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Description of different professions and fields of professional Administration its the management of human resources, material and financial

resources of an organization. The administrator is the person responsible for planning and strategies for managing the daily life of a company. Mathematics The mathematician uses the logic in theory formulation and testing of hypotheses. Develops applications of mathematical calculations used in pure research in several areas of applied science. Prepares forms and databases to interpret and troubleshoot product development, production and logistics companies that deal with computing, biology, marketing or engineering. This professional is very versatile and can work in the economic, financial, physical and research, among others. Journalism these are the search and dissemination of information through media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and internet. The journalist is a professional news. He researches and publishes facts and information of public interest, writes and edits reports, interviews and articles by adjusting the size, approach and language of the texts to the vehicle and the intended audience. Critical thinking, self-expression, of Portuguese and writing skills are fundamental in exercising profisso.O market that is expanding is that of digital media. The market for engineers is heated throughout the country and is expected to improve further in coming years. Marcadores textuais: either or, neither or Either... or uma construo que usamos para mostrar que existe uma escolha entre duas coisas diferentes, mas voc s pode escolher um, no os dois. For example:- You can have either beer or wine. Por exemplo: - Voc pode ter um vinho ou cerveja. Neither ... nor uma construo que usamos para mostrar que duas ou mais coisas no so verdadeiras ou possveis. For example: He drinks neither wine nor beer. Por exemplo: Ele no bebe nem vinho, nem cerveja.

Orao condicional- CONDITIONAL (IF) CLAUSES

1. A ordem das oraes no altera nem o sentido nem a sequncia dos tempos verbais. Quando a orao condicional aparece em primeiro lugar, usamos vrgula para separ-la da orao principal. If we invite Jane, she will go. = Jane will go if we invite her. 2. O if de uma orao condicional pode ser omitido quando ele for seguido de were ou had. Nesse caso, preciso fazer a inverso do sujeito com o verbo. If she had arrived in time, she would have seen the film. Had she arrived in time, she would have seen the film.

Traduo das duas oraes: Se ela tivesse chegado a tempo, teria visto o filme. If she were my daughter, she wouldn't talk to me like that. Were she my daughter, she wouldn't talk to me like that. Traduo das duas oraes: Se ela fosse minha filha, no falaria comigo desta maneira.

3. Usando progressive tense. If it weren't raining now, I would go for a walk. (Se no estivesse chovendo agora, eu iria dar uma caminhada.) If it is raining here now, then it was raining on the West Cost this morning. (Se est chovendo aqui agora, ento estava chovendo na Costa Oeste hoje de manh.) 4. Usando modals. If you want to, you can go. (Se voc quiser, pode ir.) If Paul lied, he must be punished. (Se Paulo mentiu, ele deve ser castigado.) 5. Mixed Conditionals - Usa-se para fazer suposies sobre uma situao passada. A estrutura a seguinte: if + simple past + would have / could have / might have + past participle If Rafael spoke Russian, he would have translated the letter for you. (Se Rafael falasse russo, ele teria traduzido a carta para voc.) If I were you, I could have gone to the party. (Se eu fosse voc, eu poderia ter ido festa.) If I were braver, I would have confronted him. (Se eu fosse mais corajoso, eu o teria confrontado.) - Usa-se, para fazer suposies sobre situaes presentes que no so possveis porque a condio no passado no foi concretizada, a seguinte estrutura: if + past perfect + would, could, might, should + infinitivo If you had accepted my advice, you wouldn't be crying now. (Se voc tivesse aceitado meu conselho, no estaria chorando agora.) If you had taken the course, you would know how to explain the issue. (Se voc tivesse feito o curso, saberia como explicar o assunto.) Outras conjunes condicionais - Unless (se no, a menos que, a no ser que) pode ser usado em lugar de if not: Bill won't come if you don't invite him. (Bill no vir se voc no convid-lo.) = Bill won't come unless you invite him. (Bill no vir, a menos que voc o convide.) I won't watch TV if there isn't something really interesting. (No assistirei TV se no houver algo muito interessante.) = I won't watch TV unless there's something really interesting. (No assistirei TV, a no ser que haja algo muito interessante.)

- As conjunes as long as e provided that (contanto que, somente se) reforam a ideia de que a condio deve ser cumprida para que se produza o resultado esperado: You can come to the wedding as long as / provided that you don't wear jeans and a T-shirt. (Voc pode vir ao casamento contanto que no use jeans e camiseta.) As long as / Provided that you explain the exercise, he will be able to do it. (Somente se voc explicar o exerccio, ele ser capaz de faz-lo.) As long as / Provided that you work harder, you'll have a rise. (Somente se voc trabalhar duro receber um aumento.)

- In case (no caso, caso) expressa precauo e pode explicar o porque da condio. I'll take an umbrella in case it rains. (Vou levar um guarda-chuva caso chova.) I will make more sandwiches in case more people arrive. (Vou fazer mais sanduches no caso de mais pessoas chegarem.)

- If only (se ao menos...) expressa um desejo ou arrependimento: If only Math wasn't so difficult. (Se ao menos Matemtica no fosse to difcil.) If only I remembered his phone number, but I just can't. (Se ao menos ao lembrasse o telefone dele, mas eu no consigo.) If I only hadn't told the true, but I did. (Se ao menos eu no tivesse falado a verdade, mas eu falei.)

- Whether or not (quer... ou no) Susan will come whether or not you invite her. (A Susan vir, quer voc a convide ou no.) I'll go swimming whether or not it rains. (Eu vou nadar, quer chova ou no.)

Escrever sobre a escolha da carreira: experincias pessoas e perspectivas profissionais I chose a career in civil engineering, because I get along with calculations and always admired the profession, has worked as a stocker and the seller and I intend to one day become a civil engineer that is my professional perspective.

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