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14:00-15:00 15:00-15:45 15:45-16:30 16:30-17:00 Room 1 17:00-18:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 17:00-17:15 MARKETING English Kate Torkington Urban tourist complexes as multi-product companies: market segmentation and product differentiation in Amsterdam Romo /Nijkamp / Leeuwen / Neuts A true feeling of authentic Portuguese golf? The discursive construction of the Algarve region in Portuguese golf websites Pereira /Ribeiro/ Torkington / Dias Online Advertising in the Tourism Industry and its impact on consumers Sa Room 2 TOURISM MANAGEMENT English Cludia Henriques Cooperation of small and medium-sized tourism enterprises (SMTEs) with tourism stakeholders in the Maopolska region top management perspective approach Borodako The new challenges of tourism airports: the case of Faro airport Almeida

Coffee-break Room 3 Room 4 TOURISM & LOCAL MARKETING COMMUNITIES English English Ana Trindade Margarida Santos A structural model Motivation-based approach of residents clustering: an empirical perception of tourism study of visitors to Kruger impacts in their own National Park in South quality of life: the Africa municipality of Loul, Slabbert / Laurens Algarve Renda / Valle / Mendes Residents' perceptions of the impacts of a major arts festival in South Africa Slabbert / Viviers Satisfaction of tourists in Azores rural tourism Pacheco / Silva / Moniz Room 5 GESTO DO TURISMO: RECURSOS HUMANOS Portugus / Espaol Ileana Monteiro Recursos humanos qualificados no Turismo: factores de diferenciao. O caso dos Plos de Desenvolvimento Turstico do Oeste e de Leiria-Ftima Eurico / Silva / Valle El capital intelectual en los destinos tursticos: elementos e interrelaciones Moraleda Room 6 EDUCAO, HISTRIA & TURISMO Portugus / Espaol Pedro Gouveia El emprendedor acadmico Academice ntrepreneurship Monge /Pealver/ Lema


El estdio la lealtad en el turismo: una revisn de la literatura Alves / Cerro / Mogolln


Tourism Urbanization in the Algarve (1965-2004) Martins

The Forgotten Landscapes. Conservation, heritage management and lifelong learning in the community Knight DEBATE GESTO DO TURISMO Portugus Ana Trindade Competitividade do sector do turismo em Portugal caso do Baixo Mondego e Baixo Vouga Santos / Bento Conservao, inovao, visitao: Formas de gesto turstica e educativa do patrimnio geogrfico Oliveira

Host city and non-host city resident perceptions of the 2010 Soccer World Cup Slabbert / Thomas

Transferncia de aprendizagem para o local de trabalho: um estudo realizado com jardineiros de companhias hoteleiras Almeida DEBATE GESTO DO TURISMO: LIDERANA Portugus / Espaol Ileana Monteiro Liderana e bem-estar na hotelaria no Algarve Messias / Mendes / Monteiro Empowerment organizacional y clima de servicios enempleados de contacto de establecimientos hoteleros Orgambdez-Ramos / Sierra La administracin inteligente como factor para reducir el fracaso empresarial Hernndez /Pealver

Ponderao sobre Turismo social a partir da histria institucional do comrcio e da produo acadmica brasileira Cheibub DEBATE EDUCAO / HISTRIA DO TURISMO Portugus Pedro Gouveia Ensino superior em Turismo no Brasil: da expanso diversificao Ramos / Garcia / Hallal /Mller Turismo cultural e os estudantes do ensino superior. O caso do Algarve Henriques / Gouveia

17:45-18:00 18:00-19:20 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 18:00-18:15

DEBATE MARKETING English Kate Torkington Travel motivations and behaviour of tourists to a South African Resort Vuuren /Slabbert Are women walking the Fairway? Reis / Correia

DEBATE TOURISM MANAGEMENT English Lus Pereira Determinants for tourism and poverty alleviation Lima / Eusbio/ Partidrio

DEBATE TOURISM DEMAND English Margarida Santos Forecasting tourism demand with artificial neural networks Fernandes / Teixeira / Ferreira / Azevedo Determinants of demand to the Kruger National Park during the 2008/2009 economic recession Scholtz / Saayman / Kruger


The role of Regional Tourism Authorities in tourism policy monitoring: The case of Greek RTOs Moira / Mylonopoulos / Karavasili


The impacts of tourism experiences in the destination image. The case of the Algarve Matos / Mendes / Valle

The added value formed by the alternative in Tourism Statev


Mapping affective image of destinations Marques DEBATE



Estudo comparativo de desenvolvimento local entre os municpios de Cambori e de Balnerio Cambori/SC uma proximidade distante Nogueira / Ferreira / Ramos em.cantos uma experincia de cooperao organizacional no processo de governana e desenvolvimento do territrio Figueira DEBATE

Matching demand and supply: Defining key competencies for the Hospitality Industry in Portugal Wilks / Hemsworth

O despertar do Turismo no Brasil Mller /Hallal / Ramos / Garcia


Inovao no sector do turismo apontamentos do processo inovador atravs do estudo do Grupo Pestana Lima / Alves DEBATE

Uma base de dados terminolgica do turismo para fins de traduo Moreira


Basement - Room 1 (Culatra I + Barreta I)Room 2 (Culatra II), Room 3 (Barreta II) First floor Room 4 (Sapal), Room 5 (Laguna), Room 6 (Dunas), Room 7 (Ria Formosa)

Venue: Real Marina Hotel & Spa, Av. 5 de Outubro, 8700-307 Olho, Portugal


Room 1 9:00-10:20 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 9:00-9:15 MARKETING Portugus / Espaol Ana Renda O marketing turstico como instrumento de produo e transformao do espao de Curitiba e regio metropolitana Aguiar / Silva /Gndara / Souza El turismo cultural enolgico: satisfaccin y caractersticas del turista Reyes / Sanchez / Camacho Produto turstico Aores: influncia do pas de origem nas diferenas perceptivas dos turistas Baptista / Faias /Martins / Silva O balanced scorecard na hotelaria e turismo Nunes / Machado Room 2 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM English Fernando Perna An ecotourism model for South African national parks Witt / Merwe / Saayman Room 3 CULTURA, PATRIMNIO & EVENTOS Portugus Slvia Quinteiro Turismo alternativo: promoo religiosa da imagem de marca Algarve atravs do patrimnio cultural intangvel dos cultos marianos alusivos ao mar Barroso Patrimnio arqueolgico subaqutico: um mar de oportunidades em Portimo Roeder O Turismo Literrio. Olho sob a perspectiva de Joo Lcio Henriques / Quinteiro Room 4 TOURISM & INNOVATION English Joo Filipe Marques Tourism innovation a literature review complemented by case study research Carvalho / Costa Room 5 INTEGRAO E EXCLUSO SOCIAL NO TURISMO Portugus Manuela Neto Evoluo das atitudes dos empresrios nas empresas tursticas face ao emprego de pessoas socialmente discriminadas Monteiro / Neto /Trindade Room 6 HEALTH TOURISM English Maria do F Brs A potential source for development of Medical Tourism of India: Role of Traditional Holistic Medicine in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Haddadzadeh / Mohebbi /Maiya Non-traditional health and wellness tourism units in Portugal unveiled Joukes Room 7 GESTO E PLANIFICAO EM TURISMO Portugus /Espaol Jos Manuel Mogolln Poltica nacional de turismo no Brasil: da municipalizao regionalizao Trentin / Fratucci


Sustainable tourism a benchmarking study applied to hospitality firms Costa / Carvalho

Strategy and innovation. Study of the innovative capacity of the Spanish hotel industry Lpez / Snchez Understanding innovation in hospitality through the words of innovative managers Monteiro / Sousa

A integrao de trabalhadores com deficincia no sector do turismo: oportunidades e desafios Devile / Jesus / Cruz O combate excluso social atravs de Programas de Turismo Social para famlias economicamente carenciadas Lima /Eusbio / Varum

Anlisis Relacional de Sistemas Tursticos. Un marco de trabajo alternativo en el proceso de planificacin turstica Mazn Los stakeholders del Turismo Cortijo /Mogolln



Environmental factors influencing tourists experience to South African national parks Plessis /Merwe / Saayman Networks as an innovative approach in Geoparks and Geotourism Farsani / Coelho / Costa DEBATE Room 2 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM English Maria da FBrs The role of the Agrotourism Management in developing the economy of rural regions Haghiri / Okech

Long-run forecasting of SPA and wellness subsector of the Bulgarian Tourism industry Dimitrov

Patrimnio italiano como factor de atraco de turistas italianos para Portugal Braga

Residential tourism in rural areas from the perspective of sustainable destination marketing Cobuci / Kastenholz DEBATE Coffee-break Room 4 MARKETING English Joo Filipe Marques Travel practice of the new generation of tourist managers in the University of Debrecen Benkhard

Medo social e turismo no Rio de Janeiro Machado

Hotel-investments risk factors in Hungarian health-and wellness tourism Priszinger

10:00-10:20 10:20-10:50 10:50-11:50 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 10:50-11:05

DEBATE Room 1 MARKETING Portugus Ana Trindade O marketing turstico e o reposicionamento da imagem do Brasil no mundo: uma anlise do Plano Aquarela da EMBRATUR Gomes A miopia do marketing de destinos tursticos Machado / Medeiros /Luce

DEBATE Room 3 CULTURA, PATRIMNIO & EVENTOS Portugus Slvia Quinteiro Entre a superfcie e o subterrneo: proposta de percursos geotursticos urbanos em Lisboa Caetano /Patuleia / Ferreira Uma nova abordagem para a valorizao turstica do patrimnio: o Paideia Approach Carbone Definio dos valores de uma localidade turstica cultural: Estudo das misses jesutico-guarani orientais da Amrica Csar / Stigliano

DEBATE Room 5 TURISMO ACESSVEL/ HOTELARIA Portugus Manuela Neto Hotis atractivos a hspedes seniores: A experincia da regio do Algarve Figueiredo / Pedro /Rebelo / Cachadinha

DEBATE Room 6 LOCAL COMMUNITIES / TOURISM NETWORKS English Ana Renda The role of local networking in facilitating community tourism development Fernandes

Modo de entrada, flexibilidad estratgica y opciones reals en los procesos de internacionalizacin de las cadenas hoteleras Camacho / Sanchez / Reyes DEBATE


How green are consumers at a green destination in South Africa? Kruger / Manners / Saayman The importance of assessing the aesthetic quality of the cultural landscape Santos / Ferreira / Costa

The tourist experience a semiotic approach Santos / Marques

O desenvolvimento de Turismo Acessvel na Lous: perspectivas dos agentes locais do sector do turismo Devile /Jesus / Cruz A percepo do ambiente organizacional e comportamento estratgico no processo de tomada de deciso: um estudo no setor de hospedagem da grande Florianpolis (SC) Rossetto /Rossetto /Verdinelli / Carvalho DEBATE

Factors predicting community support: the case of a South African Arts Festival Loots / Ellis / Slabbert


Informao turstica: DMC Turismo Serra da Estrela Salgado /Godinho / Milheiro

The integral rural tourism experience from the tourists point of view a qualitative analysis of its nature and meaning Kastenholz / Lima

Quality of life and place sustainability: the residents view Azevedo / Custdio / Perna

11:35-11:50 12:00-12:45 12:45-14:30







Basement - Room 1, Room 2, Room 3 First floor Room 4, Room 5, Room 6, Room 7 International Conference on Tourism and Management Studies Algarve 2011
Escola Superior de Gesto, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal



Room 1 Room 2 TOURISM & LOCAL COMMUNITIES English Margarida Santos Residents perceptions of the impacts of the FIFA 2010 World Cup Slabbert /Oberholzer Room 3 CULTURA, PATRIMNIO & EVENTOS Portugus Carla Machado As feiras: locais por excelncia de mostra de fazeres e saberes tradicionais das comunidades rurais e de atraco turstica Cunha Room 4 GESTO DO TURISMO: RESPONSABILIDADE SOCIAL E REDES DE COOPERAO Portugus /Espaol Cidlia Pao Acercamiento a la responsabilidad social empresarial de las microempresas de ecoturismo indgena enMexico Villavicencio / Pardo Room 5 MARKETING English Fernando Perna First-time versus repeat visitors at the Kruger National Park Kruger /Saayman / Hermann Room 6 TOURISM MANAGEMENT English Alfonso Vargas Public Tourism Management. Case study of the Greek Tourism Office in Moscow Mylonopoulos / Moira / Aivaliotou

15:30-16:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 15:30-15:45

GESTO DO TURISMO Portugus Ludgero Sequeira Gesto pblica democrtica e democracia participativa no Brasil: disseminao dos conselhos de polticas pblicas, no mbito do Turismo, no Estado de So Paulo Arajo A influncia dos planos territoriais no desenvolvimento turstico: o caso do plano diretor de Joinville Dalonso / Loureno Qualidade de vida no trabalho: perspectivas do sector hoteleiro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Mancebo / Pereira / Longo DEBATE


Impacts of second home tourism on shaping regional identity in the regions with significant recreational function Vgner / Fialov Impacts of local values on development of Tourism in Iran Mohebbi / Kadam / Mohebbi

Paisagem: a dimenso espacial na educao patrimonial Csar / Dhein / Uez

A divulgao da informao socialmente responsvel nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros portugueses Ferraz /Schn /GallardoVzquez Redes de cooperao em Turismo: um estudo nas pequenas empresas hoteleiras em Curitiba, Paran Teixeira

A dynamic analysis of repeat visitors Moniz

Internet technologies in the Bulgaria Tourist Enterprises state, prerequisites and perspectives Kraeva Co-creation: the Travel Agencies new frontier Salvado / Ferreira / Costa


Barroco, festa e turismo: rememorando os ltimos passos de Jesus na cidade de So Cristvo-Sergipe, Brasil Arago / Macedo DEBATE

Using network analysis to define a tourist destination as the basis for a DMO Madarsz / Papp

16:15-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 17:00-17:15

DEBATE PROBLEM-SOLVING IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM English Margarida Santos Transformative learning and complex problemsolving among Hospitality and Tourism students Jost

DEBATE Coffee-break


DEBATE TOURISM MANAGEMENT English Alfonso Vargas Critical success factors of a tourist destination in the Caribbean Ortigueira / GmezSelemeneva

TAX & ACCOUNTING English Kate Torkington Accounting and tax complexities in managing tourism businesses Martins

WINE TOURISM English Carla Machado Generation X and Y expectations about wine tourism experiences: Douro (Portugal) versus Napa Valley (USA) Tavares / Azevedo Wine tourism in Alentejo towards a conceptual framework Neves / Silva

TURISMO SUSTENTVEL Portugus / Espaol Ludgero Sequeira Sustentabilidade em destinos tursticos insulares o Projecto Azores Green Islands Tourism Estima / Moniz / Caetano /Aznar / Ventura

PROCURA TURSTICA Portugus Fernando Perna Anlise da procura turstica atravs de Modelao Dinmica de Dados em Macro Painel Ramos / Rodrigues/ Perna


The Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industries Case Study Hotel Baa Carvalho / Fernandes

17:30-17:45 18:00-22:00


Resolution of employee conflicts in the Hospitality Sector in the United States: An analysis of arbitrated and litigated cases Katz / LaVan DEBATE

Renovacin de destinos tursticos maduros, expertos y grupos de inters, discurso global/local e escenarios de futuro: el caso de Benidorme Snchez / Quiles DEBATE

A procura turstica na Regio Norte de Portugal: Modelo Logaritmo vs Modelo de Primeiras Diferenas Santos / Fernandes DEBATE

Measuring the internationalization of Bulgarian Tourism and of Bulgaria business destination Gorcheva DEBATE

DEBATE Guided tour in Faro + cocktail

Basement - Room 1, Room 2, Room 3 First floor Room 4, Room 5, Room 6

International Conference on Tourism and Management Studies Algarve 2011

Escola Superior de Gesto, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal


Room 1 9:00-10:20 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 9:00-9:15 MARKETING/ NATURE English Elisabeth Kastenholz Who are the comrades at the Comrades Marathon? Kruger / Saayman Room 2 TOURISM MANAGEMENT English Rosria Pereira Mozambique Island transforming a site of world heritage in a tourist destination Sousa Room 3 TURISMO SUSTENTVEL Portugus / Espaol Margarida Viegas Diversidade vegetal e impactes ambientais em percursos pedestres localizados nos Stios de Importncia Comunitria (SIC), nas ilhas das Flores e So Miguel Queiroz / Ventura / Silva El potencial de los parques naturales en el proceso de renovacin de los destinos tursticos litorales maduros: el caso de la comunidad valenciana enEspaa Fras /Snchez /Climent Ecoturismo indgena en Quintana Roo, Mexico. Estudo de caso Kantemo Villavicencio / Pardo Room 4 MARKETING Portugus / Espaol Ronaldo Schutz Imagen del destino y marca turstica: sinergias e implicaciones Fernndez / Duarte /Mogolln Room 5 GESTO DO TURISMO: GASTRONOMIA / PLANEAMENTO Portugus / Espaol Cludia Henriques Daniel Constant em O Primeiro de Janeiro Um quarto de sculo de turismo e gastronomia Marques Room 6 DIREITO E TRIBUTAO Portugus / Espaol Virglio Machado Tributacin de las Agencias de Viajes: Fiscalidad directa e indirecta. Situacin actual y propuestas de futuro Cubiles


Place-attachment and involvement by tourists of natural areas Seabra / Silva / Abrantes

The regional tourism satellite account in the Republic of Karelia Anastasia


Collaborative destination marketing Pinto / Kastenholz

Tourism development in the Republic of Karelia: problems and perspectives Fedorova

Jornalismo: Leituras, filtros e olhares da oferta da informao estudo de caso sobre os reflexos da veiculao das matrias do destino turstico Foz do Iguau PR Neto / Nicolosi /Solla / Gndara La planificacin del viaje en el turismo cultural: el caso de San Cristbal de La Laguna (Tenerife, Canarias) Marrero-Rodrguez / AbdulJalbar

Anlisis del turismo gastronmico en laprovincia de Crdoba Torre / MoralesFernndez / Naranjo

A tributao das actividades tursticas em sede de IVA Amorim

Polticas Pblicas e Enoturismo: O Plano Diretor do Vale dos Vinhedos, Sul do Brasil Tonini /Lavandoski /Barretto Planejamento, competividade e gesto do Turismo em Ouro Preto, Brasil Alvares / Loureno

Algunas reflexiones entorno a la configuracin jurdico-tributaria del turismo residencial en Espaa Navas Dimenses do Direito do Turismo: enquadramento na Lei das Polticas Pblicas de Turismo Machado


10:00-10:20 10:20-10:50 10:50-11:50 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 10:50-11:05

The influence of demographic factors on travel behaviour of visitors to naturebased products in South Africa Slabbert / Plessis DEBATE MARKETING English Elisabeth Kastenholz Identifying the key marketing factors contributing to arts festival ticket purchases Botha / Slabbert / Viviers


Espaos naturais protegidos e turismo sustentvel: os parques naturais de Montesinho e Douro internacional Castro / Martins DEBATE

A importncia do marketing relacional para a sustentabilidade dos empreendimentos de alojamento no turismo natureza. Carvalho DEBATE Coffee-break GESTO DO TURISMO Portugus / Espaol Ronaldo Schutz Desenvolvimento local e polticas pblicas no turismo: o caso de uma rede colaborativa no sul do Brasil Bock / Macke Instrumentos estratgicos de apoio deciso: o Observatrio Regional de Turismo do Alentejo Milheiro / Dinis / Correia Mudana nos sistemas de controlo de gesto: factores potenciadores e inibidores em hotis de cinco estrelas Nunes / Machado

DEBATE CULTURA, PATRIMNIO & EVENTOS Portugus Cludia Henriques Turismo, cultura e universo religioso do homem pantaneiro em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil Gonalves / Jesus / Oliveira Igreja Rosrio dos Pretos: anlise das contribuies culturais para o turismo tnico (afro) em Salvador-BA Amorim / Andrade / Umbelino / Cardona As rotas como estratgia turstica: percepo de benefcios e obstculos na constituio de Rotas Museolgicas na regio de Aveiro Maia / Baptista DEBATE


TOURISM PLANNING English Rosria Pereira Coastal tourism and possibilities for consolidating a regional sea cluster: insights from Algarves innovation actors Gonalves / Cruz /Pinto /Pintassilgo / Guerreiro Tourism route planning in Sweden and Norway: A comparative interview study Antonson

TURISMO SUSTENTVEL Espaol Margarida Viegas Turismo comunitario en islas: el caso de Boavista (Cabo Verde) Caizares /CastilloCanalejo / Gallardo



Applying consumer behaviour theory and grand models to attendees behaviour in conference industry Mohammadi / Mohamed Consumer innovative behavior in vacation travel Lpez-Bonilla / LpezBonilla / Sanz-Altamira

Slowtourism, o turismo de la lentitud: un nuevo enfoque al desarrollo de territorios lentos. Clemente / Salvo / Mogolln Turismo y reservas de la biosfera: el caso de Canarias Orientales Morales / Luis

Modeling domestic tourism demand in Galicia using the ARDL approach lvarez-Daz /GonzlezGmez / Girldez

11:35-11:50 12:00-12:45 12:45-14:30






Basement - Room 1, Room 2, Room 3 First floor Room 4, Room 5, Room 6

International Conference on Tourism and Management Studies Algarve 2011

Escola Superior de Gesto, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal



Room 1 MARKETING English Helena Reis Is the roar of a lion all a visitors to the Kruger National Park expect? Engelbrecht / Kruger /Saayman Understanding tourist recommendation through destination image: A CHAID analysis Agapito / Valle / Mendes Room 2 CULTURE, HERITAGE & EVENTS English Rosria Pereira Managing the beautiful noise: evidence from the Neil Diamond shows Manners / Kruger / Saayman What brings people to an unconventional festival on a cold night?: An understanding of audience involvement at the Beltane Fire Festival Matheson / Rimmer / Tinsley Room 3 TURISMO SUSTENTVEL Portugus / Espaol Ronaldo Schutz Territrios indgenas como cenrio para a produo turstica em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil: o caso do povo Kadiwu Jesus / Wenceslau La diversificacin productiva del litoral cataln. La vinculacin entre agroturismo y producciones agrarias de calidad. El caso de la comarca de LEmpord Armesto-Lpez / Cors-Iglesias / Gmez-Martn Room 4 GESTO DO TURISMO Espaol Margarida Jesus Turismo y desarrollo socioeconmico en Cabo Verde Canalejo / LpezGuzmn / Soto /Lpez Turismo, cultura y gastronomia. Una aproximacin a las rutas culinrias Lpez-Guzmn / Jesus Room 5 CULTURA, PATRIMNIO & EVENTOS Portugus Antnio Ramos O Brasil e a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014: um olhar alm dos holofotes Dalonso / Loureno O contributo dos eventos culturais e criativos para a criao de uma imagem diferenciadora do destino turstico maduro. O caso do Festival MED de Loul, Algarve Carvalho / Ferreira / Figueira A importncia do Festival MED para o desenvolvimento cultural e turstico de Loul Silva/ Viegas / Caiado DEBATE

15:30-16:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 15:30-15:45



Bike usage and cycle tourism: the pattern of Portuguese associated bike riders Neves / Esperana

A cultural profile of tourists to a jazz festival in South Africa Taylor / Slabbert

Os impactos do Turismo o caso da viagem medieval de Santa Maria da Feira Oliveira / Salazar

Modelos de gestin de crisis en el turismo: una propuesta de mapa estratgico Muiz /Brea

16:15-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-18:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS CHAIR 17:00-17:15

DEBATE MARKETING English Helena Reis Tourism area life-cycle model and regional Tourism attractiveness Romo /Guerreiro / Rodrigues Segmentation of the tourism market using the impact of tourism on quality of life Carneiro / Eusbio

DEBATE CULTURE, HERITAGE & EVENTS English Rosria Pereira The changes of the meeting industry in Cracow in the context of global crisis Borodako / Berbeka / Klimek / Niemczyk / Seweryn The relationship between Human Rights and mega sporting events: a case study of the Vancouver Winter Olympics and the spectre of human trafficking Matheson / Finkel The role of Congress Tourism in Cracow in years 2008-2009 Berbeka / Borodako / Klimek / Niemczyk / Seweryn DEBATE

DEBATE Coffee-break GESTO HOTELEIRA/ QUESTES DE GNERO Portugus Cidlia Carrusca Prticas de custeio e controlo de gesto no sector hoteleiro do Algarve Faria / Trigueiros / Ferreira



O papel da indstria hoteleira no desenvolvimento do turismo cultural snior Vasconcelos


Trust and involvement in tourism social media Munar / Jacobsen

Homens em frias abaixo do Equador: questionando a sustentabilidade emprica do conceito de turismo sexual Sacramento DEBATE

17:45-18:00 18:15-18:45 21:00



Basement - Room 1, Room 2, Room 3 First floor Room 4, Room 5, Room 6

9:00-18:00 Full day excursion: Culture & Nature in the Algarve (Silves, Monchique, Westcoast Natural Park, Cape St. Vincent, Fortress of Henry The Navigator, Ponta da Piedade, Lagos)

International Conference on Tourism and Management Studies Algarve 2011

Escola Superior de Gesto, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

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