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For microtest Monday 13th of November 2011.

By Espen Gavin The temporomandibular joint: see page 316-317 for fully detailed descriptions and pics. The temporomandibular joint is divided into two parts by Articular disc. It is formed by head of mandible and by the mandibular fossa with the articular tubercle. The head of mandible is covered by fibrocartilage. The articular capsule is loose and is reinforced by the lateral ligament. Movements of Temporomandibular joint: - elevation, depression, protrusion, retrusion, lateral movements

Sexual dimorphism
While in early life there is little difference between male and female skulls, in adulthood male skulls tend to be larger and more robust than female skulls, which are lighter and smaller, with a cranial [5] capacity about 10 percent less than that of the male. However, the male body is larger than the female body, which accounts for the larger size of the male skull; proportionally, the male skull is about the same size as the female skull. Male skulls typically have more prominent supraorbital ridges, a more prominent glabella, and more prominenttemporal lines. Female skulls generally have rounder orbits, and narrower jaws. Male skulls on average have larger, broader palates, squarer orbits, larger mastoid processes, largersinuses, and larger occipital condyles than those of females. Male mandibles typically have squarer chins and thicker, rougher muscle attachments than female mandibles. Mandibula can also be a good bone to meassure to find the age in a X-ray for ex. Small by birth (without teeth), larger when you starting to get the first teeth, and as an adult you will see the largest point of mandibula.(with fully developed teeth).

Source: & Locomotor system page 304-305.

Muscles of Head -Muscles of the scalp -Muscles og the region of the eyelids -Muscles of the nasal region -Muscles of the mouth region Epicranial Apponeurosis Covers the scalp, Is very looslely bounded to periosteum but is very firmly to the scalp. Occipitofrontalis: (consist of two parts, occipital belly & frontal belly) O: Nuchal line and skin.

Temporoparietalis O:region of galae aponeurotica I:articular cartilage F:Facial expression Orbicularis Oculi (its function is closure of the eye) (blinking reflex) Consists of three parts: Orbital Palpebral Lacrimal. Corrugator supercilii O:glabella & the supraorbital margin I:into the skin of eyebrows F:pulls the skin downward and medially, makes a thinking expression. Procerus O:dorsum of the nose I:into skin of forehead F:making an expression, wich with older people it might be permanent. Nasalis m. (O:alveolar part of the canine tooth and reaches the lateral skin on the side of the nose) 2 parts: transverse parts alar parts Levator Labii Superioris Aleque Nasi O:Infraorbital margin I: Down to the skin of the upper lip and nasal wing F: Elevates skin of the nasal wing. Bilateral contraction slightly lifts the tip of the nose. Buccinator O:from 1st & 2nd molars and from the pterygomandibular raphe I:to the angle of the mouth F:Enable air to be blown out of the mouth. Laughing & crying. Zygomaticus Major O:Zygomatic bone I: Angle of the mouth F: facial expressions Zygomatic minor O:Outer surface of zygomatic bone I:nasolabial groove

Risorius O:masseteric fascia I:angle of the mouth F: Laughing LOLOLOLOL!! Levator labii superioris O:infra-orbital margin I:into the skin of the upper lipp Levator anguli oris O:below infra-orbital foramen I:angle of the mouth F:expression Depressor anguli oris O:lower margin of the mandible I:Angle of mouth F:Sadface expression Depressor labii inferioris O:below mental foramen of mandible I:into the skin of lower lip F:expression Mentalis O:Alveolar jugum I:into the skin of chin F:expression Platysma O:neck I:angle of mouth and lowe lip ALL MUSCLES ABOVE ARE INNERVATED BY THE FACIAL NERVE (VII) Muscles of mastication: Masseter (superficial part & deep part) O:zygomatic arch I:masseteic tuberosity F: angle of mouth Temporalis (strongest elevator muscle of the lower jaw) O: Temporal fossa I:coranoid process of mandible

Lateral Ptergygoid m O:Pterygoid process of sphenoid I:pterygoid fovea F:movements of mandible Medial pterygoid O:pterygoid fovea I:angle of mandible F:rotation of mandible NECK MUSCLES Sternohyoid O:manibrium (sternoclavicle posterior side) I:hyoid bone Omohyoid (two bellies) O:Scapular notch & intermediate tendon I:hyoid bone F:levate and rotate a little bit

Sternothyroid O:sternal manubrium I:the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage F:vests the thyroid gland Thyrohyiod O:Oblique line of thyroid cartilage I:Fischer All the infrahyoid muscles work together to stabilize the mouth when its open and can bend the head foreward the mouth shut. Headmuscles inserted on the shoulder girdle Trapezius Three parts: Descending part, down Transverse part, transverse Ascending part, up F: supports scapula and stabilizes the shoulder girdle. Rotates the scapula, slight elevation of shoulder

Sternocleidomastoid O:sternum & clavicle (1 head, 1 head) I:mastoid process, and nuchal line F:respiration muscle. Skull of the newborn: Paired protuberances 2 frontal eminences & 2 parietal eminences from these bones are created. At birth large connective tissues areas,the fronticuli, Are still left between the individual bones. The anterior fronticuli is an unpaired opening closed by connective tissue. The posterior fronticuli is also closed by connective tissue. Spheniod fronticuli is also closed by connecting tissue. It is smaller than mastoid fronticuli.

Note* Some mucles are incomplete because of earlier notes and because Locomotor system (PLATZERS) didnt say.

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