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Certificate Biology - New Mastering Basic Concepts Suggested answers Ch 2

Suggested answers
The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate/Midland Examining Group bears no
responsibility for the example answers to questions taken from its past question papers which are
contained in the textbooks.

Chapter 2 The cell as a basic unit of life

Reinforce and test your learning (p.34)
1 a Organic and inorganic 2m
b Organic: carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids (any 2) 0.5m x 2
Inorganic: water and minerals 0.5m x 2
2 The development of microscope helps biologists discover cell as the basic unit of structure of
organism and establish the cell theory. 1m
It helps biologists in studying the structures of microscopic organisms and cells. 1m
3 light microscope, scanning electron microscope, electron microscope 3m
4 There are many misunderstandings:
• No chloroplasts in animal cells. 1m
• No large vacuoles in animal cells. 1m
• Only one cell membrane instead of two. 1m
• Only one nucleus instead of two. 1m
5 a Onion epidermal cells, xylem cells
b Onion epidermal cells, cheek cells
c Cheek cells, onion epidermal cells, red blood cells
d None of them
e Cheek cells, onion epidermal cells
f Onion epidermal cells, xylem cells
(2m for all correct answers in each part or no marks)
6 C 1m
7 C 1m
8 B 1m
9 Plant cells are larger than animal cells. 1m
Plant cells are usually regular in shape while the shape of animal cells varies. 1m
Both types of cells generally contain a nucleus, cytoplasm, a cell membrane and mitochondria.
Plant cells have a cellulose cell wall and sometimes a large vacuole. If they are in the light they
often have chloroplasts. 1m
10 a This is because bubbles are introduced when the student lowers the cover slip onto the
slide. 1m
b One side of the cover slip should be placed on the slide first. 1m
Then the other side is slowly lowered by a dissecting needle or a pair of forceps, so that
the drops of iodine on the slide will completely fill the gap between the cover slip and the
slide gradually without introducing bubbles. 1m

 Oxford University Press 2003 Page 1 / 2

Certificate Biology - New Mastering Basic Concepts Suggested answers Ch 2

11 a A is cell membrane. 1m
It controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell. 1m
B is cytoplasm. 1m
It provides a place for cellular chemical reactions to take place. 1m
b Cell X is a green leaf cell and cell Y is a chicken blood cell. 1m
Reasons: (any 2, 1m each)
Cell X is rectangular.
Cell X contains oval structures which are most likely chloroplasts.
Cell X is covered by a cell wall. 2m
c i Scale = 4.5 : 0.01
Therefore magnification = 4.5 / 0.01 = 450 2m
ii Magnification of eyepiece = 450 / 30 = 15 1m

Examination papers
Multiple-choice questions (p.35)

1 D
2 D
3 C

 Oxford University Press 2003 Page 2 / 2

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