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Thermal Conductivity

Testing Materials for


TEKS utilized include: SCI. (b) 6.2(A) plan and implement investigative procedures; 6.2(B) collect data by observing and measuring; 6.2(E) construct...charts...and evaluate data; 6.2 (B) identify patterns in collected information using...average, range; 6.4(A) collect...and record information using tools including beakersthermometers; 6.7(B) classify substances by their physicalproperties; MATH (b) 6.1(C) use integers to represent real life situations; SOC. S (b) 6.6(C) analyze the effects of physical processes; 6.7(D) identify...ways people have adapted to the physical environment; 6.7(B) identify and analyze ways people have modified the physical environment; 6.7(C) describe ways in which technology influences human capacity to modify the physical environment; L.A. 6.5(B) demonstrate effective communication skills that reflect such demands as interviewing; 6.8(B) select varied sourcessuch asnewspapers; 6.13(A) form and revise questions for investigations; 6.13(B) use multiple sources including electronic texts...and print resources.

Students will recognize the significant causes of heat loss in a home. Students will realize the importance of using proper insulation with a high R-value to reduce heat transfer. The differences in conduction among several materials will be observed.

tic, metal spoons or knives, the glass rod and the popsicle stick should be approximately equal in height. The margarine or butter should be very cold, even frozen if possible. Review the vocabulary and review safety guidelines for students. Students should identify the methods of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation) using the glossary. Instruct students on how to obtain the hot water, either by heating on a hot plate or by distribution from teacher. Students should interpret the graphs created for their four materials.

Two 45-minute periods


Background Information Conductors in the home include metals and glass. Ceilings and walls conduct heat from inside the house to outside. Insulation is a barrier to this conduction. There are conduction insulators, like clothing (jackets, sweaters); and there are convection insulators, like walls preventing warm air from moving out of the house in the winter and hot air from moving into a cool home in the summer. Radiation insulators can be window shades or curtains. Teaching Instructions Teacher should read the student activity first. Students should read Fact Sheet #9, Energy Conservation in the Home, and then read through the instructions for the activity. The plas-

Short Answer Questions 1. Conduction 2. Metal 3. Conduction, convection, radiation 4. Questionnaire should include at a minimum: R-value for roof insulation, for wall insulation, and for garage door insulation (or lack of insulation); window, door and duct system air leaks, and/or sealing materials; any use or lack of passive solar heating; efficiency (EER) of furnace and air conditioner; and landscaping components.



5. Caulk, foam, fiberglass 6. Continuous ridge and soffit vents around the roof. 7. Southwestern Indians wintered in the Desert and spent the summer in the mountains, if possible, for natural air conditioning. Teepees had venting, clothing was insulation, and any construction was often quite airtight. 8. The cumulative savings at 9 cents per Kwh for a change from an EER of 8 to an EER of 13 are: a) 30 + 24 + 20 + 16 + 14 = $104 savings per ton; savings per ton # tons multiplier = annual savings b) $104 1 ton 3 tons = $312 savings for 3 tons

c) Dallas has a .8 multiplier $312 0.8 (Dallas) = $249.60 annual savings El Paso has a .5 multiplier $104 0.5 (El Paso) = $156.00 annual savings 9. Range is the difference between the highest number of seconds and the lowest number of seconds among the four readings. The average is the total of all the seconds divided by 4. Multiple Choice Questions 1 c 2 d 3 d 4 b 5 c 6 d 7 d 8 a 9 b 10 d

GLOSSARY air infiltration air seeping through cracks because of wind; cold air enters the home through openings around windows and doors and draws heated air out of the house on the opposite side caulk a semi solid, clay like material that can be squeezed into cracks to stop air leaks conduction passage of heat through a material, such as glass or metal convection transport of heat by the movement of parts of a fluid (air or water); cool air is denser than warm air and as it settles the cool air pushes the warm air upward EER energy efficiency ratio is a scale indicating operating efficiency of an appliance, heating or air conditioning unit; values range, with lower #s indicating lower efficiency. For example, an EER of 6 is low efficiency for an air conditioner, while a 14 is high efficiency. heat form of energy arising from the random motion of molecules and capable of transmission by conduction, convection, or radiation insulation the material, stuffing or padding used so that heat, sound or electricity cannot pass through it radiant barrier a shiny barrier, attached under an attic roof for example, that reflects light rays, thereby preventing the attic air space from being unnecessarily heated radiation passage of energy through open space, like sunlight R-value numerical scale for insulation value with lower numbers being a poorer insulators than higher numbers; typical ranges are R-9 through R-30s thermal mass a dense material that gains or loses heat slowly, such as concrete, adobe, brick and water weather stripping a strip of wood, rubber, felt, foam, etc. applied around a door or window to prevent air and water leaks




Key Vocabulary define the following terms: air infiltration, caulk, conduction, convection, EER, heat, insulation, radiant barrier, radiation, R-value thermal mass, weather stripping Materials List (for each group of 4-6 students) 2 spoons or knives (one plastic, one metal) 1 popsicle stick 1 glass stirring rod (about same height as spoons or knives) 500 ml beaker 500 ml hot water >85C (teacher will explain procedure) timer or stop watch 1 plastic knife (a separate knife) 1 ea. 1/4 inch square slice of saturated margarine or butter (in stick form), very cold or frozen goggles 4 thumbtacks 1 small piece of wax paper Performing the Activity (wear goggles) 1. Collect the plastic spoon, the metal spoon, the popsicle stick, and the glass stirring rod and lay them side-by-side. 2. Take the 1/4 inch slice of butter or margarine and place it on a small piece of wax paper. 3. Take the second plastic knife and cut the 1/4 inch square cold slice



6. 7.

of butter into 4 equal parts. Put the 4 equal parts of butter each on; a) the end of the plastic spoon or knife, b) the end of the metal spoon or knife. c) the end of the popsicle stick and, d) the end of the glass stirring rod. Place the 2 spoons or knives, the popsicle stick, and the glass rod (all with their piece of margarine) into the beaker and angle them so the margarine is placed beyond the rim (outside of) the beaker. Place a thumbtack into the center of each of the 4 pieces of margarine. Obtain 500 ml of hot water, as the teacher directs, and pour the hot water into the beaker, with the spoons/knives, stirring rod, etc.

8. Start the timer. Measure the time it takes for each thumbtack to fall from its spoon, knife or stirring rod, etc. There will be 4 readings to enter in a data table. 9. Touch the 4 materials and rate them as to which feels the coolest to hottest, after the thumbtack has fallen off. 10. Develop a graph showing the difference in melting time for the 4 materials (glass, plastic, metal, and wood).



Short Answer Questions 1. What was the method of heat transfer from the water to the margarine? 2. Which material was the best conductor? 3. What are the three methods of heat transfer? 4. Create a questionnaire with your class regarding R-value home insulation, radiant barrier, sealing air leaks etc. for a home owner. Have your teacher review the questionnaire, then administer it to your parents or a home owner and compile the class results. 5. What are some materials used to take care of air leaks? 6. How is an attic ventilated without mechanical equipment? 7. Native Americans in the Southwestern United States used a variety of shelters. Research and write a report on the types of housing used by native Americans, pointing out any elements of passive heating, venting, cooling, and insulation used. Wintering and summering site temperatures should be included. 8. Using the chart on page 3 of Fact Sheet #9, compute the savings for a 3 ton air conditioner changing from an EER of 8 to an EER of 13 at 9 cents/kWh: a) in Dallas and b) in El Paso. An example for this computation can be found below the chart. 9. Find the range and the average for the four data entries in the activity, showing the melting times you recorded.

Multiple Choice Questions: 1. Annually the total amount of the electric bill for heating and cooling a home is: a) 12% c) 45% b) 17% d) 85% 2. To save energy and money, a simple investment can be: a) caulking c) weather stripping b) insulation d) all answers a, b, and c 3. The easiest place to add extra insulation in an existing home is: a) a wall c) window frame b) baseboard d) attic 4. Another easy addition to your home to save energy during the summer is: a) furnace c) toaster b) solar screens d) water heater 5. A radiant barrier, which prevents heat from entering your home through the attic, is made from: a) copper c) reflective aluminum b) putty d) foam 6. High efficiency appliances: a) cost more to buy c) reduce energy use b) cost less to operate d) all answers a, b, and c 7. A roof overhang: a) shades out summer sun b) shades out winter sun 8. The best R-value is a) R = 35 b) R = 5 9. The best EER is: a) 6 b) 16 c) lets sunlight in during winter d) a and c c) R = 12 d) R = 20 c) 10 d) 0

10. When you own a home you will: a) use insulation c) use caulking b) use efficient appliances d) all answers a, b, and c
Financial Acknowledgement
This publication was developed as part of the Renewable Energy Demonstration Program and was funded 100% w i t h o i l o v e r c h a r g e f u n d s f r o m t h e E x x o n s e t t l e m e n t a s p r o v i d e d b y t h e Te x a s S t a t e E n e r g y C o n s e r v a t i o n O ff i c e a n d t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f E n e r g y. M e n t i o n o f t r a d e n a m e s o r c o m m e r c i a l p r o d u c t s d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e e n d o r s e m e n t o r r e c o m m e n d a t i o n f o r u s e .




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