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A Deta||ed Lesson |an |n Lng||sh

repared 8y Mary Ann n Santos

I Cb[ect|ves
At the end of the |esson the students w||| be ab|e to
1 ldenLlfy sLaLemenLs LhaL show cause and effecL relaLlonshlp
ead a poem correcLly and clearly wlLh expresslons
ppreclaLe readlng poems

II Sub[ect Matter
Cause and Lffect ke|at|onsh|p
eference/s lun ln Lngllsh eadlng 1exLbook pages 94101
MaLerlals vlsual lds CharLs llash Cards lcLures
values uevelop a genulne love for readlng love for famlly
III rocedure
a Greet|ngs
b rayer
c Warm Up
eL us slng 8arney's l ove ?ou Song
(SLudenLs Slng)
l love you you love me and we're a happy famlly
WlLh a greaL blg hug and a klss from me Lo you
Pope you say you love me Loo"
d Lesson roper
1 resenLaLlon
sk quesLlons abouL Lhe plcLures
ead Lhe poem
4 nalysls Clve examples of cause and effecL
3 CenerallzaLlon
6 ppllcaLlon (anLomlne)
IV Lva|uat|on
ead Lhe followlng senLences WrlLe C before Lhe senLence for Lhe cause and wrlLe L for Lhe
parL LhaL ls Lhe effecL
1 _____ because lL ls her blrLhday
_____ 8en lz and 8ess klssed and hugged Lhelr moLher
_____ lz crled ouL
4 _____ 8ecause 8en grabbed Lhe cone of lce cream and sllpped away
3 _____ Mama almosL losL her cool
v sslgnmenL
ldenLlfylng CDSL-uLllLC1 L1lC-SPl
ead Lhe shorL fable Dnderllne Lhe CDSL and Lnclrcle Lhe LllLC1
fox sald Lo a crow wlLh a plece of cheese beLween lLs beak lf you can slng as
preLLlly as you slL Lhen you are Lhe preLLlesL slnger"
1he fox LhoughL LhaL once Lhe crow sLarLs Lo slng Lhe cheese would drop from
her beak 8uL Lhe crow carefully removed Lhe cheese from Lhe claws on one fooL and
sald Lhey say you are sly buL you cannoL fool me" -oL glvlng up Lhe fox conLlnued
Lo pralse Lhe crow l wlsh l could hear you Lell abouL your LalenLs buL l have Lo go
look for food because l'm hungry"

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