

4 ?ahoo!
?ahoocom A ma[or lnLerneL porLal and servlce provlder offerlng search resulLs cusLomlzable conLenL
chaLrooms free emall clubs and pager

3 Wlklpedla
Wlklpedlaorg A free encyclopaedla bullL collaboraLlvely uslng wlkl sofLware (CreaLlve Commons ALLrlbuLlon
ShareAllke Llcense)

6 8alducom
8alducom 1he leadlng Chlnese language search englne provldes slmple and rellable search experlence sLrong
ln Chlnese language and mulLlmedla conLenL lncludlng M3 muslc and movles Lhe flrsL Lo offer WA and uA
based moblle search ln Chlna

7 8loggercom
8logspoLcom lree auLomaLed weblog publlshlng Lool LhaL sends updaLes Lo a slLe vla l1

8 Wlndows Llve
Llvecom Search englne from MlcrosofL

9 1wlLLer
1wlLLercom Soclal neLworklng and mlcro blogglng servlce uLlllslng lnsLanL messaglng SMS or a web lnLerface

CCCCM Chlnas largesL and mosL used lnLerneL servlce porLal owned by 1encenL lnc founded ln nov 1998

Alexa 1op 300 Clobal SlLes 2011 Alexa 1op 300 Clobal SlLes CnLlnL Avallable aL
hLLp//wwwalexacom/LopslLes Accessed 08 november 2011

Where ls Lhe Web golng?

llgures Laken from
World lnLerneL usage SLaLlsLlcs news and World opulaLlon SLaLs 2011 World lnLerneL usage SLaLlsLlcs news and
World opulaLlon SLaLs CnLlnL Avallable aL hLLp//wwwlnLerneLworldsLaLscom/sLaLshLm Accessed 08
november 2011

3d prlnLlng
Mlddle LasL
norLh Amerlca
LaLln Amerlca
Cceanla / AusLralla
Afrlca Asla Lurope Mlddle
Cceanla /

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